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*'''[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9VSGPmkUc0 Joan Jett - Bad Reputation]'''
*'''[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9VSGPmkUc0 Joan Jett - Bad Reputation]'''
*'''[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xusC01JShvU Fit for Rivals - Damage]'''
*'''[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xusC01JShvU Fit for Rivals - Damage]'''
='''''<div style="color:#370A0A; background-color: #370A0A">Tropes[[File:Anarchy_Tropes.png|175px|left]][[File:Anarchist_Tag.png|45px|right]]<br><br></div>'''''=
==<font color=white>Appearance</font>==
*'''[http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DominoMask Domino Mask]''' As Anarchy, Veronica has worn a domino mask in various renditions and as far as she's concerned it is too iconic to her now to let it go.
*'''[http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DelinquentHair Delinquent Hair]''' It's no secret that Veronica's hair is iconic to recognizing her on the streets. After all, she's had the same haircut for half of her life.
*'''[http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TattooedCrook Tattooed Crook]''' Veronica has gone full-body with her tattoo with only room on her scalp and majority of her face left untouched by black and white ink.
==<font color=white>Personality</font>==
*'''[http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ActionMom Action Mom]''' Veronica has adopted, plans on having one of her own, and serves as something akin to a Denmother to younger female heroes (some of which live with her).
*'''[http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SmarterThanYouLook Smarter Than You Look]''' Veronica appears as your common delinquent teenager that runs the streets giving a finger to the police, but she is actually quite intelligent.
*'''[http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/LovableAlphaBitch Lovable Alpha Bitch]''' Veronica is very keen on inadvertently making herself one of the best friends one can have in life, but she also possesses quite the abrasive disposition.
==<font color=white>Morality & Philosophy</font>==
*'''[http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DarkerAndEdgier Darker and Edgier]''' Veronica's scope of morals are best defined as an enigma (even to herself). This makes her appear an edgy or darker persona.
*'''[http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ChaoticGood Chaotic Good]''' Veronica is absolutely a Type 1 Chaotic Good character, valuing freedom but still operating within a set standard for good.
*'''[http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GuiltComplex Guilt Complex]''' Due to the mistakes Veronica makes, she's always expressed she feels it is her responsibility to taken credit for the results.
==<font color=white>Combat Skills</font>==
*'''[http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CombatPragmatist Combat Pragmatist]''' Rules of Engagement? Only if the situation (training or sparring) is calling for it. Otherwise, expect foul play, people.
*'''[http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FightsLikeANormal Fights Like A Nomral]''' Despite having her Vril usage and other pieces of equipment, Veronica actually prefers to fight as if she were a normal human, using actual skill.

Revision as of 15:01, 19 September 2013

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The Unrivaled
CEO of Citadel Protection
Judge if you want. In the end we all die and I'm intended to deserve it. You fear death, don't you? My 'fear' is my substance, and probably the best part of me.
Player: @Mr.Bushido1991
Super Group
Eternals Incorporated
· Other Affiliations ·
Circle of Justice
Civilian Protection Network
Cerberus Tactical Solutions
Real Name
Veronica Anne Arky
March 7th, 1994
Detroit, Michigan
Grosse Ile Township, Michigan
Hall of Anarchy
Punk Rock Musician
Legal Status
Registered Heroine
Public Identity
Marital Status
Engaged to Natasha Roy
· Known Relatives ·
May Whitefield (Adopted Ward)
Physical Traits
Apparent Age
24 (Physically 19)
147 lbs.
Body Type
Subject to Change
Pale Gold
Slight Tan
· Distinguishing Features ·
Full-body Tattoos
Various Piercings
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
Vril-Ya Physiology
· Equipment ·
Neural Skinsleeve
Multitool Gauntlet
Anarchium Suit
· Other Abilities ·

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Many have regarded Veronica as an enigma wrapped within uncertainties and insecurities while some would argue she is one of the most charitable people as well as open about herself. However, there are a certain number of masks and walls preventing the larger majority from getting to know who she is.

To those who have known her casually, she is often the 'life of the party', bringing her mild-mannered attitude and fun sense of humor. Pleasant company and almost always regarded as flirty. If there is a static aspect of her personality on a social level however, its that she's never afraid to be herself in any situation, and is adamant on speaking her mind if the circumstances allow. She's willing to listen and offer general advice based on her personal experiences as well, many of which are often insightful and beyond wisdom expected from her age. She knows she is on the attractive side as well, but often doesn't throw that around casually.

When the gloves are off however, Veronica adopts her persona of Anarchy where some noticed alterations of her character differ, but most are subtle. She is headstrong and capable of accomplishing feats many thought impossible for someone of her age, but she has proven time and time again she is much more than meets the eye and always carrying more than one would expect. She seems to have an unflinching aura about her as Anarchy, facing down threats that most would cower from with ease, and effectively. She has the tendency to come off as very passive aggressive or jaded to many things on the moral side of things, and seems to have a mannerism of perceiving most she works with as distractions. It is not out of arrogance that drives this perception, but simply not wanting to have a life lost on behalf of rash and foolish actions. She is not one for attention however, despite some instances, always being blunt in her desire to not become a 'media hero'. Out of all the things that strikes her amusing of external opinions of her however, it is that she is arguably a shining example of what the next generation of heroic individuals could strive to be like.

The true colors of the twenty four year old vigilante lies in doubt and fear. This is partially because of her upbringing. Forced to live on the streets until the age of six has forced her mental state to live in paranoia and skepticism. However, with her fierce resolve to always push forward, she has become quite adamant on never allowing anything to limit her in her search of knowledge or skill. Utilizing her muscles abilities to adapt to her environment and her eidetic memory, she has kept herself immensely occupied in just that, going so far as to forget to eat or other things vital to relaxation at times. If there is one thing that she is not, it would be greedy. No matter what the circumstances or odds, she has nearly always put herself second to others, going so far as to perform near suicidal attempts to save another life. Relaxation for long periods of time and impeding her progress of knowledge and skill are two things that don't exist to her.

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Standing 5’7’’ tall, for a weight of 151 pounds, this young woman is far from being the average you would walk by on the streets. Her hair is always subject to change in terms of appearance or color but make no mistake, Anarchy's hair is always well taken care of. But other such details reminiscing of the punk genre is spread on her – among those are more notably the piercings on her left brow, chain piercings, bellybutton piercing, tongue piercing, and her snakebite lip piercings. All those details can seem intimidating to an onlooker, but it’s important to note that Veronica is still young, as such; her facial features vibrate with youthfulness. And this girl does wear makeup, but only of a calculated quantity, that being black eye shadow and usually dark red or black lipstick. This is enough to bring out her slightly almond-shaped, pale golden eyes. Are those eyes natural at all, though? Closer examination would suggest that they are…

The rest of her body embodies the expression “Walking art gallery”. Her torso is fully tattooed. All those ink patterns of various designs all seem to be forming a certain form of unity. How it was done so is a mystery… Notable details of her tattoos include a garden of black roses along with skulls amidst the roses. The stem, from which the thorns point in various directions, travel across her torso and tend to have a rose, or skull, sprouting from it. Written in stylized italic letter, “Vivi” is tattooed above her right breast, and the dots of the I trail down to her stomach to form the tattoo of a tribal guitar set ablaze, which is interned with the thorn stems of the roses. On her right shoulder… Is this an anarchy symbol branded on her shoulder? No, it’s a tattoo of a branded anarchy symbol, and it looks life like. From it, chains link it to her other shoulder, by traveling up her shoulder, to her collar bones and around her neck before reaching said other shoulder, where a graffiti-like upside-down anarchy symbol lies.

Beyond those tattoos, however, is one of a very athletic woman with notable abs and biceps. She’s obviously somebody who does a lot of physical activities, and it’s paid off in keeping up this athletic musculature. She’s not devoid of curves though. Veronica happens to be on the top-heavy side, even. Though, her wrists have remains of healed burn wounds. However, the latter mentioned being mostly covered by the tattoos. But, those tattoos probably can’t hide away her left wrist that seems slightly deformed, and is most apparent when her wrists are placed one close to the other.

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Dimitri "Truth" Vincento II was an ambitious man born into the Mafia, established an infamous and notorious reputation in the streets of Detroit and he knew that fate would deliver him death. Fate shined when he took the opportunity with a woman from the Czech Republic to give birth to Veronica Vincento. Overcome with a prideful will for his legacy to be sought after, he set his daughter apart for him and the Mafia to live a life of absolute poverty. While most young girls had dolls or infatuations with ponies, Veronica's younger life was filled with gang violence, drugs, and life on the streets. While Dimitri indirectly always provided an out for the young girl when things got too deep, she was alone during her childhood from the early age of four. Watching other girls her age with families or with proper clothing, she slowly became spiteful and developed an alternative coping method. Blessed with innate gifts setting her above the average human, she realized she possessed a very potent memory, but it lacked proper utilization. Memories merged and forged false securities. Denying the fate of succumbing to her environment and when she got the hint of being manipulated, she began her own training. She took a keen interest in things such as music, athletics, and even mechanical engineering and began developing herself with skills.

By the time of adolescence, Veronica was initiated into the family by the initiation ritual and vowed the oath of Omerta. Never knowing her father at the time, she began partaking in distractions for the local authorities, allowing the family to make uninhibited moves. It was not long however before she came into the possession of powers in the form of volcanic manifestation. Around the age of fifteen, bolstered by her awareness of powers and years worth of memory application, she felt comfortable enough to begin fighting her way out of the families influence. She found new-found allies in the form of the Maniacs and through working with them and her exhibition of 'concerts' to demonstrate her points of view to the public, she became known as Anarchy. Two years worth of building an extensive criminal background from arson to even attempted murder, Anarchy became well known to the criminal underworld in Detroit. Attracting the attention of a man known as Bacchanal, she slowly worked her way into the Maniacs ranks that eventually became a romantic relationship. Using her self-taught sense of planning, tactics, and stubborn resolve, she was advised to move the Maniacs, ultimately leading to the fateful event known as the Black Parade. Some sections of Westside went up in flames while officers and hero alike struggled to quell the war the Maniacs had brought to the streets for good. This eventually led to Veronica's arrest a week after the event.

Investigations led to the discovery of Veronica's situation concerning the forcible almost slavery and telepathic coercion from other sources ended the courts decision to place her into a reformation program as her second chance. One aspect of the agreement was undergoing a meta-human training program which placed her into Prodigy Force and the meeting of her mentor. Things naturally started off very rough. She skipped lessons, played cruel jokes on her peers, and acted very much like a belligerent delinquent. However, she eventually loosened up gradually to be trained by not just her mentor, but a private benefactor as well. The private benefactor was an Ex-VIPER Agent specializing in stealth operations and wet-works. He taught her most of what he knew to supplement what her mentor delivered, and thanks to her memory, things came naturally swift. Later within the first year of her training she received an anonymous letter details the facts and truths about her biological father which infuriated her and caused a severe relapse in attitude. She went under the guise of a vigilante, Vendetta, and ran into a group of individuals known as Mask and later Great Lakes Vigil Watch. Among the men and women she began to work with were: Black Tiger, Street Sovereign, Ronin, Brent Heights, and Savvy.

Working alongside Mask and the GLVW gave her access to alternative approaches to take down criminals and sidebar training outside of her mentorship within the Reformation Program. She gained the trust of the vigilantes and worked alongside them to take control of a margin of the criminal activity on the streets utilizing overly violent punishments, gaseous chemicals inducing fear, and public displays of intimidation to the criminal underworld of Detroit. Eventually, she was able to reach her father and usurp the title of 'Head of the Family' through the help of these men. She allowed this to linger as the Great Lakes Vigil watch became more and more scarce and smaller in number due to unsolved murders and disappearances - even to this day. With the heat getting worse and worse, the authorities began getting hot on Mask's trail due to their volatile tendencies and eventually landed her and its roster as criminals. Veronica feigned her death to get out and leave the highly stressful situation in the past and continued through with her reformation program.

Halfway through her reformation trail, she began to dedicate her time and efforts towards Prodigy Force. Utilizing her array of skills, intelligence, and overall dedication to not stop moving forward, she rose to the rank of Alumni -- field leader. The team held their own against multiple enemies, most of which stopped or arrested thanks to the combined efforts of the team. Four months into her becoming Alumni, the team received word that their financial supplier and majority of the mentoring staff had lost their lives to an enemy they had been working to stop. Funding had halted and development fell on them all. Veronica only stood around helping what efforts they had left before splitting the moment her reformation trail was over. Now a free young woman and a free agent she placed her talents towards a very brief freelance career. Seemed fate wouldn't remove her entirely from her old allies however as she was hired to rejoin the ranks of Safeguard with some of her peers. Two months later she left due to the same enemy from before growing more and more powerful and she was terrified of going through more loss. This is when she cut all contact with former alliances -- save a few -- and attended her fist SUMMIT.

At the SUMMIT she met with individuals she would integrate into her life. One in particular would be the half-elven healer known as hero Divael at the time. Distraught, with a load of baggage, and confused on where she was supposed to go, Veronica found an odd comfort around this woman and began frequenting her. Registration and taking the Purge serum shortly thereafter caused her to intensify her training independetly and then her heroic career began. Going through the motions in her early career, she joined Meta-human Investigations and Security Team to earn her financial stability. After she felt herself stable she resigned from the team and turned her attention towards support of The Aegis Association led by Divael and where a large majority of her closer friends resided. She quickly and rapidly grew into a small margin of recognition in the heroic community as a city-wide figure of the law. During Blood Moons she always focused on the defense of Westside streets and evacuation of any and all civilians she could find. Then during the Destroid Invasion to the city she became a ever-on-the-move force against the automated enemies. Demonstrating her training in full, she was once again focused on Westside and civilian evacuation all the way up into the Mega-Destroid attack on Champions Headquarters. Donning on a temporary armored suit she took the fight to the large enemies. However, somewhere in the midst of the fight she took a stray beam from an unknown enemy which pierced the suit and suffered a near fatal injury. She called for assistance but unfortunately wasn't heard due to reasons. Divael luckily found her and got her to safety for medical attention.

The injury caused Veronica to take a short hiatus from heroic action where she contemplated her life and began to slowly work her way backwards. She realized where things were the most stable in her life, bitterly accepting the fact that she had to go back to the criminal underworld in order to achieve what she wanted. However, she refused to become a villain again, and her course was set. With a reliving experience of her old 'concerts' of spreading the message of anarchy to a certain crowd, Anarchy had been reborn, but in a new light. She returned to the heroic community as a stagnant force. She didn't push herself anywhere she knew she couldn't go, instead focusing on simple patrol and investigation. The name Anarchy became more and more known due to its baggage and its sudden change in direction. People knew who she was now and then opportunity presented itself. The Moonlighters had closed down and LeBlanc revealed himself on television. Citadel was founded and Anarchy approached the vigilante community of the city asking them all to put aside any differences and begin working with her and each other for the benefit of the streets. Citadel Protection developed further into a legitimate business for private contract investigation and protection after the Millennium City Police Department's cut on protection was passed and has ever grown since.

Involving herself with training New Vigil members that took her temporary offer until they got their own foundations established, she became invested in the young heroine named Blue Freedom. This led to developments into Anarchy investigating an international company called Cartier Industries right around the same time her mother approached her to disclose what she truly was, a descendant of the Vril-Ya. During the investigations, Anarchy came into contact with another young metahuman on the streets running from a rather large gang which she dispatched to save the young woman. This quickly became an emotional attachment to Veronica as she took the girl under her wing. Months later within the investigation, her direction was pressed into a business trip which took a total of two months for precautionary procedures against Cartier Industries. Upon return she was approached to join the Eternals team by Stopmotion and has since developed fractions of her strict time schedule to working alongside the heroes of the team, even prompting a large section of her static heroic contact and friends to join alongside her.

Powers & Abilities
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Anarchy is a metahuman, born into a lineage of an antideluvian people capable of harnessing an energy source unknown to the general public called Vril. As a descendant of Vril-Ya, she is able to assume control of the energy found innately all around her, albeit passively in her case. It is usuable in the same sense that a mage would use magic - despite the two not being very far off from each other. Vril is empowered by Willpower - the extent of which is limited to the users hereditary constitution - and has readings akin to dimensional magic. A scientific theory places it as a radiation from Prima Materia within the Black Sun located in the center of the Earth, but this has not been proven nor tested thus far. Her passive use of Vril is best described as an innate intake that developed during her childhood and subconsciously used it to supplement her necessity for survival.

Veronica's intake allows herself to have a peak level human physical condition only further maintained by her intense training, specialized diet, and biofeedback treatments. She is capable of lifting up to 170 pounds on a bench press and almost double her body weight on a deadlift (around 295 lbs), perform gymnastic level feats of flexibility and keep up with Olympic level runners. Her endurance, stamina, accuracy, and healing time has been increased beyond normal human standards as well. In relation to her physical training she is quite the adept martial artist and marksman. She received her initial training at the hands of her mentor whom taught her Snake-Style hand-to-hand combat techniques and later what he remembered of VIPER Hebijutsu. Interested in learning more she has since undertaken to learning traditional professional Boxing, Krav Maga, Judo, and Pencak Silat as well. She is arguably one of the most physically dominating young women within the Great Lakes region of the United States and has received recognition for her physical prowess.

Like her physical condition however, her mental condition and intelligence has been enhanced as well and is maintained by her keen interest to continue learning things foreign or alien to her. She is a brilliant detective, tactician, strategist, and commander and has been complimented on her keen observational skills in the past. Her interests are vast and somewhat unexpected from a woman of her stereotype or genre. Regardless however, she has proven herself as much of a genius as a bodybuilder and is successfully running a business with an incredible financial success at an early age.

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  • Neural Skinsleeve: Anarchy utilizes a personalized skin sleeve decorated appropriately to match her tattoos to interact with her static equipment upon thought command. The piece of equipment is tailored to link into Veronica's neural network and the electrical signal nodes in her equipment. This allows herself to perform various tasks at once in a combat confrontation and focus her direct attention on her opponent. It is located under her Multitool Gauntlet on the right forearm.
  • Rebel: Anarchy's customized, modified, and optimized motorbike resembling the Harley Davidson Traverston V-REX Module. Once more to exhibit her knowledge in skills in mechanical engineering, she was able to enhance its vrod motor's performance to be high caliber efficient and silent. It's tires are all-terrain purposed and wide rimmed and is in possession of a cruise control. It also has an onboard computer linked to her database within the Hall of Anarchy.
  • Le Esperance: A very personalized handgun named Promise in French for sentimental value. The handgun itself is ebony black and capable of being disassembled and reassembled to fit various types of ammunition due to the adaptable accessories belonging to it. One either side of the weapon are two polished circles which offer mirror-like properties, displaying images akin to Veronica's 'inner light'. It features a dangling pendant of her namesake that has been redesigned to possess small fractions of her Vril crystal. Esperance is the sister pistol to Spera, which is held by Natasha Roy. Though it is not an exact lifeform it seems to have its own consciousness of sorts, being adamant on its desire to only be held by its owner. It feels like it belongs to Veronica and fits exactly right in her hand to a degree it improves the users aim to near-perfect accuracy. To anyone else wielding it, handling is awkward to the point that accuracy, aiming, and balancing are affected. Even if loaded with lethal ammunition the pistol is incapable of killing anyone possessing life or truly injure (unless the user allows). Each shot drains the targets energy, in the way that a mortal wound caused by the bullet will instead just knock them unconscious.
  • Anarchium Suit: Coming Soon.
  • Multitool Gauntlet: Anarchy's multitool gauntlet has become her best friend while patrolling the streets. It has been redesigned to be made of the same lightweight alloy used to make the Anarchium Suit. It has various features that are subject to change, but with enough static functions to take note of. It is equipped with a seventy foot wire zipline located on the right hole under the wrist. She is able to keep the length locked in with neural command. There are three preloaded small bolts as well, each with a designated design; one is designed to provide a localized small explosion upon contact to a surface, another is designed for electromagnetic pulse discharges, and the third is laced with a neurotoxic substance. On the backside of the forearm a retractable blade lies and lastly she has integrated two electrical technological functions as well. One of which is an anti-magical discharge thanks to the design being given to Anarchy from friend. The other is a kinetic safe heatsink which allows her punches to be enhanced when needed with proper energy conversion methods to keep it omnipresent as well.

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The Hall is the secret headquarters of Anarchy consisting of a series of subterranean chambers and hallways beneath her residence in Grosse Ile Township, Michigan. Originally, the household was owned by a smuggler and its purpose was a secret passage for a storage unit. Within the early nineties a vigilante by the name of Street Sovereign bought and restored the property, ultimately discovering the underground chambers. Upon his initial debut into more full-time operations on the streets of Detroit, he redesigned the chambers to facilitate his needs for his fight on crime. As time passed, Street Sovereign lost interest and put it up for sale. Veronica bought the property, securing a deal from her former ally, and was told of its existence. Although the property has been under her name for a short time, Veronica has worked alongside her family and closer friends to restore and expands its usage. The incorporation of paranormal and less than mundane means have been instated to allow her fiance, Divael, to put her use to its chambers as well. The chambers are only accessible by the main study hall of the residence by turning the hands of the small clock resting on the fireplace to eight thirty three (the time of Veronica's first flat-line). The Hall's centerpiece is a supercomputer whose specs are on par with any of those used by leading national security agencies; it permits surveillance of all of Detroit and surrounded districts. It also connects to her massive information network as well as storing vast amounts of information, both on Anarchy's foes and his allies.

The systems are protected against unauthorized access, and any attempt to breach their security immediately sends an alert to Anarchy or Myrymma Selxin'drae. Additionally, the Hall features state-of-the-art facilities such as a crime lab, various specialized laboratories, mechanized workshops, personal gymnasium, a vast library, and trophies of past campaigns. It also has medical facilities as well as various areas used in training exercises for Anarchy and her allies. The Hall is rigged with a sophisticated security system in order to prevent all measure of infiltration. The security measures include motion sensors, silent alarms, steel and lead mechanical doors which could lock a person in or out. Passive DNA scanners in the halls to detect non-matching intruders, constant security cameras, heat monitors, laser tripwires in particularly high-security rooms and halls, wall-, ceiling-, and floor-mounted turrets, attack drones, security bots, and a self-destruct sequence with the code only known by Anarchy and Myrymma.


The Hall stores unique memorabilia items collected from the various cases Anarchy and her allies has worked. These are mostly on display within the same chamber as the supercomputer alongside the uniform exhibitions. These are trophies of defeated villains, magically confiscated artifacts, sentimental treasures, or technological weaponry Anarchy and her allies have condemned to be never be used. For the majority it is only shared by Anarchy, Divael, and Myrymma.

  • Jewelry of Aqueous
  • Chains of Firerage
  • Pat Riot's Hammer
  • Six Shooter's Hat
  • Corporal Hydrogen's Helmet
  • Nightinwail's Ring
  • The Coat of Vendetta

Friends & Allies

Rogues Gallery

  • Bacchanal
  • Vendetta IV
  • Henbane
  • Hemlock
  • Midnight Ruffian
  • Mamushi
  • Vice
  • Carmello Falcone
  • Pat Riot
  • Greyscale
  • Ronin
  • Night Prowler
  • Creepe

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  • Anarchy and Divael founded their own duo band named Ungeneric. The first album, Irritations, saw its final production in April of 2013. It puts emphasis on their own alternative views to certain key topics of interest that's nature irritates them, obviously. The second album is currently being planned and is rumored to hopefully include other featured artists.
  • Anarchy is the founder and CEO of the Citadel Private Protection company and the owner of Anne's Italian Dinner and Coffeehouse. She also helps her friends manage a few other establishments around town, most notably Marcel's, a blues club in Westside, and Giovanni's in Downtown, which is more or less an alternate strip club of sorts.
  • Anarchy owns two unorthodox pets in the forms of a young alligator named Jade which she has had, for the time being, provided a personalized section of her apartment too. Her other pet is even stranger, due to the fact that is, in fact, attached to her skin in the form of a tattoo. It can actually remove itself from her skin upon magical incantation and take the form of a squirrel she has named Brent.
  • Anarchy is actually quite the dancer due to her passive abilities. She began taking classes and watching dancers online that she soon began to replicate. With enough practice overtime combined with her acrobatics and martial arts, she's become quite adept at the art. She took a liking to dubstep 'popping' in particular.
  • Anarchy's hair is always subject to change in both appearance and color. She has some strange obsession with hair and absolutely must (at some point) get her fingers in all of her friends hair and constantly suggest them letting her style it. Her own hairstyle has changed over ten times since she watched and learned how to do hair styling at a Westside barber shop. It is also very well taken care of.
  • Anarchy is incredibly uncomfortable with the thought of pregnancy and all of its details. While she will not avoid or treat those she knows that may be currently pregnant at the time with disdain, she makes it well know that she is not a fan. Members of The Aegis Associate have seen her get sick and throw up after one woman's water broke in Caprice.
  • Anarchy actually has a very low taste for sweets and candy. She absolutely despises the taste of chocolate, caramel, and peanut butter for example. However, she has shown to have quite the taste for red velvet cake. Very strict with her diet, Veronica has become a vegetarian and switched to living as healthy a life she can with food choice.
  • Anarchy does not have the ability to swim due to her extreme fear of drowning thanks to suffered from aquaphobia. Despite certain individuals best attempts at teaching her how to swim, her mental condition and fear prevent the knowledge from retaining a foundation to sink into her memory.
  • Anarchy has become quite the collector of a very specific type of artifact. Taking a keen interest in antideluvian items and the history associated with it, she has procured a certain number of artifacts. She desperately wants one item in particular but fears the odds of finding one is near impossible.
  • Anarchy is openly a fan of My Little Pony. Her favorite pony is Rarity, which is rather odd due to her usual disposition. The enjoyment of this show stems from when she watched the program alongside her daughter who introduced her to it.
  • Despite the common knowledge of being engaged to Natasha Roy, the tabloids and a few others have been rather persistent in finding out about Anarchy's other affairs. This is due to the fact that she used to get around. She has heard others believe she is dating various people such as:

-- Adapto, whom she has denied any romantic involvement with. She admits they did one date but stresses it was platonic.
-- Violet Mask, which she laughed at and held no comment towards.
-- Ophidia, which she admits was a truth in the past but has long since been over.
-- Atom Adam, whom she claims was her first boyfriend back during her reformation period, but the fling lost its flame years ago.
-- Crow, which like Violet Mask she only laughed at and held no comment.
-- SoulStar, which she only winked and held no comment towards.

  • Anarchy was never provided the opportunity to experience high school, but she was sensible enough to ascertain her General Education Diploma and complete at least one year of college. She decided it was best to cease her official educational pursuit however due to business taking up too much of her time.


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  • Domino Mask As Anarchy, Veronica has worn a domino mask in various renditions and as far as she's concerned it is too iconic to her now to let it go.
  • Delinquent Hair It's no secret that Veronica's hair is iconic to recognizing her on the streets. After all, she's had the same haircut for half of her life.
  • Tattooed Crook Veronica has gone full-body with her tattoo with only room on her scalp and majority of her face left untouched by black and white ink.


  • Action Mom Veronica has adopted, plans on having one of her own, and serves as something akin to a Denmother to younger female heroes (some of which live with her).
  • Smarter Than You Look Veronica appears as your common delinquent teenager that runs the streets giving a finger to the police, but she is actually quite intelligent.
  • Lovable Alpha Bitch Veronica is very keen on inadvertently making herself one of the best friends one can have in life, but she also possesses quite the abrasive disposition.

Morality & Philosophy

  • Darker and Edgier Veronica's scope of morals are best defined as an enigma (even to herself). This makes her appear an edgy or darker persona.
  • Chaotic Good Veronica is absolutely a Type 1 Chaotic Good character, valuing freedom but still operating within a set standard for good.
  • Guilt Complex Due to the mistakes Veronica makes, she's always expressed she feels it is her responsibility to taken credit for the results.

Combat Skills

  • Combat Pragmatist Rules of Engagement? Only if the situation (training or sparring) is calling for it. Otherwise, expect foul play, people.
  • Fights Like A Nomral Despite having her Vril usage and other pieces of equipment, Veronica actually prefers to fight as if she were a normal human, using actual skill.