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Revision as of 15:40, 12 February 2014

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Crimson Fury
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Determination And Compassion
Name:Scarlett Firestorm
Aliases: None
Relatives: Confidential
Base:Millenium City
Physical Traits:
Gender: Confidential
Age: Confidential
Height: Confidential
Weight: Confidential
Other: Confidential
Powers & Abilities:
Powers: Confidential
Abilities: Confidential
Equipment: Confidential
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Group:Society of Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen
Rank:Society Head
Other:Science Heroes Against Felonious Threats
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Powers / Damage
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Scarlett Firestorm is Crimson Fury, the latest bearer of the family title and duty to protect those who cannot protect themselves. Scarlett often finds her duty to battle evil by whatever means at odds with her career of choice, that of a healer; and is determined not to let Crimson Fury be her only legacy to the world.
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The Firestorm family have long been defenders against the darker side of our population. The original Baron Feuersturm, a feared swordsman in his own right, took up the mantle of Karmesin Raserei in order to protect his identity while fighting prussian oppression of the working class.

As a result of fighting an alchemist in the employ of the prussian government, The Baron and all his successors gained the ability to fly together with enhanced strength, speed and agility.

The eldest of each generation of the family inherited the mantle from their predecessor, and were trained in use of blades from childhood. Before the beginning of WW2 the current holder of the role was assassinated by Nazis for his openly defiant views leaving the role vacant.

Fearing for their lives the Feuersturm family fled to the west, eventually arriving in America and settling in Detroit and changing their name to the english Firestorm

Although their was no one to pass the mantle on, enough knowledge remained within the family that they were able to continue the tradition in their new home. The younger brother of the last Karmesin Raserei then became the new Crimson Fury, fighting fascist insurgents during WW2.

And so the tradition continues to this day and now it is Scarlett's turn to become the Crimson Fury and defend Millenium City from whatever dangers may come.

Shares an apartment in Millenium City with Kitty Kaboom. Scarlett is a junior E.R. doctor at Mercy Hospital.

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Coming Soon...

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Coming Soon...

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Soldat Schreck
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Name: Soldat Schreck
Powerset: Swords
Mentality: Mastermind
Minions: Soldiers
Status: At Large

Soldat Schreck, sworn enemy of the Karmesin Raserei during WW1 and long thought dead has returned and now seeks his revenge against his enemy's descendent Crimson Fury.
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Artimus Black
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Name: Professor Artimus Black
Powerset: Electricity
Mentality: Mastermind
Minions: Armed Were-creatures
Status: Imprisoned

A former scientist, accidently exposed to wolverine venom when a superhero raid on an underground facility caused catastrophic damage to the base containment facilities.

Although initially feral, implantation of control circuitry connected directly into the brain in a manner similar to aural implants, returned him to his form intelligence level. However the experience has left him with no moral centre whatsever and prone to acts of violence and resulted in a descent into criminal activity to fund his works.

Gathering a pack of werewolves he has performed a similar procedure on them to enhance their intelligence to the point they can use weaponry stolen from the military.

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Logo & Title Font

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