The Fox

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Lazarus Foxworthy, aka The Fox woke from an extended period frozen in suspended animation to find the world a changed place. A crashing Qularr vessel destroyed the brownstone in which his cryo chamber was stored, breaching the tank and releasing Lazarus from his frozen prison.

Out of time and out of his depth, Lazarus is struggling to come to terms with the widespread outbreaks of superhuman activity. In his day he was one of the finest aims with a pistol and was famed for his capture of the many armed thugs which roamed 30s Detroit.

Used to facing crazed villains and megalomaniacs, Lazarus was naturally unsure if he could still provide any service to his "new city".

As it turned out the mixture of chemicals with which his arch foe Huntsman had used to contain him in cryosleep, resulted in a mutation to his metabolism meaning Lazarus despite his aged outward appearance is incredibly fit and agile, and substantially stronger than a trained athlete in peak physical condition.

It was only after a period of several months freedom from his own icy prison that Lazarus learned his old foe, Huntsman had also frozen himself. With the outbreak of the second world war, Huntsman had decided to sleep out the conflict in safety expecting to awaken after 10 years. A mistake in his calculations mean he revived in the rebuilt Millenium City and cursing his mistake but always a practical man, returned to his villainous ways.

With the aid of his fellow S.H.A.F.T comrades, Fox hopes to finally put an end to the scourge that is the Huntsman.

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Name: Huntsman
Powerset: Ice
Mentality: Maniac
Minions: Frozen Minions

Chadwick Holloway aka Huntsman was just another mobster albeit a somewhat ingenious one, until his first run in with The Fox. Left beaten, bloody and vengeful by the costumed crusader Holloway decided to fashion himself an equally colorful persona dedicated to removing The Fox from this world one way or another. Becoming Huntsman, Holloway set about amassing a criminal entourage and soon found himself in direct conflict with The Fox.

After many defeats and near victories Huntsmen set a trap to lure the Fox into a disused chemical factory where a fateful battle ensued and as a result of trickery on Huntsman's part the trap was sprung and The Fox was trapped, frozen in a chemical bath.

Transferring the body of the Fox to the basement of his brownstone, Huntsman continued his reign of terror until the outbreak of the Second World War. Deciding to sleep out the conflict in safety and expecting to awaken after 10 years, Huntsman froze himself in the same chemical mixture he had used on The Fox and had himself sealed in a vault in his base of operations.

A mistake in his calculations meant he revived many decades later in the rebuilt Millennium City and cursing his mistake but always a practical man Holloway returned to his villainous ways only to find his old foe, The Fox has also returned to the land of the living. As a result of an imbalance in his cryogenic mixture, Holloway's cells mutated giving him the ability to generate ice and snow at will.

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The Fox
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Name:Lazarus Foxworthy
Aliases: None
Species: Presumed Human
Nationality: Confidential
Relatives: Confidential
Occupation: Confidential
Base:Millennium City
Physical Traits:
Gender: Confidential
Height: Confidential
Weight: Confidential
Physique: Confidential
Hair: Confidential
Eyes: Confidential
Skin: Confidential
Other: Confidential
Powers & Abilities:
Powers: Confidential
Abilities: Confidential
Equipment: Confidential
Group:Science Heroes Against Felonious Threats
Rank: Confidential
Other: Confidential
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