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* '''[[Strobe (Jordan Shaw)|<font color=999999>Strobe</font>]]''' - ''"I absolutely would."''
* '''[[Strobe (Jordan Shaw)|<font color=999999>Strobe</font>]]''' - ''"I absolutely would."''
* '''[[Stitch|<font color=999999>Strobe</font>]]''' - ''"Cap'n is really strong. Headstrong. He's got an unbreakable willpower, which I suppose is his armor manifest. He's a good guy and a real 'All-American'."''
* '''[[Stitch|<font color=999999>Stitch</font>]]''' - ''"Cap'n is really strong. Headstrong. He's got an unbreakable willpower, which I suppose is his armor manifest. He's a good guy and a real 'All-American'."''

Revision as of 16:27, 21 November 2013

CapAdamant Title.jpg



"People want a hero. But that's not what I am. I'm the guy who watches the hero's back, and makes sure he gets the job done right. The people don't need to know who I am. All that matters is that I'm there."

Picture a soldier. Think of his skills, his training, his loyalty and sense of duty. Now make him invincible.

That is Captain Adamant. An armored soldier-turned-superhero, dedicated to the ideals of Freedom and Justice for all.

Captain Adamant embodies and redefines two phrases: Iron Will and Human Shield.

What he lacks in flash and color he makes up for in performance. His is a mission that never ends, a patrol that never stops. When others falter, Captain Adamant stands tall, and keeps fighting. Unyielding in his reliability, steadfast in his loyalty, the Unbreakable Man stands guard over Millennium City, America, and all mankind.

But his armor protects more than his mortality.


"This isn't a flight of fancy. I don't put on the armor on a whim. It's duty. Day in, day out. I can't stop. I won't."

The man beneath the armor meets the world's challenges with enthusiasm and a razor sharp focus, and insists on constantly testing his mind and body.

His name is Carter Williams, and it shows.


Tall, built, with brown hair and brown eyes, Carter is a natural-born lady killer (if they don't find him too tall). He stands at about six feet and seven inches without his armor, and weighs about two-hundred and thirty pounds. He is just the right size: big enough to impress and intimidate, but lean enough to still move and maneuver with grace and verve. Most of his training is applied exercise: rock climbing, swimming, running, mixed martial arts, etc. His weight training is only supplemental, but you wouldn't know it by looking at him. Captain Williams is built like a force of nature.

He keeps his hair cropped short, and always tries to keep clean shaven. Though, his exploits as Captain Adamant don't always afford time for a razor. So he sports some shadow most of the time. His gaze is intense and serious, and while he isn't against cracking a smile or making a joke, he's usually the last to do so. Carter, whether armored or not, generally appears ready for action at a moment's notice. Seldom does he truly relax, especially around others.

CapAdamant Workout.jpg

His dreadnought of an alter ego, Captain Adamant, is, unsurprisingly, an even more impressive figure. Fully armored, the Unbreakable Man stands at seven feet and two inches, and weighs in at almost a ton. The armor possesses a dull sheen, and is hard to keep quiet. You'll always hear him coming.

The sound of the good Captain's armor spells one of two things for those who hear it: hope, or justice.

The armor consists of over fifty individual plates of Kendrium-Platinum alloy. Most of them are secured either by slots on the underlay beneath, or by large bolts that feature prominently across the surfaces of his armor. Just like he does unclad, Carter walks within his armor with a purposeful grace. The armor hardly appears to hinder Adamant's movement at all.

Captain Adamant's appearance in a few words: Olympian, Conservative, and Juggernaut.


  • Hunk - "The classic European and American standard of male beauty, the hunk is two things: handsome and manly."
  • Heroic Build - "It could almost be called a secondary power in itself - the ability to have a perfect physique."


  • Captain AmericaTM
  • Captain BritainTM
  • ColossusTM
  • GuardianTM
  • RoboCopTM
  • Daniel Cudmore
  • Adrian Peterson


"Don't ever think I like hurting people. I try not to get used to it. But if you want peace, you prepare for war."


Captain Adamant isn’t called the “Unbreakable Man” for nothing.

The “Hardwear Safety Platform” is a prototype, based on a design meant for hazardous labor. It was conceived to protect workers in extreme temperatures, elevations, and pressures. It could even be worn in a battlefield environment. With only a few enhancements to its design, the Hardwear makes its pilot a veritable walking battle tank. Wearing it, Carter becomes almost indestructible.

The armor employs a unique (and top secret) Kendrium-Platinum alloy, making it astonishingly robust, but malleable enough to resist breaking. Hardwear metal is able to withstand fifty tons of TNT-equivalent, and temperatures in excess of two-thousand degrees Kelvin.


In addition to its resilience, Captain Adamant’s armor also lends him superhuman strength. The Hardwear’s undersuit relies on a layer of metallic liquid crystal, which amplifies force by a factor of five. This enables him to carry almost two tons of armor, and still have room to lift more. And yet, despite the armor’s weight, it imbues him with greater running and leaping capacity than a normal human being.

For short periods of time, Captain Adamant can use integrated rocket platforms in his boots to leap great distances, with substantial force. They're perfect for escaping compromising positions or closing distance with an enemy.

This marvel of engineering notwithstanding, Captain Adamant’s greatest assets are his willpower and training. Armor is only as good as its occupant. Carter’s superior discipline, physical conditioning, and focus make him a formidable person. When clad in the Hardwear armor, he becomes a powerful ally and a terrifying enemy.


Sometimes the low-tech wonder that is Captain Adamant's armor works against him. And sometimes, the armor just isn't enough.

Weight is a constant problem for Captain Adamant. And it has nothing to do with Carter’s diet. When a ton moves as fast as he does, damage to property and people is probable. So Adamant must continually regulate his movement and position, so as not to crash through ceilings, damage marble floors, or destabilize derelict structures.

Unless he equips a special filter attachment, Captain Adamant is vulnerable to poisoning, gassing, and drowning. Water is especially dangerous in the right context.

Because despite his sobriquet, Captain Adamant is just Carter Williams: human. He can't wear the armor all the time, and even when he does: he can be deceived, manipulated, and cheated. While resilient against mental attack, he is not immune, and is as powerless against magic as any other mortal.


  • Personality Powers - "Often, when there's a superhero team, their powers will reflect their personalities with the most blatant symbolism possible."
  • Powered Armor - "It's big, it's bulky, it's intimidating, and when you wear it you can wreak havoc on the battlefield."
  • Super Toughness - "The power of...superhuman durability..."
  • Super Strength - "Likely the most primal super-power. Super Strength doesn't require any long-winded explanations and it's not at all nerdy."
  • In A Single Bound - "The act of jumping with impossible feats."
  • Fights Like A Normal - "They have bona-fide powers that set them apart from Puny Humans, but for one reason or another, they either can't or won't just rely on them alone."


  • Captain AmericaTM
  • ColossusTM
  • JuggernautTM
  • Master ChiefTM
  • Iron ManTM


"Duty. Honor. Country. What else matters?"

CapAdamant Captain.png

Carter Williams leaned on the sink, property of Joe's Bar in Queens. His head swam laps in a whiskey pool, but he was taking it better than his fellow graduates. The mirror ahead offered a literal moment of reflection. Eight shots and three bars in, and his officer's uniform was still as clean as it was at the ceremony.

And even in the dim, soft light of the men's bathroom, his Captain's pin gleamed.

It was years of work. It was his reward. It was moving forward, and never looking back. Carter Williams was now Captain Carter Williams of the United States Army. It was bizarre that it was now, right here, in a dingy restroom that it should strike him. It had all been a blur since coming home. And while his friends celebrated in the bar proper, Carter took the time to relish the moment with only his reflection as company. After all, in two weeks time, he would likely never see his friends again. Carter took exactly five seconds to come to terms with that fact. He had left friends before. He would do it again.

"Duty calls."


  • Upbringing Makes The Hero - "..."Heroes are made, not born"..."
  • Misery Builds Character - "Sometimes quoted as "A little suffering is good for the soul." or "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger"."
  • Military Superhero - "For many, being a superhero is something they fell into by accident. For others, it's a calling. But for these guys, it's just a day job."
  • Secret Identity - "Put simply, a character (usually a superhero) keeps his involvement in the events of the plot secret from some or all of the other characters."
  • Where Does He Get All Those Wonderful Toys? - "...there is a compulsion to ask, "Where did all this stuff come from?""
  • Order Versus Chaos - "When they're not actual forces, they're broad themes represented by the agenda of specific groups of people."
  • Samaritan Syndrome - "Being the only ones capable of dealing with super villains and natural disasters, it means the price of their inaction is the burden of a death they could have prevented on their conscience."
  • Captain Patriotic - "This Super Hero is motivated by one thing above all: love of country. He loves everything it symbolizes, all its values, and is damn proud of its history."
  • The Good Captain - "The rank of "Captain" probably became common as, in the Army, it is low-ranking enough to be approachable and avoid the inevitable moral ambiguity of the most senior ranks, but high enough to deserve some respect."
  • Captain Superhero - "Simply stick "Captain" in front of this hero's name, and then whatever (usually) noun the writer wants."
  • Superhero Sobriquets - "Descriptive nicknames given to a character."


  • Captain AmericaTM
  • Green Lantern (John Stewart)TM
  • Captain AtomTM


"There's nothing wrong with making friends. But comrades are in even shorter supply."

Captain Adamant keeps to himself, sometimes for good reason. But though his superhero career has just started, he's built a handful of relationships with his new allies: Eternals, Inc.


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The Captain's other allies are military, like him. His civilian life is almost non-existant.


  • Strobe - "I absolutely would."
  • Stitch - "Cap'n is really strong. Headstrong. He's got an unbreakable willpower, which I suppose is his armor manifest. He's a good guy and a real 'All-American'."


"Some are beyond forgiveness. Some don't deserve mercy. But we don't make that call. Our job is to stop them. No more, no less."



"Ever get the the feeling like you're being watched? That's me."

The self-styled "Untouchable Man", and, as he puts it: a "human panopticon". Captain Adamant first encountered Sightmaster in hologram form during another mission, as he bought information off an ARGENT desk jockey. It was purely coincidence that the Captain should ever run into him again, but he did just that, barely catching the supercriminal as he attempted to infiltrate Force Station Steelhead. Ever since, Sightmaster and Captain Adamant have conflicted numerous times, each encounter growing more and more personal as the Untouchable Man finds himself foiled again and again.

Sightmaster, as his name implies, is a master of visuals, in just about every way. The ultimate voyeur, and the pinnacle of deception, Sightmaster's powers include super vision, invisibility, and hologram manipulation. He gains these powers through various pieces of technology, and uses them to enable a lucrative career as an information broker and super spy. Interestingly enough, Captain Adamant's armor is one of the few things Sightmaster is unable to see through.


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CapAdamant Unknown.png



  • "Man Of Steel [Dirty Dubstep Remix]" - Fired Earth Music
  • "Extreme Ways [Bourne Ultimatum]" - Moby
  • "Cult Of Personality" - Living Colour
  • "Genesis" - Justice
  • "War Machine" - AC/DC
  • "Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger [Awesome Remix]" - Daft Punk & Outkast
  • "No Church In The Wild" - Kanye West & Jay-Z
  • "Show Me How To Live" - Audioslave
  • "Madness" - Muse
  • "Seven Nation Army [Remix]" - The Glitch Mob
  • "Nothing Else Matters" - Metallica
  • "Grace" - Moby
  • "Invincible" - Extreme Music



Roleplaying Hooks

  • Captain Adamant is career military. Veterans and servicemen/women earn automatic respect, and he loves to talk shop.
  • Captain Adamant is new to the superhero's game, and it shows. Why not give him pointers on how capes do things versus soldiers?
  • Captain Adamant is known to volunteer for grunt work. Patrol? Stakeout? Guard duty? Adamant doesn't care: he's your man.
  • Carter's inner arms, opposite his elbows, have a series of strange, small scars.

Captain Adamant@CalamityCain

Physical Attributes
Magical Attributes
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Lawful Good
ѻ ѻ ѻ ѻ ѻ ѻ ѻ

Biographical Data
Real Name: Carter Williams Jr. Martial Status: Single
Known Aliases: The Unbreakable Man, the Gray Guardian, Shellhead, Cap Occupation: Superhero
Gender Male Base of Operations: Westside, Millennium City, MI
Species: Human Education: B.A. in Military Studies
Ethnicity: Caucasian Date of Birth: July 9th, 1985
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Relatives: Carter Williams Sr. (Father), Roselyn Willaims (Mother)
Age: 28 Complexion: Fair
Height 6'8"/7'1" Physical Build: Muscular Athletic
Weight: 230 lbs./1982 lbs. Physical Features: Scar on chin, scars on inner arms, opposite elbows.
Accent: American Equipment: Prototype Hardwear Armor, Eternals, Inc. Communicator
Eyes: Brown Known Abilities: Invulnerability, Super Strength, Willpower, Military Training
Hair: Brown Weaponry: None
Standing: Citizen Allies: PRIMUS, Eternals, Inc.
SuperGroup: Eternals, Inc. Enemies: Sightmaster, VIPER, ARGENT
Sidekicks: None Pets: Ajax (German Shepherd)
Minions: None IC Deaths: None
OOC Data
OOC Name: Sam Combat Style: Some PvP, mostly RP
Level: 35 Previous SG's: None
Gender: Male Access to VIP Club: No
RP Type: Mature Modern/Silver Age Access to VB: No
Started CO: July 2013 # Costume Slots: 6
RP Aptitude: Experienced (4 Years) Alternative Characters: None
KittenmelBox Template

Eternalsinclogo.png v  d  e
ChangeMister FifthProfessor SmashVespula Sting
Angela LightBlack KnightBluestarCaptain AdamantDiamondDivaelDominionEvolution Prime
Leonard CastellarLittle Miss GunbunnyLongshotMichael PliskinPhoenix BlueParticle ManPulsarQuintessence
Rising Star Program:
BlazeLimerickMoonchildNocturneBluebird (Rachel Davison)
In Memoriam to Fallen Heroes:
Chance • Goldrush
Heroes Inc.:
Global Defense Force