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'''Darts and Poisons''': Being a natural Alchemist, Regina can create poisons and toxins of many types. She stores these poisons on launchers attached to her gauntlets. Many of her guns can fire these darts as well. Regina keeps a few darts on hand, these include Sleep Darts and Haitian Zombie Toxin (Puts the victim in a coma for a few days).
'''Darts and Poisons''': Being a natural Alchemist, Regina can create poisons and toxins of many types. She stores these poisons on launchers attached to her gauntlets. Many of her guns can fire these darts as well. Regina keeps a few darts on hand, these include Sleep Darts and Haitian Zombie Toxin (Puts the victim in a coma for a few days).
'''Switchblade''': This blade was first used by Desmond Parker, grandfather to [[Night Spider|Regina's mentor]]. The switchblade is a device connected to Widow's bracer. When activated a six inch long questionite lined blade springs out for combat use. This is an entirely lethal weapon thus is seldom used. Regina often uses this when combatting Vampires and Undead. The blade can also be coated with toxins for extra damage.

Revision as of 02:21, 8 September 2013

Friend or Foe?
Ebon Widow
Bloodlines have nothing to do with morality..
Player: @Hope1
[[File:|center|250 px]]
Super Group
· Other Affiliations ·
The Spider Family, Nexus Academy.
Real Name
Regina Warren
Reg, Regina, Mum, Mrs. Parker.
December 7th 1989
Berlin, Germany (On earth 996 AKA "Nazi Earth")
American (German on her world)
Millennium City, MI.
Assassin for hire (Presumably), Freelance UNTIL agent, Vigilante.
Legal Status
Known Vigilante
Marital Status
· Known Relatives ·
Ebony Tarantula/Stefan Warren (Father), Carmella Warren (Mother, deceased),Tiberius Warren (Half Brother), Night Spider/James Parker (Adopted Uncle).
Physical Traits
Magic Human
Apparent Age
130 lbs.
Body Type
Dark Brown
· Distinguishing Features ·
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
Elemental Magic, Shadow Magic, Increased strength, agility, speed, and reflexes.
· Equipment ·
Stealth suit, Combat armor, Vast array of ranged weaponry, Poisons, Enchanted Ammunition/Gear.
· Other Abilities ·
Martial Arts, Marksmanship, Arachni Training, Espionage, Assassination, Magic.


Birth and Early Life

Ebon Widow is a native of alternate dimension 998, known to a few as Nazi Earth, a world where WW2 was won by the Axis forces, resulting in worldwide domination.

Regina Warren was born on December 7th 1989 in Berlin, Germany to Stefan and Carmella Warren, the then Duke and Duchess of the Nazi Empire, a global kingdom that spanned from Germany to all corners of the earth. A year passes from that time, Regina's mother Carmella, was assassinated on the orders of Emperor Desmond Warren, Regina's own grandfather. Stefan dealt with the attacker before taking Regina away from their home. They arrived in a small town in Russia, being on the run from a vicious Empire, Stefan left his daughter on the steps of an orphanage, before vanishing into the darkness.

Throughout her childhood, Regina had barely any memory of that life, it had been six years since that night. Regina grew up within the walls of the orphanage and lived a semi normal life. Unaware of the events that transpired outside Moscow.

One day she was approached by several men, all dressed in Officer's uniforms. They claimed to the Orphanage's staff that they were here on behalf of a "Lord Warren", A name that brought a worried glance from the maidens. They released Regina into the care of these guards as they escorted her into a private car on route to the airport. Mixed feelings flooded young Regina, fear over where she was going and not seeing her friends again, and wonder for who would adopt her and why the caretakers feared his name. The plane arrived in Berlin, Germany and soon enough, little Regina's world would change forever.

Upon meeting Lord Warren, Regina somehow recognized him, as if from a dream. After several nights in her new home, the dreams became more frequent, more vivid. Until she could see everything, the snow, the orphanage, and the man who left her, Lord Warren himself. The man finally made it all clear to her, he was in fact her actual father. He then revealed to her just why he left her on that night in Moscow. He mother was killed, they were on the run from a vengeful grandfather. And Stefan Warren spent those six years forming a rebellion that would eventually oust Desmond Warren and cement Stefan's rise into power as the third Emperor of the Arachni Empire (Formerly Nazi Empire). All was clear to Regina, to her the circle was complete, she was now, home.


Years passed and Regina grew into her teen years as the Duchess of the Arachni Empire, and was put through many programs to hone her skills to better protect herself. Overseen by a slowly changing Stefan. Regina noticed it, he was becoming a colder, more vicious of a ruler. But Regina's loyalty to her father was undying even at her young age. She was trained in many combat forms, as well as marksmanship, magic and Espionage. In her eyes, her father was training her to be his successor, but in reality, she was becoming his greatest weapon.

At age 18, Regina was christened as the head of the Arachni Death Squad, a group of skilled warriors who served Emperor Warren and was tasked with combating the enemies of the Empire. Regina served alongside her younger brother, Tiberius (Or Tyson for short) and several of her former friends who passed the trials with her. For two years they served the Empire, until Lord Warren had an unusual task.

Following Regina's rise into the squad, The Arachni Empire began to expand into other dimensions through the use of a strange artifact. The vast armies of the empire conquered alternate earths, two to be exact. And slowly built up a vast amount of resources. Soon though, Stefan Warren, who had now adopted the moniker of Ebony Tarantula showed desire to expand into a fourth earth, this one being a treasure trove of resources beyond that of what Nazi Earth had. The armies gathered their strength and pushed into this new world, and once again, Regina's life would drastically change.

A New World. And New Challenges

The Arachni arrived on Champions Earth, a world filled with high magic levels and almost god like heroes. and soon they based themselves on that earth's Germany, in the depths of The Black Forrest of southwest Germany. Ebony began his own crusade and eventually came to blows with this world's defenders. Especially a group known as the Titian Institute, Regina had noticed her father drastically changed as they crossed the Dimensional barrier. He was getting more unstable, more ruthless. Soon though, Ebony Tarantula experienced his first defeat at the heroes hands. Resulting in his temporary death. Only by Regina's intervention and the power of Etir, That Ebony returned. More unstable than ever he tasked his daughter and son to attack the institute in earnest. While the heroes were recovering from their previous encounter with Ebony. Regina was tasked to assassinate Dr. Mallick Orson. A genius of technology and Ebony's intellectual rival.

Regina Warren, now known as Ebon Widow, tracked down Orson with intent to serve her father's wishes. However, before this, Orson had captured Tyson and locked him away. Regina was conflicted, she cared for Tyson. But feared what would happen if her father got control of this earth in his current state. This allowed Mallick to talk her down and struck a bargain with her. Tyson's freedom for Orson's life. A choice Regina made wisely, she accepted Tyson's release and as "proof" Mallick allowed Regina to cut off his arm for Ebony to ensure her own safety. However, Ebony Tarantula saw through his daughter's ruse, and as punishment destroyed Tyson on the spot. After a brief fight between the two, Regina was forced to flee from her father, and into the arms of the Titian Institute.

Dr. Orson took Regina in without hesitation and quickly began to harbor felling's for her. The two worked closely together and aided the Institute in holding Ebony off and possibly defeating him again. But more tragedy struck. Ebony Tarantula gathered his forces and allies and launched an assault on the Institute, a battle that ended in the group's destruction.

Soon though, the survivors of the Institute attack regrouped and formed the Nexus Academy, and Regina finally accepted her shared feelings for Mallick, and they began dating, this however was short lived. Ebony soon caught word of this and "Finished loose ends" by killing Mallick one night in his lab. Regina was devastated and so was the Nexus Academy. Regina then became aware of a "Plan B" program Orson had left behind, and Regina had two choices to Clone mallick and give him a new life with no memory of anything or anyone, or give her DNA to mix with Orson's resulting in new life. Regina chose the latter and through genetics, Adam Orson was born, her son.

The Value Of Family

Powers And Skills

Magic Experience: While not on par with master mages, Ebon Widow is well rounded in the magical field. She is particularly advanced in Elemental Magic, favoring lightning. Regina can quickfire these spells in combat but prefers to rely on her guns. This experience has also made Regina into an expert enchanter and alchemist.

Martial Artist: Over the course of 13 years Regina has learned and excelled in two martial arts forms. She is quite adept in Jeet-Kune-Do and has learned Military Combat. Regina often uses her acrobatic frame to remain agile on the battlefield, avoiding attacks and striking when it matters most.

Marksman: Ebon Widow is also a master marksman. She is experienced in nearly all forms of munitions and is particularly effective dual wielding pistols.

Equilibrium and Acrobatics: Ebon Widow is very agile and nimble, able to balance on the smallest of platforms and perform the most complex of moves. A master gymnast, Regina often uses cartwheels and flips to move over obstacles and as a combat form.

Espionage Expert: Widow was initially trained as the Arachni's ultimate spy and assassin before her defection. Nonetheless, Regina is a master of disguise and infiltration, often employing magic to better effect.


Altruism: A problem Regina faces due to how fast her world has changed in such little time. It was tough for her to adapt to the laws and systems of Champions Earth. In turn, Regina often walks on the very thin line between Vigilante and Assassin, occasionally falling either way. It is only due to her friends and allies that she is not completely on one side, but rather chooses the morality that would be most beneficial at the current time. This has also left Regina vulnerable to persuasion, should someone from a certain side give her a reason, she will turn to that side.

Lesser Metahuman: Aside from magic spells and training, Regina does not have much else to use. At this point she is considered to be a hair above Olympic Level Humans. Widow lacks a healing factor or bulletproof skin, and has been injured many times.

Beginner: Regina is fresh on the hero scene and has a lot to learn in terms of morals and "The Hero Way". Thus she is prone to mistakes. On the other hand, she possesses enough Assassin Training to keep up with the boys.


Spider Grenades: These quarter sized orbs are widely used in The Spider Family's arsenal. These devices come in many verities, these include Taser, Kinetic Explosion, Plastique, Cryo and Goo Burst rounds.

Smoke Types include Tear Gas, Knockout Gas and Smoke Screen.

Web Hook: Another Spider Family Iconic, this grapple hook fires a retractable liquid metal cable with a questionite prong on the end. The launcher comes with a boost function to allow faster ascension as well as a metallic handle that can attach to Widow's belt, leaving her hands free.

The Web Hook also has a combat function, this device can disarm an armed opponent by grabbing the weapon and reeling it in. Also, the hook has a separate attachment that can fire a zipline.

Darts and Poisons: Being a natural Alchemist, Regina can create poisons and toxins of many types. She stores these poisons on launchers attached to her gauntlets. Many of her guns can fire these darts as well. Regina keeps a few darts on hand, these include Sleep Darts and Haitian Zombie Toxin (Puts the victim in a coma for a few days).

Switchblade: This blade was first used by Desmond Parker, grandfather to Regina's mentor. The switchblade is a device connected to Widow's bracer. When activated a six inch long questionite lined blade springs out for combat use. This is an entirely lethal weapon thus is seldom used. Regina often uses this when combatting Vampires and Undead. The blade can also be coated with toxins for extra damage.