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===<div style="color: #6C2DC7; text-align: left; margin: 0 auto 0 auto; font-size: 100%;">'''Transportation'''</div>===
===<div style="color: #6C2DC7; text-align: left; margin: 0 auto 0 auto; font-size: 100%;">'''Transportation'''</div>===
[[File:Arianne_Foxwing.jpg|250px|left|thumb|Arianne's "Foxwing".]][[File:Arianne_bike.jpg|250px|right|thumb|Arianne on her Harley.]]'''Skyfox Interceptor -''' Her normal means of transportation when operating solo this agile craft sports an impressive array of weaponry and high-tech systems.
[[File:Arianne_Foxwing.jpg|270px|left|thumb|Arianne's "Foxwing".]][[File:Arianne_bike.jpg|250px|right|thumb|Arianne on her Harley.]]'''Skyfox Interceptor -''' Her normal means of transportation when operating solo this agile craft sports an impressive array of weaponry and high-tech systems.
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- Main engine capable of speeds up to 2 knots under optimal conditions.<br>
- Main engine capable of speeds up to 2 knots under optimal conditions.<br>

Revision as of 22:31, 14 June 2014

Player: @AaronKorr
Biographical Data
Real Name: Arianne Derouin
Known Aliases: Second Life
Gender: Female
Species: Human and Arctic fox hybrid
Ethnicity: Cajun Fox
Place of Birth: Marrero, Louisiana
Base of Operations: Millenium City
Relatives: Crystal Hayseed, cousin
Age: 35, physical age of 22
Height: 6' - 0"
Weight: 156 lbs
Eyes: Green
Hair: White or grey fur, frequently with dyed highlights
Complexion: White or grey fur
Physical Build: Athletic
Physical Features: Shortened claws and a single scar over her heart. Typically dyed highlights in her fur in varied shades of purples.
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Identity: Secret
Years Active: Six months (Ten years prior, see background.)
Citizenship: United States citizen
Occupation: Part time stylist.
Education: K-12, 5 years training in varied martial arts.
Marital Status: Dating
Known Powers and Abilities
Slightly above human reflexes, CQC training specifically in sword styles, Small arms training, ability to come back from nearly any fatal wound.
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Custom Shashkas, several knives, poisons, gadgets, and custom 9mm.
Physical Attributes
Non-Physical Attributes
MaekadaBoxSlim created by @Maekada

Background and Origin

Last photo of Arianne before her kidnapping and subsequent change.

Early life and tragedy

Arianne was born as a typical human girl into a modest family in southern Louisiana to Garen and Casee Derouin. Her family included a couple older siblings, brother and sister by name of Quincy and Sharice. Early on in school it was quite clear she enjoyed fighting and was frequently labeled as tomboyish. This love of fighting found her in trouble quite frequently, though most occasions she got away with very little punishment as more than not her fighting was in another's defense. This however did lead to a reputation as a bully among some regardless of the fact she was quite the opposite in most cases.

In her teens she had made a name for herself locally as one girl not to toy with. She seemed to spend a good amount of time in local gyms and training herself to the point that she was one of the top in her class and could mix it up with most of the boys, most of whom underestimated her despite her growing reputation simply due to her being a girl. One in particular, by name of Darrell Evans, was one of the few to treat her as an equal. They became fast friends always attempting to best one another and eventually as they got older grew even closer.

It was obvious to everyone else by the end of school these two would end up married before too long. Unfortunately that was not to be as fate ripped the two apart during an ill-fated tournament they both attended. The end of the tournament would have been the moment Darrell had proposed but instead Arianne vanished just before her final match. It wasn't until weeks later that anyone found out what happened, or simply what appeared to have happened. Local authorities discovered the charred remains of a female matching her height and seemingly her dental records as there was no other way to identify the body. All who knew her mourned the loss and assumed her story were well and truly ended with the truth not surfacing until nearly a decade and a half later. Sadly her family would not see her again as they along with a few of her friends including Darrell were found murdered three years after this event. A crime that to this day remains unsolved.

The Undying

It is at this point we can only go by the discovered records and testimony of two survivors of a twisted experiment in the arcane. This event perpetrated under the leadership of one only later revealed as Terrathus Karnathus, whether this was his true name or not is still in question. The experiment itself was apparently designed to make what might have been a small army of functionally immortal slaves. The twisted designs took it one step further making these 'slaves' mixed with various animals wanting them to be less than human. Fortunately it largely failed with only two successes out of a full hundred, the failures sadly were all destroyed in the process in one way or another.

The true reason we have any record at all is because they failed in part on the other survivor turned into, like Arianne, an arctic fox hybrid. Richard by name, was lost to them before they could secure him and ensure true control of his body. Richard would eventually return to put an end to all those involved, permanently. The other details shared, at obvious pain, by Arianne detailed how the worked. She described awakening chained to a sacrificial table of sorts already apparently changed at this point only to have a wicked looking dagger plunged into her heart, apparently later found to be the way they chose to seal in the unique form of immortality. Not long after she woke again finding she could no longer move, apparently after her 'death' they had sealed away her mind and stolen control of her body.

She would not go into details after this only confirming that she was indeed the villain and murderer known only as The Undying, wanted across the globe for killing without any seeming remorse while she was forced to simply watch. This went on for ten years after her 'masters' put her body through rigorous training to turn her into a killing machine that while only three years would have been easily the equivalent of five or six due to no need for rest as simply killing her would force an apparent reset refreshing the body. She also revealed that her mind was frequently assaulted by her masters simply enjoying the torment of her sealed away mind.

Second Life

The end of her decade long nightmare came at the hands of the other survivor Richard. Unknown to her masters he had the same immortality and they made the mistake of sending her after him, the two of them killing one another a few times before Richard managed to subdue her and lock her into a medical coma working to finally eradicate the evil behind it all and finally free her. She was left in this coma a bit after being freed as the organization he belonged to worked to legally free her as well. When she finally woke she had been given a new life, resources siezed from her former masters to pay for her home and give her a good bit of funding to start over with.

She has since put a bit of work into recovering everything she lost with the stain left on her from the last ten years and all she was forced to do while her mind was sealed away. Among rebuilding she was however forced into therapy to deal with the issues that arose from those long years of torment she had to endure, slowly becoming more outgoing but still bound to snap at anyone over trivial things. Currently enjoying a new relationship and employed as a stylist, even trying her hand at the hero game dealing with local thugs under the alias of Second Life, all signs show her well on the road to recovery and putting the abilities forced upon her to good work.

Personality and Preferences


Despite the rough patch she went through Arianne is rather outgoing and friendly in most cases. Despite her appearance she has a thick Cajun accent and has frequently confused others with her dialect. She has been known to snap at people for various reasons and could be classified as "Fiesty" most of the time. She enjoys arguments for their own sake seeing them as just another way to fight, and very rarely will she back down as she's not one to let others walk all over her. She tends to dress simply with loose fabrics most of the time as they tend to be easier to fight in. She will rarely be seen in skirts and heels and even rarer in full dresses. Her posture typically gives away the fact that she's almost always ready for a fight even while appearing relaxed. She also tends to wear various perfumes to mask the scent typical of a fox or other furred animal.

Arianne dancing at Club Caprice after a long day at work.


- Fighting in all its forms including simply watching a good fight.

- Workouts.

- Riding and working on her bike.

- Relaxing with a good drink.

- Experimenting with hair dyes.

- Running and a bit of parkour.

- Cooking, especially Cajun dishes

- Dancing, particularly with her Kitteh.

- Foxbat paraphernalia, unrepentant Foxbat fan girl.


- Racists and fools, seeing her or others as animals.

- 'Heroes' that make no attempt at capturing criminals alive, and worse those that brag about their 'kill counts'.

- Magic in all it's forms.

- Telepaths, especially those that abuse the power.

- People insistent on sharing their life story with her after a first meeting. She doesn't care folks.

- Poking fun at her accent.

- Pressing her for details of her life.

Powers, Skills, and Weaknesses


Self Resurrection - The magic that made Arianne what she is today had one specific goal in mind: an expendable killer. With that in mind she was changed in such a way that upon death the magic bound up within her would completely restore her body from a template of sorts while 'disposing' of her corpse removing her body from the material plane along with worn equipment and clothing. The process is not kind to her psyche as it violently tears her soul from the beyond before she can escape her mortal existence dropping her back into a new body fully equipped thanks to a faint aura that 'reads' her most recently equipped gear as this ability would have been largely useless if she were brought back stripped and vulnerable.

Enhanced Senses - The physical changes to her body made her sense of smell and hearing a good bit more sensitive which while advantageous at times can also be a detriment in some cases. Examples of this include strong smells, loud noises, and sounds beyond the normal range a human would hear ie: a dog whistle.


Experienced brawler - She has grown up with a taste for fighting and has many years of street fighting under her belt being a very skilled brawler and usually able to read most opponents from the years of experience making her dangerous even when disarmed. She is clearly a natural fighter with instincts honed to a keen edge and not one to underestimate.

Blade style training - Her former masters used her ability to resurrect to train her body in several sword styles in such a way that would have been impossible otherwise. The training was more intense than any human would be able to endure, trained without rest other than to reset her physical form meaning she required no sleep or sustenance of any kind and trained her like this for a few years. While she was not in control of her body during the training she avidly took advantage of the training given her in hopes to one day turn it upon her masters.

Assassination - As her body was used for an extensive amount of assassinations she used the opportunity to learn from them and has picked up several techniques in the usage and creation of poisons and moving swiftly through the shadows to remain undetected. Even tough she has a preference towards sparing lives she is a very skilled assassin should the need arise.

Gear and Equipment

Arianne training with her Shashkas in her tactical combat gear.


Custom Shashkas - She has a pair of custom designed Caucasus shashkas, a variant of sabre with a single curved blade and lacking a guard. The blades are both crafted of questionite with a black leather covered pommel. They also possess a small serrated edge on the inside of each blade and are kept in excellent shape by their wielder.

Throwing knives - She keeps a few exceptionally balanced throwing knives upon her person when in the field and has trained extensively with them. The knives themselves seem to be well crafted though not utilizing expensive materials unlike her swords. One added feature on these knives that is not obvious when viewed is a small advanced tracking chip buried within each knives' grip. The chip is not only useful in locating lost knives but allows her to call for additional knives on demand with an advanced recall teleportation system to bring additional knives to her from a special storage unit within her home functionally giving her the appearance of having an unlimited supply.

Poisoned knives - She also possesses a pair of knives with a modular poison well that she can swap out to deliver a potent mix of varied poisons making a seemingly harmless cut from this pair very dangerous and if required quite lethal. The blades themselves are, like her shashkas, crafted of questionite to improve their effectiveness.

HF Vibroblade - Occassionally she finds a regular blade is insufficent to pierce her foes defenses and she has thus had a short blade crafted specifically for this eventuality. The core buried within the hilt of her advanced high frequency vibro blade vibrates the blade at such a high frequency to allow it to pierce most materials and even bypass the resistance of the seemingly invulnerable meta-class abilities possessed by some to give them a nasty surprise. She will often use this blade along with one of the poisoned knives to great effect against the 'brick' class meta-humans bypassing their durability.

Silenced 9mm - While not her preferred weapon she also has a custom 9mm with attached silencer in the event that she requires a ranged weapon with more stopping power than her compliment of knives.

Other Equipment

Chameleon overlay - Her dark combat gear possesses a woven nano-fiber that when in use will shift in color to match her environment to allow her to blend in nearly anywhere with relative ease. The system also effectively masks her body heat and has a number of countermeasures to fool most scanners with an additional light bending stealth function to become nearly invisible for brief periods.

IFF HUD system - A recent addition to her equipment was added in the form of an unobtrusive HUD to feed her valuable data when in the field. It is coupled with several scanners and a communications uplink to allow her to more easily identify threats and keep in constant contact with her team when not working alone.

Utility belt - She has a custom utility belt of sorts containing the power core needed for her other systems as well as holding several doses of her various poisons and various devices for intrusion and some basics like climbing claws, durable bindings and a pair of power nullification cuffs.

Poison varieties:

- Stonehold: One of the more common poisons she uses it is a blend that spikes the target's adreneline and uses the increased bloodflow to spread the toxin quickly most targets effectively paralyzed.

- Blinder: An infrequently used blend, this toxin attacks the targets senses enhanceing their sight and sound to the breaking point making each sound and bright light excruciatingly painful frequently resulting in the target passing out from the sensory overload.

- Deadman: A specific blend designed to completely deaden the nerves and render the target largely immune to pain, one she has used on herself before and is also useful in helping those who are in pain to help them relax. It can be quite dangerous to employ however as the target will not realize how much damage they have taken and could be fatal in some of these cases.

- The Truth: An advanced psychoactive drug, commonly referred to as a "truth serum".

Explosive/intrusion Devices:

- Cracker: A small device used in bypassing electronic security with an always updating collection of programs.

- Knocker: A small explosive device that works quicker than her preferred devices blasting apart most locking mechanisms to open a door.

- Picker: A small device that gradually through the use of nanobot technology fabricates a temporary key when placed upon a lock.

- Smoker: A compact version of the typical smoke grenade that surprisingly can create a denser cloud of smoke than the normal military version.


Arianne's "Foxwing".
Arianne on her Harley.
Skyfox Interceptor - Her normal means of transportation when operating solo this agile craft sports an impressive array of weaponry and high-tech systems.

- Main engine capable of speeds up to 2 knots under optimal conditions.

- Capable of Vertical takeoff.

- Twin swivel mounted machine guns.

- Mounted air to air rocket pods.

- Single mounted plasma beam array.

- Kinetic barrier projector, useful in defending a target by granting a temporary shield to them.

- Holographic stealth system rendering the craft nearly invisible for short periods of time.

- Anti-missile flare countermeasures.

Non-combat transportation -
2002 Harley Sportster 883 Custom. Still in excellent condition with a purple gloss finish. Her preferred means of civilian transportation. Belonged to her father.

2012 Honda Civic. Used infrequently and typically only when she needs to pick up things she can't on her bike.



Meta Zarvos - a genetically engineered cat manimal, and a bit crazy to boot. She has been dating him for a couple months and currently lives with him though she still owns another small apartment. Typically refers to him by the nicknames Nutters, and her Kitteh.


Ballanxe - A human chemist specializing in a variety of toxins and other concoctions and a hero in here own right. Easily identifiable by the green hair and single green eye, results from an experimental chemical.
Harry / AKA Dead Serious - A fun loving hero and bar tender at Club Caprice. Easily identifiable by the purple mohawk he sports with a disco life style outfit or skull mask and purple armor. Always easy to get along with and funny most of the time.


The Liberators - PRIMUS affiliated anti-superhuman organization. Arianne being recently recruited into it.
Tony Griffin / AKA Swift - Leader of The Liberators, and fox manimal hybrid. Well known hero and easy to get along with. Recently responsible for recruiting Arianne.
Ryuko Executive Solutions - Private security firm employing meta-level operatives. Largely responsible for Arianne's freedom.
Richard Respawn - Her eventual rescuer and like her an arctic fox hybrid with the same unique power as they were both made from the same group of dark magicians.

General Perception


While she was in fact cleared of all charges there are many who cannot see her as just another victim especially among law enforcement. She typically recieves a very cold welcome among them with trust not coming easy. She has in fact been nearly arrested on sight when openly dealing with criminals due to some believing she was back to her 'old tricks'. Se has come a long ways there but any who knew of her former life are frequently wary of her. Most in the public know next to nothing of her connection with the former alias 'The Undying' and are much more welcoming. Though there are still exceptions to the rule.

Second Life

She has been positively accepted in this new alias and has become known as one of the few "sword wielding nuts" that brings in criminals with a distinct lack of dismemberment by the local authorities. Her name has spread a bit throughout the state though she has not received any national recognition, which she is thankful for. Her outfit has even found the approval of many hero fans citing she looks more like a hero than most of those mercenaries and vigilantes that seem to be most common among the weapon wielding hero community. One small time designer even put out a line of clothing matching the style due mostly to being saved once by her. The clothing line was only mildly successful but it did help spread her fame a bit.

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In late 2017, plagued by lawsuit troubles, the Coalition dissolved. A deal was made for PRIMUS to take the heat and clear members of civil suits so that individuals would not be affected... but the price was that the organization was to disband. The Coalition was dissolved, the facilities shut down, and the organization became defunct. The Orb of Eternity was disposed of, and the Citadel was destroyed in a controlled demolition. The Phoenix Complex itself was also similarly decommissioned and rebuilt into a new headquarters for Vlocke Aerospace Industries and Frost Futuretech.

The Liberators parted ways, but remaining friends and wishing each other luck in their future endeavors. The Phoenix went up in ash... though because PRIMUS only ordered the current members to dissolve and never reform, and not outsider non-members, the Phoenix may one day rise again from the ashes when the ban on the team name "Liberators' expires in ten years.

LIBERATORS 2011-2017


Liberators Tower (decommissioned) | The Citadel (decommissioned)

Members at time of dissolution

Swift | Skarius Snowtalon | Nulion | Ouros | Viro
Hellion MK.II | Atlas Sarnosian | Trembling Mind | Lionel Blacke
TALAN | Velocies | Wintermist | Vherio | Hyena
Duuz | Charlie Lang | Kuro Hiryu |
Red Tesla | Livina Uaisbro


Swift | Velocies | Lionel Blacke | Skarius Snowtalon | Roland Vlocke
Brian Thomas | Helena Wolfe

Associates and Allies:

Creed |Davkas Droverson | Tai Cheng | King Nocturne | James Walker | Shadow | Umbra

In Reserve / Status Unknown:

Fang | Firefox | Nik Buster | Varulfr | Blast-Beetle

Deceased / Former Members:

Rocket Wolf | CharmCaster | Techna Ology | Kados | Rhiannon Frost | Ephrael Wilson