Rogues Gallery (@Keioseth)

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The Rogues Gallery (@Keioseth)



Name: Ken Takaobi
Abilities: Powerful magic infused Samurai armor which basically acts like Magic Power Armor.
Affiliation: CEO of Hakken Enterprises

He is a collector of ancient mystical items and a occasional practitioner of the magical arts. While attempting to summon a demon to take out one of his competitors he was stopped by a mysterious man and he inadvertently fused with the demon and destroyed the top few floors of his building.




Name: Unknown
Abilities: Can cause Dehydration, Starvation, Gluttony Inducement.
Affiliation: None

His true name is unknown but one thing is known, he is not actually the Famine of the legendary Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. He is a meta-human and is wanted in the Deaths of at least 19 people across North America all of which were found shriveled up as if they had died of dehydration or possibly starvation. If seen, please contact your local authorities.



The Fantastic Francois

Name: Francois Warmaul
Abilities: Enhanced Strength and Healing
Affiliation: None

Half-Orc owner of a club Miami, has ties to various crime lords, drug dealers and mob bosses around the country. Dabbles in modeling and photography.




Name: Unknown
Abilities: Vampire Powers
Affiliation: None

While his human name has been lost, Kudlak was born with many strange abilities including that of blood manipulation and regeneration. Even at a young age he terrorized his small community and was eventually hunted down by the town folk. He fled and at some point in time after that he became a vampire and mutated into a more bestial form and seemed to lose what little humanity he had left.




Name: Seimund Gunnarsen
Abilities: Alien Aerokinetic
Affiliation: Ryuushii Planetary Navy

He is the discoverer of the "Cashi'o Nen" a privously undiscovered written script that share similarities with Germanic runes and cuneiform and yet was discovered in Brazil and a buried city. He believes that this Cashi'o Nen has some sort of great power within it.




Name: Lorelei Gunnarsen
Abilities: Alien Pyrokinetic
Affiliation: Ryuushii Planetary Navy

Lorelei is soft spoken girl who can kick ass with the best of them. She is Sei’s younger sister and a meta-human with pryokinetic abilities. While she was growing up her older brother had her take many self-defense classes since he was overly protective of his younger sister. She never liked fighting but she did take to using many weapons.




Name: Meinos Starke
Abilities: Super Human Durability, Enhanced Strength
Affiliation: None

Meinos Starke is a German-Born mercenary with ties to various Mob Bosses around the Unites States. His skin is nearly bullet-proof and has above average strength, favors using his hands in combat.


@Keioseth's Characters v  d  e
Heroes: KeiosethKeioseth IICobalt CrushStarlancerAscheVoukashinKanaloaCrimson MageBruno McLeodJace McLeod
KwiksilverArcturusDrystan ZaubereiBoun TakashitaSkyraider
Villains: RenegadesRenSysRogues Gallery
Places & Things: ACE SuitThe Garage
Groups: Freelancer Industries