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Kr'anri was born as a member of the Shia'arkari caste. The Shia'arkari were instinctual telepaths who utilized raw mental energy to attackand trick their targets and were adept at using their psychic abilities to defend themselves, primarily via the usage of psychic shadowing techniques to perform sneak attacks. They are also able to generate illusions.
Kr'anri was born as a member of the Shia'arkari caste. The Shia'arkari were instinctual telepaths who utilized raw mental energy to attack and trick their targets and were adept at using their psychic abilities to defend themselves, primarily via the usage of psychic shadowing techniques to perform sneak attacks. They are also able to generate illusions.
Initially Kr'anri was both precognitive and telepathic, however due to certain developments:
Initially Kr'anri was both precognitive and telepathic, however due to certain developments:

Revision as of 16:22, 23 July 2014


"Kr'anri says bad bugs are tasty!"
Player: @Cyrone85
Super Group
· Other Affiliations ·
Real Name
Monster Island
Legal Status
Marital Status
· Known Relatives ·
Kr'yshte (sister)
Physical Traits
Coastal Prosythian
Apparent Age
20(Prosyth) 9(Earth)
4ft 4in
Body Type
· Distinguishing Features ·
Black and gold markings across her body
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
Telepathy, Psychokinetic weapon generation, Precognition and Clairvoyance.
· Equipment ·
Nanites in her lungs to prevent the creation of phosgene as she breathes.
· Other Abilities ·
Ability to access the memories of deceased Prosythians.

Kr'anri is one of the two surviving members of her species known as the Prosythians. Stolen from her home world by the Qularr, Kr'anri managed to escape when the Qularr arrived on Earth during the recent attempted invasion of major cities including Millennium City, she survived on Earth utilizing her psychic abilities and feeding on her former Qularr captors amongst other things. She soon enough encountered members of The Summerstone Sisterhood, Delta and for a brief time PSI. After receiving help to overcome a range of difficulties with adjusting to life on Earth, she was taught to hone her abilities by Mentella and soon settled into the super team now known as Delta. Her fun loving nature and small size can cause her to be underestimated, much to her foes chagrin. Much to Kr'anri's credit, despite her still learning about life on Earth, she has been able to make solid friendships with a number of her team mates and those whom she has worked with in the past. Kr'anri is a graduate from The Summerstone Academy's Fast Track program, but regularly visits the Academy to meet up with Solaris and PsychBlade. She also visits to attend Black Diamond's combat training sessions. Kr'anri is a proud member of Delta and readily makes use of her psychic abilities to assist her team mates where she can.


Spoiler Warning
The following details are about a player-created storyline, or is information currently unrevealed about a character.
Please do not use this information ICly unless given permission to do so.

Prosythians are a species of genetically engineered warriors which were created by another alien species known as Xenians. They were created after a long period of conflict with a few other species came to a standstill as that at the time the Xenian Empire was waging war with another sentient race that retreated to environments with conditions so extreme it caused complications to the Xenians war time technology. In order to combat this, Xenian Xeno-biologists used Mandaarian and Krotosmandian genetics to produce a new species of psychic warriors which were resistant to extreme temperatures and environments with the view to sending them into these environments. Prosythians were designed with the most desirable attributes from both species and were able to communicate through a species wide Hive Mind or 'Collective Mind'. This allowed them to co-ordinate effortlessly and strike without any issue, their small sizes allowed them to access difficult places and their high resistance to extreme temperatures made them highly useful for taking out the opposition. In time were eventually crushed by the Xenian Empire, with the aid of its new genetically engineered psychic warriors.

Prosythian psychic ability was divided into three groups or castes, namely:

  • Ep'fertuae (Warrior) - A group of Prosythians with psychokinetic abilities with specific focus on psychokinetic weapon generation.
  • Prosai (Prophet) - A group of Prosythians with enhanced precognitive abilities and clairvoyant abilities.
  • Shia'arkari (Hunter) - A group of Prosythians with precognitive abilities and heightened/enhanced telepathy.

Each caste was present in every family unit, Prophets however were one of the first Prosythians and were taught how to use The Hive Mind and had an increased life span in relation to other caste's. This was so that their knowledge could be passed down; they also served to connect Prosythians (who were of age) to The Hive Mind.

Whilst each caste had a level of telepathic ability for communicative purposes, only the Shia'arkari had the ability to use it to attack their foes minds. The Shia'arkari were instinctual telepaths who utilized raw mental energy to attack and trick their targets as well as use it for self defense and were adept at using psychic shadows to perform sneak attacks and to generate illusions. The Ep'fertuae were lethal killers who worked in tandem with their own personal Shia'arkari, usually their brother or sister, combined these two castes were designed to work at their best when together. Both castes were led by The Prosai who communicated through the Hive Mind to aid them in battle.

The Prosythians were created and after their lengthy service as part of the Xenian Empire, in time they were placed on their home world of Prosyth and were constantly monitored by the scientific division of the Xenian Empire. The star that their home world orbited was somewhat unstable but was kept in check using the technology at their disposal. It was large enough and close enough to the planet to keep the Prosythian people at their peak as these Prosythians were engineered to be highly tolerant of extreme temperatures, almost exceeding the temperature of the surface of their star.

At an undisclosed time the scientific division were suddenly removed from their outpost after sustaining an enemy attack, leaving the Prosythians on their home world which was more than capable of providing for its inhabitants. After an extensive period of time, it was clear that the Xenian Empire's scientific division were not returning to Prosyth. A number of hostile alien races came to try and use the Prosythian people for their own interests, some were victorious others were not. The Qularr were one of these and had been observing the failures of some of the other races, they formulated a tactic and attacked Prosyth.

Despite the forewarnings of the "Prophets", the Prosythians lost a number of their "Hunters" and "Warriors" to the Qularr, but not after managing to capture and eat a few Qularr who were overwhelmed. The Qularr overall were successful and left the planet, their superior technology gave them a distinct upper hand and they managed to capture a few hundred Prosythians and transported them off world. As time went on the Prosythian "Prophets" remaining on Prosyth foretold of the death of the planet through the "death of 'The Great Skyfire'". Without any way of reaching or communicating with the Xenian Empire, the Prosythians seemed doomed to be wiped out as their star was on the verge of dying, as Prosyth was well within the star's range, it would readily envelop the planet, inevitably wiping out all life on the planet.

In order to find a way to survive the Prosythian Prophets worked tirelessly to transfer their psychic echoes deep into the species Hive Mind, allowing them to survive until they had found an active Prosythian mind, if any of those captured were still alive. The process was lengthy but the remaining one thousand Prosythians were assimilated into the Hive Mind successfully with only hours to spare as the foreseen death of their star occurred, enveloping the planet in an expanding orb of energy, obliterating the planet entirely.

Kr'anri was born as a Shia'arkari or "Hunter", her precognitive and instinctual telepathic abilities were used in harmony with her powerful claws to both physically and mentally assault her 'prey'.

After undergoing a series of changes to her psyche she now possesses a mixture of the abilities drawn from both The Prosai and The Ep'fertuae. This enhancement came at the cost of her telepathic ability to some extent but she has regained her once suppressed precognitive abilities in full force. These changes took some time for Kr'anri to adjust to but thankfully with the support of her team and assistance from Mentella and even Psion it was a relatively smooth process.

She is now a full time member of Delta.


Mentella’s Note: The following information was extracted during a counseling session with Kr’anri who at the time was one of my fast track students. Using my own skill set I was able to get an accurate portrayal of how she arrived on Earth. As a result I have directly (more or less) transcribed the events which took place.

Kr’anri was one of the many Prosythians who were taken from their home planet and endured attempts by the Qularr to disconnect her from the Prosythian Hive Mind. She was taken aboard the Qularr mother ship and endured the cries of her people as they were disconnected from the Hive Mind. Unbeknownst to the Qularr, Kr’anri was quickly picking up parts of the telepathic conversations between the Qularr and was merely waiting for the right moment to attempt an escape. As the Qularr ship left the Mother ship and headed towards Earth, she attacked, ripping herself free of her bonds and viciously ripped into the minds and flesh of her Qularr captors. Unfortunately she sensed that she was the only Prosythian on board the smaller ship; with the remaining Qularr attempting to track her down and the ship on a downward spiral towards the large blue planet below, Kr’anri wisely hid awaiting the eventual impact.

As the ship crashed violently, Kr’anri waited as the space craft settled, quietly snacking on the Qularr crew before ripping her way out of the space craft and began travelling across the desert. She followed her instincts and made her way to the Super Jet; making use of her Psychic Shadowing Kr’anri was able to travel to Millennium City. She explored and moved about primarily in Westside, staying in derelict apartment blocks, laying relatively low at Westside High and sustained herself by killing and eating Red Banner and Cobra Lords who happened to come her way. She soon enough found herself hiding from both the Red Banner and Cobra Lords who had on occasion spotted her.

The following events regarding Kr’anri meeting three members of Delta and CharmCaster have been recorded and have been provided. This also covers the unfortunate encounter that she had with PSI.

Meeting Kr'anri The Prosythian

After this, I encountered Kr'anri who was viciously attacking and killing PSI Members in City Centre park, at first she was frightened when she realized I could still see her despite her psychic shadow ability but soon calmed down as I had previously contacted Vitality who arrived. I asked my youngest sister Techna Ology if she was able to come up with a re-breather and a translation device for Kr'anri. Whilst I put things in motion with registering Kr'anri as a student of mine and sorting out the paperwork associated with this procedure, Techna Ology, after confirming her relative availability and her ample desire to assist, transported a few Delta members and Kr'anri to her Moon Base Labs.

Deadly Exhalation!Deadly Exhalation! Part 2

However my main focus once I had contacted the necessary people, was dealing with PSI. Through the ‘teaching’ that Kr'anri had undergone, it had unknowingly inflicted unnecessary and fairly extensive damage to Kr'anri’s psyche by teaching her a certain skill, namely the “PSI Death Strike” which had largely suppressed her natural precognitive abilities to a mere whisper of their former strength. Together with Delta we confronted both Medusa and eventually Mind Slayer. During these encounters it was fairly apparent through mere observation that Kr'anri had very little control or tactics when it came to combat, much to the concern of Vitality and myself. After dealing with both Medusa and Mind Slayer, I set a date to meet with Delta to discuss where things were going to go from here with regards to Kr'anri.

Joining Delta- SUMMERSTONE ACADEMY FILES - Mentella's Notes

During the subsequent meeting with Cavalier, Vitality and Dawn; we discussed at length Kr'anri's state of mind, her abilities and what could be done to decrease her chances of becoming a liability if she were to join DELTA. I stated the options that Kr'anri was able to take, one of which consisted of me teaching her on a "fast track" course in a similar fashion to Joule and adjusting her thinking over a course of time, in order for her to exist in a group like DELTA. This idea was well received and I began to set things in motion which would allow me to fit Kr'anri in before and during the normal teaching time at The Summerstone Academy.

I mentioned the issue of Kr'anri's psychic death strike ability. I explained that it was essentially a kill skill, and that given the opportunity she will use it in combat. After much discussion, DELTA sat comfortably with the idea that I would perform a psychic surgery of sorts, removing memories connected to that particular skill as well as the information on how to actually perform it.

A week after the initial meeting with Delta, the essential paper work came through and Kr’anri was officially a student at my Academy. My first task was to re-educate Kr’anri to rid her of the killing attack she had learned whilst at PSI. During these corrective sessions it became apparent that this ability she had been taught was crudely uploaded into her mind, as a result she has some level of damage to her psyche. The skill she had been taught demanded a high percentage of her available psychic energy and had damaged connections to her precognitive abilities, severely diminishing them each time she utilized the skill. This left her with a whisper of her original precognitive ability. I performed a three hour psychic surgery to remove the skill and repair the damage done.

Over the coming weeks I taught Kr'anri how to construct her own mental defenses, and taught Kr'anri how to exert control over her instinctual telepathy. My intention was to teach her a level of control that would prevent her from being a severe liability to DELTA (as I was aware that this opportunity would be a positive one for Kr'anri) in the field and could exist within her mind whilst still preserving her personality and sense of self as an instinctual being.

After learning control over her abilities and having built mental defenses, I then introduced Kr'anri to the Summerstone Academy program and associated students. As a fast track student, Kr'anri was mainly with a very select group of students, two of whom were, PsychBlade and Solaris. Despite the fact that Kr'anri was being taught, it should be noted that her ability to utilize her telepathic abilities was present and relatively well formed, albeit lacking in control. Needless to say, Kr'anri's ability to assimilate information and apply it was as expected. Under my guidance, she quickly learnt to control her abilities in a less instinctual way. After assessing her combat ability, survival skills and mental defenses via The Combat Simulator, it was determined that she was indeed ready. A good score was achieved and I contacted DELTA letting them know, Kr'anri was ready to join them.

In time Kr'anri was accepted into Delta as a full time member. As a fast track student who I was aware was undergoing some issues with adjusting to the more conventional way to live and eat on Earth, Kr'anri and I regularly had sessions in which I helped her to offload and offered her to take advantage of my counseling skills. She often attends Black Diamond’s combat training and for a short while was a lab assistant to Techna Ology.

Delta - SUMMERSTONE ACADEMY FILES - Mentella's Notes

Whilst she has settled into Delta relatively well and gets along with her fellow team members, Kr'anri has forged a close friendship with fellow team mate Cavalier. Their friendship stemmed purely from the sheer enjoyment of each others company, Kr'anri and Cavalier are usually seen fighting alongside one another and hanging out with one another. As her fighting style changed over time it seems to have only increased the finesse and fluid fashion in which these two work together in the field. She enjoys his company and seemed to warm to him even before she could communicate with him properly. Their relationship has often been likened to one of a brother and sister.

Kr'anri enjoys working with Delta and has enlightened as she continues to learn about Delta, social interaction and friendships. She has taken to the occasional teasing of Sarge through observation of Cavalier doing the same and seems to be adept with setting up tricks or pranks after spending some time with Solaris.

Since joining Delta, Kr'anri has also worked alongside her team mates to great effect and has assisted in thwarting an invasion attempt by a hostile alien race amongst other things.

The Vanguard of Therax-Prime

Delta first encounter the mighty Theraxian Vanguard and quickly discover their plans to take over the planet and claim it as their own. The events were recorded:

Encountering the Vanguard of Therax-Prime

Falling into the Theraxians Trap

Falling into the Theraxians Trap - Part 2

Powers and Abilities - SUMMERSTONE ACADEMY FILES - Mentella's Notes

Teaching Notes for 2014

Student Ref: PR-892-40X

Name: Anri Kr'(pronounced Kr'- an -ri)

Kr'anri was born as a member of the Shia'arkari caste. The Shia'arkari were instinctual telepaths who utilized raw mental energy to attack and trick their targets and were adept at using their psychic abilities to defend themselves, primarily via the usage of psychic shadowing techniques to perform sneak attacks. They are also able to generate illusions.

Initially Kr'anri was both precognitive and telepathic, however due to certain developments:

- Psyche Fusion

- Psyche Fusion - Part 2

Kr'anri no longer fully displays the abilities of a Shia'arkari. Whilst she is still genetically a Shia'arkari, she presents with some of the abilities of both The Prosai and The Ep'fertuae.


Kr'anri's telepathy at one stage was one of her primary attributes however with the aforementioned events, necessary changes occurred which stripped her of some of her raw telepathic power. Despite this Kr'anri is capable of a variety of telepathic feats.

  • Image Projection
  • Broadcasting of thoughts and receiving of thoughts
  • Psychic Shielding
  • Psychic Attack
  • Astral Projection
  • Psychic Shadow

Kr'anri is capable of communicating with humans using her ability to project semantic images to the mind of another. Through this Kr'anri is able to communicate on a telepathic level with her teammates. She is also able to project memories or "videos" to get her point across. During her training I found that she was without any form of psychic shielding, basically leaving the protection of her mind to instinct. Needless to say I insisted on teaching her to create psychic shields for her own protection. It took some time for her to create shields and get into the habit of keeping her shields active, but thankfully Kr'anri is able to shield herself when necessary.

Whilst her psychic attacks are not as potent as they once were, they are powerful enough to cause significant harm to her foes and can dampen their ability to fight. She has also been taught how to achieve astral projection and fight on the astral plane.

Kr'anri also retained the ability to mask her presence from her enemies by utilizing a psychic shadow. She is a capable psychic in her own right and can detect minds within a 70ft radius.

Psychokinetic Construct Generation

The Ep'fertuae's main ability was the ability to generate deadly psychokinetic weapons and use psychokinetic blasts and shields to their advantage. They were lethal and highly efficient Prosythian warriors. After the aforementioned events, Kr'anri was able to inherit this ability from another caste due to the necessary psychic merge between herself and the Prosythian Hive Mind.

Kr'anri's psychokinetic ability is a relatively new ability and manifests as the ability to generate psychokinetic weaponry, which is capable of slicing through a multitude of materials, she primarily uses this ability to attack her foes with powerful psychokinetic weapons. Kr'anri prefers to use psychokinetic claws which can be fashioned to literally rip apart her opponents with solidly constructed psychokinetic weaponry and thus having a very physical effect.

Her psychokinetic claws manifest as light blue claw extensions which cover her hand almost like a psychokinetic gauntlet of sorts. Kr'anri is able to modify them in length, width and sharpness to suit her needs.

Despite the primary manifestation of her ability being psychokinetic construct generation, Kr'anri has other less prominent psychokinetic abilities:

  • Psionic Levitation - The ability to lift herself into the air and can fly for as long as she can sustain the psychokinetic field.
  • Psionic Movement - Kr'anri can increase her agility and movement speed using a subtle telekinetic field.
  • Telekinetic grasp - Kr'anri can use her telekinetic power to reach out and bring objects within a 50ft radius close to her.

Kr'anri does not always use her other psychokinetic abilities, simply because she prefers to fight in a similar manner to Cavalier, so she likes to use close combat weaponry.


As a Shia'arkari (which translated means 'Hunter'), Kr'anri has always possessed the ability to see future events in some capacity. Before encountering PSI, according to her memories, Kr'anri and those of her caste were able to see more 'immediate' futures. As a result this could be viewed as more of an 'active precognition'; this allowed them to deftly avoid incoming attacks at various ranges.

This was an ability that was severely damaged when she came into contact with PSI. I was able to repair the damage to her psyche but the loss of raw psychic energy lowered the power behind the skill and would take time for Kr'anri and I to fully restore as it was not something which could be fixed by one or two psychic surgery sessions. So it was an ongoing process, as time went on her precognitive ability did return to half strength and her combat rating did improve somewhat.

After the psychic merge, Kr'anri benefitted in more ways than one. Not only was I assist her, but the inheritance of extra abilities at the cost of some of her telepathic power not only fully reactivated her Precognitive powers but also granted her a portion of enhanced precognition from The Prosai.

Kr'anri's precognitive abilities can be divided into two main categories:

Active Precognition

Kr'anri is able to perceive or be alerted to immediate danger, this ability is conscious and allows her to avoid incoming attacks. She utilizes this ability in combat for defensive purposes as well as to effectively battle her opponents. Despite this, Kr'anri must actively work alongside her precognition to successfully avoid harm. This form of her precognitive ability works at its best the further she is from a target.

Passive Precognition

Kr'anri also has an enhanced precognitive ability derived from The Prosai. With this ability it allows her to see fixed points in time, which cannot be altered and simply have to happen. This was determined after a few tests with CharmCaster who has the ability to access time streams; Kr'anri was able to foresee events happening at fixed points in time. This form of her precognition is passive, she is unable to control when she is shown the future. As a result she tries her best to either memorize what she is shown OR make sure she tells someone as soon as possible.

Due to its random nature, Kr'anri does her best to be prepared for her 'visions', whether in the field or at her leisure.


Another Prosai ability was the power to gain information about an object, person, location or physical event through means other than the conventional means or using her physical senses. Kr'anri can provide information about objects or people which otherwise would be difficult to discover.

Despite the fact that this is a highly useful skill, Kr'anri has not yet utilized during her time with Delta. Reasons for this may be because of the high level of concentration required and the time it can take to gain information.

Limitations - SUMMERSTONE ACADEMY FILES - Mentella's Notes



  • Kr' is her family name, Anri is her personal name. However much like certain cultures on Earth, the family or surname is placed before the personal/given name. However she pronounces her name as 'Kr'anri'.
  • Kr'anri does not understand the verbal thought of humans, but overcomes this by communicating through image projection when communicating with her human allies.
  • Kr'anri can intercept, communicate and translate Qularr telepathy.
  • She is able to use her translator to speak in a number of alien and terrestrial languages.
  • Kr'anri enjoys snacking on 'Perga' a seafood delicacy from her past.
  • Kr'anri is capable of consulting with the psychic echoes of deceased Prosythians via access to the Prosythian Hive Mind.
  • She is a fast learner with the ability to process information and apply it if necessary.


  • "Kr'anri is not amused."
  • "Kr'anri says bad bugs are tasty!"
  • "Kr'anri knows these words."
  • "Kr'anri wants to know...Where is Sarge's fur for his head?"
  • "Come on! Stop trying to hit Kr'anri, and HIT Kr'anri!"

Personal Likes/Interests

  • Kr'anri enjoys working with Delta.
  • She is curious and interested in life on Earth and learns something new everyday as she works with Delta.
  • Kr'anri enjoys taunting enemies who fail to hit her due to her Precognitive ability.


  • Kr'anri hates the Qularr and has no qualms about attacking and sometimes snacking on them.
  • Being ignored, overlooked or treated like a child.
  • Being called a pet.


Personality Assessment - Anri Kr' (Kr'anri)

Assessment Completed By: Dr. M. Summerstone

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