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Silver medal T.png


Player: @Zeiciq
Super Group
Charter Member
· Other Affiliations ·
Real Name
Hisashi Ijiri
March 21st, 1987
Himeiji, Japan
Japanese Citizenship
Legal US Immigrant
Millennium City, Michigan
Legal Status
No Criminal Record
Marital Status
· Known Relatives ·
Naosuke Ijiri (Father/Alive)
Kasami Ijiri (Mother/Alive)
Takuya Ijiri (Younger Brother/Deceased)
Physical Traits
Apparent Age
6 ft
168 lbs
Body Type
· Distinguishing Features ·
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
Superhuman Strength
Healing Factor
Enhanced Durability
Enhanced Speed
Enhanced Reflexes
· Equipment ·
· Other Abilities ·
Skilled Hand-To-Hand Combatant
Motorcyle - EscaStrider


Spoiler Warning
The following details are about a player-created storyline, or is information currently unrevealed about a character.
Please do not use this information ICly unless given permission to do so.

(( I'll work on it some day I swear. ))

Abilities and Equipment


Hand-to-Hand Combat- Probably the only ability that Hisashi doesn't get directly from his suit in some form or other. Being a part of his school's boxing club in high school, and being quite successful at it too, Hisashi has some skill and experience in fighting others with just his fists. While just boxing isn't too practical in some fights, Hisashi has an improvised fighting style and has no formal martial arts training. He was, however, trained in a militaristic style of combat while he was part of the Cicada group. His hits are usually vicious, bone breaking blows without any real sort of 'flow' in his combat.

Healing Factor- An ability he gained from his nanomachines. Hisashi's ability to regenerate from damage is a valuable asset since it has been the primary attribute to why he's still alive. If he hadn't had the ability to regenerate like he does, he would've most likely died due to his own recklessness. Hisashi can heal basic wounds nearly instantly due to the incredible speed he regenerates. Gunshots and the like don't take too long either. However, missing limbs and such are incapable of being regenerated on their own. Or at least take a tremendous amount of time. They can be reattached if the removed appendage is reattached to the lost area; his body would reattach the appendage itself as it's a part of him. This makes the process faster than simply recreating it.

Super Strength- His greatest ability. Katsuo has great physical strength due to his nanomachines. Hisashi has shown the ability to lift vehicles, and other such things, with relative ease. Not only that, he can throw them a short distance. Bending and breaking metal aren't too difficult for him either. He may not be the strongest person with this ability in the world, but one can't deny he isn't strong. Katsuo doesn't have limitless strength, yet the height of strength hasn't been determined. He has been observed lifting something upwards of twenty tons, but hasn't been able to go above this, which is most likely as far as his enhanced strength allows. He can reach his limit without much trouble with the help of his Escalation Dial.

Enhanced Reflexes- While under the influence of his suit, Hisashi is able to react very quickly to the world around him. Dodging melee attacks isn't too difficult under the right circumstances. Dodging long range fire he doesn't notice beforehand might prove challenging, if not impossible for him to get out of the way of.

Enhanced Durability- Hisashi's suit is a lot more tough than one would think by looks. While wearing the suit, Hisashi can shrug off quite a few blows (quite a few factors come into play to determine this). The armor of his suit is about as strong as metal; it' capable of taking gunshots from lower caliber weaponry without being too negatively impacted. The tough black membrane that covers his body is amazingly tough. The hide is tough to cut through, and, while it can be pierced through, it doesn't get too far in.

Enhanced Speed- Given his endurance and strength, Katsuo is able to run at moderately high speeds for quite a bit of time. Typically he sprints in short bursts if his bike isn't available.



What makes Katsuo, Katsuo. His bread and butter. Hisashi's nanomachines greatly increase his physical ability by a tremendous amount giving him more strength in comparison to a normal human's physical ability. Hisashi obtained the mysterious tech when he was part of Cicada. The main asset from his tech is the suit it places over his entire body. The suit varies from individual to individual so it has a special flair to each one due to their bodily makeup. His nanomachines are mostly organic in nature since they're actually a biotechnical alien lifeform. However, the tech inside him lacks any sort of intelligence, and carries out duties as programmed into its tech parts.

Escalation Dial

The Escalation Dial is a dial located on Katsuo's belt. The more he turns the dial, the more energy his suit takes in and puts out. This cumulated energy can be dispersed out in a variety of ways. The energy pulled into the suit can also be used for certain, special suit functions. Most dial functions are still being explored, but there are a few known and commonly used ones:

One Twist

  • Energy output is increased by roughly 50% of base levels. Increase in physical ability is more noticeable. His strength is increased by about 1/3 total.
  • Cumulated energy can be unleashed for a charged up punch or kick for added 'oomph'.
  • Tri-Beam - A weaker set of beams fired out of his belt. While not lethal, they do strike with intense heat that can be quite disabling if he hits a more tender area.

Two Twists

  • Overall output of his suit is doubled, as is his overall strength.
  • Plasma Knife- Exactly what it seems. Katsuo is able to form a small handle and, by forcing excess energy through it, make a small blade. It does exactly what one would think a knife capable of doing. Its shape is similar to a combat knife. By pressing a button on the knife, excess energy courses through it making the edge burn with superheated plasma.
  • Shock Wave- Katsuo can disperse his energy into a very powerful shockwave. Provided there is solid ground for him to get use out of it.
  • Energy Beam- Gripping the sides of his belt, Katsuo is able to concentrate his collected energy into his belt and fire off a powerful beam of pure energy.
  • Power Kick- Charging both feet with collected energy, Katsuo can unleash a powerful dropkick combing both his strength, and the force of the energy being dispersed out from his feet.

Three Twists

  • Overall output of his suit is tripled, as is his overall strength.
  • Plasma Blade- An upgrade to his knife essentially. Katsuo is able to pump the extra energy into making his blade larger. The knife takes the appearance of a machete or something similar instead.
  • Energy Burst- By dispersing energy, Katsuo can unleash his suit's collected energy into a powerful pulse of energy around him.

Four/Full Twist

  • Overall output of his suit is quadrupled. He's able to reach the pinnacle of his strength. However, due to the extreme stress absorbing and dispersing so much energy causes on his body, a full twist is rarely ever used since it puts on too much strain.
  • 'Super' Punch- Since it's dangerous to use the suit for a long time in this condition, Katsuo can disperse all the energy at once for a massive punch combining both his sheer strength and hit suit's stored energy. The Comet Punch is wild and destructive as the energy released spreads out in a violent manner, often ripping apart what it hits.
  • Burst Cannon- Opening his chest plate to reveal his core, Katsuo can focus a lot of energy at his core and fire out a large and powerful explosive blast. A bit slower moving, but especially dangerous in closer ranges.


Hisashi received his motorcycle, the EscaStrider, while he was part of the Cicada group. It was created with the same tech that was placed inside his body, so the bike isn't an entirely ordinary one. The bike's reinforced and doesn't get damaged easily. It's also capable of self repairing within similar bounds as Hisashi's own regenerative abilities. It also doesn't require as much fuel to operate, as well as being efficient enough to not consume fuel too quickly.


Cold- Katsuo's nanomachines do not like cold. Cold enough temperatures will cause them to go dormant. This is dangerous for Katsuo since, without his nanomachines, his organs could begin to fail and possibly kill him. If he's in a fight and his machines go dormant he could lose all his abilities and turn into a normal human, which is equally as dangerous since Hisashi isn't used to fighting anything superpowered as a regular human.

Salt- The organic components of his nanomachines dehydrate quickly when exposed to salt and other such things, so much so that they can break down rapidly. Hisashi has had to manage his salt intake and monitor his hydration to prevent any incident of death. He has a lot of nanomachines in his body so this might not be such a problem. Salt can also prevent his body from regenerating at a certain area, so it can be quite dangerous.

Limited Strength- Katsuo is strong, but there's a limit to how much he's able to lift (with or without the use of his Escalation Dial), he can easily be crushed by objects too heavy to lift off himself.

Escalation Dial- While it's a great asset in a fight by greatly increasing his abilities, the Escalation Dial can kill him upon repeated use over a fairly short period of time without a break.

Stubborn- Hisashi can be a pretty determined and stubborn person. Even if he's losing a fight he'll just keep going until stopped one way or another, or his target is defeated.

Psionics- Hisashi has no degree of mental protection, making him quite susceptible to mental assault among other things.

Friends and Acquaintances


  • Sparrowhawk // Alexandra Harper - Sparrowhawk is a very competent and focused leader, who Katsuo believes has the right attitude for leading the team. Although he doesn't know her on a very personal level, Sparrowhawk's professional attitude and dedication to work are what he considers respectable traits. While not totally considered friends in his book, Katsuo doesn't mind working with her due to her personality.
  • All-Star // Nate Carter - All-Star is competent at what he does (that generally being shooting at things), and Katsuo can respect that. He enjoys working with him because he'll do what's necessary to accomplish the mission, something that some people aren't willing to do. Now, despite his abilities and talents, Katsuo doesn't like his personality so much. All-Star's overconfidence and snark do begin to wear on his nerves after a bit while working on the field.
  • Razira - Razira is what Katsuo imagines the public's idea of a hero being. Razira has noble traits, is kind, displays a genuine concern for others, and sticks by her convictions. On a personal level, Katsuo kind of likes Razira because of her personality is. Yet, he also believes she may be unable to do what he believes necessary when the time comes due to those ideals.
  • Thundrax // Craig Carson - Much like Razira, Thundrax is how the public views heroes and the like. Partly for his fame and popularity. He knows Thundrax mostly through reputation as the two haven't worked together much. He does, however, know that Thundrax is physically powerful. He wouldn't mind a chance to go against him.
  • Canadian Fist // Dusk Vermilion - Canadian Fist would be alright to Katsuo if only she minded her own business. She's a fairly powerful hero, and Katsuo can see has a fair bit of experience doing what it is she does. He has no qualms with working with her. What he does have against her is that she's a bit curious and Katsuo doesn't like answering questions about himself.
  • Dobergirl // Sunny Oskern - Katsuo sees Dobergirl as someone determined to prove themselves. He also sees her as naive and childish. Dobergirl has an almost childlike personality, which Katsuo doesn't see fitting to the type of work their doing. It's also partly because he feels that Dobergirl is too young mentally. She also constantly makes references to things that Katsuo thinks are childish, like cartoons and card games, which doesn't help. It's mostly because he doesn't understand them.
  • Keioisis // Kara McIlroy - Kara is way too young to be fighting any superpowered entity in his eyes. She has an array of powers, gifted intelligence, and an arsenal on hand, but he still firmly believes she's not quite ready to handle this sort of thing as she doesn't have much experience. Much the case as Dobergirl, Kara's mentality makes her seem younger than she actually is. She also makes references to things that Katsuo doesn't understand.
  • Xanthe - Xanthe says he walks around his room naked, which is more than enough for Katsuo to avoid his room and almost him altogether.



Have anything to say?

"Silent? Check. Deadly? Double check. This guy embodies the very definition of a ninja in my eyes. I get alot of misconceptions about me being a so called 'ninja' but this guy takes the cake from what I've experience so far. Very calm and very cool. Never once heard a complaint out of him. Or anything for that matter. He's not behind me is he?"-SoulStar

"Definitely keeping an eye on him. He's a quiet one and a bit of a loner... I understand that. He seems to fare well though when partnered with others. I may not be the best to say this, but I want to see him come out of his shell. With a bit more actual hand to hand combat training he could work wonders fighting crime, impressive as he already is." - Sparrowhawk

"He's so quiet and standoffish... I've dealt with teammates like that before, but it's still kind of... sad? I guess. Other than that he's tough as hell and very focused. The armor's pretty sweet too." - Dobergirl

"He's definitely more quiet than most people I know, but nevertheless he's a nice person to work with - very professional. I think people misunderstand his silence though. It's not like he's unsocial. He just doesn't have much to say!" - Black Sigil

"Aquamarine." - KeioIsis

RP Hooks

  • To make a living, Hisashi does a lot of freelance work. He's not necessarily a mercenary, but he doesn't have a real permanent occupation. He makes just enough to support himself. It wouldn't be too odd for him to have met colorful people while jumping from job to job.
  • Katsuo has a fair bit of reputation. He has a bit of a more negative reputation in Japan due to collateral damage he caused during the beginning of his hero work.
  • He is willing to take missions if requested, depending on the work itself.
  • While he doesn't really drink alcohol, Hisashi does go to bars for the atmosphere.
  • Hisashi still enjoys boxing and doesn't mind a chance to get into the ring.


  • Hisashi has a love of fishing as he had done it quite a bit as a child since he didn't have much else to do.
  • On his off time Hisashi mostly reads books. Commonly he reads medieval fantasy stories or horror novels. He's a big fan of anything high fantasy.
  • Hisashi got into boxing because other sports clubs had too many members.
  • In some cases Hisashi has been known to break a finger or two due to how hard he punches. With a high pain tolerance and his regenerative abilities, it's not too worrisome for him.
  • Katsuo is more popular on the internet than he is in the general media. Not that he's very famous to begin with as he often dodges out of the way of the media spotlight.
  • Due to his unusual physiology as a result of his biotech, Katsuo doesn't need to eat a lot of food as his body is almost entirely self-sufficient. He still needs to eat to make sure his body has sufficient energy and nutrients it cannot produce on its own.
  • Also because of his new physiology, the food he does eat is often unseasoned due to his body's reaction to salt and his own taste.
  • Hisashi's favorite type of music is stuff like Hip-Hop and Rap.
  • Hisashi is a big sports fan, his favorites include: football/soccer, boxing (of course), baseball, and basketball.
  • His favorite color is yellow.


  • Bald Of Awesome - Hisashi has never let his hair grow out, and has been mostly bald since he was a child. He needs to keep his hair down now so it doesn't interfere with his helmet. It doesn't really bother him.
  • Ridiculously Average Guy - In terms of looks. Hisashi doesn't really stand out much as he generally looks pretty normal. Aside from ethnicity and lack of hair.


  • Healing Factor - The tech inside Hisashi greatly increase his regenerative abilities.
  • Unskilled But Strong - While Hisashi has had some training, he isn't the best hand to hand fighter in the world. What he lacks in skills though, he makes up for in power with strong blows and general determination.


  • Clingy MacGuffin - Hisashi can not live without his nanomachines as they maintain some of his vital organs and parts of his brain. His body isn't use to carrying out these functions themselves anymore so Hisashi would most likely die if his nanomachines were removed under most circumstances. Complete removes of his tech would require time and patience as his body would slowly have to adjust to taking back control over previous functions.
  • Cool Bike - Katsuo's partly living, self-regenerating biobike.
  • Henshin Hero - While he doesn't have a phrase or such, he does need to transform in and out of his suit to have powers or not.
  • Instant Armor - Katsuo's suit forms around him nearly instantly and he can use it anywhere for the most part.
  • Laser Blade - While his knife and blade aren't totally energy weapons, the edge of the blade can become one using the suit's energy.
  • Living Weapon - Katsuo's nanomachines are living things but are not entirely sentient to the degree that they're an actual intelligent species.
  • The Syimbiote - Katsuo and his machines have a mutual partnership.


  • Action Hero - There hasn't been any trouble Katsuo couldn't solve by beating it up.
  • Berserk Button - Never threaten to harm a kid when Hisashi's around as that's something that he hates.
  • Big Brother Instinct - Being an older brother, Hisashi sometimes acts this way depending on the person. It's usually a drive due to his inability to protect his now deceased younger brother.
  • Determinatior - If Katsuo is fighting another person, one of them has to give in, and Katsuo will go to all sorts of lengths to do so.
  • Dont You Date Pity Me - The thing Hisashi hates the most is being shown pity for something he can't do himself.
  • Friend To All Children and Wouldn't Hurt A Child - For the most part, Hisashi thinks children are innocent, and doesn't wish harm to them by himself or others. However, he dislikes kid heroes. He doesn't believe they have a place in fighting, and are endangering themselves needlessly when there are others more experienced in operation. Granted, there are a few exceptions for those that show competence and skill.
  • Good Is Not Nice - Katsuo isn't really one of the nicest people in the world. Especially towards criminals.
  • Heroic Host - With the enhancements from the tech inside his body, Hisashi has used them for a good purpose, rather than using it maliciously.
  • Nerves Of Steel - There isn't much that can shake Katsuo.
  • Not Good With People - Katsuo has a problem expressing himself or expressing the right thing at the right time.
  • Stoic Woobie - Hisashi maintains a sort of detached and tough exterior. However, the death of his younger brother (among other things) has slowly shaped it.
  • Talk To The Fist - Most of the time, Katsuo isn't one for talking. He prefers to get straight to it when confronting someone.
  • Think Nothing Of It - Hisashi often doesn't openly accept praise for heroism. He sees it all as a part of a duty he must fulfill.
  • Tough Love - Generally the only way Hisashi knows how to teach someone something.

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