Sketchy The Badly Drawn Boy

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Day 1: Well this is a fine mess I have got myself into. I am not even sure how I got here. Last thing I really remember was lazing about in a particularly nice pen on some computer nerd's desk. I think he worked for some company called PWE as a community manager - whatever that is. Anyways next thing i knew I was waking up here as a rather badly drawn stick figure

Day 4: Some investigation of my new surroundings reveal I appear to be in some sort of virtual reality environment. I can only assume the fool drew me and then for a laugh scanned me into this world. So. Here I am. Whoopee.

Day 5: It appears with some concentration I am still able to make my ink take other shapes and so I may be able to blend in with the other strange inhabitants of this world after all.

Day 15: Blending in? Hah! What was I thinking? With all the strange inhabitants of this world noone gives me a second glance. Oh well. Still it's fun to take on different forms.
