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Revision as of 05:10, 11 June 2014

Player: @AaronKorr
Biographical Data
Real Name: Arianne Derouin
Known Aliases: Second Life
Gender: Female
Species: Human and Arctic fox hybrid
Ethnicity: Cajun
Place of Birth: Marrero, Louisiana
Base of Operations: Millenium City
Relatives: Crystal Hayseed, cousin
Age: 35 though her body is that of 22
Height: 6' - 0"
Weight: 156 lbs
Eyes: Green
Hair: White or grey fur, frequently with dyed highlights
Complexion: White or grey fur
Physical Build: Athletic
Physical Features: Shortened claws and a single scar over her heart.
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Identity: Secret
Years Active: Six months (Ten years prior, see background.)
Citizenship: United States citizen
Occupation: Part time stylist.
Education: K-12, 5 years training in varied martial arts.
Marital Status: Dating
Known Powers and Abilities
Slightly above human reflexes, CQC training specifically in sword styles, Small arms training, ability to come back from nearly any fatal wound.
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Kendrium Longswords, several knives, poisons, and a pair of custom 9mms.
Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBoxSlim created by @Maekada

Background and Origin

Early life and tragedy

Arianne was born as a typical human girl into a modest family in southern Louisiana to Garen and Casee Derouin. Her family included a couple older siblings, brother and sister by name of Quincy and Sharice. Early on in school it was quite clear she enjoyed fighting and was frequently labeled as tomboyish. This love of fighting found her in trouble quite frequently, though most occasions she got away with very little punishment as more than not her fighting was in another's defense. This however did lead to a reputation as a bully among some regardless of the fact she was quite the opposite in most cases.

In her teens she had made a name for herself locally as one girl not to toy with. She seemed to spend a good amount of time in local gyms and training herself to the point that she was one of the top in her class and could mix it up with most of the boys, most of whom underestimated her despite her growing reputation simply due to her being a girl. One in particular, by name of Darrell Evans, was one of the few to treat her as an equal. They became fast friends always attempting to best one another and eventually as they got older grew even closer.

It was obvious to everyone else by the end of school these two would end up married before too long. Unfortunately that was not to be as fate ripped the two apart during an ill-fated tournament they both attended. The end of the tournament would have been the moment Darrell had proposed but instead Arianne vanished just before her final match. It wasn't until weeks later that anyone found out what happened, or simply what appeared to have happened. Local authorities discovered the charred remains of a female matching her height and seemingly her dental records as there was no other way to identify the body. All who knew her mourned the loss and assumed her story were well and truly ended with the truth not surfacing until nearly a decade and a half later. Sadly her family would not see her again as they along with a few of her friends including Darrell were found murdered three years after this event. A crime that to this day remains unsolved.

The Undying

It is at this point we can only go by the discovered records and testimony of two survivors of a twisted experiment in the arcane. This event perpetrated under the leadership of one only later revealed as Terrathus Karnathus, whether this was his true name or not is still in question. The experiment itself was apparently designed to make what might have been a small army of functionally immortal slaves. The twisted designs took it one step further making these 'slaves' mixed with various animals wanting them to be less than human. Fortunately it largely failed with only two successes out of a full hundred, the failures sadly were all destroyed in the process in one way or another.

The true reason we have any record at all is because they failed in part on the other survivor turned into, like Arianne, an arctic fox hybrid. Richard by name, was lost to them before they could secure him and ensure true control of his body. Richard would eventually return to put an end to all those involved, permanently. The other details shared, at obvious pain, by Arianne detailed how the worked. She described awakening chained to a sacrificial table of sorts already apparently changed at this point only to have a wicked looking dagger plunged into her heart, apparently later found to be the way they chose to seal in the unique form of immortality. Not long after she woke again finding she could no longer move, apparently after her 'death' they had sealed away her mind and stolen control of her body.

She would not go into details after this only confirming that she was indeed the villain and murderer known only as The Undying, wanted across the globe for killing without any seeming remorse while she was forced to simply watch. This went on for ten years after her 'masters' put her body through rigorous training to turn her into a killing machine that while only three years would have been easily the equivalent of five or six due to no need for rest as simply killing her would force an apparent reset refreshing the body. She also revealed that her mind was frequently assaulted by her masters simply enjoying the torment of her sealed away mind.

Second Life

The end of her decade long nightmare came at the hands of the other survivor Richard. Unknown to her masters he had the same immortality and they made the mistake of sending her after him, the two of them killing one another a few times before Richard managed to subdue her and lock her into a medical coma working to finally eradicate the evil behind it all and finally free her. She was left in this coma a bit after being freed as the organization he belonged to worked to legally free her as well. When she finally woke she had been given a new life, resources siezed from her former masters to pay for her home and give her a good bit of funding to start over with.

She has since put a bit of work into recovering everything she lost with the stain left on her from the last ten years and all she was forced to do while her mind was sealed away. Among rebuilding she was however forced into therapy to deal with the issues that arose from those long years of torment she had to endure, slowly becoming more outgoing but still bound to snap at anyone over trivial things. Currently enjoying a new relationship and employed as a stylist, even trying her hand at the hero game dealing with local thugs under the alias of Second Life, all signs show her well on the road to recovery and putting the abilities forced upon her to good work.

Powers, Skills, and Attributes


Power 1 - The unique ability to 'reset' upon death. It is what keeps her body by all appearances eternally 22.


Skill 1 - She is versed in several forms of close quarters combat and is an experienced brawler.

Skill 2 - She went through rigorous training in several sword and short blade styles.

Skill 3 - She likewise was trained in the art of the silent kill.

Gear and Equipment


She uses a pair of custom kendrium long swords, several short knives including a pair designed to deliver any number of poisons, and a pair of customized 9mm sidearms.

Other Equipment

She has a few high tech items to assist her lack of powers. The first being a short range teleportation device she typically uses to get in close when stealth fails. Her second being an advanced cloaking system to enhance her trained abilities. And finally a nano-injection system to speed up her healing when she does take damage.

She also owns an '02 Harley Sportster 883 Custom she lovingly maintains though it is strictly for civilian transport.



There are very few she would consider friend but first among those would be her ofttimes crazy boyfriend Zarvos, referred to as 'Nutters' by her. The only other she would consider friends would be Ballanxe, a chemist in the field of toxins and other chemicals including rather unique perfumes. She does however have many other acquaintances she is on friendly terms with.


In late 2017, plagued by lawsuit troubles, the Coalition dissolved. A deal was made for PRIMUS to take the heat and clear members of civil suits so that individuals would not be affected... but the price was that the organization was to disband. The Coalition was dissolved, the facilities shut down, and the organization became defunct. The Orb of Eternity was disposed of, and the Citadel was destroyed in a controlled demolition. The Phoenix Complex itself was also similarly decommissioned and rebuilt into a new headquarters for Vlocke Aerospace Industries and Frost Futuretech.

The Liberators parted ways, but remaining friends and wishing each other luck in their future endeavors. The Phoenix went up in ash... though because PRIMUS only ordered the current members to dissolve and never reform, and not outsider non-members, the Phoenix may one day rise again from the ashes when the ban on the team name "Liberators' expires in ten years.

LIBERATORS 2011-2017


Liberators Tower (decommissioned) | The Citadel (decommissioned)

Members at time of dissolution

Swift | Skarius Snowtalon | Nulion | Ouros | Viro
Hellion MK.II | Atlas Sarnosian | Trembling Mind | Lionel Blacke
TALAN | Velocies | Wintermist | Vherio | Hyena
Duuz | Charlie Lang | Kuro Hiryu |
Red Tesla | Livina Uaisbro


Swift | Velocies | Lionel Blacke | Skarius Snowtalon | Roland Vlocke
Brian Thomas | Helena Wolfe

Associates and Allies:

Creed |Davkas Droverson | Tai Cheng | King Nocturne | James Walker | Shadow | Umbra

In Reserve / Status Unknown:

Fang | Firefox | Nik Buster | Varulfr | Blast-Beetle

Deceased / Former Members:

Rocket Wolf | CharmCaster | Techna Ology | Kados | Rhiannon Frost | Ephrael Wilson