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[[Category: Stories]][[Category: Player-Created Lore]]
[[Category: Stories]][[Category: Lore]]
='''''<div style="color:#000000; background-color: #fc3f00">The Beginning Of The End (Pre Crisis Events)</div>'''''=
='''''<div style="color:#000000; background-color: #fc3f00">The Beginning Of The End (Pre Crisis Events)</div>'''''=
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"Alright Mr. Parker thank you for your time." She reaches over and handshakes James before he walks off set "There you have it viewers. The ARC will have it's grand unveiling and installation this Saturday on the 4th of January. More information on our website" The interview ends.
"Alright Mr. Parker thank you for your time." She reaches over and handshakes James before he walks off set "There you have it viewers. The ARC will have it's grand unveiling and installation this Saturday on the 4th of January. More information on our website" The interview ends.
='''''<div style="color:#000000; background-color: #fc3f00">The Orion Crisis: The White Woman</div>'''''=
A cosmic entity of unknown power and omnipresent wisdom. The White Woman AKA Madame Weaver closely watches the timestream of the Champions Earth. And intervenes when needed. Her true form and intentions are unknown but she seems neutral. Weaver has been seen before during the Titian Institute's active days when the ancestors of James Parker were being killed off by an unknown attacker. She gathered the Titians and sent them through time to undo the damage during The Victorian Era, The Civil War, and WW2. However she was absent from the Institute's destruction by Ebony Tarantula.
Now on January 4th 2014 she has returned in light of Orion's full out assault on earth through the now activated ARC. And she has brought bad tidings. Now that the ARC has been activated, events will take place that will determine the future of earth. Be it the post apocalyptic wasteland of Orion's creation, or the wondrous future we all dream of. She has told the Force of a small spark of hope in the darkness. Hexerium, Dexerium's one natural foe. And the only metal that can utterly destroy Orion's nigh impenetrable armor. But the path ahead will test the Nexus Force in every possible way.
The only Hexerium on earth is guarded in "The Locker". Ground Zero of Orion's Invasion. Guarding it is some of the most dangerous of Orion's minions. And to get it the Force must ally with their greatest foe, The Arachni Empire.
While Ebony Tarantula had left earth months ago, he left his Earth 4 Division in the hands of Lady Recluse, a ruthless assassin under Ebony's tutelage. It was revealed that The Arachni were the first humans to be attacked by Orion, and they were nearly destroyed by him. The White Woman has guided the Force to South America, where what's left of The Arachni have fled to. Within the Mayan Ruins and Jungles.
After sending her message, The White Woman left a gift for the heroes. As they returned to their base they noticed that time has completely stood still. And Orion's progress stalled. But they must work quickly, as soon the attacks will continue unhindered.
='''''<div style="color:#000000; background-color: #fc3f00">The Orion Crisis: Allies In Unlikely Places.</div>'''''=
''(Original post written by @The-Mighty-One. The author and primary GM of The Orion Crisis!)''
Upon receiving a faint signal in the deep jungles, the heroes gathered themselves in preparation for the trek in a world being worn apart by the sinister Orion. The group then encountered one of the Arachni's horrors. Intrigued by its behavior they decide to follow it. Little did the group know, the strange creature had lead them to who else but! [[Lady Recluse]] herself! At this point the group was very on edge, strangely enough Lady Recluse invited them into her base of operations.
Left, right and center. The Arachni's forces, battered and exhausted from the combat they've seen. Auxilium had mentioned in the past to Eve about "The Sage" and how he could help their efforts against the menacing Orion! - With one catch. The group would have to travel to the future and retrieve The Sage from his residence. And so they did! hustling together they all travelled into the future.
The skies were dark, buildings (What was left of them) Remain alight. Any manner of civilized life was gone to ruins. Sentinels patrolling the streets relentlessly. Not stopping until they have wiped out any imperfect life left on the planet - (that's everything by the way.) The group arrived just outside of the old transit system of MC, nothing would prepare them for what was next.
Upon entering the old transit systems maintenance tunnel. Lights and cabling remain disturbed from there original positions. With what few light the tunnel had, even stranger horrors awaited them. The group progressed down the dark and dingy tunnel, keeping to what light they had until suddenly!
Ahead of them, there would've appeared to be a shadow of a young boy, with nothing casting it. Auxilium commented prior to entering how "No man, No beast would dare enter these tunnels." The heroes were on the tip of the iceberg in discovering how the attack had truly decimated life both above and below ground. The tunnels lie populated the unfortunate people who were trapped in the tunnels on the 4th of January. The Day the ARC was launched. No longer people, they mutated and shifted into echoes of there former selves. Forced to relive every moment of the disaster in the tunnel until they died, only for it to repeat.
(I don't in any way take credit for this idea, I only mended it so it would give a creepy edge to the storyline. Metro 2033 is the author of this event)--T.M.O
After facing treacherous dangers the heroes reached The Sage and well.. None other then Forge himself! Supposedly dispatched by Lady Recluse in 2013. Forge would remark to the group, "Its about flipping time!". Dotted all around his new lair, pieces of Sentinel. Including a semi-functioning drone in his living quarters which he had nicknamed "Larry". Forge then proceeded to uncover the solid Dexerium bullet, in which he had stolen from a caravan in 2028. Upon the bullet being acquired Forge instructed "Larry" to send them back into time just before the ARC was launched.
='''''<div style="color:#000000; background-color: #fc3f00">The Orion Crisis: The Final Battle, And What Lies Ahead</div>'''''=
=='''''<div style="color:#000000; background-color: #fc3f00">The White Woman's Prophecy</div>'''''==
It has been an eventful day for the heroes of Nexus Force. They traveled to the future and the past to prevent a cataclysmic invasion by the coldhearted automaton known as Orion and his sentinels. After a harrowing fight in Space over the Earth, freelancer [[Ebon Widow]] fired a dexirium bullet from a special railgun, given to her by Lawrence Materdore, and struck both Orion and The ARC. The ARC was seemingly deactivated and Orion gravely wounded, the robot overlord even bled somewhat.
In the end Orion vanished, his fate unknown along with that of Forge, who vanished during the fight. What was left of The ARC and a sample of Orion's blood was stolen by the demon Zephyron on behalf of [[Ebony Tarantula]] and [[The Arachni|The Arachni Empire]]. However many heroes now question Ebon Widow's true loyalty due to her literally giving the blood sample to him, claiming that The Arachni deserved something for their troubles. The deactivated sentinels now fall to earth, on land and sea alike. UNTIL, PRIMUS and numerous governments and possibly a few super villains have begun to clean up the debris.
As the Nexus Force now get some well deserved rest, they all experience the same vision....
They are in a room, pitch black with nothing but a think fog in the air, they cannot move nor speak, but only watch and listen. An old woman dressed in white robes appears before them, her face hidden by darkness. She speaks out, her voice echoes through the room.
"Welcome, heroes. You have indeed been successful in your mission. And now I will bestow upon you the fate you have created for your world." Through the mist you see visions, three are depicted. The world of 2035, still lies as a barren wasteland, the second and third depict Millennium City in present day, although one is more damaged than the other, The White Woman speaks again.
"Your actions have split these dimensions asunder, while you have saved this reality, the one from which Orion spawned from was already separated and will not change, yet. However the two present timelines are virtually the same, however one was more damaged in death tolls and destruction. Now that you have defeated Orion, I will merge these two timelines into one, undoing most of the damage and death caused. But not all will be saved." She holds the two earths in her hands, and slowly brings them together as the entire earth experiences a phenomena akin to The Northern Lights, before a blue flash ends the lightshow.
"It is done. And now for your future. The fate of your world will forever remain unknown, as there are constant choices and struggles that will forever change time itself. But I will leave you with what lies ahead now."
The woman's eyes glow a bright blue as her voice echoes even more.
"It is true that you have saved this day, however your eternal fight for good has not ended. It is a fact, that Orion is not vanquished. His injuries will take time to recover, but he will return with a vengeance, when that is no one can say. But in Orion's place will stand new challenges. The Nexus Force will continue to prosper, however the future of Lawrence Materdore is blurred. You will cherish new friends, and mourn those lost. You will witness the rise of new threats, and the return of old ones. The world of 2035 remains unchanged, however Orion's defeat will spark a new resistance that will see the survival of the human race. The past, present, and future is at peace, for now."
"You must always remain vigilant, as the very thing that brought Orion and The Arachni to this dimension is still active. And more danger awaits in the vast reaches of time and space. You will make choices that will forever change Nexus Force, for good or otherwise. For you are heroes, and your every action, and non-action spells the fate of yourself and the world around you. Go now, and may the light be with you."
The vision ends and the heroes awaken.
=='''''<div style="color:#000000; background-color: #fc3f00">Evil Never Dies (Epilogue)</div>'''''==
(Story by @The-Mighty-One)
As the timeline returned to normal, the heroes would be rejoicing and both fearing the defeat of Orion. As his Sentinels lie deactivated across the city, hotspots of Delta Radiation begin to form. The buildings around these hotspots being to look infected with some sort of illness.
To the Westside a figure dressed in a worn trench coat and bowler hat, patrols the city. "Black Skulls journal.. As I walk through this damp and diseased cesspit, surrounded by prostitution and junkies trying to make a quick fix. I ask myself to what low end will this forgotten part of the city sink to."
A figured cladded in both combat and Golden looking armor would appear to be waiting outside the Nexus building, alas he wouldn't hang around, activating his time-field and speeding away.
Forge would appear to be establishing his old gang relations again, patrolling Westside and the docks. Harming anyone who would dare stray near.
Alicia Materdore would still be on the list of the dead, whether or not a body had been found. The same with Chris "Dark Commander" (Networks son) but the Materdore mansion in their home town of Oxford would appear to be completely leveled by a fallen Sentinel.
Above the earth, their would appear to be a huge amount of concentrated Delta Radiation, theoretically acting as a wormhole to other dimensions.. Orion's severed arm would be appear to be floating around earth, with the tiniest hint of life it remains motionless - for the moment..
(Story by [[@Hope1]])
'''Meanwhile, In the jungles of South America...
Within the lush jungles of South America, a large Mayan Temple looms over the land, casting a dark shadow. In the courtyard of the temple, over five hundred Arachni soldiers stand in military-like fashion as a portal opens in the sky above them. A large aircraft descends from the portal and slowly lands in the courtyard. The soldiers stand at attention parallel to each other and back up, creating two lines facing each other. The Arachni carrier doors open up with a menacing hiss as the air rushes out of it and the ramp descends to touch the ground. Out of the transport appears four elite guardsmen, carrying electrostaffs. They create a similar line as the figure they are protecting exits the vehicle. The entire crowd is silent as [[Ebony Tarantula]] himself walks down the ramp, dressed in a pitch black suit with violet accents and bearing a menacing facemask like that of a spider's face, a low hiss emanates from the mouth as he breathes.
Waiting to greet him is the assassin [[Lady Recluse]], bearing an infiltrator-like armor with tribal designs added in. She gives a respectful bow to the emperor as she speaks "Welcome, my master." Ebony motions for her to be at ease as his distorted voice addresses her "Rise, my apprentice. What news of the front?". The two continue to walk alongside each other to the temple's entrance as Recluse speaks "Everything has gone as planned. The heroes think we have been all but destroyed, we have what's left of The ARC and even a sample of Orion's blood. Preparations are taking place to rebuild our lost influence as we speak." . Ebony chuckles, rather pleased "Excellent. You have done well. And our metagene projects?" Recluse responds "Also going as planned. We have shipped our Blood Serums to VIPER and have begun to sell others to criminal syndicates worldwide.".
The two reach the war room in the temple, overseers watch over the computers and remain in contact with other Arachni divisions. A large table displays a holographic globe with a foreboding red light. Ebony speaks "Good. Soon Operation: Ensnarement will be ready, the heroes cannot stop us now." . Recluse looks to her master "What will we do with The ARC my master?"
Ebony's voice takes a darker tone, evident that he is not pleased "The ARC is no longer much use to us for the time being. I will send for Proxy to see what she can do about the damage, however we must be wary not to attract Orion by activating it. Keep The ARC protected and prepare to transport it back to the home realm.". Recluse nods as she departs to alert the others. Ebony goes to the labs. The lab technology blankets the room in a sickly green light as a line of human sized capsules are displayed, each one holding a test subject in suspended animation, floating in a green plasma-like liquid.
Ebony Tarantula observes the capsules, then looks to rows of metahuman DNA serums.
"Nothing can stop my plans now..."
To Be Continued...

Latest revision as of 08:07, 18 March 2014

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The Orion Crisis Banner.png

The Beginning Of The End (Pre Crisis Events)

Delta Radiation signatures have been frequently appearing around the globe in areas such as Burning Sands, Millennium City and Britain. Along with this are sightings of a robotic creature built from a new unknown metal. On top of all that is happening, Lady Recluse and The Arachni Remnant are involved....But how?

Noted Encounters

October 2013

- Threatening, untraceable messages have been sent to Night Spider and members of The Materdore Family from an unknown sender

- the Arachni assassin Lady Recluse was involved in the murder of the local "terrorist" known as Forge. After the crime was committed a strange robot appeared out a portal and stole Forge's corpse. Along with video footage of the robot a scrap of paper with the date 2035 was found where the bot appeared. This is also the first area where the Delta Radiation signatures showed up.

- Freelancer Ebon Widow discovered a file while going through The Arachni's computers (or what was left of them). This file opened new light on the case. Before The Arachni left earth, their leader Ebony Tarantula managed to gaze into the future to look into this robot, he discovered that it has a connection to Mainframe, The ARC and The Materdore Family, along with a future where humanity was eradicated by something known as "Orion".

December 2013

- The Nexus Force Building's Electrical grid was breached. At the same time, Delta Radiation signatures appeared in Westside and Great Britain (specifically the hometown of Lawrence Materdore).

- A Delta Radiation signature appeared in Burning Sands, New Mexico. Nexus Force member "Techa" responded. She found a very powerful android being attacked by Lady Recluse and The Arachni along with an unknown mercenary. By the looks of it Recluse was competing with the mercenary for the android. UNITY Agent Miss Valor was also present, but was severely injured. All attacks by those present had little to no effect on the android, and just as fast as it appeared it vanished. A single piece of evidence was found, a scrap of paper with the words: "Penthouse Level, Materdore Building. Alicia Materdore---Network II". This paper was taken by Lady Recluse as she escaped.

- A large mechanical creature appeared outside of Mercy Hospital in Millennium City. Nexus Force Members Tynn, Yuki, Plasma Web, Alex Brenning, Black Void and Night Spider responded and engaged the robot. About the size of a mega destroid, this bot was targeting Mercy Hospital for an unknown reason. Eventually the robot fell and nearly self destructed in the Detroit Sewers if not for Plasma Web transporting it elsewhere. The severed head of the robot was taken back to HQ for study. Later on the Arachni were sighted at the attack location....For what reason is anyone's guess.

The Beginning Of The End: WCOC ARC Interview

You turn on the evening news to catch up on recent events, when this report is shown. Lara Greene, a news reporter that was transferred to the WCOC from Hudson City begins her interview. She is wearing her trademark green dress and rose bracelet.

"Good evening Millennium City, this is Lara Greene with your afternoon news report. In light of the recent Delta Radiation Signatures that have appeared all over the world and attacks by an unknown mechanical being. Parker Materdore Dynamics is ready to release a device that promises to "Make Crime Extinct"

The ARC, a powerful device that can link all response systems, internet sources, cameras and any other mainframes into a single large service and response network. This device is the life's work of Lawrence Materdore, inventor and head of the former Materdore Industries prior to their merge with Parker Technologies in mid 2013. Here with me today is Lawrence Materdore's business partner and head of Parker Technologies, James Parker. It's good to have you here Mr. Parker."

James Parker, a well known philanthropist and head of Parker Technologies is seen sitting next to Lara. Dressed in a steel blue suit and tie he smiles and nods casually "It's good to be here Ms. Greene." Lara then gets down to business, as is her M.O. "So Mr. Parker, I hear that this device could really make an impact on how we live and work. Mind going into detail on that?"

James responds calmly "Of course. The ARC is designed to be a device that links all other mainframes into one server network. Things like the MCPD or Fire Department response units would have a link to all zones of the city, which means that should a crime or fire break out they can be notified and respond twice as fast. Groups such as UNTIL, PRIMUS and MARS would have access as well, to where they can notify heroes in a certain area of a crime in progress. To sum it up, a faster more efficient response system.".

"Forgive me but that almost sounds too good to be true." Lara responds to which James replies "That was my reaction when Lawrence presented the project to me. I was very skeptic. However given previews on how this system would operate and I got a bit more optimistic."

Lara comments "I've also heard that your company has been bombarded by protesters who claim this is an invasion of their privacy." James replies "They have good reason to be worried, I was worried about that myself. However I have personally made sure that the ARC respects the privacy of others. The device is only meant to link response networks and warn law enforcement and emergency units, not spy on average citizens."

"Well I'm sure many viewers at home will be thankful to know that. But what about the dangers of the ARC? Like say if it fell into the wrong hands?" James takes a moment and gets more serious

"This was a very serious thought while developing the project. With people like Dr. Destroyer and others who would want to get their hands on the ARC and use it for personal gains, we had to put in several failsafe systems before unveiling the final version. I took the project aside for a few months for this reason. Should anything happen we can immediately terminate the server and unlink those connected to it." James Parker continues "The ARC is also piloted by an A.I known as Mainframe. We ran several trials and we can confirm that Frame can't be manipulated or hacked and his main programming is to serve the public through the ARC, nothing else."

"Looks like our time is almost up. Is there anything else you want to mention?" Lara looks at James to which he replies "Despite the risks and dangers Lawrence and I believe that this device can revolutionize the world around us, and make life safer for everyone."

"Alright Mr. Parker thank you for your time." She reaches over and handshakes James before he walks off set "There you have it viewers. The ARC will have it's grand unveiling and installation this Saturday on the 4th of January. More information on our website" The interview ends.

The Orion Crisis: The White Woman

A cosmic entity of unknown power and omnipresent wisdom. The White Woman AKA Madame Weaver closely watches the timestream of the Champions Earth. And intervenes when needed. Her true form and intentions are unknown but she seems neutral. Weaver has been seen before during the Titian Institute's active days when the ancestors of James Parker were being killed off by an unknown attacker. She gathered the Titians and sent them through time to undo the damage during The Victorian Era, The Civil War, and WW2. However she was absent from the Institute's destruction by Ebony Tarantula.

Now on January 4th 2014 she has returned in light of Orion's full out assault on earth through the now activated ARC. And she has brought bad tidings. Now that the ARC has been activated, events will take place that will determine the future of earth. Be it the post apocalyptic wasteland of Orion's creation, or the wondrous future we all dream of. She has told the Force of a small spark of hope in the darkness. Hexerium, Dexerium's one natural foe. And the only metal that can utterly destroy Orion's nigh impenetrable armor. But the path ahead will test the Nexus Force in every possible way.

The only Hexerium on earth is guarded in "The Locker". Ground Zero of Orion's Invasion. Guarding it is some of the most dangerous of Orion's minions. And to get it the Force must ally with their greatest foe, The Arachni Empire.

While Ebony Tarantula had left earth months ago, he left his Earth 4 Division in the hands of Lady Recluse, a ruthless assassin under Ebony's tutelage. It was revealed that The Arachni were the first humans to be attacked by Orion, and they were nearly destroyed by him. The White Woman has guided the Force to South America, where what's left of The Arachni have fled to. Within the Mayan Ruins and Jungles.

After sending her message, The White Woman left a gift for the heroes. As they returned to their base they noticed that time has completely stood still. And Orion's progress stalled. But they must work quickly, as soon the attacks will continue unhindered.

The Orion Crisis: Allies In Unlikely Places.

(Original post written by @The-Mighty-One. The author and primary GM of The Orion Crisis!)

Upon receiving a faint signal in the deep jungles, the heroes gathered themselves in preparation for the trek in a world being worn apart by the sinister Orion. The group then encountered one of the Arachni's horrors. Intrigued by its behavior they decide to follow it. Little did the group know, the strange creature had lead them to who else but! Lady Recluse herself! At this point the group was very on edge, strangely enough Lady Recluse invited them into her base of operations.

Left, right and center. The Arachni's forces, battered and exhausted from the combat they've seen. Auxilium had mentioned in the past to Eve about "The Sage" and how he could help their efforts against the menacing Orion! - With one catch. The group would have to travel to the future and retrieve The Sage from his residence. And so they did! hustling together they all travelled into the future.

The skies were dark, buildings (What was left of them) Remain alight. Any manner of civilized life was gone to ruins. Sentinels patrolling the streets relentlessly. Not stopping until they have wiped out any imperfect life left on the planet - (that's everything by the way.) The group arrived just outside of the old transit system of MC, nothing would prepare them for what was next.

Upon entering the old transit systems maintenance tunnel. Lights and cabling remain disturbed from there original positions. With what few light the tunnel had, even stranger horrors awaited them. The group progressed down the dark and dingy tunnel, keeping to what light they had until suddenly!

Ahead of them, there would've appeared to be a shadow of a young boy, with nothing casting it. Auxilium commented prior to entering how "No man, No beast would dare enter these tunnels." The heroes were on the tip of the iceberg in discovering how the attack had truly decimated life both above and below ground. The tunnels lie populated the unfortunate people who were trapped in the tunnels on the 4th of January. The Day the ARC was launched. No longer people, they mutated and shifted into echoes of there former selves. Forced to relive every moment of the disaster in the tunnel until they died, only for it to repeat.

(I don't in any way take credit for this idea, I only mended it so it would give a creepy edge to the storyline. Metro 2033 is the author of this event)--T.M.O

After facing treacherous dangers the heroes reached The Sage and well.. None other then Forge himself! Supposedly dispatched by Lady Recluse in 2013. Forge would remark to the group, "Its about flipping time!". Dotted all around his new lair, pieces of Sentinel. Including a semi-functioning drone in his living quarters which he had nicknamed "Larry". Forge then proceeded to uncover the solid Dexerium bullet, in which he had stolen from a caravan in 2028. Upon the bullet being acquired Forge instructed "Larry" to send them back into time just before the ARC was launched.

The Orion Crisis: The Final Battle, And What Lies Ahead

The White Woman's Prophecy

It has been an eventful day for the heroes of Nexus Force. They traveled to the future and the past to prevent a cataclysmic invasion by the coldhearted automaton known as Orion and his sentinels. After a harrowing fight in Space over the Earth, freelancer Ebon Widow fired a dexirium bullet from a special railgun, given to her by Lawrence Materdore, and struck both Orion and The ARC. The ARC was seemingly deactivated and Orion gravely wounded, the robot overlord even bled somewhat.

In the end Orion vanished, his fate unknown along with that of Forge, who vanished during the fight. What was left of The ARC and a sample of Orion's blood was stolen by the demon Zephyron on behalf of Ebony Tarantula and The Arachni Empire. However many heroes now question Ebon Widow's true loyalty due to her literally giving the blood sample to him, claiming that The Arachni deserved something for their troubles. The deactivated sentinels now fall to earth, on land and sea alike. UNTIL, PRIMUS and numerous governments and possibly a few super villains have begun to clean up the debris.

As the Nexus Force now get some well deserved rest, they all experience the same vision....

They are in a room, pitch black with nothing but a think fog in the air, they cannot move nor speak, but only watch and listen. An old woman dressed in white robes appears before them, her face hidden by darkness. She speaks out, her voice echoes through the room.

"Welcome, heroes. You have indeed been successful in your mission. And now I will bestow upon you the fate you have created for your world." Through the mist you see visions, three are depicted. The world of 2035, still lies as a barren wasteland, the second and third depict Millennium City in present day, although one is more damaged than the other, The White Woman speaks again.

"Your actions have split these dimensions asunder, while you have saved this reality, the one from which Orion spawned from was already separated and will not change, yet. However the two present timelines are virtually the same, however one was more damaged in death tolls and destruction. Now that you have defeated Orion, I will merge these two timelines into one, undoing most of the damage and death caused. But not all will be saved." She holds the two earths in her hands, and slowly brings them together as the entire earth experiences a phenomena akin to The Northern Lights, before a blue flash ends the lightshow.

"It is done. And now for your future. The fate of your world will forever remain unknown, as there are constant choices and struggles that will forever change time itself. But I will leave you with what lies ahead now."

The woman's eyes glow a bright blue as her voice echoes even more.

"It is true that you have saved this day, however your eternal fight for good has not ended. It is a fact, that Orion is not vanquished. His injuries will take time to recover, but he will return with a vengeance, when that is no one can say. But in Orion's place will stand new challenges. The Nexus Force will continue to prosper, however the future of Lawrence Materdore is blurred. You will cherish new friends, and mourn those lost. You will witness the rise of new threats, and the return of old ones. The world of 2035 remains unchanged, however Orion's defeat will spark a new resistance that will see the survival of the human race. The past, present, and future is at peace, for now."

"You must always remain vigilant, as the very thing that brought Orion and The Arachni to this dimension is still active. And more danger awaits in the vast reaches of time and space. You will make choices that will forever change Nexus Force, for good or otherwise. For you are heroes, and your every action, and non-action spells the fate of yourself and the world around you. Go now, and may the light be with you."

The vision ends and the heroes awaken.

Evil Never Dies (Epilogue)

(Story by @The-Mighty-One)

As the timeline returned to normal, the heroes would be rejoicing and both fearing the defeat of Orion. As his Sentinels lie deactivated across the city, hotspots of Delta Radiation begin to form. The buildings around these hotspots being to look infected with some sort of illness.

To the Westside a figure dressed in a worn trench coat and bowler hat, patrols the city. "Black Skulls journal.. As I walk through this damp and diseased cesspit, surrounded by prostitution and junkies trying to make a quick fix. I ask myself to what low end will this forgotten part of the city sink to."

A figured cladded in both combat and Golden looking armor would appear to be waiting outside the Nexus building, alas he wouldn't hang around, activating his time-field and speeding away.

Forge would appear to be establishing his old gang relations again, patrolling Westside and the docks. Harming anyone who would dare stray near.

Alicia Materdore would still be on the list of the dead, whether or not a body had been found. The same with Chris "Dark Commander" (Networks son) but the Materdore mansion in their home town of Oxford would appear to be completely leveled by a fallen Sentinel.

Above the earth, their would appear to be a huge amount of concentrated Delta Radiation, theoretically acting as a wormhole to other dimensions.. Orion's severed arm would be appear to be floating around earth, with the tiniest hint of life it remains motionless - for the moment..

(Story by @Hope1)

Meanwhile, In the jungles of South America...

Within the lush jungles of South America, a large Mayan Temple looms over the land, casting a dark shadow. In the courtyard of the temple, over five hundred Arachni soldiers stand in military-like fashion as a portal opens in the sky above them. A large aircraft descends from the portal and slowly lands in the courtyard. The soldiers stand at attention parallel to each other and back up, creating two lines facing each other. The Arachni carrier doors open up with a menacing hiss as the air rushes out of it and the ramp descends to touch the ground. Out of the transport appears four elite guardsmen, carrying electrostaffs. They create a similar line as the figure they are protecting exits the vehicle. The entire crowd is silent as Ebony Tarantula himself walks down the ramp, dressed in a pitch black suit with violet accents and bearing a menacing facemask like that of a spider's face, a low hiss emanates from the mouth as he breathes.

Waiting to greet him is the assassin Lady Recluse, bearing an infiltrator-like armor with tribal designs added in. She gives a respectful bow to the emperor as she speaks "Welcome, my master." Ebony motions for her to be at ease as his distorted voice addresses her "Rise, my apprentice. What news of the front?". The two continue to walk alongside each other to the temple's entrance as Recluse speaks "Everything has gone as planned. The heroes think we have been all but destroyed, we have what's left of The ARC and even a sample of Orion's blood. Preparations are taking place to rebuild our lost influence as we speak." . Ebony chuckles, rather pleased "Excellent. You have done well. And our metagene projects?" Recluse responds "Also going as planned. We have shipped our Blood Serums to VIPER and have begun to sell others to criminal syndicates worldwide.".

The two reach the war room in the temple, overseers watch over the computers and remain in contact with other Arachni divisions. A large table displays a holographic globe with a foreboding red light. Ebony speaks "Good. Soon Operation: Ensnarement will be ready, the heroes cannot stop us now." . Recluse looks to her master "What will we do with The ARC my master?"

Ebony's voice takes a darker tone, evident that he is not pleased "The ARC is no longer much use to us for the time being. I will send for Proxy to see what she can do about the damage, however we must be wary not to attract Orion by activating it. Keep The ARC protected and prepare to transport it back to the home realm.". Recluse nods as she departs to alert the others. Ebony goes to the labs. The lab technology blankets the room in a sickly green light as a line of human sized capsules are displayed, each one holding a test subject in suspended animation, floating in a green plasma-like liquid.

Ebony Tarantula observes the capsules, then looks to rows of metahuman DNA serums.

"Nothing can stop my plans now..."

To Be Continued...