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= '''''<div style="color:#FFFFFF; background-color: #FDD017">History</div>''''' =  
= '''''<div style="color:#FFFFFF; background-color: #FDD017">History</div>''''' =  
Jessica Dawn was born on June 16th, 1989 in Lakeland, Florida. She was raised by her parents Robert and Kate Dawn and is an older sister to Daniel. Jessica was privileged with a great upbringing and an above average education, with an out going, charismatic and bubbly personality.
Jessica Dawn was born on June 16th, 1989 in Lakeland, Florida. She was raised by her parents Robert and Kate Dawn and is an older sister to Daniel. Jessica was privileged with a great upbringing and an above average education, with an out going, charismatic and bubbly personality.
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= '''''<div style="color:#FFFFFF; background-color: #FDD017">Appearance</div>''''' =  
= '''''<div style="color:#FFFFFF; background-color: #FDD017">Appearance</div>''''' =  
Millennium City has no shortage of beautiful bombshells, and it's hard to stand out amongst them, but to put it simply, Jessica is stunning. She has long, flowing, silky, jet black hair, with a long bang that falls along the right side of her face, often in danger of coming across her bright emerald green eyes. She very obviously works hard to maintain both her hair and her skin, both of which are soft to the touch, and otherwise free of any noticeable imperfections. Her lips are full, and she often has applied a natural or dull toned lipstick that only serves to accentuate them.
Millennium City has no shortage of beautiful bombshells, and it's hard to stand out amongst them, but to put it simply, Jessica is stunning. She has long, flowing, silky, jet black hair, with a long bang that falls along the right side of her face, often in danger of coming across her bright emerald green eyes. She very obviously works hard to maintain both her hair and her skin, both of which are soft to the touch, and otherwise free of any noticeable imperfections. Her lips are full, and she often has applied a natural or dull toned lipstick that only serves to accentuate them.
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* ''"Jessica and I have a few things in common. We both lost those that were closest to us by violent means. Sometimes, those good times, those happy times last longer or for life. Other times, they are short or non-existent. And some people simply have the luck to get a happy ending without effort. Others have to work for it.  Some people deserve it. Others don’t. I hope for Jessica that it will be a long lasting one. She deserves it. Probably more so than I do…'" - '''[[Karn]]'''
* ''"Jessica and I have a few things in common. We both lost those that were closest to us by violent means. Sometimes, those good times, those happy times last longer or for life. Other times, they are short or non-existent. And some people simply have the luck to get a happy ending without effort. Others have to work for it.  Some people deserve it. Others don’t. I hope for Jessica that it will be a long lasting one. She deserves it. Probably more so than I do…'" - '''[[Karn]]'''
*''"Jessica is a wonderful person. She's real great. I wish I didn't mess up. She always brings a smile to my face, even after all that happened. Though I don't know if I should have given her my piano... I hope one day we can be friends again. She's a good person with a lot of powers. Coupled with those good looks and kind personality, you get one of the best super heroines around."'' - '''[[Stitch]]'''
*''"Jessica is a wonderful person; she's really great. She always brings a smile to our faces, even after all that's happened to her and us. Coupled with those good looks and kind personality, you get one of the best super heroines around."'' - '''[[Moonlighter (Adrian Riano)|Moonlighter]]'''
*''"I've always enjoyed Jess's company in the short time that I've known her. It's great to have a person who can match wits with you and I do hope we can become great friends over time."'' - '''[[Jangala]]'''
*''"Ms. Dawn seems a little too perfect. I must find a way to scientifically quantify this."'' - '''[[Stegoboy]]'''
= '''''<div style="color:#FFFFFF; background-color: #FDD017">Trivia</div>''''' =
= '''''<div style="color:#FFFFFF; background-color: #FDD017">Trivia</div>''''' =
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* Was a big deal in her home town, and continues to make a name for herself in Millennium City. Her escapades would have been documented in minor cases in all forms of media as an up and comer throughout Millennium City. Otherwise, if your character is from Florida, their kids would probably have her action figure.
* Was a big deal in her home town, and continues to make a name for herself in Millennium City. Her escapades would have been documented in minor cases in all forms of media as an up and comer throughout Millennium City. Otherwise, if your character is from Florida, their kids would probably have her action figure.

Latest revision as of 00:03, 17 April 2014


Player: @lyssa-e
Character Build
Class Focus: Ranged/Melee hybrid
Power Level: 40
Research & Development:
Biographical Data
Real Name: Jessica Dawn
Known Aliases: Stelle, Jess
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Place of Birth: Lakeland, Florida
Base of Operations: Millennium City
Relatives: Robert Dawn (father), Kate Dawn (mother), Daniel Dawn (brother)
Age: 24
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 128 lbs
Eyes: Green
Hair: Long, black
Complexion: Tanned skin
Physical Build: Slim, toned
Physical Features: Bright green eyes, striking beauty
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Neutral Good

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Identity: Somewhat Known
Years Active: 7
Citizenship: American
Occupation: Fashion Stylist for supers
Marital Status: Widowed
Known Powers and Abilities
Creation and manipulation of cosmic energy, flight, super speed, basic hand to hand combat.
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Sweet tights!
ReldinBox Template

  • Still very much a WIP, stay tuned for further updates!



Jessica Dawn was born on June 16th, 1989 in Lakeland, Florida. She was raised by her parents Robert and Kate Dawn and is an older sister to Daniel. Jessica was privileged with a great upbringing and an above average education, with an out going, charismatic and bubbly personality.

With a relatively normal upbringing, Jessica's life changed when she was 17 years old, on a long walk home across an open field. All she remembered seeing was a shadow falling over her before everything suddenly went black. Upon awakening, she discovered that against all odds, she managed to wake up without the slightest of injuries and no recollection of how she came to be in her hospital bed. Jessica later discovered that she was struck by what witnesses could only describe as a "falling star". Jessica soon discovered that her experience had gifted her with abilities, namely the ability to control all forms of light, create and manipulate cosmic energy, fly, and move at super human speeds. Having perhaps seen one too many movies in her time, and hearing about the famous Champions, she decided that she would use her new found abilities to assist in small time crime fighting.

Jessica designed a costume for herself, and took up the name 'Stellar', fighting crime in between school and seeing her boyfriend at the time. She built up her skills over a few years, and after having finished school, bounced from job to job, where her new lifestyle took a toll, often arriving to work too tired to function properly and she was subsequently 'let go' of most of them. Jessica saw her job as merely a means to an end, and her primary passion was to continue fighting crime. In doing so, she began to build a reputation for herself in her town as Stellar, and made many enemies in the local crime scene, her most notable being a juggernaut of a man named Protohammer, who appeared to be the 'kingpin' of sorts. Jessica had very few run ins with super powered criminals, most of those she had put away were petty thugs and underlings, though almost every confrontation led back to Protohammer in one way or another, building a relationship by association. A nemesis.

Some time after her 21st birthday, Her boyfriend at the time whom she had been seeing for 4 years at that stage, proposed to her. Overcome with excitement, she said yes, and soon they were to be married. Jessica had been fighting crime for as long as she'd been with her new fiancè, and no one, not even him, knew about her double life as a crime fighting vigilante. Some months after the engagement, Jessica and her new husband were happily married, and settled into their new home in the town they grew up in. While her husband worked, Jessica took the time to continue fighting crime, Protohammer's thugs in particular, trying to find leads to Protohammer himself. As time went by, fewer and fewer of Protohammer's thugs were appearing, and the crime rate was beginning to drop. It seemed that Jessica's vigilance was paying off, and soon, it would stir Protohammer into action, leading up to a confrontation that would change Jessica's life forever.

Responding to a call about an armed robbery at a bank, Stellar arrived quickly to bring down those responsible. Quickly identifying them as Protohammer's guys, she dispatched most of them quickly and with relative ease. Before the battle was truly over though, the wall of the bank exploded into a cloud of smoke and rubble. As the dust cleared, a man stood, towering well over everyone else in the area, with a huge mace slung over his shoulder. Finally, Stellar would come face to face with the man himself: Protohammer.

And so the real battle had begun, and Stellar weaved over and under every swing of Protohammer's mace, zapping him with cosmic energy which appeared to have little to no effect on the unstoppable giant. It wasn't long before Protohammer began to tire out though, and Stellar began to get the upper hand through a war of attrition. A movement in the corner of her eye caught her attention, and she noticed a group of civilians attempting to help restrain some of Protohammer's thugs, to which they responded in kind using deadly force, beating and using weapons against the civilians in retaliation. Stellar charged towards the thugs, and began to dispatch them once again, calling to the Emergency Medical Services to help the civilians who were unlucky enough to be struck by the thugs. As she did so, though, a large shadow fell over her, and before she could react, she was flung into a building, knocked to the edge of unconsciousness with a hit from Protohammer's mace.

Struggling to keep her eyes open, Stellar was helpless to react as Protohammer approached her, standing over her, and reaching to tear away her mask. With so many onlookers, and media crews on site, the cat was out of the bag, and suddenly the world knew: Stellar and Jessica Dawn were one and the same. Stellar lost consciousness, and the next time she had woken up, she had found herself on a hospital bed again, her body aching too much to move. Her parents and her little brother standing by her.

It was then that they had informed her that her husband was targeted by Protohammer's thugs, and that they had killed him as a warning to her to stop her from coming after them. Jessica was distraught, and while she was in no shape to get back at them right away, she quickly built up her strength once more, and with a grim and steely determination, she went out in search of Protohammer. With nothing left to lose, she fought tirelessly, bringing down his thugs at the first sign of their appearance. The next time her and Protohammer met face to face would signal the end of an era for crime in Lakeland.

The battle was long, but Stellar's fury was enough to see it through, and she brought down the giant with a fevered ferocity that she had never shown before. With the man broken and defeated, she raised her fist for the killing blow. Every fibre of her being wanted to put it through his skull for what he had done, and if ever there was a moment that defined Jessica, and the type of hero she would become, then this was it. After several moments of intense waiting, Stellar stepped away from the man, convinced that he had learned his lesson, and confident that he would see out the rest of his life in prison, a far more fitting end to his ways.

Having brought down Protohammer, the city's crime rate was reduced down to zero, and Stellar found the only thing to do with her time was to think, and dwell, and re visit old memories. She also decided that her powers put her in a position to help people, and she was obligated to do so, but she couldn't while people knew who she was, and knew who to hurt to get to her. She set up her parents and her brother with fake identities, and planned to relocate them, telling them never to give Jessica any indication of where they would go. It was far too dangerous for her to have any associations with them while she lived the lifestyle she had chosen and couldn't walk away from, and so they said their goodbyes, and left her life forever.

Jessica decided to move to Millennium City. A place where she could put her powers to good use. A place where she could meet other like minded individuals for a common cause. And there she has been ever since. Ever vigilant, ever mindful of the ideals she has created for herself. Tirelessly seeking to bring down those who would seek to harm others for their own selfish, personal gains.

The Changing of Times



Millennium City has no shortage of beautiful bombshells, and it's hard to stand out amongst them, but to put it simply, Jessica is stunning. She has long, flowing, silky, jet black hair, with a long bang that falls along the right side of her face, often in danger of coming across her bright emerald green eyes. She very obviously works hard to maintain both her hair and her skin, both of which are soft to the touch, and otherwise free of any noticeable imperfections. Her lips are full, and she often has applied a natural or dull toned lipstick that only serves to accentuate them.


There is radiance about Jessica that goes beyond the literal sense (you know, with her powers!) Jessica is a happy-go-lucky, charismatic and very optimistic girl. She loves to have fun, is always smiling and laughing and always trying to make the most of a bad situation. She often jokes that one of her super powers is her constant talking, which can be considered annoying at times, but her heart always remains in the right place.

Stellar is very strong willed and determined, and appears to have an over abundance of confidence in herself, not so much in an arrogant way, but more so that she is certainly not timid or shy in her actions or demeanour.

Stellar takes her job very seriously. She may make some wisecracks at the bad guys, but the safety of everyone always comes first, even at the expense of her own. She strongly believes that her powers give her the ability to serve and protect people, and it'd be selfish on her behalf not to use them as such. She uses her past as fuel to ensure that where she can stop others from experiencing the same pain she had, she will work tirelessly to try.



Jessica is small, at a mere 128 lbs. Suffice to say, a punch to the face from a brick type would have her spending the next year drinking through a straw and laying in a hospital bed. She also has no psychic defences, and is highly susceptible to all kinds of magic, which will easily get her flustered as she has no idea how to counter it.


Have Your Say

  • "Where to start? Well, we come from two entirely different walks of life, but with Jessica I became attached and opened myself up far quicker than I have anyone else. It's no lie that she is perhaps my best and closest friend and has became something of a supporting crutch for me. We share each other's burdens and strengthen each other to the best of our abilities. This one goes out to you, babe... keep being a stellar friend for me." - Anarchy
  • "Jessica is one of these people you just have to like and where you know that their life is going to be good, no matter what. She has the personality, the charms, the mind, a tongue sharp as a scalpel and the physique to achieve anything she sets her mind on. I wish her luck with that, for she deserves it.'" - Black Knight
  • "Jessica and I have a few things in common. We both lost those that were closest to us by violent means. Sometimes, those good times, those happy times last longer or for life. Other times, they are short or non-existent. And some people simply have the luck to get a happy ending without effort. Others have to work for it. Some people deserve it. Others don’t. I hope for Jessica that it will be a long lasting one. She deserves it. Probably more so than I do…'" - Karn
  • "Jessica is a wonderful person; she's really great. She always brings a smile to our faces, even after all that's happened to her and us. Coupled with those good looks and kind personality, you get one of the best super heroines around." - Moonlighter
  • "I've always enjoyed Jess's company in the short time that I've known her. It's great to have a person who can match wits with you and I do hope we can become great friends over time." - Jangala
  • "Ms. Dawn seems a little too perfect. I must find a way to scientifically quantify this." - Stegoboy


  • Jessica hates flying insects. Moths, butterflies, anything "fluttery" will be sure to send her into a panic.
  • Jessica plays piano and sings. She's even recorded an EP with a band, however it was a long time ago, and is one of her best kept secrets.
  • Another of her best kept secrets: She was a model, albeit only for two weeks. She decided that the high intensity and stress of the job and the attitude of the people involved in the industry was not worth it. You could probably find some of her pictures if you looked hard enough, but they're VERY difficult to find.


RP Hooks

  • Runs her own Fashion Styling business for supers. If you need a new costume, or simply a snazzy new civilian outfit, Jess will gladly help!
  • Was framed for blowing up an apartment building, hanging workers from a crane, and attempting to blow up the UNTIL building by a shapeshifter, killing over 100 people. If you want to throw fruit at her, or offer your support, depending on how familiar your character is with the news, go ahead!
  • Was a big deal in her home town, and continues to make a name for herself in Millennium City. Her escapades would have been documented in minor cases in all forms of media as an up and comer throughout Millennium City. Otherwise, if your character is from Florida, their kids would probably have her action figure.