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Player: @Bluhman
"Well, uh... look on the bright side. At least there's no creepers in real life." HONK.png
Character Build
Class Focus: Melee Tank (STR/Warden/Vindicator)
Power Level: 40
Research & Development: Arms
Biographical Data
Real Name: Pablo "Paul" Romero
Known Aliases: Digsight, Professor Digsight
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Hispanic
Place of Birth: Tijuana, Mexico
Base of Operations: San Diego, California
Relatives: Mother: Carmen Romero

Father: Miguel Romero

2 siblings

Age: 37
Height: 6'4
Weight: 352 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Complexion: Tanned brown
Physical Build: Stocky, sturdy.
Physical Features: None
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Chaotic Good

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Identity: Unknown
Years Active: 6
Citizenship: Mexican Citizen
Occupation: Mining engineer
Education: None/Self Taught
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Innate, complex understanding of physics and geology, Technical expertise
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Digsite armor, Mining saw, HoverDisc, Magnetic forcefield generator
ReldinBox Template

Digsight is a hero who works around the Southern California region. Despite being somewhat reclusive and having rather unusual origins, the citizens of San Diego have mostly accepted him as a reliable and trustworthy protector. Digsight is also noteworthy for being the founder and leader of the supertrio known as "Earth, Water, and Fire", consisting of himself, Torrent, and Barbara Blaster.


Early life

Pablo Romero was born to a middle-low class family of three. Up until Pablo's birth, the family had held claim to an apartment in the midst of Tijuana, but their high devotion to sending their daughter north, combined with the stress that preparing for another child had provided, caused the family's finances to fall into a rut. After 3 years, Pablo's parents, Miguel and Carmen, lost their jobs, and were forced to move inland and adapt to a subsidiary lifestyle. Pablo never had a shot at education, and spent most of his time up until his teen years helping his family out.

Eventually, Pablo couldn't take much more of it. He had fondly remembered his short time in the city of Tijuana, and frequently heard his father recall the days he was still employed in the city. Pablo had also frequently heard stories from the United States, and its huge opportunities. He had heard of immigrants who had become respected professors, entrepreneurs, and at least didn't have to spend their lives working just to survive. By the time Pablo became 21, he set off on bike back to Tijuana to make preparations for his attempt to cross the border.

Pablo was able to use the last of his funds to hire a smuggler to safely get him over the border. Given the circumstances, though, he was also able to get a forged passport from the dealer in order to cover his crossing. After some driving and further biking, he managed to make it to the heart of San Diego. A bit of job-searching later, and Pablo managed to grab a job as a janitor at the University of California at San Diego. He worked long hours of sweeping floors and counters in the cafes and labs, but at least he was making money, and soon was able to afford his own apartment in the US.

Things took a turn for the unusual when Pablo managed to drop in on a physics lecture. At the moment, the professor had put out a rather difficult (and theoretically unsolvable) problem. Only after a couple of minutes of gleaning along with the other students, he was able to give out an answer - the correct answer, in fact. The professor initially discounted this as dumb luck on Pablo's part, and soon invited him to solve a couple more hypothetical situations. Pablo, once again, was able to generate the correct answers. Somehow, even though he had never gone to school, Pablo had an intrinsic and deep understanding of physics. Because of this, he was now stationed to clean up the engineering labs on campus, where he could be trusted to keep the fragile equipment in proper and working order.

Still, Pablo's work continued as usual, and soon he grew disillusioned by his situation; he had headed north to try and escape such mindless work, not to fall back into it. Working late shifts, with few other people to interact with, Pablo eventually made a hobby - he would take spare mechanical parts from the workshops and begin constructing his own devices. Using said parts, Pablo had managed to upgrade his bike with an electric motor, create a telescopic headlamp, and design a working, human-powered pulley elevator. The latter of his creations were what made Pablo's talent famous, and soon he was promoted again - this time, to a teaching assistant for the engineering department.

Fame and Mining

Pablo Romero at the Diaz mine.

Pablo's financial situation began to pick up, and soon he began to educate himself in the fields of Geology and Chemistry. Though not much of a teacher, Pablo was proving himself to be an excellent craftsman, now using his expanded skills to develop off-road vehicle prototypes and efficient fuels. Pablo soon had set up his own repair and modification shop for motor vehicles several blocks down from the university. He was becoming quite famed for his versatile skills, even if his origins were somewhat ambiguous.

Pablo's big break came when he received email from Gordito Diaz, a Colombian gold miner who had heard of Pablo's accomplishments and inventions. Currently practicing his work at the eastern edge of Mexico, Gordito invited Pablo to come over and help with his gadgets, as well as perhaps gain a bit more knowledge of geological phenomena.

His first course of action was to help the team scout out the area, supervising the workers and making sure that no major damage was done to the structural support of the caves. During this time, Pablo also managed to plot out a blueprint for a specialized suit of armor that could be used to effectively cut through stone, illuminate the darkness of the caves, and provide necessary protection from any mishaps. Codenamed as the Digsite Armor, Diaz was elated when he first saw the design, and had enough materials shipped to his mine to get two copies of the armor assembled. A short workshop was held by Pablo to show the various workers at the mine on how to assemble, repair, and use the armor most effectively. This workshop marked the end of Pablo's involvement with Diaz, now that Pablo had fulfilled his original purpose. Thus, Pablo prepared to leave the mining site, carrying along his share of the gold and his armor.

Just as Pablo headed out, he heard a hellish rumble; an earthquake had hit the eastern edge of Mexico, causing unmistakable bedlam inside the Diaz mine. With probability of a complete cave-in being high, Pablo was faced with the decision on whether to go back and save his colleagues, or continue heading out with his rewards. Given that it most likely would not take long, Pablo opted to return, donning his trademark armor for the first time.

Arriving on the scene, it became quite clear that the situation was much more dire than previously thought. The earthquake had managed to create a crevice directly through the center of the mine, effectively sending several miners plummeting to their doom. Miners further inside the quarry found themselves stranded underneath loose rubble, with no light or air. Pablo would have to work fast to save them.

Regardless, he wasted no time, making a bold and risky move by using the Digsite Armor's saw to slow his fall into the crevice and swing straight into the mine. With Gordito Diaz lending a hand by tossing Pablo ropes to climb and reach other passages on the sheer wall of the crevice, Pablo was able to rapidly swing between each and every mine passage he could find, freeing everyone he found. One headcount later, and it was confirmed that Pablo had managed to rescue the practical entirety of Diaz's work force. After Diaz and his workers took him to town to celebrate his act of heroism, Pablo made his leave back for America.

Ironically, Pablo managed to get held up at the border, as the guards were now able to clearly confirm that his ID from his initial immigration was indeed fake. Despite this, Pablo's seed of fame had been planted; Diaz's recount of how he had managed to save his mining crew with his Digsite armor began to make news across the continent. For the time being, the border guard firmly prevented Pablo's re-entering to the US, but little did they know, he had a suit of armor that could dig right beneath their heels and emerge on the other side!

By the time Pablo made it back to the university, his story had hit the US airwaves, and he was readily welcomed back for his heroism. Encouraged to continue pursuing this line of work, with his impressive devotion and uncanny craftsmanship, Pablo took up the superhero name of Digsight, named after his armor, and set up a base deep in San Diego's subterrain, where he could quickly feel and pinpoint any seismic activity, as well as use high-tech computers to keep tabs on other news on the surface. As time went on, his cave base slowly expanded to accommodate extra rooms, and has veritably become his permanent home.

Present developments

Digsight at work expanding his underground base.

Digsight's base now is large enough to accomodate permanent residence for up to 5 heroes. He has made it his goal to try and get a superheroic taskforce running in order to keep California state clear of any major disasters. The Taskforce, known currently as Earth, Water, and Fire, consists of himself, Torrent, and Barbara Blaster, who each individually patrol the ground, seas, and sky, respectively. Though Digsight has made offers to his colleagues to move in with him underground, they've mostly turned down such requests.

Most of his free-time is currently spent on improving his armor and taking miscellaneous courses at the university. Most of the time is generally being spent on catching up on all the topics he has no background in, such as english, algebra, biology, and health studies.

Detailed Information


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By nature, Digsight isn't much of a smooth talker. His grasp on the English language is fair, but he often finds himself doubting himself, prone to a lot of speech disfluency and vocal pauses. Still, he is no doubt a veritable genius in his area of expertise, capable of simply looking at a spatial or physical problem and being able to come up with a solution in seconds. There's never been an engineering problem he wasn't able to solve, and he knows it.

On the flipside, Digsight is somewhat sheltered, thanks to his general reluctance to come out of his caves that often anymore. Having missed out on his education, he sometimes can prove incompetent at knowing rather basic knowledge (such as how to spell the word "caterpillar" or what a syllable is), and often is quite ashamed of these deficiencies. He has made some attempts to educate himself to try and catch up, but instead has spent quite a bit more leisure time on his base's computer than he probably should. He consequentially knows way more about pop culture, TV shows, and movies than he knows about many other practical fields of study.


Confidant With... BarbIcon.pngTorrIcon.pngTracIcon.png

Friendly Toward... BluhIcon.pngStarIcon.pngMRJIcon.pngMontIcon.png

Acquainted With... ChisIcon.pngVoltIcon.pngArchIcon.pngBapiIcon.pngXenoIcon.pngBlueIcon.pngZeppIcon.png

Ambivalent Toward... LANIcon.pngGulcIcon.png

Foes With... SandIcon.pngSecrIcon.png

Grudge Against... TrolIcon.png

Combat Specifications

Though he doesn't have much in superpowers, his Digsite armor makes him an extremely sturdy ally, backed with strong hauling tools and an armor-piercing saw.

Despite his armor having a rather husky shape, Digsight is built very strongly under it. Without his armor, he's been reported lifting upwards of 380 pounds, and he is certainly fit enough to keep active for a couple of hours. His solid, stocky build makes it a little hard for him to get out of the way of attacks, but he is also rather steadily-footed, and knows how to firmly plant himself to resist powerful blows.

A huge amount of Digsight's combat utility comes from his Digsite Armor; a large, yellow suit of armor that comes complete with a salvo of tools in a compartment over the shoulder, high-power lights, heavy plating for protection against blunt force and heat, goggles, a reinforced hard-hat, and a high-power mining saw. Thanks to Digsight's strong arms, he can hold the saw steady enough to cut straight through rock with ease, as well as cause rather impressive damage to foes. As for the armor itself, its utilities enable Digsight to keep high visibility conditions, even in the darkest of locales, further reinforce his constitution, allowing him to withstand superhuman punches with comparative ease, and boosts his strength to unimaginable levels using servo engines. With the armor on, Digsight can lift up to 1 ton of weight; physical prowess that Digsite puts to use mainly to uproot stones from the ground and use them directly against his enemies.

Digsight's modifications to his armor have included some other utilities to increase his versatility, including a HoverDisc, allowing him to easily traverse or escape deep caves at speeds nearing 24 miles per hour, and a Magnetic Forcefield Generator. Digsight's MFG can be utilized in several specialized ways including magnetizing Digsight's feet, rooting him sturdily to the ground, or being used on his arm to provide further protection in a pinch.


Digsight's original design had a different backpiece and really ugly pants that made no sense.
  • His original design changed oh boy.
  • His build is a melee-based earth build, mixed in with some might utilities (enrage and havoc stomp) and technology (for a badass saw and honeycomb shield).