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[[Category:The Liberators]]
<center>=Psi-Punk: Dossier</center>
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Physical weakness: his muscle structure is capable of less than those with similar "bulk" of muscle mass would be capable of by a 35% reduction rate.
Physical weakness: his muscle structure is capable of less than those with similar "bulk" of muscle mass would be capable of by a 35% reduction rate.

Revision as of 18:35, 10 June 2016

=Psi-Punk: Dossier

Name: Simon Johnson

Callsign: Psi-Punk

Power Types: Cybernetic and Psionic



Simon Johnson was part of one of Westside's many broken homes growing up. His mother was an adult entertainer at a local bar, and was seldom home. His father happened to own the bar, and had no part in his life, not even paying child support due to having killed one of the other women working at the bar and, by having done that, ended up being put on death row. Simon's friends were generally the teenage and young adult gang members who took him under their wing.

These "role models", while they taught him how to survive, ultimately proved to be the start of a spiral in crime that would last much of his young life. When he was five, he received a pop-gun and a series of pop-caps for his birthday. Three weeks later, he emulated his role models and psudo-parental figures in the gang "The Cobra Lords", and robbed a local Royal Burger. Due to the realistic appearance of the weapon, he was tackled by a police officer during the arrest, one of many things that was used against him during a trial that was later determined to have been conducted by three biased individuals (The judge, prosecutor, and his defense attorney provided him by the state, each later found out to have a bias against Westside's citizens in general, whom they regarded as "human garbage") who conspired to have him locked in a juvenile detention facility well before he had turned the legally required age of eight, using falsified records to ensure it worked. He did not leave this facility until he was ten.

==Release from state custody and school disciplinary record information==
At ten, Simon Johnson was released from the juvenile detention system. By this time, Doctor Destroyer had ravaged Detroit, and his mother was nowhere to be found. It later was discovered she had fled during the initial attack, and was homeless at this time and in the years until Simon became a Henchman.

Simon spent the next five years bouncing from foster home to foster home, attending Westside's various schools from then until the age of fifteen, when he was expelled for a threat made publicly against school faculty and several students in response to several of them bullying him due to his very public interest in cyberpunk and horror fiction, and clear interest in computers and science. His high school science teacher at the time remarked that it was a shame that it had happened, because he had a knack for figuring out the exact amount of force, velocity, and mass an object had at any given moment, both in paperwork and on the spot. The threat was found to closely match an incident where a virus had infected every computer in the school, and based on the electronic seating charts for computer classes and information about specific faculty's office locations (correlated with MAC-Addresses and static IPs), targeted specific people, downloading incriminating files to attach itself to and falsify the dates on, then causing

actual physical damage to each of those computers, while leaving the hard drive intact and permanently altering any storable memory sources other than that to reinstall the virus (including those on a few of the newer, freshly donated component parts such as the CPU and graphics card). Due to the combination of the threat and it's connection to the previous incident; which had resulted in multiple firings of faculty and indefinite expulsions of students; Simon was expelled, and every high school in the area quickly blacklisted him and sought legal assistance keeping him off their grounds, rather than risk teaching him. Due to this and other factors, he joined his remaining former role models in The Cobra Lords, who by this point had become integral to the gang's function.

==Gang Life==

Simon's life in the Cobra Lords was short lived. While he was considered a valuable asset for anything requiring a little intelligence, he didn't really fit into it's organization and was often mocked by those not of the gang's "Old Guard". He had no chopper, and filled both consultancy and foot-soldier roles, making him an outcast in both the gang's movers and shakers, and it's ground level troops. However, VIPER was looking at him for a role as a henchman at the time. He didn't know this, and while looking for a way into a more profitable form of criminal activity, was recruited by PSI, who had recovered a blood sample of his from a free clinic that pointed to him being in possession of several psychokinetic-focused Psionic/Metahuman genetic structures. For three weeks, he vanished before re-emerging as a PSI Slicer, specialized in ranged usage of psychokinetic blades.

==Henchman Career==

Simon worked with PSI on many of it's moneymaking ops, honing a little of his skill and focus, and regaining pieces of himself slowly due to the intensive techniques PSI used at the time involving sub-audible vibrations and a sensory deprivation tank. When he went into a coma for three days during a training exercise, it was discovered that he had sustained a massive amount of damage to his brain in several areas key to empathy and moral understanding. These injuries completely removed much of his non-psychokinetic abilities, but made him a merciless killing machine. This condition was known at the time as Psionic Burnout, and was commonly treated among PSI's more valuable members by the use of psionic amplification implants. While he would normally not have qualified, his potential in the discipline of Psychokinesis was impressive to Mindslayer, and Simon was quickly fitted with a psionic amplifier.

Soon after this, however, Simon began to fit pieces of himself back together. He quit PSI and began working for Argent's black ops divisions, but was never really told what was going on behind the scenes, or the details of each operation. During this time he had a neural device implanted using six months of advance pay from that job, and shortly after met Gary Normill, who taught him much of what he knew about the henchman's trade. Gary would go on to save his life a total of six times while he was in Argent, and when Gary left, Simon followed him in the hopes of learning the things that he had not yet been taught.

Simon then began working for VIPER, being approved due to his cold, calculating stance. He hurt and killed many in his work there, but it was known he would never take a kidnapping job. Whenever those came up, he was instead offered training and computer systems work, or was put in the same squad as Gary Normill, to assist with some task or another (three more times did Gary save his life when he was VIPER, two of which were in the South American base before Gary was transferred a week before it's destruction). When a werewolf tore through the VIPER base in South America he was working in at the time, he was one of the only survivors due to a freak circumstance: His C.O. ordered the henchmen to retreat and evacuate, while he held off the werewolf using the base's defenses. He was transferred to building staff for a VIPER nest underneath Singapore, but also regularly was put on jobs in other parts of the world, including London and several undercover ops to infiltrate other villainous organizations. When he was evaluating another VIPER base's henchman population, an antihero named "Dead-Eye" came with his son and sidekick "Crimson Blade", and began slaughtering henchmen, officers, and prisoners in the base indiscriminately. In this fight, Crimson Blade sliced off Simon's right arm and then died due to ego-knife inflicted wounds all over his body, with the last one going through the center of the right and left sections of his brain. Simon's rage-induced vigor ended shortly after, and Gary Normill was forced to save his life for the ninth time, bandaging the wound, administering morphine, and dragging him to safety. Simon had the options then of a regenerative treatment or taking an undercover Operation involving Cybermind, which would have given him access to the best cybernetic arm money could buy. He took the latter option, and Cybermind even enhanced the arm with artificial nerve technology stolen from PSI, and used the best possible materials in the crafting of this arm to attempt to ensure loyalty from what was, by this point, one of a very small amount of partially biological henchmen whose primary job was to repair the robots that comprised the primary soldiers of Cyberlord, improve them, and keep the digital records in his mainframe orderly and backed up. When Simon killed the other henchmen and went back to VIPER with the stolen blueprints for countless technologies six months later, he was given an option of joining VIPER's assassins provided he joined their religious cult. Instead of doing this, he refused the offer, and was sent on another mission- To infiltrate Celvani Artificial Organs, a company that was rumored to repossess the biotechnology it sold to it's clients if they angered the management. During this mission, he stole countless amounts of financial Data, and due to his training with Gary Normill during his henching career, survived the mission by the skin of his teeth, coming back with the financial data, client lists, and various memos of incriminating information. Due to this, he decided that Gary had saved his life a tenth time. By this time, Gary had already left the henchman business for good, and soon VIPER offered a large amount of money for an assassination job that would get him out of Singapore and back in Millennium City. As normal, Simon did well beyond the mandated amount of research on the job, and ended up finding out that Gary Normill was the target. He was furious, but due to his brain damage having aggravated by that point, was not capable of showing his rage on his face. This was used to his advantage, when he programmed the medical robots and equipment to tranquilize everyone in the base, then changed the self destruct password into the first fifty characters of an irrational number (During his intake interview with UNITY, he stated it was Pi), and set the self destruct before logging off and walking out. The explosion that resulted blew up a substantial amount of Singapore's sewer system, and caused a fire in the red light district, which was explained by city officials as a large earthquake and a pyrotechnics accident in a nightclub happening moments from each other. This was the end of his henching career, as he'd pretty much made enemies of every organization he'd worked for.

==Vengeance Spree==

Following this, he decided to do further damage to each of the former employers he could find. Cyberlord by this time had relocated and was experimenting with mobile base technology, which prevented Simon from doing anything to him aside from revealing a few of the things he had worked on or seen in Cyberlord's employ that were not yet public knowledge. Argent had several plans he revealed to a few sources anonymously, as well as it's tax dodges and proxy corporations, which it was forced to pay and absorb into itself, respectively. Celvani lost many of it's financial backers and some of it's higher ups due to Simon's work, which lead to a power vacuum, violence within the company, and it's eventual dissolving. Finally, VIPER watched a man in one of it's suits enter base after base and destroy them without drawing attention to himself.

==Arrest and UNTIL Contractual work==

Soon afterwards, VIPER put out a hit on Simon, sending an entire hit squad of it's elite, upper echelon assassins. At this time, Simon was laying low in a motel in Westside, occasionally hacking his old employers through complex proxy networks and full dives into the 'net using an interface program that made it appear much like the way the Matrix was represented in Neuromancer. When he got wind of the VIPER hit on himself, Simon left an anonymous email to the MCPD, stating that he was inside a certain room in the motel. Knowing the magnitude of his crimes, he had little hope for anything better than life in prison, but he knew that if VIPER got to him first, he wouldn't have a chance at life at all. His last few days after that, he spent saying his goodbyes to friends, family, and enemies. He deposited a huge sum into his mother's bank account to help her with chemotherapy treatment. He found the three people who had gotten him put into the justice system (and later denied his appeal as he exited state custody for the records to be expunged) on their deathbeds in Millennium City's Mercy hospital dying of untreatable dual-kidney removal with hot implements (after they appeared in the papers as victims of a savage attack by yet another Westsider they had wronged), and said a viciously cruel goodbye to them each one by one, promising to "Meet them in hell, and make sure they're the most tormented souls in the history of it's existence". He even tried to contact Gary to say goodbye, but couldn't find a way to do it. His affairs mostly in order, he went back to his motel room and went into a depressed seclusion.

Several days later, Simon was getting anxious. He knew that the VIPER hit team would be there at any moment. When his door was kicked open, he thought he was about to be sprayed with napalm... until a single MCPD officer in power armor and an electrokinetic shield came in and demanded he put himself on the ground. He was never so happy to be arrested. He was placed in Stronghold for a week before UNTIL contacted him, offering him a place in the former henchman work release programs they had created two years before. Due to his state of mind, he was considered a "Class F" recruit through the program, and had a close eye kept on him. They sent him on many missions in a week, topping at an average of 60 to 80 hours a week of the most dangerous things they could think of. This continued for a few weeks, until he was offered a transfer to The Cognatus, and shortly thereafter his body and brain were repaired and cybernetic preventative measures taken to keep further damage from occurring.

==Cognatus Work and Membership==

Simon's work with the Cognatus was both uneventful and mostly subcontracted, with exception to his dealings with Dead-Eye, who by this point had become a full blown villain devoted to destroying Simon. Through this type of work, he began to see the effects of his previous line of work on it's victims, and long-subdued guilt began to overtake him in the form of false visions. When he realized what he needed to do, he made it his purpose, and to ensure he kept his promise to himself to make up for his crimes against humanity, he had an adrenal controller and life support/restoration unit implanted in his chest and head, linked together. Simon is still attempting to cope with his guilt and deal with his past to this day.

=Traits an Abilities List=

Psychokinesis: The primary focus of Simon's psionic abilities, and the only discipline of psionics he has any real talent in... though the talent has for Psychokinetic power is very impressive. He is barely inhibited by one of these uses being nearly constant- That of his psychokinetic shield.

Psychomotabolism: Simon is considered average as a Psychometabolist. He can heal minor to moderate wounds to certain kinds of tissues and enhance the abilities of others, but only to a minor degree or over a period of four seconds to two hours depending on the requirements to heal or enhance that capability.

Telepathy: Simon is very much below par in this ability's use. Use of Telepathic abilities such as mind reading are only possible on either willing or very weak willed targets, and require concentration on the target that is both all-consuming and very obvious. Surface thoughts are the limitation of what he can gain from this, and he cannot pick them up accidentally.

Intellect: Simon's IQ is extremely high (He's a full 10% smarter than the smartest nonpsionic human that has been tested and recorded, though he lacks much in the way of common sense, and prefers to look like an average person in intelligence. This however does not permit him to think on the same level of consciousness as beings such as Menton, who easily possess double to quintuple his own intellectual capacity).

Willpower: Simon's willpower is strong enough to cause physical force to emerge from thin air slightly beyond that of a shaped charge filled with ball bearings. While this is not enough to take on cosmic entities without aid, it is enough combined with other factors to put him on par with many of the top tier superheroes and supervillians in destructive potential.

Mental Endurance: Simon has an astounding level of mental endurance, well beyond that of many of our tests of psionic superheroes.

Fragility: Simon is, in body, ultimately just a cybernetics-enhanced human. He can't withstand many of the things other heroes can.

Cybernetic Power Weakness: Some kinds of power, specifically those that are considered "Magic" by it's users, tend to bleed through his psionic shielding and cause effects beyond just the physical harm or weakness they may be intended to cause. Hostile powers in this category are known to cause him to grit his teeth or bite himself to keep from losing concentration or screaming in pain.

Cybernetic Enhancements: Can directly connect to any wireless or optical wire input capable device, use his brain as a direct interface to an integrated computing device, remotely control many pieces of technology with wireless capabilities, view the internet and devices in traditional and 3 nontraditional (read: three-dimensional simulation) formats, hack devices and program with thought directed at his implants, use internal voiceless audio communication techniques, and other assorted tasks a Neural Device is capable of with the correct programs. Cybernetic arm has artificial nerves to allow psionic channeling. A ramping psionic amplifier to produce raw power is present, as well as a neurofeedback inhibitor in "loop" form, which prevents psionic burnout. An emotional inhibitor device allows him minor control over his emotions, or complete removal of emotional ability in combat situations. Implanted Adrenal Controllers and Life Support Systems allow him to keep his brain alive up to four hours after bodily death, attempt to restart his body, and the like, with a recharge time and triggered adrenaline surge to go with it.

Physical weakness: his muscle structure is capable of less than those with similar "bulk" of muscle mass would be capable of by a 35% reduction rate.


In late 2017, plagued by lawsuit troubles, the Coalition dissolved. A deal was made for PRIMUS to take the heat and clear members of civil suits so that individuals would not be affected... but the price was that the organization was to disband. The Coalition was dissolved, the facilities shut down, and the organization became defunct. The Orb of Eternity was disposed of, and the Citadel was destroyed in a controlled demolition. The Phoenix Complex itself was also similarly decommissioned and rebuilt into a new headquarters for Vlocke Aerospace Industries and Frost Futuretech.

The Liberators parted ways, but remaining friends and wishing each other luck in their future endeavors. The Phoenix went up in ash... though because PRIMUS only ordered the current members to dissolve and never reform, and not outsider non-members, the Phoenix may one day rise again from the ashes when the ban on the team name "Liberators' expires in ten years.

LIBERATORS 2011-2017


Liberators Tower (decommissioned) | The Citadel (decommissioned)

Members at time of dissolution

Swift | Skarius Snowtalon | Nulion | Ouros | Viro
Hellion MK.II | Atlas Sarnosian | Trembling Mind | Lionel Blacke
TALAN | Velocies | Wintermist | Vherio | Hyena
Duuz | Charlie Lang | Kuro Hiryu |
Red Tesla | Livina Uaisbro


Swift | Velocies | Lionel Blacke | Skarius Snowtalon | Roland Vlocke
Brian Thomas | Helena Wolfe

Associates and Allies:

Creed |Davkas Droverson | Tai Cheng | King Nocturne | James Walker | Shadow | Umbra

In Reserve / Status Unknown:

Fang | Firefox | Nik Buster | Varulfr | Blast-Beetle

Deceased / Former Members:

Rocket Wolf | CharmCaster | Techna Ology | Kados | Rhiannon Frost | Ephrael Wilson