Dr. Kaufmann

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"First, do no harm."

Dr. Pascal Hugo Kaufmann. The Doctor. The Physician of Death. The Silver Scalpel. The Surgeon General. Dr. Leech. Medicus. He was an infamous, almost legendary assassin operating all over the world. Armed with modern technology, intelligence, skill and medical knowledge he carved out his place in the international community of superheroes and supervillains. Then he disappeared. Almost one year passed and many seem to have forgotten the once feared physician. Now he is back.

Dr. Kaufmann
Player: @kampfykaufmann
The Doctor - Title.jpg
"Trust me. I'm a doctor."
Biographical Data
Real Name: Dr. Pascal Hugo Kaufmann
Known Aliases: The Doctor, Silver Scalpel, the Surgeon General, Dr. Leech, Medicus, Dr. Hugo M. Locke
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Place of Birth: Unknown (suspected to be Germany)
Base of Operations: Millenium City, USA
Relatives: Unknown
Age: Unknown (seems to be in his mid-30s)
Height: 6.1 "
Weight: 195 lbs
Eyes: Dark Brown
Hair: Black
Complexion: Pale
Physical Build: Athletic
Physical Features:
  • White stripe in his black hair
  • Heavily tattooed
  • Unnatural veins on his neck
  • Bloodshot eyes

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Identity: Secret
Years Active: Unknown
Citizenship: Various (through fake identities)
Occupation: Gang leader, arms dealer, criminal mastermind
Education: Unknown (claims to be a medical doctor)
Marital Status: Unknown
Known Powers and Abilities

  • Excellent physical condition
  • Skilled marksman
  • Skilled hand-to-hand combatant
  • Master assassin
  • Medical expert

Equipment and Paraphernalia

  • Customized handgun
  • Customized sword cane
  • Various kinds of poisons, chemicals and combat drugs
  • Multi-purpose explosives
  • Personal VTOL gunship
  • Other minor equipment (depending on the situation)

Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBoxSlim created by @Maekada


"I've switched to business casual." - The Doctor

Dr. Kaufmann has changed since he suddenly re-appeared in Millenium City. He has cut his black hair short, shaved the sides and usually has the rest slicked back. The large streak of white running through his hair have been joined by some streaks of gray. He is still very pale and seems to have visibly aged in the past year. The dark circles under his eyes and the highly visible veins on his neck remain, suggesting that he still has quite unhealthy living and sleeping habits. Additionally a rather grisly scar is visible on his neck from when a vampire tried to take a bite out of it during the attack of the vampire lord Adrian Arkwright on Millenium City. He has acquired a large number of tattoos covering his torso and arms over the past year, the most prominent being letters on his knuckles spelling the phrase DON'T HARM.

His usual outfit consists of a white dress shirt with a black vest above it, along with black dress pants, both made of a special reinforced nanoweave fabric which allows these clothes to withstand certain amounts of kinetic force. Underneath it he wears a state-of-the-arts kevlar vest for additional protection. Additionally he wears fingerless gloves made of black leather and black dress shoes with a special sound-dampening sole, metal tips and a hidden spring-loaded blade for emergency use. He has switched from his trademark sunglasses to small round glasses with crimson-tinted lenses. However these glasses are still equipped with an uplink to a combat HUD, target identification software and several switchable vision modes. Made from special reinforced materials prevent them from breaking easily in combat. He usually completes his outfit with a crimson-red tie, preferring to leave it casually half-undone.

On his right leg he wears the holster for his customized handgun and he is now rarely seen without his walking cane. When expecting trouble he is known to strap additional holsters and pockets for equipment on his upper arms. In the colder months of the year he also sometimes wears long dark trenchcoats with many hidden pockets to store additional equipment.


"Guess who's back, back again, I am back, killed your friend." - The Doctor

Dr. Kaufmann was already an enigma before he mysteriously vanished for a whole year. About 6 years ago, he suddenly showed up in Millenium City, starting to sell his skills and talents to the highest bidder. Digging any deeper has not produced any reliable information but rather rumors and contradicting stories. Some claim to have evidence that he is the result of an government project of the GDR of East Germany with the goal of creating the perfect secret operative, which was abandoned shortly before the Berlin Wall fell. Another story points to a small (and now mysteriously wiped out) clan of vampires which haunted the German-Austrian border during the 1980s. According to a retired vampire hunter, said clan exiled a fledgling vampire after discovering that he could endure sunlight and lacked other typical vampiric weaknesses. Yet another story points to the destruction of Berlin by Dr. Destroyer. As rumors go, one simple physician snapped during the mayhem and started killing the injured superheroes given into his care for not being able to protect his family from Dr. Destroyer's robotic legions.

During his active years in Millenium City, Dr. Kaufmann worked with and against many different superheroes and supervillains, managing to survive in a superpowered world through cunning, skill and calculated ruthlessness. He is responsible for the murder of 7 superheroes and supervillains and the prime suspect in at least 13 more murders, along with a rather extensive list of other crimes ranging from burglary to terrorism. Despite the best efforts of local law enforcement and various superheroes, Dr. Kaufmann has never been detained for longer than a few days and evidence linking him to many crimes has mysteriously vanished, causing many to suspect that he has one or even several influential allies or sponsors. Dr. Kaufmann's last confirmed sighting before his disappearance was at the Millenium City airport when he boarded a private jet to Canada. A list of Dr. Kaufmann's most infamous accomplishments and suspected victims can be found below.

Activities before disappearance

  • Westside, Millenium City: A bomb threat of considerable magnitude caused the city administration to send a team of heroes to investigate and prevent the worst. The heroes managed to track down the source of the threat and had to fight through a warehouse full of deadly traps and remote-controlled combat drones, before managing to confront the masked terrorist. In a close battle they managed to defeat and capture him, but before they could unmask him he revealed the location of his bombs: All over the city and already activated. The heroes had to split up to disarm each one in time. When they returned to the warehouse the mysterious terrorist had disappeared. Some of the heroes claim that the voice of the terrorist was very similar to the Doctor's.
  • Westside Central Prison, Millenium City: Dr. Kaufmann is the prime suspect in the murder of the supervillain Blaster. Several of the assigned prison guards had complained about a number of incidents including technological malfunctions, unusually rowdy inmates and missing equipment, which kept them occupied with menial tasks and paperwork almost the whole night. Blaster was found in the morning in his still locked cell with his throat slit.
  • Project Greenskin, New Mexico: After the infamous German supervillain Offizier 99 tried to steal US nuclear weapons and had been stopped and captured by the US superhero Supreme, a prisoner transport was scheduled to bring Offizier 99 from Project Greenskin to Stronghold. Supreme himself escorted the convoy, which unfortunately never made it to Stronghold. A team of unknown but highly trained black ops soldiers under the leadership of someone resembling the Doctor attacked the convoy, freed Offizier 99 and disappeared with the supervillain. Supreme died in the attack from a precise shot to the head with a bullet coated with kendrium.
  • Millenium City Convention Center, Millenium City: Witnesses claim that the Doctor was sighted in the crowd during a presentation of cybernetics and prosthetics mogul George Verner during which he was to attempt his company's latest breakthrough in cybernetic spines. The gala was crashed by supervillainess Litany, who the Doctor allegedly helped fighting off. He disappeared together with a team of unknown black ops soldiers after relaying a message to George Verner. Mr. Verner still refuses to disclose the nature of the message.
  • Duskview Apartment Complex, Millenium City: The Doctor allegedly helped a group of heroes investigate the disappearance of a SWAT team in the Duskview Apartment Complex of Westside and battled the responsible supervillainess Spiderling together with the heroes. He disappeared just like Spiderling herself after an explosion brought down half of the building before further law enforcement personnel could arrive. Neither Spiderling's nor the Doctor's body was found in the ruins.
  • Renaissance Center, Millenium City: During one of Dr. Destroyer's recent attacks on Millenium City, the Doctor - together with several unknown black ops soldiers - has been seen in a black helicopter circling over a battle of several superheroes against one of Dr. Destroyer's Mega-Destroids. He has allegedly participated in the battle on the side of the heroes, taking several shots at one of the Mega-Destroids with a sniper rifle out of the helicopter.
  • City Center, Millenium City: The Doctor is suspected to be involved with an instance of unusual energy readings that occured here. A group of heroes was sent to investigate those unusual spikes of dimensional energy near City Hall (Maxwell Ave.). Upon arriving at the site of the latest energy spike, the group of heroes disappeared and could not be found in any way, magical or technological. An hour later the group appeared again in the same spot and the energy spikes stopped. Witnesses claim to have seen the Doctor in the area, but his involvement is still arguable, since the heroes have no memory of the time they 'disappeared'.
  • Old Detroit Memorial Park, Millenium City: The Doctor is the prime suspect in the double murder of the superhero Captain Eagle and his sidekick Girlscout II. Captain Eagle and Girlscout II have been found dead (blasted with thermobaric explosives and shot in the head respectively) in the area after their vehicle, the Patriot Plane, had been shot down by an unknown attacker using a thermobaric missile launcher.
  • Westside, Millenium City: According to witnesses, the leader of a group of VIPER agents responsible for a hostage situation near Carl's Gym had a striking resemblance to the Doctor. The group of agents assaulted a jewelery store and took the girlfriend of a well-known and highly popular superhero hostage, while her boyfriend was trapped in the sewers of the city during an investigation after several hidden explosives went off. A group of unaffiliated heroes managed to free the hostage, but the group of VIPER operatives managed to escape. NOTE: The hostage's boyfriend was involved with the investigation of the above mentioned double murder of Captain Eagle and his sidekick.
  • Place de la Concorde, Paris: The Doctor is the prime suspect in the murder of the French superhero Solar. Solar was to hold a speech about the importance of metahumans and baseline humans working together in harmony as part of festivities spanning several days. He died in the middle of his speech from an until then unknown poison in his drink. A member of the catering service for the event was later found unconscious and tied up in his apartment in one of Paris' suburbs.
  • Ionizer HQ, Neo-Tokio: The Doctor is the prime suspect in the murder of the Japanese superhero Ionizer. After Ionizer had battled against multiple unknown attackers in several areas of Neo-Tokio and investigated a rather large fire in the warehouse district, he was found poisoned and with various severe bone fractures just outside of his partly destroyed HQ on the outskirts of the city.
  • Rivertown, Millenium City: The Doctor is the prime suspect in the murder of the industrial magnate Cornelius Preston AKA the retired superhero Forgemaster and the disappearance of his daughter Alice Preston. Cornelius Preston was found dead in his luxury mansion in the neighbourhood of Rivertown. No signs of forced entrance or other evidence has been found. Alice Preston is still missing.
  • PRIMUS Quarantine Zone, San Francisco: During the outbreak of an unknown virus with mutagenic properties in the San Francisco Bay Area, the Doctor has allegedly infiltrated the PRIMUS quarantine zone disguised as a FEMA special agent. After the outbreak had been contained, PRIMUS officials discovered that blood samples of infected individuals as well a batch of the vaccine had been stolen in the confusion.
  • Downtown, Millenium City: The Doctor has been sighted during a kaiju attack on Downtown. Witnesses claim that he observed the battle between the giant monsters emerging from the Detroit River and several superheroes. He also occasionally contributed with precision attacks to help tip the battle in favor of the heroes. After the kaiju were driven away, he disappeared and a thorough search of the area provided PRIMUS investigators with no clue regarding his involvement.
  • Halcyon R&D Facility, Canadian Wilderness: According to underworld rumors the Doctor has been participating in an attack on a R&D facility of Halcyon Industries in a remote area of Canada together with several other supervillains. The attack cost most of the guards and personnel their lifes, utterly destroyed the facility and unleashed a gigantic monster of unknown species onto the nearby forests. While the threat of the monster was later neutralized by a team of dedicated heroes, the purpose of the attack, the nature of Halcyon Industries' research at the site and the Doctor's exact involvement in the affair is still unknown.
  • Las Vegas, Nevada: The Doctor is one of the prime suspects for the massacre that took place during the wedding of Las Vegas superhero Chevalier and his bride Melissa Wyatt. Both bride and groom were found killed in the garage of the Seraph Gate Hotel and Casino after several fights between two unknown assailants, Chevalier, his best friend and Las Vegas vigilante Night Stalker and the security personnel broke out. The couple seems to have been killed by Chevalier's own questionite saber. Both assailants fled the scene unimpeded and Night Stalker has also disappeared since then. Investigation by the local authorities show an entry in the guest list of the wedding: Dr. Hugo M. Locke.

Activities after disappearance

  • Graham Industrial Facility, Millenium City: A surprise attack on the Graham Industrial facility by a mysterious group of white-clad soldiers led to chaotic battle, as the unknown attackers, a large group of Maniacs, two of Millenium City's heroes and Graham Industrial's security forces clashed on the company's property. Witnesses report that the leader of the unknown soldiers identified himself as the Doctor towards one of the heroes. Even though the combined forces of heroes and security personnel managed to prevent the situation from getting out of hand, the Doctor and his forces managed to escape with several samples of potentially dangerous chemicals via a cloaked VTOL gunship.
  • Westside, Millenium City / Monastery of the Order of the Mutilated Saint, Romania: During the attack of the ancient vampire lord Adrian Arkwright on Millenium City, the Doctor and his gang settled on an uneasy truce with the city's heroes to help stem the tide of Arkwright's legions and help clean the streets of the magical drug called the Thirst, he used to infect the people and increase his own power. The Doctor and his gang - along with members of several other criminal organizations he managed to convince - helped to defend Westside and its population against the vampiric onslaught. According to rumors the Doctor was also sent on a secret mission to Romania along with several heroes to retrieve an ancient artifact which proved to be crucial in Arkwright's defeat. As usual, the Doctor and his troops disappeared shortly after the crisis was over.
  • Westside, Millenium City: Using intel gained during Adrian Arkwright's attack on Millenium City, the Doctor exposed the identities of the collaborateurs the vampire lord used to distribute the Thirst. The people of Westside - assissted by a team of vigilantes calling themselves the Justiciars - reacted to this information by rioting and forming a lynch mob for these dealers (the Doctor's competition in the drug trade). If not for a team of dedicated heroes, the dealers would have been publically executed by the mob. The heroes managed to talk down the Justiciars and by extent the mob. Afterwards a member of the Justiciars - Jury - helped the heroes track down the source of the propaganda the Doctor had used to rile up the public. However when they infiltrated the abandoned printing company the Doctor had used as his base of operations, the only thing they did find was a hologram of the Doctor taunting them and siccing a vampire he had captured during Arkwright's attack and subsequently 'improved' via drugs on them. Unfortunately the creature managed to kill Jury before the team of heroes managed to destroy it. Even though the riots were stopped and Millenium City was safe again, the Doctor managed to escape once more.
  • Airspace near Iwo Jima, Pacific Ocean: The Doctor was responsible for organizing the breakout of the infamous mercenary Killshot from PRIMUS custody. Killshot was to be transported to a high-security facility in Australia via a PRIMUS aircraft. Said aircraft was to meet the UNTIL Heli-Carrier Helsinki near Iwo Jima and subsequently accompany it to Sydney. However the aircraft was hijacked by a group of villains and Killshot was freed. Even though the Helsinki managed to intercept in time, the villains escaped custody together with Killshot via a VTOL clearly identified as the Predator, the Doctor's personal aircraft. During the breakout, the Helsinki was heavily damaged and the heroine Lady Scout lost her life when she engaged the Predator with her own aircraft.
  • St. Jameson Docks, Westside: The Doctor and a large group of Men In White were seen assaulting a private freighter on the St. Jameson Docks. A vicious shootout between the Men In White and a group of black-clad paramilitary personnel defending the freighter broke out. A team of heroes investigating the disturbance was able to break up the fight, only to discover that the freighter contained a massive shipment of drugs, weapons and other illegal goods. The heroes were also attacked by the Chinese terrorist supervillain Xing Tian, who apparently tried to protect said shipment. While the team of heroes managed to defeat Xing Tian and his men and secure the freighter, the Doctor's involvement with Xing Tian and his mysterious employer, the Golden Dragon remains unclear. The Doctor and the Men In White managed to leave the scene shortly after Xing Tian was apprehended.

Suspected Victims


"People say I'm condescending. That means I talk down to people." - The Doctor

The first and most important thing to know about the Doctor's personality is that he thinks he is better than you and anyone else he does not consider his equal in skill, intelligence or simply style. How he expresses that depends on the situation however. Sometimes he will be utterly professional and stoic to show you how childish and laughable he finds you at the moment. At other times all you will get out of him will be smug smiles and empty small talk, like you are not even worth a serious conversation. And sometimes every second sentence out of his mouth will be a sarcastic comment or snide remark to let you know exactly what he thinks of you. And that's the Doctor on a good day.

He also has rather extreme mood swings which become especially apparent when things do not go his way. Cool and consummate professional to throwing temper tantrums that would even make Grond take a step back can happen from one second to the next. The tendency of the various drugs he consumes on an almost daily basis to affect his psyche makes these changes even more sudden and terrifying. Even though he tries to keep his cool around the few friends and allies he still has, they are not safe from the occasional barb or tongue lashing. In general however he tries to be a rational and benevolent boss to his allies in the Men In White, preferring to reward success instead of punishing failure, except in extreme cases. And even then, the most an incompetent henchman can expect is a rather lenghty tirade, a pay cut and several weeks of boring assignments.

And then there is of course the little but important detail that the Doctor is insane. While he is better than most supervillains at hiding it and keeping his more excentric side in check, there is no doubt that several screws in the Doctor's head are just a bit loose. First there is the above mentioned superiority complex which is directly responsible for his actions as a criminal and scientist: If other people were as skilled and intelligent as he is, they could easily prevent themselves from any harm caused by him and his actions, which means everything that happens to them is their own fault. However, the Doctor understands and accepts the common perceptions of what is right and wrong; he simply chooses to ignore it when it is convenient for him. He has no compulsive need to kill (in fact he prefers not to, as unnecessary deaths clearly show that your plan was not flawless), but absolutely zero qualms about doing so.


"I'd be famous for my deadly skills... If it weren't for my deadly skills." - The Doctor

The Doctor was once among the deadliest assassins on the planet. Even though he has officially left this business, the years of training, experience and skills he learned during this time are still as deadly as ever and together with equipment, resources and manpower of the Men In White make him more than a match for every superhero.

Skills and Abilities

"You are a trained fighter, I'm a trained killer." - The Doctor
  • Genius: The most tragic thing about the Doctor is that he could have put his mind to eradicating most diseases on the planet and suceeded. He is gifted with a level of intelligence rarely seen among non-superpowered individuals. A master of a multitude of disciplines ranging from business administration to pop culture trivia (and of course medicine), the Doctor has the knowledge and skills to deal with almost every problem he encounters with ease. Additionally he is not only book smart, but also able to analyze and react to new situations in record time, outsmarting and outmanouvering his enemies with a level of cunning that borders on precognition.
  • Physical Condition: Years of using and abusing various substances, serums and combat drugs along with his training and experience as an assassin have elevated the Doctor's body close to what could be considered superhuman. His strength, endurance, speed and are easily on par with every olympic athlete and in comination with his razor-sharp mind, this allows him incredible feats of precision, accuracy and agility. Deflecting bullets with his sword, easily gaining the upper hand against multiple opponents in close combat or moving before the opponent can even perceive the movement are no bigger deal for the Doctor than walking up a set of stairs is for a normal person.
  • Martial Training: The Doctor prefers the quick, precise shot of a sniper rifle or the subtle, clean work of a well-placed glass of poisoned water or - the best option - having someone else do his fighting for him. However this has never stopped him from getting his own hands dirty if necessary and he has the training and skills to do so. While he has not mastered a multitude of different martial arts like other superheroes or supervillains, those few that he actively uses, he has mastered to an impressive degree. His first choice in combat is his sword cane, with which he utilizes Bartitsu, Savate and modern Fencing. Should he lose his cane, he prefers to use knives through Krav Maga and Brazilian Knife Fighting. His extensive knowledge of the human body as well as his assassin training allows him to target weak spots efficiently and incapacitate or kill with a few well placed strikes. Finally, years of experience in the criminal underworld have taught him a variety of dirty tricks and underhanded tactics he is not afraid to use in a fight. Kicking a downed opponent, going for the eyes or kicking a girl in the crotch are by no means beneath him.
  • Assassin Experience: On account of having worked in one of the most dangerous businesses for years, the Doctor has learned a variety of deadly skills. He has vast experience in using a variety of common and less common weapons, from handguns to throwing knives. He also has extensive knowledge of nearly every aspect of stealth operations, including espionage, disguises, surveillance, infiltration, exfiltration, crime evasion, assassination and how to mix a damn good martini. Finally, evading the authorities for so long has given him insight into modern criminological methods, allowing him to use a combination of his intellect and his knowledge about crime scene investigation and forensic medicine to conceil his tracks and deceive his pursuers. He can make any kill look like a suicide or unfortunate accident.
  • Master Tactician: His genius inellect allows the Doctor to quickly assess any situation, analyze it, compare the possible outcomes and choose the most appropriate plan of action. This skill gives him an edge in many situations. Outside of combat, the Doctor is able to stay one step ahead of his enemies, easily coming up with backup plans and ensuring that even unfortunate situations still have some benefit to him. On the negotiating table it is almost impossible to pin him down as he makes sure that he always has some sort of bargaining chip at the ready. And finally on the battlefield this allows him efficiently use his enemies' physical, mental or emotional weaknesses against them.
  • Medical Expert: The Doctor - true to his chosen codename - is an expert in all things medical. As a trained physician and surgeon, he can heal and treat diseases and injuries as efficiently as he can cause them and his scalpel skill has ended just as many lifes as it has safed. His expertise in the many fields of life sciences allow him to develop, improve and utilize many different kinds of drugs, poisons, diseases and other substances.

Weapons and Equipment

"Today I think I'll use the shotgun. Inform the dry cleaner's." - The Doctor
  • The Cane: While he most definately does not need it, the Doctor is rarely seen without his cane since he re-appeared in Millenium City. It is a black walking cane with a silvery handle made of an extremely sturdy material, which would already be an effective weapon in itself. However, by simply twisting the handle while pressing a button on the cane, the Doctor can reveal its true purpose. Inside is a sword resembling a saber made of cryogenically treated Damascus steel coated by a fine layer of questionite dust. Said saber has been perfectly balanced for the Doctor, making it a highly deadly weapon in his hands. Additionally a second button on the cane itself activates a high-voltage electric charge on the tip, turning it into a powerful shock baton. The Doctor can dual-wield both sword and shock baton at the same time for maximum pain.
  • The Revolver: During his transition from assassin to kingpin, the Doctor realized that despite their efficiency his silenced handguns did not have the necessary intimidation potential a drug lord would need in his personal weapon. This gun is his attempt to remedy that. A highly upgraded and modified Taurus Raging Bull 500, this monster of a gun is definately not something anybody would want to have pointed at their face. Underworld weaponsmith Wayland Talos has almost completely redesigned it to be the pinnacle of handheld kinetic firepower. This weapon is powerful enough to blow the heads of normal humans clear off and can even punch very nasty holes into werewolves and other highly resilient targets while still maintaining acceptable accuracy and recoil.
  • The Knife: During his time as an assassin, knives were the Doctor's melee weapons of choice. Eager to not let his skills and experience go to waste, the Doctor still uses his old knife as a secondary melee weapon if his cane is not available or simply a bad choice for the situation. Said knife resembles a traditional bowie knife, but like his cane sword its blade has been cryogenically treated and coated with a fine layer of questionite dust, making it both highly resilient and extremely deadly. The Doctor usually carries it hidden under his clothes as a surprise for those who think they have disarmed him.
  • The Doctor's Bag: The Doctor's Bag is just that. A small bag of black leather which the Doctor usually carries at his belt. It is filled with all kinds of medical equipment which could prove useful on the battlefield. From staples like painkillers, bandages and suture to the more exotic like cryogenically treated scalpels (can and have been used as a weapon of last resort), syringes filled with various poisons and a variety of combat drugs; all that and more can be found in the Doctor's Bag, depending on what is required by the situation at hand. A list of the Doctor's staple poisons and combat drugs can be found below.
  • Multi-purpose Explosives: Old habits die hard. His days as an assassin have taught the Doctor that having a few explosives with you at all times is never a bad idea, if just for the intimidating effect. These explosives - crafted by Wayland Talos - take the shape of black spheres roughly the size of an orange. They carry a special fordite charge with impressive destructive power, even against heavily defended targets. A small interface linked to his cell phone allows the Doctor to choose the type of explosive (grenade, mine, remote-triggered bomb) as well as adjust detonation force and timer.
  • Microfilament Wires: Described as the 'duct tape of assassins' by the Doctor himself, microfilament wires have been a part of his arsenal for a long time. Incredibly sharp, extremely durable and almost invisible under the right conditions these wires can be used for a multitude of purposes. The Doctor has been seen using them as a garrote, whip or to set up insidious traps. He keeps them on a coil hidden under his vest. His gloves can emit a weak magnetic field, which allows him to handle the deadly wires without danger of hurting himself.
  • Nanoweave Clothing: On top of being incredibly stylish, almost all of the Doctor's outfits are made of a reinforced nanoweave fabric, which hardens for split-seconds in response to kinetic force, giving it protective properties on par of light body armor. For additional protection of vital organs, the Doctor wears a state-of-the-art Regor Plastic kevlar vest beneath. Additionally the clothes have limited thermal regulation abilities, allowing them to be worn in moderately hot or cold environments. Extreme temperatures however still require him to wear specialized clothing. They also house numerous pockets and secret compartments to hold additional equipment and weapons. His gloves are of a resilient black leather and reinforced with tiny compartments of metal to protect his hands and give his punches just a bit more force. His shoes are also made of the same black leather, but with special sound-dampening soles, metal tips for painful kicks and hidden spring loaded blades, just in case.
  • Combat Glasses: These crimson-tinted glasses are a marvel of technology (and style). They are equipped with magnifying properties, an advanced combat HUD with uplink to the Men In White's databases, target identification and analysis software and several vision modes (including night and thermal vision). They are made from a reinforced material, preventing them from breaking easily in combat situations. The Doctor has several different designs, purely for style.
  • Improved Cell Phone: While many superheroes and supervillains prefer wrist computers, the Doctor has never been able to warm up to them. Instead he has paid the super-hacker Ixion to improve a standard business blackberry in numerous ways. Heavy encryption software and an unique, almost hack-proof operating system allow it operate flawlessly, even in combat situations. In turn it features a simple AI able to bypass standard security protocolls for hacking tasks, has a GPS uplink, encrypted access to the Men In White's databases and a secure web-browser on top of all the other features of the latest generation of smart phones. The Doctor can also use it to remotely control certain pieces of his equipment (for example, detonate his explosives).
  • The Predator: The Doctor likes to travel in style. While he prefers a black Cadillac XTS for ground travel, the Predator - an advanced VTOL gunship of unknown design and manufacture - is his choice for air travel. An outer hull of a kendrium/teflon alloy over lightweight but sturdy materials gives it unparalleled mobility while still keeping it very durable. A emergency forcefield can boost its defensive capabilities even further by re-routing energy from other systems. An advanced onboard AI as well as telemtric and target identification and analysis software help the pilot to utilize the Predator's capabilities to their fullest. Two front-mounted 20mm autocannons, two missile pods under the wings capable of simultanously firing up to 8 missiles of different kinds (the usual loadout are thermobaric missiles) and one heavy 60 mm cannon capable of firing incendiary tungsten-carbide rounds make up its offensive potential. Finally it is equipped with advanced holographic cloaking technology, allowing it to move nearly undetected. It is capable of transporting up to 6 persons comfortably (including the pilot). As the Doctor's personal vehicle it is of course equipped with several luxuries inside including leather seats, a plasma screen and a well-stocked mini-bar. It is usually piloted by the Doctor's own driver and pilot Frederick Wilson, codename Hermes. Unfortunately it didn't come in white.
  • Dirty Tricks: In addition to all its other equipment, the Doctor has some sinister surprises for his enemies up his sleeve.

He has treated his fingertips in a painful procedure with biological acids. They are now completely smooth, leaving no traces at all.

He also recognized the danger of being completely disarmed: Making incisions on suitable parts of his skin, the Doctor was able to insert small pieces of equipment directly under his skin, creating subdermal pockets to hold that item after the wounds healed. He has four of them.

His tie can emit a powerful electric shock in case someone had the smart idea to grab onto such an obvious weak spot in the heat of combat.

The poisons and drugs he carries with him are deliberately labeled wrong. While the Doctor can recognize the various substances he uses in combat by sight and smell alone, his enemies usually cant.

Last but not least, he has rigged almost all of his equipment to explode after certain verbal commands (usually the names of his ex-girlfriends).

Drugs, Poisons and other Substances

"Let's play a game: One of these is a simple saline solution, the other one will melt your bones." - The Doctor

The Doctor's vast medical expertise allows him to create, improve and utilize a wide range of different substances in and outside of combat. Usually he carries them with him in specially prepared stainless steel syringes, but he has also no qualms about using them in the form of pellets or grenades. Below a short list of the Doctor's staple poisons and combat drugs can be found, but he is known to use a far greater variety of common and less common substances.

  • Stranglehold (Poison): Stranglehold, created of a chemically enhanced version of the common poison ivy's toxins is a powerful poison, which causes rapid respiratory shutdown along with painful pharyngal contractions, making it impossible for the target to breathe. It is not unheard of victims of Stranglehold to suffocate in the span of less than a minute.
  • Whiplash (Poison): Whiplash is a chemically enhanced version of the neurotoxin of the box jellyfish. It amplifies nerve conductivity to extreme levels and causes the thermoreceptors of the target to work on overtime, causing such extreme pain that even moving, the feeling of clothing on skin or a light breeze becomes unbearably painful for the target.
  • First Blood (Poison): First Blood saturates the bloodstream of the target with an experimental chemical that causes extensive haemolysis and thins the blood of the target to an extreme level, causing rapid exsanguination. The target's blood runs from every wounds and orifices in a rather horrifying display. In extreme cases complete exsanguination was reached in less than two minutes.
  • Inner Fire (Poison): Based on a similar chemical as First Blood, Inner Fire floods the bloodstream of the target with a chemical that bonds to the targets red blood cells and starts absorbing the oxygen they carry. After absorbing enough oxygen (usually after two to three minutes), they ignite which causes the target to burn out from the inside.
  • Natural Bone Killer (Poison): Naturl Bone Killer utilizes a batch of genetically engineered bacteria with an appetite for calcium, attacking the target's bone structure and causing symptoms similar to extreme cases of osteoporosis. The target's bones start disintegrating inside its body, causing extreme pain, inability to move and finally death by asphyxiation.
Side effects may include paranoia, psychosis, hallucinations and death. Ask your Doctor if Nightmare is the right poison for you.
  • Nightmare (Poison): This artificial neurotoxin hyperstimulates the part of the brain responsible for the fight-or-flight response. The target is overcome by an overwhelming sense of panic and fear without any obvious reason. In some reported cases the psyche of the victim actually invented some sort of dreadful imagery to justify said feelings.
  • Blitz (Combat Drug): This drug comes in the form of small white pills and increases alertness, improves concentration and enhances reaction speed by drastically speeding up the communication between the left and right brain halves. Taken in small doses for short periods of times, it is mostly harmless, but extended use can lead to paranoia and anxiety attacks.
  • Serenity (Combat Drug): This milky, white liquid is a potent cocktail of morphine and amphetamines, which is injected directly into the bloodstream. A single shot of Serenity is enough to surpress the pain from nearly any injury without the side effects usually associated with similar substances. Serenity has to be handled with great care, as it is highly addictive on psychological level.
  • Berserk (Combat Drug): Berserk comes as a clear liquid injected directly, which stimulates the adrenal gland of the user with acetylcholine, causing it to substantially increase the adrenaline production. Users feel an almost instant boost in strength after taking it, along with increased aggressiveness. Berserk is easily overdosed and can lead to fatal heart attacks.
  • Apathy (Combat Drug): Apathy, readily available in the form of small brown pills, saturates muscle fibres with high doses of protein and makes them extraordinarily resistant to the stress and tension of use, allowing the user to exert himself greatly for a certain amount of time. Unfortunately the pain that this drug surpresses comes back in full after the effects wear off.
  • Mind Game (Combat Drug): Mind Game comes as a small bag of blue powder and actually started as a party drug popular with the supervillain community. It hyperstimulates nerve receptors in the brain, causing intense feelings of alertness and greater sensitivity for all known senses, allowing the user to perceive the battlefield (or dancefloor) much more intensively.
  • Liquid Spite (Other): There is no universal solvent, but Liquid Spite comes very close. Held in magnetic suspension in a specially designed syringe, because he has not yet found any container that could hold it, the Doctor uses this incredibly potent acid to dissolve the most heavily secured locks, armors and ultimately metahuman flesh and bone rapidly.
  • Gentle Touch (Other): This healing foam is similar to the healing patches used by the MCPD and many other organizations, but many times more potent. Applied to a wound it hardens to a flexible layer of protection, preventing both infection and bloodloss and stimulating the cells to start the healing process. It can (and should) be easily removed later for further, advanced treatment.
  • Nr. 7 (Other): This substance comes as a spray, which applies an invisible, microscopically thin sheen to user's skin, which is completely impermeable to odours, eliminating the user's presence completely on the olfactory spectrum. The Doctor uses it to escape and/or ambush metahumans known for their highly sensitive noses (typically werewolves and similar).
  • Liquid Stasis (Other): This substance comes as light blue liquid injected directly, which causes a complete but ultimately temporary (and harmless) shutdown of the target's nervous system, brain activities and body functions, making it appear clinically dead for up to three hours or until the antidote is administered. Useful for infiltration purposes or other deceptive manouvers.


"I'm not perfect. Yet." - The Doctor

Despite his own claims, the Doctor is not without weaknesses.

  • Still Human: While he was among the deadliest assassins in the world and has lost little of his edge when since he left that business, the Doctor is - despite all his training and equipment - still ultimately human with all that entails. He has no superpowers, no magic or inherent regenerative abilities. He ages like anyone else and is just as likely to catch a cold than die from a bullet to the head as anyone else. Compared to most metahumans he simply lacks the raw power to go toe to toe with them and is painfully aware of that fact and trying to level the field in every possible way.
  • Declining Health: Ironically the Doctor's own health is a precarious matter. Years of years of abusing the effects of various combat drugs have taken a toll on his body. A healthy man in his 30s with his training and experience would be exponentially more dangerous than the Doctor is currently. In many cases the damage done to his body by overdosing and withdrawal symptoms have proven to be irreversible even for his expertise and his tendency to overwork himself and lead a comparatively unhealthy lifestyle with little sleep, as well as too much alcohol, caffeine and nicotine make these effects only worse.
  • Big Ego: There is no other way to say it: The Doctor is an arrogant bastard. He is incredibly convinced of his own intellectual superiority towards pretty much everyone. He is also not shy to mention and prove this fact if necessary, which makes achieving his goals often more difficult than it has to be. While he is aware of the fact that his megalomaniacal tendencies can be a weakness and tries to keep his ego in check, repeated insults and humiliation at the hands of people he considers inferior can cause him to quickly lose his cool and focus his attention towards complete destruction of the offenders - to the detriment of his other plans.
  • Competitive: Similarily the Doctor relishes the rare moment when he finds somebody he considers a worthy opponent to his intellect, skills and talents. Should he find such a person, he will gleefully test himself time and time again against him or her, even dragging out said competition longer than necessary, because he is certain that it will be a long time until he finds someone worthy again. This arrogance can be easily exploited by those he considers his equal as he is more willing to parley, negotiate and sometimes even help such individuals.
  • A Wanted Man: During his time as an assassin he already made a lot of enemies and this list did not get any shorter when he decided to enter the drug and weapons trade. He is wanted by a multitude of law enforcement agencies in many parts of the world and the fact that he has not yet been captured appears to be a miracle. Additionally the list of his enemies also includes many criminal organizations and individuals and while many of them are still willing to work with him and the Men In White, they would gladly betray him as soon as that course of action is more beneficial to them.

The Men In White

"Ladies and Gentlemen: Showtime." - The Doctor

The Men In White are the Doctor's growing criminal organization. While they are currently mostly operating as a street gang in Westside of Millenium City, they are growing rapidly in both numbers and influence. They are already controlling a rather large part of the drug trade in and around the city and their superior training and equipment as well as their subtle methods and careful planning means that it is only a matter of time before they start being a national or even global threat. MCPD and PRIMUS estimate that they currently have around 100 members and rising. Their recruits usually come from other street gangs, ex-military or ex-law enforcement; the Doctor does not want amateurs in his organization.


Unsurprisingly the Men In White are primarily dressed in white. Unlike many other gangs and similar organizations, the Doctor does not regulate the dress code down to every button. Instead he has presented rough guidelines of what he wants to see. Those guidelines are:

  • Dress in white.
  • Dress in style.
  • Dress medical.

This has led to some interesting choices of appearance. White tank tops, hoodies and jackets are just as likely as vests, dress shirts and suits, sometimes in daring combinations. Higher-ranking members often incorporate various medical accessories in their outfits. Scrubs, surgical masks and lab coats are the most popular choices, while nurse-inspired outfits are an obvious choice for women (Note: Despite the name, the Men In White are completely equal opportunity; in fact, the Doctor's second-in-commands are both women). Even further up the chain of command it is also quite common to find many members incorporating flak jackets, kevlar vests, utility harnesses and similar pieces of equipment into their outfits. Snow camo is a popular choice. Finally, the Men In White's current elite task force prefers combat armor and trench coats inspired by medieval plague doctors. The Men In White's vehicles and power armor - unless repainted for covert operations - are also white with red highlights. The gang symbol of the Men In White is a snake coiled around a combat knife - a parody of the Staff of Asclepius. It is found on the outfits of their members (some of them going so far as getting it tattooed along with other medical imagery), painted on their vehicles or in the form of graffiti on their turf.


The Men In White are surprisingly well-equipped and trained for being just a street gang. The Doctor has personally designed an extensive training programme for new recruits which consists of both physical conditioning as well as numerous workshops focusing on a wide variety of skills a Man In White might need in and out of combat. Weekly drills are mandatory and various supplementary lessons are available for particulary ambitious members of the organization. This has led to a high level of competence even among the lowest ranks, which often surprises superheroes expecting just another bunch of gangbangers. Finally, many Men In White have taken after their boss and started experimenting with a variety of combat drugs (a practice which is endorsed by the Doctor since it gives him a large number of volunteers for experiments), so many of their members might be much stronger, faster and durable than expected at first glance.

The Men In White's equipment is also of surprisingly high quality. Most of it comes from various foreign suppliers, with the majority suspected to reside in Costa Azúl, Abrakania and countries of the former Eastern Bloc. Due to its high quality it is likely that the Doctor still maintains ties to ex-military or paramilitary organizations in said countries. The Men In White also possess a surprisingly wide range of specialized and/or high-tech equipment no common street gang should have. It is suspected that most of it is bought from Wayland Talos or other villainous organizations like VIPER. Again, unsuspecting superheroes who expected a gang to have shotguns at best have been surprised by thermobaric explosives, power armor, force field generators and similar equipment and in some cases barely lived to tell the tale.

The Men In White's current HQ is a rather large abandoned factory site on the outskirts of Millenium City. The Doctor has made sure that it is well-secured, shielded and conceiled. Security includes numerous layers of traps, gun turrets and cameras along with heavily secured walls and doors as well as 24/7 patrols of guards. Finally a powerful cloaking field shields it from electronic detection as well as nosy psychics. The HQ includes armory, barracks, warehouses, briefing rooms, an underground hangar for the Men In White's vehicles, the Doctor's own office and various other necessities. Despite this, the Doctor has made sure that his organization stays mobile and independent of a fixed HQ. In less than 40 minutes everything of importance and value can be relocated and the self-destruct mechanism triggered.


The Men In White's main source of income is the drug and weapons trade, but they are currently also expanding their operations towards money laundering, illegal gambling and similar activities. The Doctor is quick to remind any Man In White that their main goal is amassing wealth and influence. Senseless brutality and casual cruelty are very much unwanted since they damage reputations with potential customers and business partners and might bring unwanted attention to the organization. That said, the Doctor has no issue with any sort of 'crude' crime as long as it either furthers the organization's goals or helps to protect its current sphere of influence. At a practical level the Doctor encourages ambition and drive among the Men In White. Their dealers work on commission and using the Men In White's resources for personal gain is allowed (as long as it does not endanger the organization as a whole).

Since the Doctor insists on personally designing and planning any larger scheme or operation, the Men In White are decidedly hard to track and pin down. Often they work through middle men and dummy companies and if they do not, they are exceedingly careful to avoid leaving obvious clues to their involvement (unless it would benefit them). For particulary dangerous or compromising operations the Doctor sometimes hires mercenaries or other supervillains to do the dirty work and take the fall if necessary. When dealing with other gangs and criminal organizations, the Men In White employ a policy of respectful aggressiveness. While they are continously working on expanding their influence as to not appear weak, they make sure not too rock the boat too heavily as they still lack the manpower and resources to go toe to toe with the truly big players like VIPER or ARGENT.

Notable Members and Allies

Janine "Red" Guiliani, the Doctor's Secretary

Janine is the Doctor's secretary, personal assistant and best friend. Born as the oldest child of a family of second-generation immigrants to the United States from Italy, Janine's childhood and adolescence was marked by crime. By the time she was 18, she had ran with almost every gang in Millenium City and picked up a variety of skills and talents along the way. Together with her street smarts and her stunningly good looks, she quickly made a name for herself on the streets and soon rose quickly in the ranks of any gang she joined. She met the Doctor when her then boss refused to pay the assassin, which led to a quite unglorified end for him. Now without a job, Janine gladly accepted the Doctor's offer to work for him. He had recognized the young woman's potential and over the years Janine became invaluable to the Doctor's business, handling contracts, finances and client interactions for him. However they also developed a close friendship and she quite possibly the only person the Doctor truly cares about. Today her role in the Men In White is similar: She handles administrative and financial aspects of the organization, negotiates with customers and is also still the Doctor’s secretary. However she also handles delicate situations which require a more ‘feminine’ touch, even though the Doctor hates to expose her to any sort of danger.

Tamara "Cross" Aristopoulos, the Doctor's Second-In-Command

Officially Tamara is the Doctor's bodyguard, but since the Doctor is more than capable of defending himself, she usually serves as the Doctor’s main enforcer and field leader, taking care of the more physical threats to the Men In White’s power. In her former life, Tamara was one one of the most promising Greek biathletes in the history of the sport with modeling and advertising deals galore promising a secure future and a successful, handsome fiancée ready to marry her at any moment. Her life took a turn for the worse when one biathlon she participated in became the battleground of the superhero Phalanx and the supervillain Frostfire. A stray attack by Frostfire left a horrible cross-shaped scar covering the right half of her face. The loss of her beauty along with her fiancée and modeling and advertising deals drove her off the edge. She faked her suicide and left Europe for Millenium City. Lost and desperate she turned to drinking and drugs and met the Men In White at some point. The Doctor recognized the scar on her face and came to the right conclusions: He offered her to put her talents to a better use. Without much purpose in life and a lot of anger to take out on the world she accepted. The Men In White supplied her with equipment best suited to her skills as a former biathlete: A light set of armor with a mask to hide her identity, along with a sophisticated energy rifle and anti-gravity boots which allow her to ‘ski’ through the air.


Killshot, the New #5

According to rumors, Killshot or simply K was one of the last persons to see the Doctor before his disappearance. Killshot is one of the most proficient and successful top assassins on the planet. Blessed with enhanced senses, an impressive regeneration ability, a wide range of high-tech weapons and equipment and years upon years of experience in combat, Killshot is one of the very best in the business. His most impressive feat is his incredible accuracy and proficiency with firearms, easily outshining even highly trained elite soldiers of many armies. Killshot has been known to do freelance work for various individuals and organizations and is rumored to be connected to both VIPER and certain unsavory elements in ARGENT. When the Doctor retired from the business of killing, Killshot took over as the new number 5 in the ranking. Now that the Doctor's interests and endeavours lie elsewhere, any sort of enmity on part of the Doctor disappeared entirely. To the Doctor Killshot is now a valuable potential ally, provided he can be swayed by either money or favors to aid the Men In White. In fact, the Doctor personally hired a team of supervillains to break Killshot out of PRIMUS custody. It is yet unknown what the purpose of this rescue was.

Wayland Talos

Wayland Talos, Underworld Weaponsmith

Wayland Talos is THE man you want to go to when you need a perfectly calibrated blaster rifle, a set of razor-sharp knives with questionite coating or a custom hoverdisc and dont want to worry about the legal intricacies of getting such gadgets. He is an arms dealer, inventor and technological consultant, who is eager to sell his wares and services to the highest bidder, especially if that bidder shares Talos' hatred of superheroes. Earlier in his life, Talos' wife Maria died in a terrorist attack a group of superheroes was unable to stop, because the terrorists were much better prepared and armed than the heroes expected. Talos blamed his wives death on the incompetent superheroes and let his hatred consume him. Subsequently he lost his job as a technology designer due to his obsessive hatred and brooding, which he also blamed on the superheroes. He was determined to get revenge on the so-called heroes who ruined his life and began to use his immense technological expertise to provide criminals, terrorists and anyone else who would fight against superheroes with weapons, gadgets and equipment. The Men In White contact Talos readily and often for more specialized equipment or technical advice. The Doctor and Talos also seem to get along quite well on a personal level, likely due to their shared dislike of costumed superheroes.

_____________________________________ Everything below has not yet been reworked! ______________________________________


"We can't stop here. This is New Shadows turf." - The Doctor

((Should this category be edited with one of your characters? Tell me!))

Mercenaries, Assassins, Hitmen, Psychos for Hire

The Competition

The mercenary underworld is a dangerous place. Alliances are formed, then break up after a single quarrel. Partnerships are established before both partners stab each other in the back over the earnings of a job. Codes of honor are held up high, then discarded as the situation makes it necessary. Profits are shared brotherly, before everyone is out for himself again. Nothing is for sure in this world. People change sides faster than bullets and who is your friend today, might be your enemy tomorrow.

Devana Hawke

Devana Hawke, Dr. Kaufmann's Favorite Person To Hate

Is a super-powered do-gooder constantly throwing a monkey wrench in your schemes? Need them taken down quietly? For the right price, (and if she's interested) Devana Hawke will take on the assignment. Not one to simply go in guns blazing, Devana will take her target down at the most opportune time. Usually when the target is at their weakest, physically and mentally. Whether it means orchestrating situations to break down heroes or get to them through their loved ones, Devana always completes her assignments by any means necessary.

Devana Hawke, master archer and recent addition to the Millennium City supervillain community is quite possibly the one person on earth the doctor hates the most. The two instantly disliked each other over the simple fact that they were stealing each other's business. Since then their professional rivalry has grown into an absurd hatred and subsequent cold war, which turns searing hot instantly when they see each other. They have been fighting their personal little war in the criminal underworld of Millennium City ever since.

Comments and Rumors

"This is my fan club. The bladed end is for people who talk shit." - The Doctor

Do you have anything to say about the Doctor? Rumors, gossip, leads for other heroes? Here's the place for it.

  • "Dr. Kaufmann, or simply "The Doctor" was considered the 5th best assassin in the world according to the Bounty Board, ranking just behind Jack Knife (4), The Tallyman (3), Andrès Panthanatos (2) and of course, Taipan (1). Last year Killshot took his place after he retired from the Business." - The Middle Men
  • "Guy needs to remember what got him where he is today. He's holding himself back from what he's -really- capable of." - Clownface
  • "Zis man is a Monster, ich vill be on zee vatch for him, und ich vill stop him, ich does not vish for anymore lives to be taken." - Fräulein Über
  • "I've heard rumors 'bout this bloke, a very messed up individual. 'ell I remember when I first met the bastard, and all I remember 'bout him is his sellin' of organs from personally killed metas... Still, apart from that I've heard he is a capable combatant." - Killshot
  • "He has a reputation, even if he tries to keep it quiet. Impressive. One day, we might have to see who is better." - "Crow"
  • "If I'm ever going to meet this guy, I better tell him I'm not an Ex-Nazi." - Anonymous
  • "What happens when an immovable object meets an unstoppable force? You put this guy, and I, together. He's almost my direct antithesis in terms of combat skill, fighting style, even appearance. I get the nasty feeling the two of us are going to come to blows one day, and it's not gonna be something to write home about!" - Snowtalon
  • "Heard about this guy through the grapevine. Real cold-blooded killer type. Probably thinks he's the best there is, too. Heh. He's certainly not." - All-Star
  • "I find it sad and frustrating when someone has the talents to help shape the world into something better and they instead squander it for their own personal gain due to their megalomania. He's dangerous, for sure, and I pray that no one underestimates him simply because he lacks super human prowess: It would be a fatal mistake." - Sparrowhawk
  • "Ah, him. He's managed to put a chip on my shoulder in a short amount of time. Dangerous in his own right, but it's irrelevant in the end - he figures he can come on top either with brains or with brawn. If I didn't have bigger things to worry about than a narcissistic drug peddler, he'd have been proven wrong on both fronts by now." - The Peacemaker
  • "Highly experienced killer. Background unknown. Behavior implies narcissistic personality disorder. Top of UNTIL's watchlist. He plays the game well, using heroes to get rid of his competition and indirectly help him gain control of the drug trade. If he has bigger plans for this city, then I need to prepare myself. His ego will be his undoing." - The Watchman

Other Stuff

"Whatever they told you, it's either not true or even worse in reality." - The Doctor
SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Quitting Smoking Now Greatly Reduces Serious Risks to Your Health.


Various more or less interesting bits about the Doctor can be found here.

  • The Doctor has alluded to having a younger sister.
  • The Doctor loves to quote classical rap lyrics in appropriate situations...
  • ...which has led some of the younger members of the Men In White to joke that the destruction caused by the Qularr Invasion of 2009 is instead the result of the Doctor's mixtape dropping.
  • The Doctor's most visible tattoos are the letters DONT HARM on his knuckles, but he has many more. On his right arm he has a full sleeve depicting various instances of normal humans fighting the supernatural (David killing Goliath, Siegfried slaying the Dragon, the Witchfinder General burning a witch and Abraham Van Helsing staking Dracula).
  • The Doctor likes his coffee with both milk and sugar, his steaks blue and his martini with vodka.
  • The Doctor has been voted 'Best Dressed Supervillain' on three different occasions by the Millenium City yellow press.
  • The Doctor loves to play chess, but is not very good at it. He claims it helps him think.
  • The Doctor once caused an earthquake in Timbuktu through unknown means. He is sorry for it.
  • Fittingly enough, the three books the Doctor has read more than any others are The Prince by Niccolò Machiavelli, the Art of War by Sun Tzu and On War by Carl von Clausewitz. The Doctor can quote many passages from all three books by heart and frequently uses them for tactical and strategical advice.
  • The Doctor's birthday is April 18th.
  • The Doctor managed to kill a man using a trumpet, a cactus and a dropkick, but doesn't like to talk about it any further.
  • The Doctor is a spectacularly bad driver, but does not acknowledge that fact. Both passengers and bystanders are in danger, albeit due to different reasons. Bystanders from concussive force, passengers from heart attack.
  • The Doctor has a bit of a problem with getting older. He diligently researches pop culture references he does not know, just to be prepared for the next time.
  • The Doctor is a very heavy sleeper. He once missed a turf battle between the New Purple Gang and the Cult of the Red Banner going on right next to his apartment. He also likes to sleep very long on his free days, often waking up at 1 or 2 PM. Despite this, he is quite the morning person if he needs to get up earlier.
  • The Doctor once claimed to having the power of toasterkinesis. Investigation of the claim is still ongoing.
  • The Doctor is an average cook and prefers to go to restaurants or even fast-food chains whenever he can. His potato salad is surprisingly delicious though.
  • Ironically enough the Doctor has not seen a single episode of Doctor Who and no desire to do so. The same goes for Breaking Bad.
  • The Doctor has an aquarium with five rather large leeches in his office as both a conversation starter and intimidation tool. It's unknown where he found them but they all show an unusual level of intelligence. Their names are Goethe, Kafka, Nietzsche, Humboldt and Bismarck.
  • For some reason the Doctor has expressed a desire to buy the company Dyson, simply to own the rights to the Dyson Airblade hand dryer.

OOC Information

  • Theme Songs:

Trust me, I am THE Doctor: Muse - Supremacy

The Men In White: Skindred - Kill The Power

It's just good business: Santa Hates You - Fire The Cannon

Now it's personal: Combichrist - What The Fuck Is Wrong With You?

  • Should there ever be a Champions Online Live-Action Movie, my picks for the actor of Dr. Kaufmann would be Adrien Brody or Billy Burke.