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Cassius Sherman Keller
PLAYER @Mountainhound
Super Group Initiative Black
Rank Senior Agent
Current Affliations Initiative Black, Task Force Hospitaller
Former Affiliations U.S Army (10th Special Forces)



Real Name Cassius Sherman Keller
Known Aliases Warhound
Gender Male
Species Human (Biologically Augmented)
Birthdate March 18th, 1968
Place of Birth Wolfeboro, New Hampshire
Current Location Millennium City, Michigan
Relatives Living:
  • Robert Keller (Father)
  • Marie Nadeau (Sister)
  • Richard Nadeau (Brother in Law)
  • Joseph Nadeau (Nephew)
  • Jackson Nadeau (Nephew)
  • Marilyn Nadeau (Niece)
  • Laura Jackson (Ex-Wife)


  • Nicole Keller (Mother)

Apparent Age 48
Height 6'7 (2.01 Meters)
Weight 316 lbs (143 Kilos)
Eyes Brown
Hair Brunette
Complexion Weathered
Build Powerful
Notable Features Shrapnel, ballistic and additional scarring on forty eight percent of subject's body.

Powerful, muscular build. Hints of superhuman physiology visible to the naked eye.

Cauliflower to the right ear.

Identity Known by U.S Government and Law Enforcement Personnel
Citizenship American
Marital Status Divorced
Occupation Federal Contractor
Education High School Diploma

Masters Degree in Law Enforcement Intelligence and Analysis




ProtectorsBox Template


Public information on Cassius Keller's background is extremely limited. Due to the nature of his work with both the U.S Army and the Central Intelligence Agency, his activities for a significant portion of his life are of a confidential nature.

What is known is that Cassius Sherman Keller was born on March 18th, 1968, in the small lakeside town of Wolfeboro, New Hampshire. He was raised by his father, Robert Keller, and mother, Nicole Keller. U.S.M.C records indicate that Robert was a machine gunner during the Vietnam War, and earned a living after his honorable discharge working with a logging company. Meanwhile Wolfeboro hall of records indicate Nicole, a night nurse, had become pregnant with Cassius prior to Robert's deployment and gave birth part way through. They'd have another child not long after, a daughter by the name of Marie.

Cassius, named for his maternal grandfather, was according to Wolfeboro school records a quiet boy with a small friends circle and little other extracurricular school activity outside of the middle school and high school wrestling teams. Interview with neighbors imply Keller spent most of his time outside of school either working with his father, or exploring the dense wilderness around his home.

Cassius Keller enlisted in the United States Army in 1989, some time prior to the Gulf War, where due to high marks earned in ASVAB he was approved for additional training for assignment to US Special Forces. Upon graduation, Keller was assigned to the United States Army's 10th Special Forces Group. It was with the 10th that Keller saw action in the Gulf War, as well as Operation Restore Hope. Keller additionally saw service in numerous other operations within Africa, Europe and Asia throughout his tenure. It is also from the 10th that he was eventually recruited to the CIA's highly secretive SAD/SOG division.

It is at this point that Keller vanishes all but entirely from public record for over twenty years. What little information Primus has been able to acquire from the Department of Defense indicates that the man was part of a significant number of field operations of a variety of natures.

Due to his name showing up in several redacted records received from DoD archive, we believe that Mr Keller was part of one of many experimental super soldier programs that became active within the United States Department of Defense following the infamous Battle of Detroit. The details of this project however are of a highly confidential nature. Despite repeated requests for Primus personnel to have access to more clearance on its history, little more than the prior mentioned documents and a dossier provided by Keller himself upon Primus registration exist within the database.

The only thing we can say for sure is that Keller left the CIA sometime in mid 2012, for reasons as of yet unknown. Approximately six months later, Cassius Keller was hired by a specialized paramilitary organization. The organization, known as Initiative Black, was formed and contracted to the U.S Federal government to assist in combating a growing list of paranormal threats encountered by law enforcement in the field.

According to interviews with IB officer Doctor Solomon Stroud, Keller was recruited as part of the first wave of Initiative Black personnel during its infancy between 2013 and late 2015, where he came highly recommended by several members of the board of directors. It was during this time that he often acted as the field commander for the unit that the organization grew from, which has since evolved into the Strategical Initiative Response Division.

It was also during this time that he began going by the alias of “Warhound” due to a brief attempt to assimilate a costumed crime fighter organization into the organization's ranks. While the attempt failed, the alias has stuck and despite his usual disdain for the “hero” community, he has shown no intention to relinquish either the identity or the alterations made to his field equipment anytime soon.


Psychological Profile

Superhuman Physiology

Specialized Training and Education

Psychological and Physical Limitations



Roleplaying Hooks

