Rion Blackfrost

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The subject of this page is about something that no longer exists in the Championsverse.

We've packed up and left, but the page that you are reading has been left behind for knowledge and archival purposes, and to keep links intact.

The Liberators are no longer operating in Champions Online. For more information see the United Liberators Coalition page.


In late 2017, plagued by lawsuit troubles, the Coalition dissolved. A deal was made for PRIMUS to take the heat and clear members of civil suits so that individuals would not be affected... but the price was that the organization was to disband. The Coalition was dissolved, the facilities shut down, and the organization became defunct. The Orb of Eternity was disposed of, and the Citadel was destroyed in a controlled demolition. The Phoenix Complex itself was also similarly decommissioned and rebuilt into a new headquarters for Vlocke Aerospace Industries and Frost Futuretech.

The Liberators parted ways, but remaining friends and wishing each other luck in their future endeavors. The Phoenix went up in ash... though because PRIMUS only ordered the current members to dissolve and never reform, and not outsider non-members, the Phoenix may one day rise again from the ashes when the ban on the team name "Liberators' expires in ten years.

LIBERATORS 2011-2017


Liberators Tower (decommissioned) | The Citadel (decommissioned)

Members at time of dissolution

Swift | Skarius Snowtalon | Nulion | Ouros | Viro
Hellion MK.II | Atlas Sarnosian | Trembling Mind | Lionel Blacke
TALAN | Velocies | Wintermist | Vherio | Hyena
Duuz | Charlie Lang | Kuro Hiryu |
Red Tesla | Livina Uaisbro


Swift | Velocies | Lionel Blacke | Skarius Snowtalon | Roland Vlocke
Brian Thomas | Helena Wolfe

Associates and Allies:

Creed |Davkas Droverson | Tai Cheng | King Nocturne | James Walker | Shadow | Umbra

In Reserve / Status Unknown:

Fang | Firefox | Nik Buster | Varulfr | Blast-Beetle

Deceased / Former Members:

Rocket Wolf | CharmCaster | Techna Ology | Kados | Rhiannon Frost | Ephrael Wilson

Rion Blackfrost
Player: @fanglesswolf
Biographical Data
Real Name: Lionel Blacke
Known Aliases: Blackfrost, Rioneru
Gender: Male
Species: Felis silvestris catus, or known as a house cat
Ethnicity: I'm a cat?
Place of Birth: Millennium City
Base of Operations:
Relatives: Unknown
Age: 19
Eyes: Yellow
Hair: Black, white, grey, FUR!
Complexion: Pale
Physical Build: Muscular
Physical Features: Tiger stripe fur
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Years Active: 3
Education: K-12, Bachelors, Accosiates, Masters
Marital Status: single
Known Powers and Abilities

Equipment and Paraphernalia

Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBoxSlim created by @Maekada

Background and Origin


Rioneru was originally a standard house cat, he was born on October 31st, 2007 along with six other feline siblings at an animal shelter. Those early days were rather simple, for any newborn. Nothing important occurred until he was two months old, at which a man named Noah Blacke adopted him, and took him home. For years, the little cat did it's thing, sunning it's self, demanding attention, sleeping, and eating. During those years, his owner spoke with him a bit too much, explaining projects and problems to the little companion.

The little feline listened, if nothing more, the complaints were amusing, and he always was petted, rubbed, he was given the attention he wanted. From the explanations given to him, Noah was trying to find a way to reverse the manimal mutations that several other scientists had caused. To create an option for manimals to return to what they used to be, or at the very least, have the option to. The project was in animal testing, and so far, all of the experiments that he and his team created had failed, killing the subjects, mutating their bodies unpredictably, or trapping the manimal in a midway state. None of these results were what was desired and management was breathing down their backs.

Rion's owner decided that instead of ruining the lives of current manimals, they would try a new method, create manimals and then attempt to cure them. After all, they wouldn't have any real lasting memories. This tactic was barbaric but seemed to work, their new formula would cure 70% of the animals, and seemed to be working on about 20% of the long term manimals. However there were side effects, it seemed that even with the results, those changed back would die days later. Several companies withdrew funding, and with no other alternatives, Dr. Blacke appealed to ARGENT, a supposedly well-respected company, voicing his accomplishments, and all they had been able to cure, but the company refused to fund further advances. The Organization UNTIL took notice after the ARGENT publicly refused the good Doctor. Providing a controlled lab, and keeping watch, the Doctor was able to continue.

Throughout the years, the little cat grew, watching and comforting the Doctor, eventually the Doctor was forced to stay in a base, after his own home was burnt down after a few robberies... Rion often stayed in the lab, stealing desk space, and sunning himself under a lamp, he was nicknamed the little lion, as he often attacked the feet of people insulting the good doctor. With the resources available to Blacke, he developed a cure for the manimals- or he believed he had-and was ready to demonstrate it by mutating a large Rottweiler into a manimal and then curing them. However, another scientist had mistakenly used the wrong subject, for little Rioneru had decided to leap into the open chamber, his curiosity, where they were administering the injection. Blacke's assistant injected the little cat, and watched as the feline mutated. The Doctor in the other room was most definitely upset, as he rushed in, seeing who had grown.

With the mutation, his Master was afraid, afraid of his pet, but also afraid of his death. Immediately after the mutation into the humanoid cat he is today, the assistant also injected him with the cure. Much too fast, the cat's body twisted back into it's original form. But again, there were the side effects. The body seemed to be able to shift between the humanoid form, and his original shape. Countless tests were run, and Rion seemed to survive through the expected expiration date. After which, Blacke began tutoring his pet, giving him more modifications to help his beloved companion develop, his injections gave him strength and intelligence, skills to survive, and a knack for learning quickly...


Rioneru has had two years since he gained his legs and his own intellegene. The large housecat has


Powers, Skills, and Attributes


Power 1 - Put info on your power here. Be as lengthy as you like.

Power 2 - Not every hero HAS powers, of course, in which case the powers section can be deleted.

Power 3 - Just take everything from the HR tag above the Skills section, up to the "Powers" sub-header, and delete it. You can also edit the Main Header to take the word 'Powers' out of it as well.


Skill 1 - Skills are the things your character has learned to do, or has an innate talent at doing.

Skill 2 - These skills can be as mundane as painting, to more fantastical things such as enchanting items.

Skill 3 - If your character has no particular skills worth noting, feel free to follow the same directions as shown for the 'Powers' sub-header on how to remove this section.


Attribute 1 - Attributes are physical or mental traits, separate from powers in most cases, though possibly enhanced by them.

Attribute 2 - Attributes can be things such as flexibility, or being naturally acrobatic, or good eye-hand coordination perhaps.

Attribute 3 - Again, like the last two, if you have no use for it, delete this section. You can also ALTER the section if there is something missing that you would find more fitting.

Gear and Equipment


Weapon - Rion possesses a large arsenal of heavy weapons. Maces, Hammers, Axes, swords, most of them are oversized and pretty heavy. Rion really only carries one at a time. They have no additional effect other then being able to bash, cut, slice, impale and crush. Rion carries these weapons on his back, the blades are sheathed.

Armor - The cat has several sets of armor, and one set of full body. Most of them have no real features other then being protective and shiny, while his full body set is an environmental suit able to handle it's self in multiple environments, underwater, high temperature, vacuum, and can withstand most firearms.

Gadget - Liberator Comm device. While Rion also has a small stock of tools for emergency injuries as well.



Rion is not in a relationship at this time. Nor has he desired one.


Put any friends or allies your character may have in here. You may give them descriptions or simply list them. To make a numbered list, simply place a # at the beginning of each new line:

  1. This guy
  2. That guy
  3. Some chick


No enemies have deemed this hero as an overall threat as of yet.

General Perception

Comments from other Heroes
Post a Comment
CommentBox created by @Maekada


In late 2017, plagued by lawsuit troubles, the Coalition dissolved. A deal was made for PRIMUS to take the heat and clear members of civil suits so that individuals would not be affected... but the price was that the organization was to disband. The Coalition was dissolved, the facilities shut down, and the organization became defunct. The Orb of Eternity was disposed of, and the Citadel was destroyed in a controlled demolition. The Phoenix Complex itself was also similarly decommissioned and rebuilt into a new headquarters for Vlocke Aerospace Industries and Frost Futuretech.

The Liberators parted ways, but remaining friends and wishing each other luck in their future endeavors. The Phoenix went up in ash... though because PRIMUS only ordered the current members to dissolve and never reform, and not outsider non-members, the Phoenix may one day rise again from the ashes when the ban on the team name "Liberators' expires in ten years.

LIBERATORS 2011-2017


Liberators Tower (decommissioned) | The Citadel (decommissioned)

Members at time of dissolution

Swift | Skarius Snowtalon | Nulion | Ouros | Viro
Hellion MK.II | Atlas Sarnosian | Trembling Mind | Lionel Blacke
TALAN | Velocies | Wintermist | Vherio | Hyena
Duuz | Charlie Lang | Kuro Hiryu |
Red Tesla | Livina Uaisbro


Swift | Velocies | Lionel Blacke | Skarius Snowtalon | Roland Vlocke
Brian Thomas | Helena Wolfe

Associates and Allies:

Creed |Davkas Droverson | Tai Cheng | King Nocturne | James Walker | Shadow | Umbra

In Reserve / Status Unknown:

Fang | Firefox | Nik Buster | Varulfr | Blast-Beetle

Deceased / Former Members:

Rocket Wolf | CharmCaster | Techna Ology | Kados | Rhiannon Frost | Ephrael Wilson