Ebony Tarantula

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Ruler of The Arachni Empire
Ebony Tarantula
Player: @Hope1
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Super Group
· Other Affiliations ·
Real Name
Stefan Warren
Ebony, Lord Tarantula, Lord Warren
October 25th 1972
Berlin, Germany (On Earth 998 AKA Nazi Earth)
Mobile (Has several headquarters on earth in different locations)
Interdimensonal Terrorist, Super Villain, Emperor of Nazi Earth and The Arachni Empire
Legal Status
Marital Status
· Known Relatives ·
Carmella Warren-(Wife, deceased), Unknown-(Mother, deceased), Desmond Warren (Father, deceased), Regina Warren (Daughter), Tiberius Warren (Son)
Physical Traits
Enhanced Human
Apparent Age
Body Type
Brown with Grey streaks
· Distinguishing Features ·
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
Shadow Magic, Shadow Manipulation, Elemental Magic, Dimensional Magic
· Equipment ·
Mystical Blade, Eye Of Shadows (Talisman), Mask, Clawed cestus
· Other Abilities ·
Master Swordsman, Master of Shadow Magic, Experienced Elemental and Dimensional sorcerer


Stefan Warren was born in Germany during the 1970's on alternate Earth 998, a world where the Nazi forces won WW2 and proceeded to take over the world. Born to Desmond Warren, the leader of a separate sect of Nazi forces codenamed "The Arachni". Stefan upon coming of age was inducted as a soldier in the Arachni army and was trained in military combat. however, Stefan eventually fell in love with a woman named Carmilla. soon Stefan began to stray from the Arachni's ways when his union with Carmilla bore him a baby girl, Regina.

This however angered Desmond Warren who saw that Stefan was destined to replace him as leader of Arachni. Seeing Carmilla as the obstacle to Stefan's rise to power, Desmond ordered her assassinated in front of Stefan. Once the Sniper took Carmilla's life, Stefan was filled with sadness and fury. He hunted down and repaid the assassin in kind. before taking Regina, packing his bags and fleeing the country. The two arrived in a remote town in Hungary where Stefan left a two month year old Regina at the doorstep of an orphanage, seeing that what has was to do would be too dangerous for Regina's safety. Stefan made his way across Europe to where he eventually made it into Asia.

Upon his entrance into Asia, Stefan heard legend of a mystical object of great power. Knowing he would need power to defeat Desmond, Stefan tracked down the object and found himself at the tomb of the last Emperor of China. Stefan breached the tomb's defenses and slew the artifact's guardians. Once he stepped into the main chamber Stefan came face to face with The Eye of Shadows an ancient artifact of almost limitless power. Upon touching the Eye, Stefan was shown visions of power, of what he could do. With the Eye he could unify the world and bring about true peace. The Eye showed him many things and awoke his hidden talent for magic and his Mutant shadow manipulation powers.

Stefan took the Eye with him and followed its directions, training in several martial arts along the way. after eight years of training in both Magic and Martial arts, Stefan finally was able to return home to confront his father and take vengeance for Carmilla's death. Once he returned to Germany Stefan began to recruit rouge Arachni troops and enemies of Arachni to his cause. As soon as he gathered with followers, Stefan made his move and marched onto his father's castle over powering the troops with the power of the Eye. Once he made it to his father, the two clashed in battle but soon Desmond succumbed to Stefan's power and Stefan killed him on the spot.

After tasting the Eye's power Stefan was corrupted and he soon became the leader of Arachni. After two years of leadership Stefan took the name Ebony Tarantula and broke Arachni off from the Nazis shadow and began to turn against them, eventually destroying most of them and taking their territory. Soon after becoming the Leader of Arachni, Stefan was seduced by Verona the shadow weaver and their union bore him yet another child, a boy.

During this time Ebony delved into The Eye of Shadows feeding his lust for power until he heard tell of a mystical brew called "Etir" by Norse mythology. Etir had the power to revive the dead and restore life and limb to whoever bathed in its waters. Ebony was quick to act and marched Arachni on Greenland, the location of a Etir Well. Upon locating the well Stefan "tested" it by shooting a soldier and throwing his body into the pool. Soon enough, the trooper rose from the waters completely healed and somewhat stronger than before. Stefan then brought the corpse of his dear Carmilla and placed her in the pool. However, due to some cruel twist of fate she did not rise alive. Heartbroken and disappointed, Ebony put her body in a charmed coffin that would magically keep her body from decomposing.

Ebony Tarantula then utilized the Etir to resurrect fallen soldiers and as a template for Super soldier programs.

Stefan then learned that there were other worlds, other earths that could be accessed through magic. Ebony then used the Eye to create a portal to other dimensions and lead the Arachni to conquer two other alternate Earths, granting Arachni more troops and resources than ever before. Soon Ebony opened a portal to our earth and took with him a group of Arachni soliders and assassins, including his daughter Regina and marched into this Earth from his world and set up a base in Europe.

The Titian Institute, Rise and Fall

Soon after Ebony Tarantula arrived on earth he came into conflict with his counterpart from this dimension, a hero known as Night Spider. A breif fight ensued between the two, but Night Spider was outmatched by Ebony's raw power and was criticaly injured. Months passed since then and on an October night in 2012, Ebony Tarantula saw need to test the younger generation of heroes in this world to see just how difficult the Arachni Invasion would be. Prowling Westside that night, Tarantula came across a small number of students from the newly founded Titan Institute and was discovered by the said group. A fight broke out as Ebony was able to hold his own and fend off the youngsters until he was injured by a teacher who responed to a distress call, Lestar Drakkro and retreated. Over the next few weeks Ebony had waged a personal war on this school and randomly attacked the students or staff, throwing the institute into panic and creating the illusion of a dranged demon by changing apperence and disgusing his shadow guard as demon-like creatures to wreak havoc. Soon Ebony had met another foe of the institute, a demon by the name Zephyon. The two forged a partnership and almost a friendship as well. For weeks, Ebony Tarantula and Zephyon kidnaped five students and imprisoned them in a seprate dimension, where they were tourtured and forced to fight in an arena for entertainment. Soon however, the Titans regrouped and fought back. Invading Ebony's realm and rescuing the children but before they could leave, Tarantula took one of their own. A young demigodess named Helena, who was also pregnant at the time. Ebony took his time after this, recruiting criminnals and supervillians to his cause and courupting two of the Titans and unleashing them on their former allies. In a desprate attempt to defeat this threat once and for all, the Titans used a portal under their base which Ebony had used to strike at them from inside. They used the portal to attack Ebony's base and after hours of fighting they reached his citedel. Ebony and his cohorts confronted them and a fight ensued. Ebony was powering a bomb to send to earth unless its forces submit to the Arachni when he was betrayed by Helena, who broke his control and proceeded to attack before being joined by Infryana and Stormbringer, two of the Titans most powerful members. In the End the bomb was overloaded and Ebony was injured alongside Zephyon, Stormbringer absorbed the energy from the bomb and was injured due to an overdose of Chaos Magic. Infryana then called forth a massive blast of Celestial energy from the hevens and struck at the two villians. Zephyon, being loyal to his partner took the blast and lost both legs and an arm. Ebony then seemingly died due to an overload of energy that stoped his heart.

Soon after Ebony Tarantula's apparent "Death" the citadel began to crumble and the Titans fled Tarantula's realm, hoping that was the end of their enemy. However, Stefan's loyal daughter Regina (Ebon Widow) had managed to fish the bodies of her father and his partner out of the ruble before taking them to Ebony's Etir pits to resurrect them. Upon placing Ebony Tarantula's corpse in the mystical brew, His soul managed to return and reconnect with the body and Ebony Tarantula was brought back from death. His first action in his reborn form was to resume a personal war against the Institute, and to let the Titans know he had not forgotten about them. So he brought his only son, Tyson over to Earth and sent him on the attack while Tarantula recovered before making an appearance when he attempted to hack into computers within the Battle of Detroit museum in downtown Millennium City, where he was intercepted by Leida Drakkro the new headmaster of the Titan Institute as well as the head of the Candlekeep school of mystics, Syrena. Ebony, alongside his son managed to combat the two heroes and injure Syrena before escaping. Ebony continued his war on both schools after that, a few weeks later he dispatched his daughter Regina to assassinate Dr. Mallick Orson, a staff member of the Titan Institute who had a knack for outsmarting the villain. Meanwhile, Tyson managed to get himself locked up by the institute and was being held by UNTIL. Ebony, being the loving father he was hired a stray mercenary to free Tyson. Being successful, Tyson continued to attack the Titans until he was apprehended by his "Uncle" Night Spider. Soon after, Regina managed to track down Dr. Orson who then talked her into a deal, Regina was obviously not as evil as her father and struck a deal to release Tyson in exchange for sparing Orson. However, it was needed to trick Ebony to avoid punishment for failure. Orson then allowed Regina to cut off his arm and take it to her father to ensure her safety.

Once Regina returned with Tyson however, Ebony already knew of the betrayal and in a brief fight killed Tyson by reducing him to ashes and causing Regina to escape into the world. Soon after, Ebony continued his shadowy assault with aid from Zephyon, who was outfitted with cybernetic implants to walk and move again. Zephyon continued to assault the Titans while Ebony Tarantula recruited other rouges of the Institute. Eventually he gathered Slade Thron, a powerful mimic and owner of the multi billionaire company Slade CORP as well as a few young meta criminals, Including Hazama one of the Titans greatest foes, second to ebony of course. The group of villains attacked the Titan Institute left and right until one fateful day.

In the month of February of the year 2013, Ebony Tarantula and his team attacked the Titans Tower alongside VIPER and Arachni forces. The ensuing fight made most of the school grounds a warzone, Ebony and the Arachni kept UNTIL and the MCPD at bay. Killing over 48 law personnel and several Titans. Slade Thron and his militia stormed the tower and planted a superbomb codenamed "Tartarus" in the Titans reactor core before being seemingly killed by Night Spider. Once the bomb blew, Ebony Tarantula made a hasty retreat, leaving his former teammates to die in the explosion. In the end the Titan Institute was in ruins and most of its members dead or MIA, and once more Ebony Tarantula escaped into the shadows. Only to reappear a month later in the countryside of Germany, building what seemed to be a mass teleporter. While the Titans reformed with other schools into the Nexus Academy.