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Rodyle Gainwit
"If you're not haveing fun you arnt doing it right"
Character Build
Class Focus: Stabby mc cuts alot
Power Level: all of them
Research & Development: Science
Biographical Data
Real Name: tiwniaG "yddeTffuT" elydoR
Known Aliases: Rod, Rodent, Roadkill, Debby, that asshole over there, IGNORED, TuffTeddy
Gender: Male?
Species: Human/Demon
Ethnicity: I done said it in species damn it
Place of Birth: UNKNOWN
Base of Operations: Yes
Relatives: None
Age: 6 Years old
Height: 6'8"
Eyes: Red..and missing
Hair: Dark Brown/Black
Complexion: Tan
Physical Build: Fit/Tone
Physical Features: Confidential
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Chaotic Good

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Identity: all of them
Years Active: 3? idfk if u mean in game that means I have to freeking update that every year your terrible >.>
Occupation: Conquers Stabber
Education: High school diploma and vocational degree
Marital Status: delusinal
Known Powers and Abilities
Super human strength, minor teleportation, inhuman healing factor, able to pass though the afterlife and back at will
Equipment and Paraphernalia
no just no ok I said no
ReldinBox Template


Well with all that out of the way it is story time. You see Rodyle is a half demon yes like most of the other lovely "heroes" of this world. IM LOOKING AT YOU CAPRICE and now my eyes burn, but he isn't just so. You see magic is a very dangerous tool and science is far too controlling the two do not work well together. Now it was in this that we come to find Rodyle through the human sacrifice of an unfortunate young lad and trying to force summon a specific demon instead of the oh so imprecise methods pure magic would cause. Now as you would guess this was a terrible failure to those involved in truth a delayed success.

Let me explain, as this world is ours there are hundreds possibly thousands of other where we exist in different means. Heaven and hell are no exception and of course when two of the same beings come into contact it always ends in terrible affair. This was such the case with our demon friend and the sacrifice, now of course this wasn't instant it takes time for 2 different beings to merge into one. With their explosive union began the process of them not just becoming one but losing each other entirely. Do not get confused these two beings no longer exist to any degree there is only Rodyle.

Although the process took a long time it was also increasingly painful and our hero did not make it together unscathed. left alone to fester on several long summer days as his creators left to do even more most heinous acts, our Rodyle finally able to make a stand on his own. Not finished "growing" as the case may be he made his first steps into the world a terrifying and grotesque figure scaring any who see him they of course only do the one thing that makes sense...attack. Scared and confused himself with super human ability he of course defends himself in kind, to the point where the military is forced to respond far too late. The small town now baron Rodyle found in the worst of shapes they rescue him and quickly give proper medical treatment. His body a wreck they're forced to remove his right arm and eye.

After a few weeks of medical care he is ready to leave the hospital only to be taken away right from the hospital doors. of course far sooner the doctors realized Rodyle wasn't normal but held off reporting it till he was in better health. In the months to come experiments very cruel and inhuman experiments. One day wile left in the care of one of the doctors that had taken care of his wounds this far decided it was enough and helped him break free. Only to cost him his life to save hers what resulted in between is rather important yes but I am lazy so were going to skip right to the part where he comes back.

A few days later Rodyle is alive with a name and a goal his captors still experimenting on his corps he heals in an instant and...treats them to a nice dinner. after slaughtering I MEAN feeding them he has two goals find his doctor and leave alive. And I am getting bored of telling you all this si I will be back later to finish probably maybe


Playing the piano, Teddy bears, Aronas hot tub, Hugs, Peanutbutter, Erotic pelvic thrusts, and awkwardly staring at random people, Being lefty like a baws


Pants, Self appointed authority figures, Being told he cant do something he wants to, And the intentionally stupid