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-- SoulStar, which she only winked and held no comment towards.
-- SoulStar, which she only winked and held no comment towards.
* Anarchy was never provided the opportunity to experience high school, but she was sensible enough to ascertain her General Education Diploma and complete at least one year of college. She decided it was best to cease her official educational pursuit however due to business taking up too much of her time.
* Anarchy was never provided the opportunity to experience high school, but she was sensible enough to ascertain her General Education Diploma and complete at least one year of college. She decided it was best to cease her official educational pursuit however due to business taking up too much of her time.
==<font color=white>Themes</font>==
==<font color=white>Themes</font>==

Revision as of 12:25, 16 October 2013


Every society has the criminal it deserves.
"An anarchist is one without need of a governing agent to take action for order."

Think of the revolutionist. Think of how they reject an ideal, stand up against oppression, and how they seek out change. Now imagine her an icon.
This is Anarchy. An alternative hero, fighting in the name of Freedom, Independance, and believe it or not, The American Dream.
Do you portray her a villain? Do you see her a renegade? Do you believe her unfit to be a hero?
The most powerful law in nature is that things inevitably change. If there is no struggle, there is none.

Even as an agent of chaos, one can fight for Order.

The Unrivaled
CEO of Citadel Protection
Judge if you want. In the end we all die and I'm intended to deserve it. You fear death, don't you? My 'fear' is my substance, and probably the best part of me.
Player: 250px
Super Group
Eternals Incorporated
· Other Affiliations ·
Circle of Justice
Citadel Protection Co.
Cerberus Tactical Solutions
Real Name
Veronica Anne Arky
March 7th, 1994
Detroit, Michigan
Grosse Ile Township, Michigan
Hall of Anarchy
Pop Punk Musician
Alternative Model
Legal Status
Registered/Sanctioned Heroine
Public Identity
Marital Status
Engaged to Natasha Roy
· Known Relatives ·
May Whitefield (Adopted Ward)
Emily Crowning (sister)
Physical Traits
Apparent Age
24 (Physically 19)
147 lbs.
Body Type
Subject to Change
Pale Gold
Slight Tan
· Distinguishing Features ·
Full-body Tattoos
Various Piercings
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
Vril-Ya Physiology
· Equipment ·
Neural Skinsleeve
Multitool Gauntlet
Anarchium Suit
· Other Abilities ·

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Many believe Anarchy to be a defiant delinquent in over her head. They state she is a heroic 'poser' and making a mockery of one of societies aspects. There are those that regard her as an enigma and there are those will claim her as one of the most charitable and caring individuals out there. However, who truly is the woman behind the metaphorical masks and walls? Who is Veronica Anne Arky?

The larger majority say she is often the 'life of the party', bringing her shameless and fun-loving freedom into their social life. A woman that can be incorrigibly flirtatious or a woman with wisdom well beyond her age to those in need. Adamant on speaking her mind, headstrong, and comfortable with who she is, Veronica Anne Arky is both your greatest ally and friend or your most disliked associate. Be it through jealousy or inspiration, she has a tendency to exhibit herself openly.

However, despite her value of independence, Veronica seemingly becomes an entirely different person as her alter ego, Anarchy. She would claim the physical mask brings with it a different disposition, one of which is a working agent towards law and stability of her allies freedoms. Anarchy presents herself with an unflinching aura of confidence and takes stride in not wasting effort needlessly. Coming off as passive aggressive or jaded to some morally inclined topics, her nonsensical demeanor has been known to be rather intimidating. Be it through arrogance or dislike of error, she has prove herself quite capable and established herself as an example of how to turn a negative into a positive.

Veronica's true colors are shrouded in fear, doubt, and insecurity. This is partially to blame to her upbringing while she struggled to survive and witness herself at the very bottom of the human food chain. Paranoia and skepticism almost dictates her every thought and turns itself into ulterior motives; motives that can be argued as malicious as a defensive precaution to her comfort. Still, as the name suggests - anarchy - she is always surprising her loved ones and friends quite often. If there is a single word to define her disposition it would be chaotic.

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Standing 5’7’’ tall, for a weight of 151 pounds, this young woman is far from being the average you would walk by on the streets. Her hair is always subject to change in terms of appearance or color but make no mistake, Anarchy's hair is always well taken care of. But other such details reminiscing of the punk genre is spread on her – among those are more notably the piercings on her left brow, chain piercings, bellybutton piercing, tongue piercing, and her snakebite lip piercings. All those details can seem intimidating to an onlooker, but it’s important to note that Veronica is still young, as such; her facial features vibrate with youthfulness. And this girl does wear makeup, but only of a calculated quantity, that being black eye shadow and usually dark red or black lipstick. This is enough to bring out her slightly almond-shaped, pale golden eyes. Are those eyes natural at all, though? Closer examination would suggest that they are…

The rest of her body embodies the expression “Walking art gallery”. Her torso is fully tattooed. All those ink patterns of various designs all seem to be forming a certain form of unity. How it was done so is a mystery… Notable details of her tattoos include a garden of black roses along with skulls amidst the roses. The stem, from which the thorns point in various directions, travel across her torso and tend to have a rose, or skull, sprouting from it. Written in stylized italic letter, “Vivi” is tattooed above her right breast, and the dots of the I trail down to her stomach to form the tattoo of a tribal guitar set ablaze, which is interned with the thorn stems of the roses. On her right shoulder… Is this an anarchy symbol branded on her shoulder? No, it’s a tattoo of a branded anarchy symbol, and it looks life like. From it, chains link it to her other shoulder, by traveling up her shoulder, to her collar bones and around her neck before reaching said other shoulder, where a graffiti-like upside-down anarchy symbol lies.

Beyond those tattoos, however, is one of a very athletic woman with notable abs and biceps. She’s obviously somebody who does a lot of physical activities, and it’s paid off in keeping up this athletic musculature. She’s not devoid of curves though. Veronica happens to be on the top-heavy side, even. Though, her wrists have remains of healed burn wounds. However, the latter mentioned being mostly covered by the tattoos. But, those tattoos probably can’t hide away her left wrist that seems slightly deformed, and is most apparent when her wrists are placed one close to the other.

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Spoiler Warning
The following details are about a player-created storyline, or is information currently unrevealed about a character.
Please do not use this information ICly unless given permission to do so.

Veronica Vincento was the child of Dimitri "The Truth" Vincento and a woman known only as "Nuit", being raised in what was restored of the ruins of Detroit. Her father was the leader of a pocket of the Italian Mafia who cast her onto a woman within his prostitution ring. This exposed Veronica to drug addiction, sexual activity, profanity, and poverty at an extremely early age. Sadly, the shelter of a place to live would become a thing of the past when an altercation forced Veronica to turn to a life on the streets. Left alone to fend for herself, Veronica resorted to theft and using her age to her advantage. She would trick men and women that had enough heart to take her into their home only to steal what money she could find and any valuables she could carry that seemed able to fetch a good price. As she struggled to survive, she began to grow spiteful towards everyone that wasn't in her position, believing them to be an insult to her pain. This eventually developed into a dire sense of insecurity and an alternative coping method where she disassociated herself to some of the extreme conditions of her existence.

After a few years of miraculous survival on the harsh streets of Detroit, she eventually was found and taken in by her father; he discovered her situation and had a small sense of responsibility to provide for her. This, however, came with a price as Veronica was inofficially indoctrinated into his pocket of the Italian Mafia and was given tasks to perform in the name of the family. She was told to continue living in the same fashion she had been, but with the ability to come to designated safehouses for food or shelter whenever it was truly needed. This lifestyle continued until she reached her preadolescence. It was then that she had her first encounter with a near-death experience when she suffered an assault by a rival gang to her father who knew of her association. During this confrontation, Veronica was forced to run in fear only to find herself within the middle of a concert of various bands on the streets. Hiding amidst the crowd she heard the sounds of gunshots which threw the crowd into a paniced frenzy while the criminals made demands to find a small girl in the crowd. A single man stepped towards the criminals while Veronica hid to watch on as this individual dispatched the assailants with ease.

Taking inspiration from the man's bravery and not wanting to feel helpless again, Veronica began to train herself by mimicing what she had seen growing up; she began watching bodybuilders at the gym, fighters within the underground fight clubs, or other various outlets to further perform this goal. In combination to her active lifestyle, she slowly was becoming a very physically fit woman, unaware of the innate gifts she had harnessing her efforts to make progress seem beyond the normal rate. For the next three years, she trained and performed criminal activity in the name of the family until her fateful encounter with a man known as "Bacchanal".

Bacchanal was able to get the fifteen year old Veronica to grow comfortable with his presence by spoiling her with her wants or needs in a more direct manner than her father ever did. After learning of her lifestyle, he convinced the young woman of her father's manipulation and managed to get her to fight back against the family with him. However, it would start until much later. Instead, she left the family a note of her leaving and turned to living with Bacchanal at a rundown apartment within one of the most dangerous neighborhoods within Detroit. She would soon become involved with the Maniacs and the concept of freedom, anarchy, and anti-government idealogies. Bacchanal put Veronica up to becoming a member of the gang but understanding that together they would become the leaders and take over the group.

Given the time of the day to actually not be reduced to mere survival she took an interest in music and the guitar. After learning enough to actually use it, she and a few of the other younger friends she had made involved with the Maniacs began performing street performances that spoke of the foundations and idealogies of anarchy and the anti-governmental aspects. When the notice of their success the Maniacs and Bacchanal taught them a way to plant subtle recrutiment pitches to their listeners which began to slowly bolster the Maniacs numbers. Being the vocalist and guitarist of this small inofficial band, she slowly made a reputation for herself over the year this continued. After turning sixteen Bacchanal made her begin working with him towards their coup d'etat.

Their relationship slowly developed into one of intimacy while they worked their way up the ranks and established a foothold within the gang's influence. They began to set up the steps and planned a very maliciously intentful event that would later become known as the Black Parade. The event involved a marching parade of floats and Maniacs or others that decided to involve themselves with the attack and decleration of war to the State of Michigan. Although it was very short lived before being stopped by a group of heroes, bombs, molotovs, murders, and kidnappings had caused quite a destructive path in the parade's wake. It was here however, that Veronica was arrested by a man known as Captain Valor of the TASK Force 5. Realizing the kind of life his prisoner, Veronica, might have lived he took it upon himself to give her a second chance at life and took her under his wing and instated her into a Reformation Program under the tutelage and custody of TASK Force 5 and their alliance with Viridian Assembly and the Order of the Sapphire Phoenix.

Aware of her position, Veronica accepted the opportunity provided to her through the charity of the heroes. They performed physical and mental examinations which led to the discovery of not only her seemingly mutant abilities, but of the mental manipulation from a telepath from Bacchanal himself. Infuriated and outraged at always being used she lashed out at anyone and everyone with a jaded passive-aggressiveness which often led her into more trouble than what others thought she was worth. Despite the strong disagreements from the majority of those charged with helping her move forward in this reformation period, due to the efforts of her mentors she remained while she fell into a breif period of reclusiveness.

What most didn't know is that behind the scenes, Veronica adopted her first alter-ego and turned to fighting against both Maniac and the Italian Mafia together with the name Vendetta. The first few weeks of her efforts caught the attention of a group of vigilantes known as the Great Lakes vigil Watch and another group known as Mask. They utilized very violent and questionable methods to bring justice and clean up the streets and she ultimately succeeded in chasing Bacchanal out of town. Her father, however, was a different story. She took the man's life after a very violent confrontation in which placed her under the attention of the MCPD. To ensure her alter-ego was undiscovered, veronica feigned her death and replaced her body with a woman known as Yasmin Sullivan. After her two goals were complete and realizing the blood on her hands along with the mistakes she has made in life, she continued with the Reformation program with tightly sealed lips.

After her reformation she attended SUMMIT where she met with individuals she would integrate into her life. One in particular would be the half-elven healer known as hero Divael at the time. Distraught, with a load of baggage, and confused on where she was supposed to go, Veronica found an odd comfort around this woman and began frequenting her. Registration and taking the Purge serum shortly thereafter caused her to intensify her training independetly and then her heroic career began. Going through the motions in her early career, she joined Meta-human Investigations and Security Team to earn her financial stability. After she felt herself stable she resigned from the team and turned her attention towards support of The Aegis Association led by Divael and where a large majority of her closer friends resided. She quickly and rapidly grew into a small margin of recognition in the heroic community as a city-wide figure of the law. During Blood Moons she always focused on the defense of Westside streets and evacuation of any and all civilians she could find. Then during the Destroid Invasion to the city she became a ever-on-the-move force against the automated enemies. Demonstrating her training in full, she was once again focused on Westside and civilian evacuation all the way up into the Mega-Destroid attack on Champions Headquarters. Donning on a temporary armored suit she took the fight to the large enemies. However, somewhere in the midst of the fight she took a stray beam from an unknown enemy which pierced the suit and suffered a near fatal injury. She called for assistance but unfortunately wasn't heard due to reasons. Divael luckily found her and got her to safety for medical attention.

The injury caused Veronica to take a short hiatus from heroic action where she contemplated her life and began to slowly work her way backwards. She realized where things were the most stable in her life, bitterly accepting the fact that she had to go back to the criminal underworld in order to achieve what she wanted. However, she refused to become a villain again, and her course was set. With a reliving experience of her old 'concerts' of spreading the message of anarchy to a certain crowd, Anarchy had been reborn, but in a new light. She returned to the heroic community as a stagnant force. She didn't push herself anywhere she knew she couldn't go, instead focusing on simple patrol and investigation. The name Anarchy became more and more known due to its baggage and its sudden change in direction. People knew who she was now and then opportunity presented itself. The Moonlighters had closed down and LeBlanc revealed himself on television. Citadel was founded and Anarchy approached the vigilante community of the city asking them all to put aside any differences and begin working with her and each other for the benefit of the streets. Citadel Protection developed further into a legitimate business for private contract investigation and protection after the Millennium City Police Department's cut on protection was passed and has ever grown since.

Involving herself with training New Vigil members that took her temporary offer until they got their own foundations established, she became invested in the young heroine named Blue Freedom. This led to developments into Anarchy investigating an international company called Cartier Industries right around the same time her mother approached her to disclose what she truly was, a descendant of the Vril-Ya. During the investigations, Anarchy came into contact with another young metahuman on the streets running from a rather large gang which she dispatched to save the young woman. This quickly became an emotional attachment to Veronica as she took the girl under her wing. Months later within the investigation, her direction was pressed into a business trip which took a total of two months for precautionary procedures against Cartier Industries. Upon return she was approached to join the Eternals team by Stopmotion and has since developed fractions of her strict time schedule to working alongside the heroes of the team, even prompting a large section of her static heroic contact and friends to join alongside her.

Powers & Abilities
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Anarchy is a metahuman, born into a lineage of an antideluvian people capable of harnessing an energy source unknown to the general public called Vril. As a descendant of Vril-Ya, she is able to assume control of the energy found innately all around her, albeit passively in her case. It is usuable in the same sense that a mage would use magic - despite the two not being very far off from each other. Vril is empowered by Willpower - the extent of which is limited to the users hereditary constitution - and has readings akin to dimensional magic. A scientific theory places it as a radiation from Prima Materia within the Black Sun located in the center of the Earth, but this has not been proven nor tested thus far. Her passive use of Vril is best described as an innate intake that developed during her childhood and subconsciously used it to supplement her necessity for survival.

Veronica's intake allows herself to have a peak level human physical condition only further maintained by her intense training, specialized diet, and biofeedback treatments. She is capable of lifting up to 170 pounds on a bench press and almost double her body weight on a deadlift (around 295 lbs), perform gymnastic level feats of flexibility and keep up with Olympic level runners. Her endurance, stamina, accuracy, and healing time has been increased beyond normal human standards as well. In relation to her physical training she is quite the adept martial artist and marksman. She received her initial training at the hands of her mentor whom taught her Snake-Style hand-to-hand combat techniques and later what he remembered of VIPER Hebijutsu. Interested in learning more she has since undertaken to learning traditional professional Boxing, Krav Maga, Judo, and Pencak Silat as well. She is arguably one of the most physically dominating young women within the Great Lakes region of the United States and has received recognition for her physical prowess.

Like her physical condition however, her mental condition and intelligence has been enhanced as well and is maintained by her keen interest to continue learning things foreign or alien to her. She is a brilliant detective, tactician, strategist, and commander and has been complimented on her keen observational skills in the past. Her interests are vast and somewhat unexpected from a woman of her stereotype or genre. Regardless however, she has proven herself as much of a genius as a bodybuilder and is successfully running a business with an incredible financial success at an early age.

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  • Neural Skinsleeve: Anarchy utilizes a personalized skin sleeve decorated appropriately to match her tattoos to interact with her static equipment upon thought command. The piece of equipment is tailored to link into Veronica's neural network and the electrical signal nodes in her equipment. This allows herself to perform various tasks at once in a combat confrontation and focus her direct attention on her opponent. It is located under her Multitool Gauntlet on the right forearm.
  • Rebel: Anarchy's customized, modified, and optimized motorbike resembling the Harley Davidson Traverston V-REX Module. Once more to exhibit her knowledge in skills in mechanical engineering, she was able to enhance its vrod motor's performance to be high caliber efficient and silent. It's tires are all-terrain purposed and wide rimmed and is in possession of a cruise control. It also has an onboard computer linked to her database within the Hall of Anarchy.
  • Le Esperance: A very personalized handgun named Promise in French for sentimental value. The handgun itself is ebony black and capable of being disassembled and reassembled to fit various types of ammunition due to the adaptable accessories belonging to it. One either side of the weapon are two polished circles which offer mirror-like properties, displaying images akin to Veronica's 'inner light'. It features a dangling pendant of her namesake that has been redesigned to possess small fractions of her Vril crystal. Esperance is the sister pistol to Spera, which is held by Natasha Roy. Though it is not an exact lifeform it seems to have its own consciousness of sorts, being adamant on its desire to only be held by its owner. It feels like it belongs to Veronica and fits exactly right in her hand to a degree it improves the users aim to near-perfect accuracy. To anyone else wielding it, handling is awkward to the point that accuracy, aiming, and balancing are affected. Even if loaded with lethal ammunition the pistol is incapable of killing anyone possessing life or truly injure (unless the user allows). Each shot drains the targets energy, in the way that a mortal wound caused by the bullet will instead just knock them unconscious.
  • Anarchium Suit: The basic foundation of the Anarchium Suit is a tight-fitting catsuit. The catsuit itself has been customized to include a specialized material she conceived and made a reality through Myrymma Selxin'drae. It incorporates various materials to perform various functions. It is highly resistant to tearing and constructed with a full body electrical shock delivery system layered into the fabrics. The Anarchium Suit is insulated against electricity and can withstand temperatures from -400 to 1200 degrees fahrenheit. The plating was conceived to be bulletproof to low and medium caliber rounds. Woven into the fabrics are reinforced flexible plates to dampen shocks and impacts to her spine and other vital areas. The eyemask contains shifting lenses that identifies suspect's identities, as well as their weapon (through medical records), while simultaneously avoiding the possibility of eye identification. The lenses have special visions, like infrarde vision (heat sensors), night vision, and ultraviolet vision. In addition, Anarchy's utility belt contains various utility devices, most of which are largely unknown.
  • Multitool Gauntlet: Anarchy's multitool gauntlet has become her best friend while patrolling the streets. It has been redesigned to be made of the same lightweight alloy used to make the Anarchium Suit. It has various features that are subject to change, but with enough static functions to take note of. It is equipped with a seventy foot wire zipline located on the right hole under the wrist. She is able to keep the length locked in with neural command. There are three preloaded small bolts as well, each with a designated design; one is designed to provide a localized small explosion upon contact to a surface, another is designed for electromagnetic pulse discharges, and the third is laced with a neurotoxic substance. On the backside of the forearm a retractable blade lies and lastly she has integrated two electrical technological functions as well. One of which is an anti-magical discharge thanks to the design being given to Anarchy from friend. The other is a kinetic safe heatsink which allows her punches to be enhanced when needed with proper energy conversion methods to keep it omnipresent as well.

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The Hall is the secret headquarters of Anarchy consisting of a series of subterranean chambers and hallways beneath her residence in Grosse Ile Township, Michigan. Originally, the household was owned by a smuggler and its purpose was a secret passage for a storage unit. Within the early nineties a vigilante by the name of Street Sovereign bought and restored the property, ultimately discovering the underground chambers. Upon his initial debut into more full-time operations on the streets of Detroit, he redesigned the chambers to facilitate his needs for his fight on crime. As time passed, Street Sovereign lost interest and put it up for sale. Veronica bought the property, securing a deal from her former ally, and was told of its existence. Although the property has been under her name for a short time, Veronica has worked alongside her family and closer friends to restore and expands its usage. The incorporation of paranormal and less than mundane means have been instated to allow her fiance, Divael, to put her use to its chambers as well. The chambers are only accessible by the main study hall of the residence by turning the hands of the small clock resting on the fireplace to eight thirty three (the time of Veronica's first flat-line). The Hall's centerpiece is a supercomputer whose specs are on par with any of those used by leading national security agencies; it permits surveillance of all of Detroit and surrounded districts. It also connects to her massive information network as well as storing vast amounts of information, both on Anarchy's foes and his allies.

The systems are protected against unauthorized access, and any attempt to breach their security immediately sends an alert to Anarchy or Myrymma Selxin'drae. Additionally, the Hall features state-of-the-art facilities such as a crime lab, various specialized laboratories, mechanized workshops, personal gymnasium, a vast library, and trophies of past campaigns. It also has medical facilities as well as various areas used in training exercises for Anarchy and her allies. The Hall is rigged with a sophisticated security system in order to prevent all measure of infiltration. The security measures include motion sensors, silent alarms, steel and lead mechanical doors which could lock a person in or out. Passive DNA scanners in the halls to detect non-matching intruders, constant security cameras, heat monitors, laser tripwires in particularly high-security rooms and halls, wall-, ceiling-, and floor-mounted turrets, attack drones, security bots, and a self-destruct sequence with the code only known by Anarchy and Myrymma.


The Hall stores unique memorabilia items collected from the various cases Anarchy and her allies has worked. These are mostly on display within the same chamber as the supercomputer alongside the uniform exhibitions. These are trophies of defeated villains, magically confiscated artifacts, sentimental treasures, or technological weaponry Anarchy and her allies have condemned to be never be used. For the majority it is only shared by Anarchy, Divael, and Myrymma.

  • Jewelry of Aqueous
  • Chains of Firerage
  • Pat Riot's Hammer
  • Six Shooter's Hat
  • Corporal Hydrogen's Helmet
  • Nightinwail's Ring
  • The Coat of Vendetta
  • The Mask of Bacchanal

Friends & Allies

Rogues Gallery

  • Veroniac
  • Holocauste
  • Midnight Ruffian
  • Vice
  • Carmello Falcone
  • Greyscale
  • Ronin
  • Night Prowler
  • Creepe
  • Killshot
  • Tall Tale

Public Opinions

  • "Veronica can seem abrasive, or even rude to some. But I know better than to think her for how she sometimes act. She's been through a lot and in her shoes I'd fully understand why I don't exactly trust and want to be friends with everybody I meet. What, however, impresses me the most about Nica, is how she keeps going. She didn't stop before, I don't think she will stop going forward any time soon." She pauses, as if pondering. "... I think I've helped in making Veronica a better person, and in turn, she did the same for me as we kept frequenting one another. Being her legal guardian, I'm here for her, but even if I hadn't that role I would still be there, for I genuinely care for her. To me, she's familly, and much more." - Natasha Roy (Divael)
  • "I think she's a great hero and a better friend. She may not realize it, but she's a role-model and inspiration for me. She helps me better myself, which is more than I could ask for. Divael is a lucky girl, period. I owe most of my success to her and the team." - Stitch
  • "Heh, Vivi's probably one of the most open and honest people that I've met. I always find myself having a laugh and good time with her around and I admire that she's not afraid to be herself. I know she's had a tough life and likes to do things for herself, but I'll always be there for her if she asks for help in anything. She's also not very good at keeping her surrounding in mind." *Snickers, that last comment sounding like he's teasing* - Tyson Goodman
  • " Vi? Yeah, I've known her for a good while, She's got huge T-.... personality. {Clears throat} Anyways, She's a good girl to have around when things get in the thick, and hey, I know she's got my back. She's fun to hang around, Had a tough upbringing, but she came out on top, Suppose that's what matters the most. Glad to have her around, and lucky to call her a friend. Now!... only if I could get her to listen to some better music and stop wearing those saggy pants like some kinda ghetto teenager." - Wolvesbane
  • "Nat's Kiddo? Talk abuut ah'n 180. Heh. She's nawt bad in ah foight, if our spar vus any indication. Ah'n she dun't whine about her past. Thot's guud. Ah'n ah suppose she's ah pretty une, yeh. Nawt as pretty as me, uf cuurse. Still, she's gut spunk. Koinda reminds me ' o' my daughter." - Gary Lelik
  • "Nica's tough. There's no denying that. She took a few held-back hits from me in my armor, sure. There's more to it than that, though. She's seen a lot. Done a lot. Experienced a lot more than I have. At the same time, I... feel like it weakens her, though. Makes it harder for her to move on. All in all, she's pretty cool. She's still only the second-most badass 18-year-old in MC, though." - Trouble Maker
  • ”Ah, Nica. I’d call her ‘dear’ but she doesn’t like that. *smirks* She’s either swearing, flirting or teasing when she isn’t kicking ass. And sometimes, she’s doing it all at once. *laughs* No, seriously. I like her. She’s rough around the edges – and likes it a little rough - but has a good heart and I like her the way she is. Hope she’ll have a long and happy life with her achieving whatever she sets her sights on. Which she probably will.” - Steven Heck (Black Knight)
  • "Veronica worries me. In numerous ways, I'll be the first to admit. She'd cut me to bits if she wanted to, but I'm certain the thought has never crossed her mind. Why? Because she's a friend. Family, as she calls it, but there's indeed more to it than that. Through the highs and the lows, Vee strives to protect the ones around her. If you do get a chance to meet her, try and take a few tips. She's wiser than you'd expect at a first glance. Heh." - Slick
  • "Nica? Yeah i know her, got a massive attitude at times and doesnt really seem to give a fuck about anything but she's always good for a banter or two, and we usually disagree about a few...no ALOT of things but hey...Can't agree on everything. I consider her overall a decent person even if she hides it well at times. Not to mention she's a natural when it comes to modeling." - Kastor Ironbreaker Ignatius.
  • "She's tough, she's psychotic and she's eighteen years old. Won't bloody deny, she'd definitely kick my arse in a fight. Good to have on your side and you'll be quivering in fear if you're on the receiving end of her 'wrath'. Oh, and she doesn't get angsty about her past. I like that." - Snowtalon
  • "I sympathise a lot with the kid. We both came from shitty homes with parents who couldn't care less about us and we're both messed up in a wonderful way because of it. If I were her, I'd lay off the tats a little, though. She's got more ink than a printer cartridge." - All-Star
  • "Vee's one of the best heroes I know. Hell, I'd say it's a toss up between her and myself for 'best superhero of our generation'. She might not see herself as one, but she definitely walks the walk." - Canadian Fist
  • "The Flea was here, Anarwhatever is a loser!" - The Flea
  • "First and foremost, I would like to mention that Veronica is perhaps one of the most selfless people I have met. For one, most of her earnings go towards varying charities; she also helps orphans and tends to be the first on the field, taking fire or blows for the rest of her team. Though she will likely attempt to punch me later for saying so, Veronica is a hero. Her disposition may lend her towards something more akin to an Anti-Hero, however. Good is not always nice - I know this fact personally." - Crow
  • "Vee's soooo~ cool! I mean, she's strong, cool and selfless, she cares so much for others and she's always willing to help out. I really wish I could be more like her, it's because of people like her that this world can change for the better. I wanna be a person like that one day!" - Jet Girl
  • "I like her short hair and she weally stands stwong like a warrior-pwincess! I hope to gwow up and be as stwong as her one day. She also took care of me when I got hurt, helping me to safety! I love Aunt Vivi!" - Chocolate Chip Chelsea
  • "Good at what she does. More friendly than expected. Very dedicated to her home and making it a better place." - Violet Mask
  • "The whole... you know, punk... thing had me worried at first, but she's... uh, much nicer than I expected her to be. She seems very professional from what I've seen and more people could stand to... well, be more like that. I'm very thankful for her help and the help her team is providing to mine." - Charity Corren
  • "She's good at what she does and she has an honest desire to help out. Even if she thinks her powers are 'magic' or some crap like that." - Blue Freedom
  • "She can be a serious bitch, but I have a lot of respect for someone who tries as hard as she does to make a change." - Ryder Williams
  • "She's a child... another rebellious youth in over her head. This Anarchy has allowed her newfound fame to inflate her ego and cloud her mind, believing she can do anything and even going so far as to reveal herself to the public as if not caring the dangers one puts themselves and their loved ones in... Such things are an omen to an impending downfall." - The Revenant
  • "Found out we shared some common ground, after a while. We don't like the whole routine of 'fixing' people. Still, I kinda found myself working against that point...As expected, she finds odd ways to say 'thank you.' Despite her history and (at times) maturity, it's hard not to think of her as a kid, maybe even a younger sibling. And not like I've got much room to say anything, but she's a bit of a work-a-holic. Oh, and she keeps callin' me 'Double-Slap.' The fuck does that even mean?" - Reynold Graves
  • "Oh shes funny. Loves pushing my buttons. To be honest had she been anyone else and did the jokes she did to me, I'd probably punt them into nothingness. But...shes good people. A bitch with a heart of gold. Yeah... hehe. Sounds the type. If I were to do something that would require me taking someone to Tartarus with me to go fight legions of people who deserve a horrible end. She'd be up there. Girl can fight." - Persephone
  • "Ronnie? She's great. She's like a big sister. I would love to hang out with her, have a sleepover. What do you mean she's in college and won't have a sleepover? What do you think dorm rooms are for?" - Ebony Shade
  • "Still getting to know her. She's got a good head on her shoulders and her talents never cease to amaze me. Thanks, boss, for taking me in." - Day Nine
  • "Don't know her terribly well, but I hope she is up to the task of being the self appointed 'Public Face of the Vigilantism'. When you want to spearhead something, you are then held accountable for what follows, good or ill. So far what I have seen is that she is too quick to run off and not one to wait for answers. And that bothers me. Lead by example, if that's what you are wanting others to do. She has an obvious amount of talent: I just hope she applies it sensibly, and responsibly." - Sparrowhawk
  • "Honestly? I like her so much! She's Strong, She has a great leadership, when she gives an order, you can ONLY follow it, it would be bad to act selfishly! Veronica taught me what a family is and I am glad to be part of her family, I hope fitting the big sister role well. I Love her Tunes too, I bought all the compact-disks but I prefer Live music. Hey Veronica, Thank you for being You" - Vjara'Yeyin Luar-Ke
  • "She buys me food and is really nice to me! She has silly hair and is covered in tattoos but it works for her!" - Impsblood
  • "We find Anarchy to be...a very interesting human. She...is young, but she is very...serious and focused, without being...overconfident or condescending. A shame that...more humans are not like her."/"Vivi is really cool! She's always giving Charity and I great advice to help with leading our group, and she's helped us train our members more than once. She seems like she's lived much more than someone of her age, you can see it in her eyes." - Galactigal/Samantha, respectively
  • "The kid's good, I'll give her that. Ran into her at the MCPD Assault Course the other day, she'd make a good soldier if not for that 'Screw the man!' thing goin' on. Still, I'd rather have her on an assault team over some straight laced hero who'd be too scared to get their hands dirty." - Citizen 13
  • "I suppose badass would be quite the accurate description for her, eh? Definitely not innocent nor sweet, it still riddles me how someone can not be fond of chocolate." - Black Ice
  • "Met her a couple times now and the girl's got personality. I can see why she is a great leader, but I bet she's even more fun to have a beer with. Speaking of, I need to see if she'd like to hit up a bar sometime! Also....she can really rock a short plaid skirt." - African Violet
  • "There is so much I could say about Veronica. She's been my friend even before the start of my...er, life. I've always felt close to her, and even the first day that I met her, I seemed locked with how caring she was towards me, if blunt. I love Veronica like I do a sister, and I would allow my soul to snuff out just to save her life, as I would with few other friends." - Miasma
  • "Anarchy? Damn this Woman have the guts, always caring about the others... And those eyes... filled with determination, i like this girl, good guitar skills, This girl seems to carry an huge past. She's engaged to Divael, they make the perfect couple in my opinion, the Sage and the Knight. Hey Veronica, Keep yourself like this!" - Quintessence
  • "Nica? She is a tough girl, I think everyone will agree on that but she can be everything and its contrary, reckless and sensible, nuts and dead serious, coarse and educated... I don't always know how to approach her, I know that sounds stupid because I really like her, I think we are friends and all and on top of that I'm twice her size, but I tend to watch my words with her. I'm sometimes walking on eggshells, maybe I shouldn't. You scare me Nica! Ok I may be exaggerating a bit." - Katerra
  • "Hi slave"*winks followed by laughter* - SoulStar
  • "She shoved her boobs in my face in her hot tub, and we've been besties ever since! I love this ball of crazy to death, and we've always got each other's backs! Mess with her, you gotta deal with me, too! She's the reason I feel like I belong here in this city. Growing up not depending on anyone else in my life, I've grown to depend on Veronica, and I hope she knows that she can always depend on me when she needs it too. Love ya Vee!" - Stellar
  • "Veronica is the only woman on earth who could rock that haircut. Don't even try." - Strobe
  • "I'm gonna get the b*****." - Deviant
  • "Vi is is what awesome is made of. I can see where some people may be afraid to approach her or find her questionable at first. Once you get past that she has a caring heart, a deadly aim, and more then enough cool to go around" - Limerick
  • "I've liked her since I've met her. Circumstances haven't allowed us much time to hang out, but at some point I really want to get to know her better. It seems like we would have a shit ton in common." -Rhapsody

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  • Anarchy and Divael founded their own duo band named Ungeneric. The first album, Irritations, saw its final production in April of 2013. It puts emphasis on their own alternative views to certain key topics of interest that's nature irritates them, obviously. The second album is currently being planned and is rumored to hopefully include other featured artists.
  • Anarchy is the founder and CEO of the Citadel Private Protection company and the owner of Anne's Italian Dinner and Coffeehouse. She also helps her friends manage a few other establishments around town, most notably Marcel's, a blues club in Westside, and Giovanni's in Downtown, which is more or less an alternate strip club of sorts.
  • Anarchy owns two unorthodox pets in the forms of a young alligator named Jade which she has had, for the time being, provided a personalized section of her apartment too. Her other pet is even stranger, due to the fact that is, in fact, attached to her skin in the form of a tattoo. It can actually remove itself from her skin upon magical incantation and take the form of a squirrel she has named Brent.
  • Anarchy is actually quite the dancer due to her passive abilities. She began taking classes and watching dancers online that she soon began to replicate. With enough practice overtime combined with her acrobatics and martial arts, she's become quite adept at the art. She took a liking to dubstep 'popping' in particular.
  • Anarchy's hair is always subject to change in both appearance and color. She has some strange obsession with hair and absolutely must (at some point) get her fingers in all of her friends hair and constantly suggest them letting her style it. Her own hairstyle has changed over ten times since she watched and learned how to do hair styling at a Westside barber shop. It is also very well taken care of.
  • Anarchy is incredibly uncomfortable with the thought of pregnancy and all of its details. While she will not avoid or treat those she knows that may be currently pregnant at the time with disdain, she makes it well know that she is not a fan. Members of The Aegis Associate have seen her get sick and throw up after one woman's water broke in Caprice.
  • Anarchy actually has a very low taste for sweets and candy. She absolutely despises the taste of chocolate, caramel, and peanut butter for example. However, she has shown to have quite the taste for red velvet cake. Very strict with her diet, Veronica has become a vegetarian and switched to living as healthy a life she can with food choice.
  • Anarchy does not have the ability to swim due to her extreme fear of drowning thanks to suffered from aquaphobia. Despite certain individuals best attempts at teaching her how to swim, her mental condition and fear prevent the knowledge from retaining a foundation to sink into her memory.
  • Anarchy has become quite the collector of a very specific type of artifact. Taking a keen interest in antideluvian items and the history associated with it, she has procured a certain number of artifacts. She desperately wants one item in particular but fears the odds of finding one is near impossible.
  • Anarchy is openly a fan of My Little Pony. Her favorite pony is Rarity, which is rather odd due to her usual disposition. The enjoyment of this show stems from when she watched the program alongside her daughter who introduced her to it.
  • Despite the common knowledge of being engaged to Natasha Roy, the tabloids and a few others have been rather persistent in finding out about Anarchy's other affairs. This is due to the fact that she used to get around. She has heard others believe she is dating various people such as:

-- Adapto, whom she has denied any romantic involvement with. She admits they did one date but stresses it was platonic.
-- Violet Mask, which she laughed at and held no comment towards.
-- Ophidia, which she admits was a truth in the past but has long since been over.
-- Atom Adam, whom she claims was her first boyfriend back during her reformation period, but the fling lost its flame years ago.
-- Crow, which like Violet Mask she only laughed at and held no comment.
-- SoulStar, which she only winked and held no comment towards.

  • Anarchy was never provided the opportunity to experience high school, but she was sensible enough to ascertain her General Education Diploma and complete at least one year of college. She decided it was best to cease her official educational pursuit however due to business taking up too much of her time.
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  • Domino Mask As Anarchy, Veronica has worn a domino mask in various renditions and as far as she's concerned it is too iconic to her now to let it go.
  • Delinquent Hair It's no secret that Veronica's hair is iconic to recognizing her on the streets. After all, she's had the same haircut for half of her life.
  • Tattooed Crook Veronica has gone full-body with her tattoo with only room on her scalp and majority of her face left untouched by black and white ink.


  • Action Mom Veronica has adopted, plans on having one of her own, and serves as something akin to a Denmother to younger female heroes (some of which live with her).
  • Smarter Than You Look Veronica appears as your common delinquent teenager that runs the streets giving a finger to the police, but she is actually quite intelligent.
  • Lovable Alpha Bitch Veronica is very keen on inadvertently making herself one of the best friends one can have in life, but she also possesses quite the abrasive disposition.

Morality & Philosophy

  • Darker and Edgier Veronica's scope of morals are best defined as an enigma (even to herself). This makes her appear an edgy or darker persona.
  • Chaotic Good Veronica is absolutely a Type 1 Chaotic Good character, valuing freedom but still operating within a set standard for good.
  • Guilt Complex Due to the mistakes Veronica makes, she's always expressed she feels it is her responsibility to taken credit for the results.

Combat Skills

  • Combat Pragmatist Rules of Engagement? Only if the situation (training or sparring) is calling for it. Otherwise, expect foul play, people.
  • Fights Like A Normal Despite having her Vril usage and other pieces of equipment, Veronica actually prefers to fight as if she were a normal human, using actual skill.