Shaan Ah'Razz

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Played by @Fransens

This character is for one extremely powerful and for another more used as a plot device. It may seem overpowered but don't panic, this character is not meant for killing characters... corrupting maybe, but not killing. Human disguises are not him unless stated, so don't argue with me over the topic of detection skills.
When in doubt, ask by PM.
Thank you and ENJOY!

Elderly man in a smoking:
Mr. Shattsworth owner of "Shattsworth Curious Curatory", a collector of arcane curiosities.

Black, buff and handsome hip-hopper:
Marty, local gigolo from Westside.

Dark avian humanoid in elaborate white and gold garb:
Read on...

Shaan Ah'Razz as seen by mundane means.
Shaan Ah'Razz seen by somebody with supernatural senses.

Face Name: Shaan Ah'Razz
True Name(s): Quite alot, thank you!
Species: Greater Demon of Tzeentch / Lord of Change
Estimated Psy-Rating: 9+
Loyality: Tzeentch, The Architect of Fate
Favorite Number: 9 of course

If he is shown in his true form he registers quite clearly and overwhelmingly as a greater demon of immense arcane power. Even without supernatural or technological scans. He is like a walking reality-breach and about as comfortable to be around.
His mind is completely unguarded and he takes immense delight and pleasure from others that try to probe it or invade it. He is a schemer and collector of arcane secrets and - for the right price - will give those away gladly.
Sometimes the price seems outrageous but most times he just asks for really trivial favors.

It is currently helping the heroes of MC combat crime and villains.
Why? Nobody knows and will probably only find out when its plan unfold in a few hundred years...