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Jill was born in Millennium City. Like most metahumans, she manifested some hints of her powers early. The infant Jill didn't sleep much, even compared to other infants. She would often focus her tiny eyes on things that weren't there, and scan the empty corners of her room, as if observing something.  As a young child, Jill displayed much the same behavior, and was often withdrawn from her peers. She was often described as a "creepy" little girl. She often casually knew things about people she couldn't have. Jill seemed reluctant to show it, somehow understanding the idea of stigma, even from a young age.
Jill was born in Millennium City to Eva and Aleister Blackthorne. Like most metahumans, she manifested some hints of her powers early. The infant Jill didn't sleep much, even compared to other infants. She would often focus her tiny eyes on things that weren't there, and scan the empty corners of her room, as if observing something.  As a young child, Jill displayed much the same behavior, and was often withdrawn from her peers. She was often described as a "creepy" little girl. She often casually knew things about people she couldn't have. Jill seemed reluctant to show it, somehow understanding the idea of stigma, even from a young age.
Jill's father died in a hit and run accident when she was four. Before he left the house to walk to the bus stop that day, Jill begged him not to go.  
Jill's father died in a hit and run accident when she was four. Before he left the house to walk to the bus stop that day, Jill begged him not to go.  

Revision as of 09:26, 15 November 2016

Voodoo Child
Player: @JayBee37
[[File:|center|250 px]]
Super Group
The Progeny
· Other Affiliations ·
Real Name
Jill Blackthorne
February 5, 1999
Millennium City, MI
Millennium City, MI
The Arcade
Legal Status
Marital Status
No thanks.
· Known Relatives ·
Eva and Jason Kramer (Mom and Stepdad); Katie Kramer (Stepsister)
Physical Traits
Apparent Age
110 lbs.
Body Type
Natural: Platinum Blonde
Silvery Blue
Pale White
· Distinguishing Features ·
A wide variety of piercings. Heavily inked with strange tattoos that seem to be able to change positions on occasion.
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
· Equipment ·
· Other Abilities ·




Jill was born in Millennium City to Eva and Aleister Blackthorne. Like most metahumans, she manifested some hints of her powers early. The infant Jill didn't sleep much, even compared to other infants. She would often focus her tiny eyes on things that weren't there, and scan the empty corners of her room, as if observing something. As a young child, Jill displayed much the same behavior, and was often withdrawn from her peers. She was often described as a "creepy" little girl. She often casually knew things about people she couldn't have. Jill seemed reluctant to show it, somehow understanding the idea of stigma, even from a young age.

Jill's father died in a hit and run accident when she was four. Before he left the house to walk to the bus stop that day, Jill begged him not to go.

Born with little pigment in her body, Jill was labeled an albino. She sunburns very quickly, and has to dress in clothes that cover as much of her body as possible.

Jill is a hero that draws power from the various Nightmare realms. She is intelligent and driven, but often awkward in social situations. Jill was born in Millennium City, with an odd sense that she had lived this life before. In her early teens, she began to have dreams of past lives, many of which she claims ended all too soon in bloody orgies of violence. Jill now has sleep issues and often goes on “runs” or patrols when she can’t sleep.

Jill believes that all her lifetimes are manifestations of a single soul or principle that returns to the physical world throughout various alternate dimensions and timelines to settle some kind of score. The force always manifests itself as a young woman with extraordinary abilities. Jill’s dreams hint that not all her previous incarnations have been heroes, and this leaves her wondering exactly what this entity’s goals are. Lately, Jill’s dreams have expanded, and she seems to be having the nightmares of everyone around her. She could dream about having an abortion if a teen neighbor is having a pregnancy scare, or of a kidnapping if someone is concerned about losing their children.

In recent history, Jill has joined a superteam of teen heroes known as the Progeny. She has several people she considers friends on the team, but finds it difficult to interact with some of the members. Recently, the team lost two members--the Orgoolian, K'lvin and the Malvan, Taffi--in a clash with a goddess. This clash also cost Jill her arm, and has reminded the young witch that she has to maintain focus and control of her powers. The aftermath of the event crystallized for Jill something she'd always suspected but never knew: using too much magic could kill her.

Powers and Skills

Shadow Control

Jill pulls extra dimensional magic from the Nightmare. She alternately refers to it as a place or entity. Though entropic in nature, the energy is not Qliphothic, nor is it completely the stuff of the Netherworld. The energy and substance of the shadow is a manifestation of entropy shaped by the world around it. The anxieties and fears of people leave their mark on the world. Eventually these bits of anti-reality form their own tiny pockets of anti-reality, which then can coalesce into Nightmare realms.

The most basic levels of shadow control are fairly natural to Jill, and she can do simple manipulations all day long without issue or much concentration. She manipulates existing mundane shadows, and can create shadows where they are impossible. Her more powerful abilities require quite a bit of concentration and sometimes time to build up enough energy to perform feats. Her control will develop throughout her life. There are three basic types of control Jill possesses.

Shadow Step

Jill can step from one shadow to another, effectively teleporting herself and a small amount of gear almost instantly. Jill can perform jumps like this almost effortlessly, though it may tire her if she has to jump repeatedly in a short period of time. Further, Jill can use the same principle to enchant her pockets, allowing her to carry a varied assortment of gear, if necessary. Jill has one such shadow space with several changes of clothes. Another of Jill’s tricks is the ability to open small shadow wormholes while being attacked, allowing her to redirect enemy fire. This does take a great deal of concentration, and is almost all Jill can do at a time. It’s most useful for when she has no cover and has to buy herself time. There is one limitation: Jill cannot redirect positive energy attacks, they merely dissipate on any of the enchanted shadows.

Shadow Manipulation

Jill can animate shadows as shadow matter. When animate, shadows generally feel sticky or gel-like, but possess great tensile strength. They are also uncomfortably cold to any being that is not cold resistant. She can solidify shadows and cause them to cling to opponents, shape solid shadows into simple structures, and imbue these shadows with a basic level of volition. A shadow animated to restrain a villain will not stop if the villain somehow changes shape, for instance. However, if the villain gets too far away, the shadow generally will revert to its normal form. (This ensures that the villain still has a shadow, possibly for use later.) Damage done by this type of shadow is generally through crushing, twisting, or exposure to cold. Restraining shadows are generally fixed in place, but manifested shadow creatures are not, and can move and attack with their own volition. If they are not within Jill’s line of sight, they are relatively dumb, and often dissipate. She can maintain shadows outside her line of sight,--with full control over their actions and its senses--but this takes a great deal of concentration.

Shadow Energy Projection

Jill can call forth blasts of shadow energy. The default level of damage for these blasts without any sort of build up is roughly the force of a 90 mph fastball. More concentration, mystic gestures, chanting and continuous buildup can make these blasts far more powerful. However, at this time, using more than the default, concussive version of the blast requires time to build up and may begin to draw the attention of the Dreamer. Too many extremely powerful blasts can tax her concentration and ability to shield herself from her own entropy. This can be fatal. The blasts involve potent entropic energy, so with preparation and concentration, she can make these lethal to almost any living or nonliving threat. Damage done by her blasts tends to be cold and necrotic, though Jill can weave in concussion damage for softer enemies. At low levels of damage, they look like bruises tinged with frostbite, while an individual pulverized by shadow damage will appear partially putrefied and disintegrated by freezer burn.

Life Drain

Jill has learned to break down living and nonliving compounds and use the resulting energy in order to heal herself. She can conceivably use this ability to heal any wounds, but there is typically a price, as closing wounds on bullets (for example) can lead to infection, etc. She also dislikes the feeling that she gets when she uses it, and the use of this power is still considered shadow energy, which could still be fatal. The name, Life Drain, is a bit of a misnomer, as it can feed off lifeforce, the energy from loosing molecular bonds, or a variety of other energies.

Psychic Manipulation

A natural result of Jill's connection with the Nightmare is a sensitivity to certain psychic impressions and, with practice, the ability to modify some of those impressions far beyond the normal or natural.


Jill’s psychic powers are rooted in telephathy and empathy. The addition of telepathy is a rather recent development, and she relies more on empathy at the current time. Jill is able to sense emotions and thoughts. She doesn't have the experience to do a deep scan of someone's thoughts unless they will it, though her empathy is beyond this point. Jill can also radiate emotions to immobilize and disorient her foes. Jill currently lacks more than the most basic levels of training with these powers. With time, Jill's psychic powers have the potential to kill a living target through systemic panic and strain. To do so would take an extended, purposeful effort not within her normal capabilities. Typically, her attacks inflict vertigo or sensory overload on her opponents. Currently, Jill cannot affect machines and similar things without minds with these abilities.

Danger Sense

Jill isn’t as sturdy as many heroes, but her psychic abilities allow her to evade damage and find cover at the appropriate times. She is typically able to dodge damage at least once in a situation. Jill has to get behind cover, or make some, quickly though, as extended use of danger sense tires her quickly, and isn’t as reliable in a pitched firefight. Danger sense does not extend to Jill’s companions. A sniper targeting someone next to Jill will not trigger danger sense unless the bullet would pierce the target and hit Jill. A person about to step on a mine that would harm Jill would trigger danger sense, but someone slightly out of range will not.


After the battle of her life, Jill's circle of friends had grown smaller with the death of the Malvan, Taffi. Jill was in contact with Taffi at the moment of her death, and somehow had carried the young woman's power away with her, for a time. After using it in battle to help her friends, the power faded for the last time. However, Jill has begun experiencing electrical disturbances in the form of red sparks, and the ability to generate and control electricity, specifically with her cybernetic left hand. So far, all she can manage is some colored, though painful, sparks and the occasional jolt. This power currently understood as electrokinesis.

Other Magic

Jill can perform other spells above and beyond shadow manipulation. The catch is that she often has to use material components for maximum effect, or spend time etching sigils in some surface, bloodletting, etc. Jill is a capable witch for her young age, but she does not have the same exceptional talent for these other types of magic, however. Thus she has to study hard. She is young, and has only picked up a small smattering of other spells, though she is well-read with regard to magic in general.


Unlike many traditional mages, Jill has nothing against technology and really loves computers. Currently, she is planning on a computer science degree at the local community college. As a high school dropout, however, she does have some prerequisites to work on, which she is planning on starting this fall. Jill is good with her hands and brain, and likes to tinker with hacking and similar activities. She still has much to learn about these enterprises, though, and so isn’t very good. She also has access to a hacking machine that is separate from her normal computer and is protected by a variety of countermeasures.


While Jill is technically a normal seventeen year old girl, she does have skills of note, as a result of her teenage crime fighting experiences.

Jill has combat training from her dad's old bodyguard, a former Navy SeAL. (This does not mean that she has the exact same training as a SeAL, which would be ridiculous at her age.) She knows how to handle herself under pressure, take cover in a firefight, and a variety of self-defense techniques. She is in excellent shape, and skilled in parkour and diving. She maintains her training now without personal instruction.

Generally, Jill prefers to use her own powers. However, she does include a modicum of gear to make her life as a crime fighter easier. Jill's personal gear generally includes a "travel kit" of spell components, enough to perform a smattering of rituals. She has several plastic bags for evidence, a number of heavy duty cable ties (handcuffs), and a heavily modified Hello Kitty taser. Typically, she carries a light first aid kit on her person.

When the situation calls for it, Jill has been known to use firearms, specialized gear, flashbangs and other custom ammunition. Her sister, Katie, is a certified genius and has given her easy-to-follow instructions for making a variety of devices potentially useful to crimefighters. Typically, she has a couple flashbangs and smoke bombs on her person, as well as one or two custom grenades. She is known to use “glop” grenades to restrain enemies, “blind” grenades that scramble robotic sensors, and “cryo” or freeze grenades. Others may be available on a case by case basis.

The Arm

Jill lost her left arm the one time she battled a bona fide goddess, Teotihuacan. During this event, Jill channeled much more power than she had before, and lost full control of her actions. Through her body, she watched her body call Qliphothic fire into being and smite the goddess. This act destroyed her left hand and her arm to the elbow, and further amputation was necessary because of signs of potential cancer later that week.

Jill's sister, Katie, got top people in their field together, including a Malvan cybernetics expert, a gifted human surgeon, and a psychic healer to replace Jill's lost arm. How she managed this is a mystery best left to the imagination. Katie somehow procured a unique metal alloy that wouldn't interfere with Jill's magic. Barely a week after the initial injury, Jill was surgically altered with the cybernetic limb. At present, it only has a single hand, though the modularity exists for other hands to be swapped out. The material resists damage with ease, and is only ounces heavier than Jill's original limb. It doesn't currently have any gadgets, other than a chemical sprayer for mace and a protected area to carry Jill's touchscreen watch.


The Dreamer

The origin of Jill's power is shrouded in mystery, and no one can say exactly the Source of her mastery of Shadow Magic or why psychic abilities seem so closely-related to them. When Jill uses too much shadow power, the shadows seem to whisper lazily to her. This is audible to any in the area. Using more and more power seems to "power her up", in terms of abilities, as if she is Awakening some sort of Sleeping power. However, when this happens, Jill is less and less in control of what the power does. The power nearly took over in one instance, costing her an arm. Jill is certain that enough of the Shadow will kill her.

Sometimes she can be heard ranting in her sleep about a Dreamer, and the dreams that keep it asleep, for now.

Celestial Light and Fire

As a being of shadow, Jill also has problems with celestial magic. She cannot be healed by celestial means, and attempts to do so actually cause her pain. Celestial fire and light are also more effective against her as attacks. Her inner shadows can compensate against such things, but she has to use a great deal of energy to do so. When confronted by such attacks, Jill often flees. Note that Jill is not evil, and attacks that specifically target evil creatures do not harm her. It is the fact that celestial fire and light are diametrically opposed to darkness, which infuses Jill in significant amounts.


Jill suffers from albinism. Her body does not produce enough pigment. As such, she sunburns very easily, and has to cover up from the sunlight as much as possible.

Friends and Allies

Rogue Gallery

[Name here]

80px|left Powers/Abilities:





Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██


Marilyn Manson - Coma Grey (remix of Coma White and Coma Black)

My Chemical Romance - Welcome to the Black Parade

Marilyn Manson - Nobodies

Recoil - Incubus

Emilie Autumn - Gothic Lolita

RP Hooks

Jill is tormented by nightmares of her own past, present, and future. She also has nightmares based on other people's fears and anxieties and often tries to check people out if she can figure whose nightmares she is having.



Comment Wall

"Jill was the first to step up to my defense when others questioned the source of my powers and my beliefs. She barely knew me at that point. She's been my friend ever since. She's... the first best friend I've ever had. I think that, together, we sort of balance each other out, not just in terms of powers but in personality as well."' ~ Faith

"What's next? Vampires? Werewolves? I'm waiting, reality. *scoffs* Yeah, Jill is - she's alright. Creepy, but alright. Whatever it is she does - whatever it really is? It's useful. I wouldn't mess with her. Unless she pulls that voodoo crap on me again..." ~ Kid Ballistic

"Jill's pretty badass. Though I worry it's not healthy. I also don't think she likes me very much." ~ Luctus

"HexBane's powers are the stuff of nightmares. Though regardless of her somewhat unsettling, finger wiggling powers, she strikes me as a pretty tough chick." ~ Black Ice

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