Category:CoH Refugee

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Revision as of 17:58, 2 March 2014 by Liath (Talk | contribs)

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After the closure of "that other city," a considerable amount of its playerbase brought their characters with them to CO. Their reasons for being here can vary from dimensional hopping to merely assuming both cities exist in the same world (a reasoning by no means unheard of in superhero comics, like Vertigo's titles being assimilated into DC's regular universe after the company's realignment).

Expect constant references to Rhode Island, as well as events and villain factions unknown in Champions' lore.

Moderator Note: Please remember due to the legal problems that can arise when mixing IP's, we cannot allow great detail about what happened in another MMORPG's that your Hero may have traveled. But you can detail your exploits within Champions and link to other pages that specialize in other MMORPG's.

Pages in category "CoH Refugee"

The following 11 pages are in this category, out of 11 total.