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Revision as of 11:48, 6 May 2014

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Originally created as a mechanical soldier in World War I, SIS-AA-001 became sentient and after many decades
as a tool of the British Government now fights the battles he decides need to be fought as Brigadier Steel!

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Versus Tank WW1
Created by British scientists for the Secret Intelligence Service late in World War I, it was to be the first of a series of Armored Automaton to oppose the percieved threat of teutonic supermen and the increase in mechanized warfare. The early trials were very promising and resulted in the robot being shipped to the front lines where it proved a great aid to the British war effort.Originally designated SIS-AA-001, he was nicknamed Soldier Steel by the troops.

Early Publicity Shot 1919
Unfortunately enemy agents managed to destroy the lab in which Soldier Steel had been created, leaving very little for the SIS scientists to work with in recreating the miraculous robot other than the robot itself.

As Soldier Steel's presence on the front lines was proving to be a turning point, military top brass decided that it should remain there rather than return to Britain for further research. As the war progressed it became apparent that Soldier Steel had morals and feelings like any other soldier and it was determined that his already advanced programming had been rewriting itself based on his experiences on the front line, and interactions with fellow troops. While this concerned superior officers, it did not seem to affect his capabilities and Soldier Steel served with honor throughout the remainder of the war.

Upgraded in 1941 as Sergeant Steel
Following a short spell as a morale booster for returning soldiers after victory was achieved, and despite being a true artificial intelligence SIS-AA-001 was mothballed at the end of the war. It was believed at the time that the Great War (as it was known) would be the war to end all wars and an era of peace had been gained from it. And so Soldier Steel became a minor footnote in history until he was recovered and revived during late 1941 to again face the challenge of the German war machine and their efforts to control Europe.

While his artificial intelligence was unique and SIS feared damaging it by tampering with his 'brain', his mechanical parts could be replaced and so Soldier Steel was put through and extensive overhaul to replace systems damaged or degraded by his period of storage. To mark this revamp and to honor his contribution during WW1, SIS-AA-001 unofficial designation was formalised with a promotion and he became Sergeant Steel.

Captain Victoria Essex at the War Ministry
Sergeant Steel was deployed mostly in Europe under the auspices of the newly formed 'Valiant' squad. Valiant was a team of individuals with parahuman abilities gathered by SIS and the War Ministry to undertake missions deemed to dangerous for normal troops.

Unusually for the time, Valiant's commander was a woman, Captain Victoria Essex. Recruited into the British Secret Service after she graduated from St. Cedd's College, Cambridge. Essex took to the espionage game with a passion, completing every challenge that was presented to her and this resulted in her being given Valiant to run. The Valiant roster varied depending on mission and availability of personnel, however Sergeant Steel was a mainstay of the team remaining active with them through the rest of WW2 and into the 1950s. A mission towards the end of WW2 aiding the Black Guard (a russian team similar to Valiant), led Sergeant Steel to fight alongside Ebony (whom he would later encounter in Millennium City several decades later). In 1948, Steel was promoted to Brigadier.

South East Asia c 1950
The 14th March 1951 proved to be a fateful day for Brigadier Steel. Valiant were assisting the Eighth Army in Korea during Operation Ripper, expelling the PVA and the KPA from Seoul. While the rest of the team were elsewhere in the city, Steel found himself facing an armored behemoth of chinese origin. They battled to a standstill, neither able to get the upperhand. Their stalemate was broken when an aerial bombardment demolished the surrounding area, burying both combatants under thousands of tons of rubble and earth. Unable to locate the Brigadier, Captain Essex was forced to list him as MIA.

On a subsequent mission in the area in 1964, Valiant were able to locate and recover the badly damaged body of their fallen comrade and return with him to their HQ. Unfortunately changes in military strategy meant it was deemed far too costly to repair the Brigadier, and so he was unceremoniously dumped in a corner of a War Ministry bunker , and once again the history books all but forgot him. This treatment of their team mate did not sit well with the remaining Valiant members and all of them including Captain Essex (now known as Madame X) resigned their commissions and their place on the team.

Upgraded Appearance Post Detroit
Following the Qularr invasion attempt on Millennium City the British government once again reinstated the AA program under the auspices of MI6 and following some failed experiments, the decision was taken to restore Brigadier Steel and attempt to duplicate him. He recieved a mechanical overhaul using some of the latest innovations in technology, however his programming being unique was left untouched. The retention of his memory was a mistake on MI6 part however and due to his earlier treatment at the hands of the British establishment, Steel decided to leave the UK and settle somewhere he could do some good and perhaps be appreciated. Using an old and almost forgotten Valiant frequency, Steel was able to send out a message and was contacted by Ebony and Madame X, both of whom were sympathetic to his situation and together they were able to break him out of the secure facility in which he was being held; returning with him to Millennium City.

His case for sanctuary within the US was supported by the Champions on the grounds that he was a true artificial intelligence and not just a machine. Amongst the heroes of MC, the Brigadier has made many new friends and aquaintances, including Professor Zack Zapperoni who aids him with any technical or mechanical problems he encounters with his new body. Also he has been 'adopted' by the alien entity known as Liberty, who persists in calling him Grandfather.

The Brigadier continues to help to restore the city to its former glory and fight the latest generation of villains determined to bring chaos to the world. In his downtime, the Brigadier likes to visit the local entertainment spots of Millenium City as he finds large quantities of spirit alcohol have a beneficial effect on his internal servos. Tally Ho Chaps!

Liberating a whiskey barrel from a local drinking spot with Imara (SODLAG member)
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Coming Soon...

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Coming Soon...

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Coming Soon...

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The Great Custard Shark
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Name: The Great Custard Shark
Powerset: Might
Mentality: Savage
Minions: Thugs

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If you have a connection with or an anecdote about Brigadier Steel, please leave a comment below.
(Note: Seperate comments with a <hr> tag)
"The Brigadier is one of the most honourable beings I have fought alongside. His dedication to the cause of victory against the Axis Forces was an inspiration to both the troops and to we few parahumans." - Ebony
"I would trust Brig with my life, and have done on many occasions. Whenever he needs assistance, I will be there." - Madame X
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Aliases:Soldier Steel
Sergeant Steel
Brigadier Steel
Species:Armored Automaton
Nationality:Flag GBR.png British
Relatives:Liberty Steel ("Granddaughter")
Base:Millennium City
Physical Traits:
Gender: Confidential
Age: Confidential
Height: Confidential
Weight: Confidential
Physique: Confidential
Hair: Confidential
Eyes: Confidential
Skin: Confidential
Other: Confidential
Powers & Abilities:
Powers: Confidential
Abilities: Confidential
Equipment: Confidential
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Group:Science Heroes Against Felonious Threats
Other:Society of Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen
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