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===Dr. Anu Shahani===
===Dr. Anu Shahani===
<div style="color:#FFFFFF; background-color: #980000"><div style="font-size:15px; font-family: Helvetica">''"People call me a hero, but Dr. Shahani is the one who wants to save the world." - All-Star''</div></div>
<div style="color:#FFFFFF; background-color: #980000"><div style="font-size:15px; font-family: Helvetica">''"People call me a hero, but Dr. Shahani is the one who wants to save the world." - All-Star''</div></div>
'''Dr. Anu Shahani was a brilliant Indian medical doctor and surgeon working with Doctors Without Borders in Syria. The chief coordinator and senior doctor working at the facility she was appointed to, Shahani regularly risked her own life and took bold risks to help protect civilians and soldiers caught in the conflict. Having grown up in poverty in an oppressive caste system herself, Shahani had a great deal of empathy for those made to suffer at the hands of dictators and oppressors and wanted nothing more than to contribute to the betterment of their lives in any way she could. Eventually, her clinic was attacked by Syrian forces who slaughtered most of her staff and patients and took survivors into captivity, relentlessly abusing and even executing them. Throughout her captivity, Shahani showed courage and compassion for her fellow prisoners and was eventually forced to patch up injured Syrian troops at gunpoint.'''
All-Star, who was operating in Syria at the time, was called in on a one-man mission to infiltrate the prison where Shahani and the other hostages were being held and rescue them. When he arrived at the facility, he met a captive Shahani who offered her help in freeing the others, distracting the Syrian soldiers long enough for All-Star to free the prisoners and detonating an explosive to cover their escape. During their retreat, however, All-Star was clipped in the neck by a sniper and subsequently began to bleed out, forcing Shahani and the freed prisoners to hole up in a derelict hospital behind enemy lines. With All-Star rapidly fading and unable to protect the group from the soldiers who were bound to come looking for them, Shahani took charge of the situation. Utilising the captured soldiers among the prisoners and the weapons they had taken in their escape along with what little tactical advice the wounded All-Star could offer her, Shahani set up a defensive perimeter around the hospital. Then, with a mixed team of the surviving members of her clinic and civilians, she performed complex surgery on All-Star which narrowly saved his life.
'''Before All-Star could fully recover from his blood loss and regain consciousness, the Syrian soldiers arrived and a shootout between themselves and the team of escaped hostages broke out. Though lives were lost on both sides, Shahani's quick thinking and use of All-Star's tactics managed to keep the soldiers at bay long enough for the man himself to recover and finish them off. When the battle was over and the prisoners reached the designated extraction point, All-Star thanked Shahani for all she had done and maintained contact with her. After coming back to America following his faked death and taking back the mantle of All-Star, Nate sought out Shahani -- now running a free health clinic in India --  and offered her a job as the chief medical officer for OVERWATCH and the personal medic for Team All-Star. Dubious about working for a military organisation, but trusting of the man who saved her life years ago, Shahani accepted his offer.'''
Strong-willed, capable and hard as nails, Dr. Shahani is an extreme humanitarian and philanthropist who has devoted her life to helping others at any cost. A natural healer with a sense of justice that rivals Nate's, Shahani's selflessness and compassion shine brightly through her severity. As such, she typically provides All-Star with moral guidance and support when she isn't patching up his wounds. Unlike other members of Team All-Star, Shahani is happily married with three children -- a fact she regularly references.
*Genius Level Intellect
*Brilliant Medical Doctor and Surgeon
*Competent Geneticist-In-Training

Revision as of 21:25, 30 March 2016


The Unbreakable
The Soldier Supreme
Ult ewg-star full.jpg
"These colours don't run."
Music-player.png Freeform Music-player.png
Player: Swixname.png
Super Group
Legendary Operative
· Other Affiliations ·
Real Name
Nathaniel Jackson Carter
The Star-Spangled Sharpshooter, The Best From The West, The Soldier Supreme, The All-American Enforcer, Yankee Doodle Carter
4th July 1971
Hudson City, NJ
Flag USA.png U.S. Citizen
• Commander of OVERWATCH
• U.S. Special Metahuman Operative
Legal Status
Public Identity

Criminal Record (Expunged)

Military Service Record (Heavily Redacted)

Ex-Special Forces (Heavily Redacted, Confidential)

U.S. Special Metahuman Operative (Heavily Redacted, Confidential)

Commander of OVERWATCH (Heavily Redacted, Confidential)
Marital Status
· Known Relatives ·
Geoffrey Carter (Father, Deceased), Rochelle Carter (Mother, Deceased), Amanda Cho (First Wife, Deceased), Zambala Yaminde (Ex-Wife), Zara Carter (Daughter)
Physical Traits
Gene Enhanced
Apparent Age
Body Type
Peak Athletic, Large Build, Muscular
· Distinguishing Features ·
Various Scars, Cuts and Bruises
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
· Equipment ·
S.T.A.R.S. Nanosuit v2.204 - S.T.R.I.P.E.S. v6.767 - Specialised Ammunition - Dual SteelTech Panther Handguns - The All-Star Arsenal - The Shooting Star - Liberty Belle
· Other Abilities ·
Peak Human Condition - Master Marksman - Master Strategist and Tactician - Expert Hand-to-Hand Combatant - Skilled Athlete - Military Expertise - Multilingualism


athaniel Carter was the only successful result of the highly confidential Project Patriot -- a U.S. government financed attempt to use radical genetic engineering on exceptional military servicemen to create super soldiers in their offspring. When head trauma at the hands of his father triggered his gene-enhanced power of Hyperkinesis, Nate became an all-star high-school quarterback and athlete. After a misguided attempt to save a friend ended in his being arrested for manlaughter, however, he was given a second chance by Project Patriot and enlisted into the United States Marine Corps. Losing his lover and partner in a freak helicopter malfunction, Nate was eventually approached by Project Patriot with a new proposition -- a chance to leave his former life behind and become the ultimate soldier. Through intense training, decades of military service and near-crippling hardship, Nate grew from an operator to a super soldier to a veritable force of nature before finally donning his star-spangled uniform and taking his endless war to a new level. Now, with his chequered past behind him, an infinite number of targets before him and all the guns, grit and determination he needs to make the most of it, Nate charges into battle as the unbreakable All-Star, doing whatever it takes to whoever has it coming for truth, justice and the American way.

Weathered by a lifetime of war, older than most of his peers and rough around the edges by any measure, All-Star's detached pragmatism, sardonic personality and oftentimes abrasive directness can alienate those who would otherwise be his allies. Despite appearances to the contrary, however, he is as much a self-sacrificing hero as the next when it comes down to the wire with the notable exception that he'll often do whatever he feels is necessary to enforce what he feels is justice. With an undying resolve to right wrongs, All-Star defends his country from all its enemies: domestic, foreign and -- more often than he'd like -- otherworldly.

Having returned from his year-long self-imposed exile, Nate is a changed man. With a new perspective on life and a new sense of personal freedom, he seems committed to no longer being the killer he once was. Placed in charge of his own team working closely with the United Nations, Nate is out to prove to himself and the world that he's more than just a weapon. Will he be able to save lives without the use of lethal force or will old habits die hard?


The Truth

"My name is Nathaniel Carter, and I've just discovered that my entire life has been built on lies." - All-Star

The story of Nate Carter begins decades before his birth with his father, Geoffrey Carter's, draft into the United States Marine Corps during the Vietnam War. An exemplary Marine who went above and beyond the call of duty, it wasn't long before Geoffrey's superiors and the powers that be took heed of his superior abilities. In 1969, the clandestine government operation that would one day be known as Project Patriot was in its early stages of development. Seeking to take advantage of recent developments in the field of genetic engineering and metahuman science made by the super genius Dr. Alistair Monaghan, the then director of Project Patriot, Lawrence Smythe, chose thirteen servicemen of suitable physical and mental prowess from various branches of the United States Armed Forces to secretly inject with a series of radical gene-altering serums which would, in theory, bestow enhanced physical and mental traits known as 'Hyperkinesis' on any offspring they might have. Of these thirteen servicemen, Geoffrey Carter was the only African-American chosen. Seen as being more expendable than his white counterparts, Geoffrey was given a more radical and potentially lethal version of the treatment which boasted a greater degree of hyperkinetic potential in his offspring at the cost of severe long term physical and mental health problems in himself.

Injected with the serums while receiving what he believed to be several vaccinations to ensure his healthy return to American soil, Geoffrey Carter went back to his civilian life as a dock worker in his hometown of Hudson City, New Jersey unaware of the fact that he was being constantly monitored by operatives of Project Patriot. For about a year he, along with the other twelve subjects of Project Patriot, went about their normal lives. Many of those who happened to impregnate their wives, girlfriends or lovers, however, soon began to present a massive setback for the Project Patriot heads when their subsequent children were all stillborn, seemingly as a result of the genetically modified gametes of their fathers reacting negatively with the non-modified gametes of their mothers. After just two years of what appeared to be a resounding wave of failures, Project Patriot had only two subjects who could potentially give birth to hyperkinetic children -- Geoffrey Carter and Robert Hughes, a member of the U.S. Army. With the former having something of a distaste for women and the latter suffering from later diagnosed PTSD, it seemed as if Project Patriot was a remarkable failure and the U.S. government quickly swept it under the rug, forcing Dr. Monaghan to resign in shame and leaving little more than a skeleton crew to keep the operation running.

Contrary to what they believed, however, there was still a flicker of hope for Project Patriot in its two remaining subjects, a hope that would only be fully realised many years later. Geoffrey Carter, despite his misogynistic tendencies, soon found himself deeply attracted to Rochelle Masters -- a stripper he met at a co-worker's bachelor party and, after a passionate one night stand, he managed to impregnate her. Though reluctant to commit to marriage, Geoffrey felt honour-bound to make up for his own father's abandonment by staying to take care of his future son and, by the time the birth date neared, the two were married and living together in Freetown, Hudson City.

Born on the Fourth of July

"Col. Nathaniel Jackson Carter. Marine, spy, superhero. I was born on the fourth of July, and you best believe I bleed red, white and blue." - All-Star

Nate Carter was born somewhat prematurely during the early hours of July 4, 1971. Despite a number of birthing complications both early into the pregnancy and during delivery (likely caused by the intensified serum), he managed to pull through a frail, but relatively healthy baby. Relieved, his mother named him Nathaniel Jackson Carter, taking the names of the only two men she felt had ever treated her with love and respect -- her late father, Nathaniel, and her older brother, Jackson. Opting to spend the night drowning his sorrows at a local dive rather than waiting at the hospital and with his mental state gradually deteriorating due to the effects of the serum he was given, Geoffrey Carter missed the birth and instead spent the night in prison after a drunken bar brawl.

Growing up in the projects of Masonville, a young Nate found himself on the receiving end of his belligerent and increasingly unstable father's bad temper more and more frequently. Heated arguments grew into threats of violence and insults grew into domestic abuse as the years went by, colouring the young boy's hatred for his father and his desperate need to break free of Hudson City. Though Rochelle often did her best to take the brunt of Geoffrey's anger and physical abuse, a black eye and a few bruises were unavoidable every for Nate every now and then. By age twelve, Nate had experienced more than his fair share of pain and punishment at the hands of his father, who would use his failing grades, poor relations with teachers and fellow students and constant schoolyard fights as excuses to abuse him further.

Though both Rochelle and Nate both maligned Geoffrey for his abusive treatment, the once gruff but reasonable man soon began to question his own increasingly erratic behaviour. He became convinced that he was suffering from some form of PTSD and began secretly attending a group therapy session for war veterans. There, he met Frederick Muldoon -- a former U.S. Marine and conspiracy theorist who had been fervently investigating a particularly secretive and seemingly non-existent government operation which he believed had performed experiments on American soldiers -- Project Patriot. Intrigued by Muldoon's theories and beginning to suspect that his loss of mental stability had been the effect of some kind of experimentation, Geoffrey began visiting Muldoon outside of therapy sessions and aiding him in his somewhat frantic investigations when he could.

At home, the growing Nate ran into a number of social and academic problems caused by his abusive and impoverished home life. With Geoffrey's erratic behaviour getting him fired from his job at the Hudson City docks and his mother being forced to return to stripping to help pay bills, Nate was far from a model student and often replicated his father's abusive actions with weaker children, regularly getting into fights and causing his mother no end of grief. Despite his poor behaviour, however, Nate cared for Rochelle and, though her skills as a parent and a positive role model were severely lacking, Rochelle cared for him in return. Encouraging him to take up sports to keep him out of trouble and away from his father, Rochelle took reduced shifts at the strip club to support Nate on his efforts to get onto Morrison Middle School's football team. Through her efforts and Nate's determination, he was eventually accepted onto the team and would continue to pursue sports throughout the rest of his academic life. Despite this, however, Nate's trouble-making tendencies only lessened slightly and he continued to be a bully and a delinquent, even joining up with a group of local vandals who would tag property in the area when he hit sixteen. During one particular act of tagging, the small gang was caught by a patrolling police officer and, seeking to buy his friends time to escape, Nate led the officer on a chase which ended in his being detained at the local police station. While waiting for his mother to retrieve him, he met another juvenile delinquent who had been caught picking pockets in the area -- Antoine 'Wheezer' Freeman. Enthralled by the older boy's tales and abundance of superficial charm, Nate became fast friends with Wheezer and the two maintained regular contact from that day forward.

Meanwhile, Geoffrey, becoming dangerously violent and irrational, desperately threw himself into his shared investigation with Muldoon. The two, using their network of military connections and Muldoon's talents as an intelligence expert, discovered that Project Patriot was not only real, but also pioneered by Dr. Alistair Monaghan. Spurred on by their discovery, Geoffrey and Muldoon made contact with the retired Dr. Monaghan and angrily forced him to explain what he had done. Monaghan, suffering from a terminal illness, readily agreed in the hopes that it would redeem his soul and told them all about the genetic modification they had induced in the thirteen soldiers, the cause of Geoffrey's loss of mental stability and the lack of success they had. Shaken by the discovery, Geoffrey fled the room and went to drink himself into a stupor at the local bar.

Unbeknownst to any of the three men, however, Lawrence Smythe -- still leading what remained of Project Patriot -- had become aware of their snooping and, despite being advised not to by his new second-in-command, Kurt White, opted to have them all assassinated to tie up loose ends and prevent the operation's secrets from getting out. As Geoffrey drank in a bar, Smythe personally smothered Monaghan in his sleep and burned Muldoon to death in his home. He then set his sights on murdering Geoffrey. Breaking into the Carter residence in the middle of the night not knowing that Geoffrey was still drunkenly stumbling home, Smythe was unprepared to find a worried Rochelle waiting for her husband. When she panicked and threatened to call the police, Smythe beat her to death and left her body for Geoffrey to find, planting DNA they had on file to incriminate him. As he was leaving, however, he noticed a picture of Rochelle, Geoffrey and Nate together and realised that Project Patriot may not have been a failure after all. Deciding to keep tabs on Nate in the future, he fled into the night.

When Geoffrey Carter stumbled home from a night of drowning his sorrows he was anguished to find Rochelle, the woman he loved despite his years of abuse, lying dead before him. Drunk and paranoid, he concluded that the government had realised how close he and Muldoon had gotten to the truth and attempted to phone his friend to no avail. Before he could decide on a course of action, Nate returned home from a night out with Wheezer. Naturally assuming the worst upon seeing his father standing over the lifeless form of his mother, Nate launched himself at Geoffrey in a murderous rage. Fighting back, Geoffrey accidentally pushed Nate onto the kitchen counter, causing him to hit his head and fall unconscious. Believing in his instability that he had also killed his son and already convinced that he was marked for death, Geoffrey called the police and fled Hudson City.

When police arrived on the scene, they quickly realised that, while Nate suffered from a severe head wound, he was still very much alive. With his father a fugitive and his mother dead, a comatose Nate was taken to the local hospital for emergency treatment. What he didn't and couldn't know at that point, however, was that his life would never be the same again.


"When I opened up my eyes it was like I had woken up from a dream. Everything was clearer, brighter, sharper. And I was sat in the middle of it wondering what the hell to do with myself." - All-Star

The blow to the head suffered by Nate had an unintended effect. When his brain struck the surface of his skull, the subsequent trauma served to 'jump start' the hyperkinetic potential endowed by Geoffrey's enhanced dosage of the Project Patriot serum. As a result, Nate's mind kicked into a state of accelerated cognition and efficiency that transformed him into every bit the living weapon he was intended to be. While Nate recovered from his injury thanks to the combined efforts his parents' co-workers and members of his high-school football team to help pay medical bills, he slowly began to discover the changes to his body. He could catch flies out of the air, recall the most minute details and pieces of information, bounce a baseball perfectly off any surface and at any angle to make it return to him, and manipulate a deck of cards with the trained precision of a casino performer, even tossing one so hard it embedded itself in the wall. Though he didn't quite understand what had happened to him, Nate was glad for the distraction from the reality of his situation and the loss of his mother and father.

When he was released from the hospital, placed in foster care and allowed to attend school again, Nate found that whatever had happened to him had drastically influenced his athletic capabilities. While playing quarterback in his first game back for the Northdale High Eagles, it was as if time very nearly slowed down to allow for reactions that seemed almost inhuman. He could move and manipulate his body with the precision and flexibility of an acrobat, throw, kick and catch the ball with unerring accuracy and think of new plays and strategies as if on instinct. Mopping the floor with the competition, Nate effectively won the game single-handedly and became a local celebrity for his achievement. Still enthralled by what he could do since his accident, however, Nate continued to test the limits of his abilities. Joining up with Northdale High's gymnastics, acrobatics, running and swimming teams, Nate found that he easily excelled in all of them and became known as Northdale High's 'All-Star' because of it. After school, he practiced parkour, quickly picking up even its most complex maneuvers. He joined a boxing gym and discovered he was a natural fighter. He even began learning Spanish to impress a girl, committing it to memory it with ease. It seemed as if Nate couldn't stop his constant regimen of physical activity as his graduation drew near and, with several college institutions fighting to give him a full scholarship for his athletic prowess, things only seemed to be looking up.

Behind the scenes, however, Nate still found himself distressed over the death of his mother and his inability to take revenge on his father. With constant physical activity and popularity only serving to distract him for so long, he became depressed and frequently contemplated suicide. In his endless pursuit of escapism, he fell in deeper with Wheezer's criminal activities, helping his best friend to sling weed. It was during a midnight jog to distract himself from his depressive thoughts that Nate stumbled upon a late night congregation at his local Catholic church. Intrigued, Nate entered the building and watched its reverend, Dennis O'Malley, preach on redemption and forgiveness. Touched personally by his words, Nate approached Father O'Malley in confession with his feelings of guilt and suicidal thoughts. Father O'Malley expressed to Nate that the only real way to alleviate those feelings was to give what he could to the people of the world, accept that not everything is his fault and seek to forgive his father for his sins. Feeling as if a weight was lifted off his shoulders, Nate resolved to be a good man from then on and, after being baptised, became a Catholic.

From that day forward, Nate was a changed man. He stopped bullying weaker children and started defending them from those who would, regularly helped out at soup kitchens and charity drives, and eventually fell out with Wheezer, unable to convince him to leave a life of crime behind. Though he still harboured a dark resentment towards his 'murderous' father and still felt some guilt over his mothers passing, Nate found a reason to go on in religion and had a promising future ahead of him.

Manifest Destiny

"Panama. The Persian Gulf. Somalia. Bosnia and Kosovo. Zombavu. Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan. That shitshow in Libya. Didn't matter where it was, I marched there, followed orders and killed without even thinking. Sometimes I wonder how much of it is them programming me, wiring me to be a killing machine, and how much of it is me just...feeding into it." - All-Star

Things took a dark turn for the worse when Wheezer came back into Nate's life with a serious dilemma: after being caught stealing money from his boss, a local gang leader, to bet on a horse and subsequently losing it, Wheezer had been given a fatal ultimatum. Either he would find a way to return the money -- a total of $2500 -- by the end of the week or he would be executed. Though Nate wanted nothing to do with Wheezer's criminal activities, he couldn't leave the friend who had always been there for him out to dry. Knowing that going to the police would simply incriminate Wheezer and, based on the Hudson City Police Department's history of corruption, would most likely still end in his death, Nate concluded that the only thing they could do was somehow cooperate to get the money back. Together, the two hatched a plan to steal the money by holding up a local gambling arcade with fake guns. Unbeknownst to Nate, however, Wheezer managed to procure two real guns, reasoning that it was better to be prepared in case they were met with resistance.

Before the night of the heist, Nate visited Father O'Malley's confession and accidentally hinted that he would be doing something illegal. Concerned for the safety of one of the members of his congregation he was closest to, O'Malley decided to trail Nate on the night of the heist and persuade him to reconsider if he truly was up to no good. Together, Nate and Wheezer held a stake-out at the arcade they planned to rob and, when they believed there would be a minimal amount of employees and customers, they made their move. Donning masks, they held the entire arcade at gunpoint and Wheezer forced its manager to fill a bag with all the money in the safe. As said employee did so, however, another pressed the silent alarm while Nate was distracted. Quickly noting the employees action, Nate panicked and told Wheezer that the police were on the way. Also panicking and frustrated at the manager's pace, Wheezer threatened to shoot him to death. As he carried out this threat, however, he accidentally discharged his weapon and shot the man in the shoulder. The gunshot alerted a nearby Father O'Malley, who recklessly charged into the arcade to stop them. As Nate yelled at Wheezer for getting them real guns and tried to convince him to leave without the money, Wheezer refused to do so and insulted his former friend, telling him that he'd "gone soft". Angrily, Nate drew his gun and tossed it down, refusing to go to prison for Wheezer. As it hit the floor, however, it fired and hit Father O'Malley in the chest the moment he walked in. As Nate ran to the dying man's side, Wheezer hastily snatched the money and fled. Stricken with guilt, Nate held the dying reverend in his arms and tearfully apologised. With his last few breaths, Father O'Malley echoed his words to Nate about setting things right. As police arrived on the scene, Dennis O'Malley died and Nate Carter's once promising life fell apart in mere moments.

Though he was tried as an adult due to being just a few months away from his 18th birthday, Nate was seen as an otherwise upstanding member of the community and was only guilty of Father O'Malley's death through a circumstantial accident. In light of these facts, he was charged with involuntary manslaughter and sentenced to three years at a medium security prison. Though by all accounts he had gotten off lightly for his crime, Nate's future was more or less over. He became despondent and wracked with guilt, praying almost every day for forgiveness and spending almost all of his free time in the gym or reading the bible. Frequently harassed by some of his fellow inmates for his youth, his taciturn demeanour and his repentance, Nate found himself on the receiving end of several beatings and was only able to protect himself from anything more severe with his own skills in boxing.

It was during Nate's stay in prison that Project Patriot made a reappearance in his life. After the incident involving Geoffrey Carter and his role in the deaths of Rochelle Carter, Frederick Muldoon and Alistair Monaghan, Lawrence Smythe had been removed from his post through the efforts of Kurt White, who subsequently became the director of Project Patriot. Now in control of its limited operations, Kurt secretly watched over Nate and observed the development of his hyperkinesis. Monitoring his development from troubled teen to morally-upstanding athlete to a wayward young man with nothing to lose, Kurt decided that there would be no risk of disrupting his life by contacting him after he was charged for manslaughter and his chances at becoming a professional athlete or going to college on a scholarship were ripped away from him. Pulling some strings, Kurt got Nate released from prison after just nine months and was waiting to escort him by car back to Hudson City.

During their journey, Kurt introduced himself to Nate as a special metahuman recruiter for the U.S. Armed Forces and explained the fine details of his hyperkinesis. He also, however, left out the classified information on the truth behind Project Patriot's origins, his mother's death, his father's instability and how his powers came to be. Instead, he informed Nate that his abilities were metahuman in origin and that, with the right training, he could be a true force for good in the world and atone for the sins of his past as a soldier. Apprehensive at first, Nate turned Kurt down and returned to Hudson City. Unable to hold down work due to the trauma of what had happened, Nate instead devoted his attention to locating Wheezer and trying to find some way to cope with his feelings of guilt, Father O'Malley's last words haunting his waking thoughts. It was during a reluctant return to the church that Nate was approached by the new reverend. After confessing his sins and internal conflict, Nate was persuaded by the reverend, in actuality a Project Patriot plant, to "set things right." With nowhere else to turn to and with nothing keeping him in Hudson City, Nate said goodbye to his sordid past and contacted Kurt: he was ready to atone for his mistakes.

Joining up with the United States Marine Corps and being placed in a special training camp primarily used for metahuman recruits, Nate excelled in basic training and earned the ire of his fellow recruits because of it. Though this placed him on the receiving end of ritual hazing, there was one who took a shine to him -- an exceedingly patriotic female recruit with the power of technopathy named Amanda Cho. Throughout boot camp, Nate and Amanda remained close, cooperating with one another and constantly looking out for each other's interests. Nate gave Amanda a level of respect she rarely saw as a female recruit, and Amanda's passion for American ideals and life in general renewed Nate's spirit. By the time they had completed basic training, the two had begun a romantic relationship in secret. Becoming a Scout Sniper and Spotter team, Nate and Amanda participated in the American involvement in the Invasion of Panama, the Gulf War and the Somali Civil War, where the two made a name for themselves for their tight work and efficiency. When their tour of duty in Somalia ended, Nate and Amanda were stationed at the Camp Justice facility on Diego Garcia for a time where they would meet with Kurt White and take on more specialised and advanced training.

It was during this training that Kurt hoped to capitalise on All-Star's hyperkinesis and take the first steps towards gradually molding him into a super soldier and a viable example of Project Patriot's potential. Along with Amanda, Nate was trained in various advanced military skills and techniques for the next year. In that time,their relationship grew stronger and, eventually, they married each other, deciding to leave their lives as Marines behind and settle down back in America together as soon as they could.

Their plans were disrupted with the entry of the U.S. into the Bosnian War in 1994. Nate and Amanda, equipped with their new training, were assigned to a ground-based strike team to counter Yugoslav forces. Despite the short length of the conflict and the minimal allied forces casualties, Amanda and two other soldiers were killed when their Apache crashed due to a malfunction during a simple training operation. Devastated by the entirely avoidable and senseless loss of his wife, Nate became despondent and wracked with grief once again, returning to a military base on American soil and spending most of his time between his regular duties alone. Taciturn, detached and sombre, he showed all the signs of a man with nothing to live for.

Seeing an opportunity to sway Nate towards becoming a super soldier and sympathising with his loss, Kurt came back into his life in 1996 and gave him the partial truth about Project Patriot. Introducing it as a special government operation designed to find exceptional metahuman candidates and mold them into soldiers, Kurt explained that the reason he had been contacted in prison all those years ago was because Project Patriot saw a potential in him to be their greatest asset -- that his hyperkinesis endowed him with the potential to be a living weapon with the right training. Kurt made Nate a simple offer: in exchange for his unwavering dedication to his country and to the protection of its best interests, Nate would undergo a intensive training and participate in various military operations that would help transform him into the perfect soldier. Though Nate had encountered his fair share of tragedy over the years, the words of Father O'Malley and Amanda's love for America rang fresh in his mind. Deciding to do them both proud, Nate took Kurt up on his offer and set in course the series of events that would give birth to the All-Star.

Stars and Stripes Forever

"By the time my last tour of duty was over and I was clear of the Marines, a life of combat had taken everything from me. I had no family, no friends, no wife, no kids. Do you have any idea what it's like to wake up one day in the middle of your life and realise the only thing you're living for is another man's war? Yeah, I signed up to be their weapon. And you know what? Sometimes I think I wouldn't have had it any other way." - All-Star

At Kurt's behest, Nate began to take part in several black operations and underwent grueling training when not doing so. In the space of five years Nate was placed 'on loan' to various military and law enforcement organisations such as the CIA,, UNTIL and PRIMUS, even serving a notable stint in the short-lived multinational black ops unit Broadsword. Participating in assassinations, reconnaissance, espionage, counter-terrorism, counterinsurgency and hostage rescue among other operations, Nate soon became a legend among military personnel -- an unstoppable force of nature whose military career was shrouded in mystery and superstition. Between tours of duty and loan periods, Nate was prompted to take part in underground fight clubs, engaged in several intense training operations and even spent time in a POW camp all for the purpose of systematically deconstructing him and rebuilding him from the ground up. From being taught in the ways of combat by some of the greatest fighters in the world,to learning strategy from the most brilliant tactical minds of our generation, Nate was gradually transformed into an unstoppable killing machine, his hyperkinesis honed and refined to the point of mastery. With the promise of redemption and the memories of those lost driving him forward, Nate exceeded all limitations and became superhuman in his level of expertise.

His 'training period' was cut short, however, on September 11th, 2001. The tragedy that befell the United States of America and the subsequent establishment of a new kind of enemy prompted the higher powers in the U.S. Government to force Project Patriot to bear more significant results early. It was no longer enough for Nate to merely be an exceptional operator. In an age of terror and global uncertainty, a symbol of the American power of perseverance in the face of hardship was needed more than ever and an immediate test of Project Patriot's ability to provide one became essential. Though he was being taught in the ways of Krav Maga on a military base at the time, Nate saw the attack on the World Trade Center on the global news and was ready to answer the call to service almost as soon as it came. Returning to American soil for the first time in years, Nate was thrown into the chaos of a post-9/11 world feet first. Nevertheless, he accepted his responsibility and was re-enlisted into the United States Marine Corps, where his superiors hoped he would serve as an inspiration and morale boost for his fellow servicemen. Assigned to Force Reconnaissance and promoted to the commissioned rank of second lieutenant, Nate was immediately placed in command of his own specialised squad.

When he flew into Afghanistan, Nate was given a level of preferential treatment by his superiors against his will, which made things more difficult when it came to dealing with his fellow Marines, most of whom already feared and distrusted him based on his shadowy reputation and the rumours that circulated around him. As if to make things more complicated, an unexpected face from Nate's past resurfaced in the most unlikely of ways. As Nate was introduced to his squad, one of its members stood out from the crowd; older and wearier with age and hardship, Wheezer, clad in full USMC uniform, came face-to-face with Nate for the first time in seven years. Though Nate and Wheezer recognised each other on sight, both men decided to keep their mouths shut until they were in private. Once they managed to get a moment alone, Nate immediately attacked Wheezer and demanded that he explain why he was there. With no other alternative, Wheezer explained that, following the botched robbery of the casino, he had fallen deeper and deeper into his life of crime until he hit rock bottom. Seeking redemption for his past mistakes just as Nate had, he eventually enlisted in the USMC and became a devoted young Marine. Though he still harbored some resentment toward Wheezer, Nate saw that he was a changed man and decided to forgive him. Taking the first step to reconciling their relationship, Nate and Wheezer agreed to cooperate with one another and try to maintain a sense of professionalism.

As the commander of his Force Reconnaissance squad, Nate made waves during the early years of the war in Afghanistan. Known for being an extremely effective asset and honing those under him to be just as exceptional, Nate's old high-school nickname, 'All-Star', eventually began to stick (thanks in no small part to the efforts of Wheezer). As successful operation after successful operation passed by with no casualties among their ranks, Nate's squad came to be known as the "Hall of Famers" and their unwavering resolve in the face of a war unlike any other made them a force to be reckoned with. On his own part, Nate's leadership earned him various accolades and the rank of captain. After five years spent serving in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan, the heads at the U.S. Department of Defense decided that Project Patriot had a resounding level of potential to create super soldiers and took steps towards capitalising on the one they already had. In 2006 it was decided that Nate would be transferred from Force Reconnaissance to the newly coordinated Marine Corps Special Operations Command, becoming one of the very first members of what was then the Marine Special Operations Regiment but what is now known as the Marine Raider Regiment.

It was towards his final days serving in Force Reconnaissance that Nate stumbled upon a conspiracy by corrupt higher ups within his company's ranks to sell military surplus, weapons and technology to terrorist cells within Pakistan. Though he originally planned to simply alert Kurt, the shocking discovery that Wheezer had allied himself with the corrupt officials as a gofer between themselves and the terrorists prompted him to take matters into his own hands in the hopes that he could save his friend. Trailing him to one of his clandestine meetings with a potential buyer, Nate spied on Wheezer as he made the deal -- a very large sum of gold in exchange for a canister of highly experimental neuro-toxin confiscated from VIPER. Knowing what would happen if such a dangerous resource got into the wrong hands, Nate single-handedly launched an attack on the meeting and forced the terrorists to retreat without their product. In the rush of combat, Wheezer took the neuro-toxin and attempted to flee as Nate gave chase. Eventually, this led them to an abandoned power station where Nate attempted to talk Wheezer into giving himself up and letting him help his case. Angered at Nate's sanctimonious sentiments, Wheezer attempted to kill him in a close quarters brawl. Though he had the element of surprise, Nate managed to overpower him and kicked him face first into the neuro-toxin canister. As Wheezer choked on the neuro-toxin filling his lungs, he stumbled off of the raised platform they had fought on and into a still active power generator. As Nate watched in horror, Wheezer was violently electrocuted, filling the air with his choked screams. The subsequent explosion incinerated his body and set the power station on fire, forcing Nate to retreat. Though the evidence he obtained from that night toppled the entire arms dealing conspiracy, Nate had lost one of his few friends in an avoidable accident and would be haunted by that memory even after leaving the Marine Corps.

Nate served as a special forces Marine for just over three years. In that time he was renowned for being an outstanding asset to American interests both on and off the battlefield and participated in a number of successful counter-terrorist missions with a new group of "Hall of Famers". When he eventually filed for an honorable discharge in 2009 after a certain incident which convinced him he had seen enough war in the Middle-East, Nate was given an honorary post-career promotion from major to colonel and several medals for almost two decades of faithful military service. Considered by many Marines one of the first true 'Marine Raiders' despite leaving before the unit's renaming, Nate's legacy is still very much alive in MARSOC to this day with many of those who worked with him telling stories of his service to new recruits.

Returning to his homeland eager for a fresh start, Nate spent some time in Hudson City in the hopes of regaining some semblance of stability in his life. To his dismay he quickly found that, without some sort of war to fight, he felt lost and depressive. It was during his stay at a cheap Hudson motel that he fully realised the extent to which he was incapable of simply settling down and living a peaceful life. From his room's window, Nate often watched the goings on below and, eventually, the activities of a drug dealer who sold to teenagers caught his eye. When he caught the man trying to push heroin on two schoolgirls while returning home from shopping one day, he finally reached his limit. Attacking the armed dealer with his bare hands, Nate beat him within an inch of his life, disassembled his handgun and dumped his stash in a sewer. As startled and mesmerised bystanders watched on, he warned them that the nation was at war and that all its enemies should be kept at bay -- foreign and domestic. Though he had acted in defense of a noble cause, Nate was arrested for his assault and placed in temporary holding.

Fortunately for him, the Department of Defense had been concocting their own plans on what to do next with their wayward super soldier. Though Nate had served his time, the war on terror still raged on. The face of terrorism and the way it was fought continued to evolve and, while forces like the Al Qaeda and ISIS were a dangerous threat to American interests, super terrorist coalitions like VIPER, ARGENT and GAIA brought the fight to American soil. Metahuman crime presented a bigger threat to the country than ever before and, though registered, most superheroes acted as independent agents with interests that didn't always coincide with the U.S. Government's. It was Kurt White, an avid follower of superhero activity, who proposed an unusual -- but not untested -- idea; what if the U.S. government had its own superhero -- an agent who would act as a one man strike team, simultaneously tackling international dangers to U.S. interests and acting as an inside man within the superhero community? This agent would effectively have all the obedience, reliability and pragmatism of a trained operative while enjoying the positive publicity, connections and relatively unchecked jurisdiction of a caped crusader. Fully endorsing the notion of such a unique and flexible asset, the Department of Defense gave Project Patriot an unlimited budget to transform their super soldier into a superhero.

Believing that he could only ever be of any worth to his country as a weapon, Nate accepted the call to arms. All previous records of Nate's life before his military service were heavily redacted and made classified; his criminal record expunged to protect his image. For all intents and purposes, Nate Carter became a ghost, dying with the records of his past life. Outfitted with the best gear, guns and training money could buy and a star-spangled red, white and blue outfit, he burst onto the costumed scene as the Soldier Supreme, the Star-Spangled Sharpshooter -- the unstoppable All-Star. Working closely with the CIA, the Department of Defense, PRIMUS, UNTIL and even the Protectors of the World, All-Star soon made a name for himself and proved to be an outstanding success. Gradually, the heroic facade fell away to reveal a genuine hero lying beneath the surface and, as the years went by, All-Star became every bit as respected and devoted to seeking justice as the traditional heroes he fought alongside. While he still answered to his country as a special metahuman operative and even continued to participate in military conflicts as the All-Star, he frequently risked life and limb fighting enemy forces his training never prepared him for. Having finally found his place in the world, All-Star's exploits became the stuff of legends to military personnel and civilians alike and, though he was met with many ghosts from his past, he never faltered in the face of adversity.

From the ashes of Nate Carter, the All-Star had been born.

Made In America

"Col. Nathaniel Jackson Carter, 'All-Star' -- 4th July 1971 - 20th January 2015 -- Always Faithful, Always Forward." - All-Star's Epitaph

During his eight year career as All-Star, Nate continued to use the U.S. government's resources to locate his missing father. With murderous intent still fresh in his mind, his search finally bore fruit when he learned of a man matching the description of Geoffrey Carter (abeit slightly older) living out in a favela in Rio De Janerio, Brazil. Making sure to cover his tracks and temporarily dropping out of the Protectors of the World's active roster, Nate journeyed to Brazil to verify the identity of his potential father and kill him in cold blood.

When Nate arrived in Rio De Janerio, he stalked the lookalike and, after determining that he was, in fact, his father, waited at his modest home to kill him. When Geoffrey showed up, Nate instantly held him at gunpoint and demanded he explain why he killed his mother and left him without a family. Weary from a life spent on the run and wracked with guilt over what transpired all those years ago, Geoffrey merely apologised to Nate and accepted his death. Angry at his acquiescence, Nate beat his father and demanded an explanation. Before he could be angered further, however, he noticed a photo of his father in a United States Marine Corps uniform posing with his fellow Marines on an end table. Surprised by the revelation that his father was once a Marine, Nate further noticed several bottles of anti-psychotic medication on the same table. His hesitation prompted Geoffrey to explain himself.

Geoffrey relayed his investigation into the truth behind Project Patriot to Nate and the attempt to cover it up with the deaths of Frederick Muldoon and Dr. Monaghan. When Geoffrey discovered Rochelle's corpse, he fled in a panic and subsequently went on the run, his state of mind afflicted by the genetic modification and his paranoia rightly mounting. Over the coming years, Geoffrey had gone into hiding and had devoted much of his life to trying to fully understand what Project Patriot had done to him and, while he had kept an eye on Nate for the first few years, he soon accepted the fact that his son's life would be far better without him. As his investigation continued, Geoffrey discovered that most of the technology and research used in Project Patriot was being held in a top secret military storage facility where it would be hidden from the public eye and where no evidence of its existence could be brought to light -- a sort of 'dead zone'. Shaken by the notion that he was a manufactured experiment and the implication that his entire life had been manipoulated by Project Patriot, Nate refused to believe Geoffrey and instead argued that he was merely trying to save his own skin.

At that moment, a smoke grenade flew through the window of Geoffrey's house. Acting quickly, Nate grabbed his father and escaped out the back door. As they fled through the favela, they quickly became aware that a highly-trained and heavily armed team of operators were pursuing them with the intent to kill. Reluctantly arming Geoffrey with a gun, Nate engaged in a shootout with the men in the middle of the favela. When the combat ended, Nate seized and interrogated one of the men, demanding that he reveal who he was working for. Though it took some force, the man eventually broke and revealed that none of them had ever formally met their employer, who had dealt with them primarily through back channels and encrypted lines as to remove all accountability. Realising that Geoffrey may have been telling the truth, Nate begrudgingly decided to cooperate with the man he had spent almost his entire adult life hating to uncover the truth.

Nate and Geoffrey returned to North America to confront Kurt White directly. Cornering Kurt at his private residence, Nate demanded that he tell him the whole truth about Project Patriot and his own recruitment. Finally understanding that the jig was up, Kurt explained that the previous director of Project Patriot, Lawrence Smythe, was the one who ordered the increased strength treatment to be tested on Geoffrey and was directly responsible for the deaths of Muldoon, Dr. Monaghan and Rochelle. Though he was subsequently removed from his post thanks to Kurt's efforts, he was reassigned to a position within the Department of Defense and was able to climb the ranks to once again hold a position of power. Kurt theorised that Smythe had been keeping a close eye on Nate for fear that he would one day stumble upon the truth and had personally contracted mercenaries to stop him. Though he personally regretted using the foundations of Smythe's corruption to push Nate into becoming a super soldier, Kurt insisted that it was for his own good and that it potentially saved him from government ordered assassination. Spurred on by this truth, Nate resolved to blow the lid off of Project Patriot's secrets, despite Kurt's warnings that it would have dramatic consequences on everyone involved -- himself included. When he saw that Nate would not be swayed from his task, Kurt revealed to him the location of the Dead Zone: a hidden U.S. military compound on a man-made island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Bidding Kurt farewell and warning him to keep his head down, Nate left with Geoffrey to find the Dead Zone.

Calling in a favour with a former member of the Hall of Famers, Nate and Geoffrey took a borrowed biplane out to the Pacific Ocean. Landing a few clicks away from the Dead Zone, Nate and Geoffrey swam to its shore and prepared to infiltrate the facility. Little did they know, however, that Smythe had been keeping close tabs on them the entire time. Knowing his special connection to Kurt White, Smythe confronted him and, when he wouldn't give up Nate's plans, captured and tortured him for information. Once he discovered that Nate had planned to go to the Dead Zone and uncover Project Patriot's secrets, Smythe arranged to ambush him there with his mercenaries. Arriving there first, Smythe seized control of the facility under the guise of official government business and set about locating the Project Patriot lock-up and destroying all evidence of its existence. Nate and Geoffrey arrived just in time to find Smythe and his men setting about their duty. Stealthily working together, Nate and Geoffrey dispatched of several of Smythe's men before they were discovered. As the commencing shootout plunged the Dead Zone into chaos, a wounded Smythe fled towards a lock-up full of prototype suits of power armour and donned one.

As Smythe resurfaced wearing a strength enhancing suit of power armour, he caught Geoffrey off-guard and struck him in the chest, mortally wounding him. Angered, Nate fought the more powerful Smythe to a standstill and, eventually, managed to fire a shotgun blast into his chest, apparently killing him. Rushing to his father's side, Nate struggled to stabilise his condition to no avail. As he lay dying, Geoffrey apologised to Nate for all the wrongs he never had a chance to rectify. Distraught, Nate forgave his father and comforted him in his final moments. When he finally passed away, Nate said a prayer for him and left to find the Project Patriot lock-up. By the time he had arrived, however, Smythe's remaining men had already torched most of the physical evidence and were preparing to execute a bound and beaten Kurt. Killing the men, Nate freed Kurt and asked him for any alternative means of exposing Project Patriot. Kurt reasoned that it'd be highly likely any information would be stored on the Dead Zone's computer mainframe. Before they set off towards their goal, Kurt apologised to Nate for the manipulation he had played a part in over his years and expressed condolences over Geoffrey's death. Thanking Kurt for always being at his side, Nate forgave him for his role in Project Patriot and the two friends resolved to finish their mission together.

Fighting his way past security measures and armed guards with Kurt, Nate arrived at the Dead Zone's mainframe, accessing its database and proceeding to upload all of its files on all of its hidden projects to the internet. Halfway through the upload, however, the Dead Zone's self-destruct sequence was remotely activated. Revealing that he was very much alive, Smythe arrived in the mainframe room and swore to kill both Nate and Kurt and leave their bodies to be incinerated along with the rest of the Dead Zone's secrets. Forcing Kurt to leave, Nate fought Smythe to protect the upload of the Dead Zone's files and shut down the facility's self-destruct sequence. Taking Geoffrey's body with him, Kurt boarded one of the Apaches that had been used by Smythe and his men and waited, hopefully, for Nate to resurface from the facility.

Back in the Dead Zone, Smythe got the upper-hand over Nate and managed to drive his own knife into his side. Before he could stop the upload, however, he realised that Nate had subtly placed an explosive on his back. Barely even having a chance to shout out, Smythe was blown apart in a fiery explosion. With the upload completed and the self-destruct sequence too far gone to be aborted, the wounded Nate had just two minutes to escape with his life. As Kurt watched from the Apache, the Dead Zone was rocked by the first in a series of devastating explosions. With no other choice but to abandon Nate, Kurt flew away from the island and watched from the skies as it was incinerated by explosions.

Amidst the scandal and controversy that dominated news cycles for the next few weeks, Kurt had his men investigate the sunken remains of the Dead Zone for any sign of Nate. Though several charred bodies were found and Smythe's own power armour covered corpse was eventually retrieved, no sign of Nate's body was found and, after a while, it was decided that he couldn't have made it out of the Dead Zone alive. Geoffrey Carter's name was cleared of the murder of his wife and his body was buried in Nate's place beside Rochelle's, the official story being that Nate had died on a classified mission that went wrong. Lawrence Smythe was labelled a rogue terrorist with no connection to the U.S. government and blamed for all that had transpired. Over the coming weeks, many branches of the U.S. government was forced to face responsibility for their secret and controversial activities and several projects and organisations were terminated or scrapped, Project Patriot included. Resigning amidst the media blitz, Kurt returned to his home to drink to Nate's memory. As he poured a glass, however, he received a text on his private phone from an unknown number. When Kurt checked the message, he found it contained only two words: signing off. With a knowing smile, Kurt responded with an equally brief message: permission granted. His spirits restored, Kurt finished his drink and began reapplying for government jobs.

Though seemingly dead, the memory of Nate Carter would live on and his legacy would soon inspire others to pursue their own truths -- for better or worse...

The Price of Freedom

"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. If putting on the star-spangled uniform one last time is me paying that price then you can keep the change." - All-Star

In 1997, the then active Broadsword became involved in the infamous Zombavian Revolution. Led by the young princess of Zombavu, Zambala Yaminde, the peasants sought to overthrow the tyrant king Aoade Yaminde III and place his daughter on the throne. Though together they managed to successfully assassinate Aoade and help Zambala rise to the throne, a British SAS member of Broadsword named David Crook was mortally wounded by one of the king's soldiers in the final battle. As he bled out in Nate's arms, he made him promise to keep an eye on his wife and daughter. Out of respect and love for his fellow soldier, Nate agreed. From that they forward Nate maintained a close surveillance of Mrs. Crook and their young daughter, Catherine, using satellite imaging and informants, even spying on them in person whenever he passed through England. It was during one of these personal check-ups that he inadvertently ended up meeting Catherine face-to-face.

Just six years old when her father was killed in the line of duty, Catherine grew up eager to do his memory proud by one day joining the British Army and becoming a top-grade soldier. Despite her militaristic ambition, however, she was firmly discouraged by her grief-stricken mother from ever enlisting and was instead persuaded to use her considerable intellect to pursue an academic career. Though Catherine completed her A-Levels with outstanding marks and was readily accepted into Oxford, she ran away to join the army just a few weeks after she turned eighteen. Completing her thirty weeks of training to become an armourer, Catherine was more than ready to finally see combat, despite her mother's constant attempts to dissuade her and bring her home. Just a month before she was supposed to ship out to Afghanistan, however, she received sudden notification of her medical discharge for an 'undisclosed medical condition' she didn't even have. As she was being escorted back home by car, she found herself sharing her transport with none other than Nate Carter. Informing her that he was the one who pulled strings to get her discharged, Nate told an indignant Catherine about the horrors of war and cryptically hinted that, like her mother, her father wouldn't have wanted her to see combat. As Nate left a confused Catherine to her civilian life, he unknowingly spurred the girl's obsession with the military in an unexpected new direction.

Though she obeyed her mother's wishes and went to Oxford to study computer science, Catherine used her spare time and skills as a hacker to investigate the identity of the strange man. After recognising Nate as All-Star fighting alongside heroes of Millennium City in a global news story, Catherine used the back channels and dark corners of the internet under the Dickensian codename 'Dodger' to discover that Nate and her father had once served as members of Broadsword and that her father's records as a Broadsword operative ended after the Zombavian revolution, around the same time he was supposedly killed during a routine training mission. With further investigation, Catherine deduced that her father had played a role in Zombavu, where he died and made Nate promise to protect her. After making this discovery, she became obsessed with his career, keeping tabs on his various public and secret missions where possible and idolising him as she did her father.

Catherine was headhunted to be an intelligence analyst for MI6 upon receiving her masters degree in 2014 and spent the next year continuing to follow All-Star's activities. After his apparent death the following year, Catherine became determined that All-Star couldn't have died so easily and set out to prove otherwise. Taking a work leave from the MI6, she used her resources and connection to carry out an investigation that eventually led her to Indonesia almost a year later to chase up the latest in a long list of rumored All-Star sightings. Travelling with a group of mercenaries she had hired to escort her into the Indonesian wilderness, Catherine eventually stumbled upon a small, handmade hut in the middle of nowhere. Upon closer inspection, she found what she had been searching for all those months -- spearfishing in the middle of a stream was a heavily bearded Nate Carter. Excitedly, Catherine approached the surprised and extremely cautious super soldier. Though Nate was initially ready to fight her upon seeing her armed escort, he soon recognised David Crook's daughter and reluctantly allowed her to stay so long as the mercenaries left.

Once they were alone inside his hut, Nate told Catherine that he was no longer the man she thought he was. Worn down by a lifetime of war and dispirited by the events of Made in America, Nate wanted nothing more than to disappear from the world and live out the rest of his years in isolation. Though Catherine tried to convince him that the world still needed All-Star and that he had been a force for good in the world, Nate remained convinced that he was nothing more than a weapon and, as such, was only ever good for the killing he had grown tired of. Though he allowed Catherine to stay for as long as she felt was necessary, Nate assured her that he was a broken man and that the All-Star was gone for good.

Unbeknownst to both parties, there was a third person with an interest in Nate Carter who, unconvinced of his death, had resolved to find him. Born in 1974 to PTSD-addled Vietnam veteran, Nicholas Black, and his wife, Nancy, Desmond Black was one of only two children conceived by subjects of the original Project Patriot who had managed to survive the gene-altering effects of the Dr. Monaghan's serum, the other being Nate Carter. Whereas Nate's existence as a hyperkinetic child was discovered and he was subsequently taken in hand by Kurt White, Black's powers went undiscovered. Living a similarly difficult life to Nate but with a lack of positive figures to guide him in the right direction, Black's childhood was filled with abuse and neglect. His father's PTSD often caused him to lash out physically at his wife and child, and his mother's depression made her despondent and unwilling to provide him with the comfort and protection he needed. In school, Black was an outcast, bullied and reviled by his peers for being reclusive and off-putting. A burgeoning sociopath, Black became increasingly disenfranchised with his lot in the world and convinced that everyone around him was holding him back from his full potential. From torturing small animals, Black went to playing cruel and sadistic tricks on his schoolmates. Engaging in underaged drinking and drug abuse to try to make himself numb to the urges that were welling up inside him, he was eventually suspended from school after being caught drinking on campus. It was as the teenage Black returned home early from said suspension that he found his father, off his medication, savagely beating his mother, who had defensively pulled a knife on him. Emboldened by his suspension, Black demanded that he leave her alone. In response, Nicholas called him a wimp and a mistake and warned him that if he didn't go to his room he would be next. Saying nothing more, Black went to the kitchen and boiled a pot of water. As his mother screamed for help, he calmly lifted took the boiling water and doused his father in it, severely burning him. Without even a hint of hesitation, Black proceeded to use the pot to beat his father to death. As he turned to his mother expecting some sort of praise, he was surprised to find the terrified woman now pointing the knife at him, warning him against getting any closer. Enraged by what he perceived as a lack of gratitude, Black advanced on her with a rant about how everyone had held him back. Fearing for her life, Black's mother slashed his temple with the knife. The sudden rush of pain to the head suddenly triggered Black's latent hyperkinesis. More intellectually inclined and less physically able than Nate, Black's powers manifested in a significantly different way. As he screamed at his mother in anger, a wave of telepathic force rushed out from his mind and, striking his mother's at full force, reduced her to a vegetative state. Collapsing under the strain of his new power, Black immediately fainted amidst the bodies of his parents.

Both Desmond Black and his parents were eventually found by a neighbour who alerted the authorities. Though they could not figure out what had reduced his mother to a vegetable, the court charged B;acl for the murder of his father and, trying him as an adult, sentenced him to thirty years in prison. Predictably for a small-framed seventeen year old, prison was a difficult experience for Black. Between regular and persistent abuse at the hands of the other inmates, he spent his time in solitude, slowly trying to develop the powers he had displayed when he lashed out at his mother. Over five years, developed his 'inverse hyperkinesis' into the ability to use his mind to manipulate those of others. Initially using his powers to control guards and prisoners into procuring contraband for him, his hard work eventually culminated in him successfully using his powers to simply walk out of prison with ease. Changed by his power, his worsened sociopathy and his experiences in prison, the first thing Black did was locate his vegetative mother and smother her with a pillow -- no one would ever hold him back again.

Using his inverse hyperkinesis, Black became a major player in the world of global crime, working his way up from hitman to mob boss to a criminal mastermind. In time, the name Desmond Black was synonymous with greed, cruelty and entropy. Before long, though, simple crime wasn't enough for Black. For reasons he wasn't even sure he knew himself, he became extremely dissatisfied with his wealth and power. Deep down, he felt that something was still holding him back -- that there was always a part of himself that was missing. When All-Star leaked information about Project Patriot online and the subsequent revelations dominated news cycles, he finally realised why he felt so incomplete. With the discovery that, like Nate, he had been developed to effectively be a killing machine, Black became deeply enraged towards the American government that he perceived to be responsible for everything he had become -- a killer, a monster and a criminal. In Black's mind, every action he had taken had been because of Project Patriot and, had they not performed the experiment that supposedly gave him his powers, he would have been able to live a life of normality and wholeness. Setting his sights on loftier goals, a wrathful Black burnt his criminal empire to the ground and resurrected it as Ouroboros -- an organisation of super-terrorists with what seemed to be a single goal: destruction of the self through destruction of all power. Comprised of mind-warped mercenaries, maniacal killers and anarchists alike, Ouroboros began to work from the shadows; assassinating government officials; assimilating operatives and committing seemingly untraceable acts of terrorism. With Ouroboros at his command, Black would bring the power that had manipulated him to its knees in an all-consuming inferno. And, whenever a new nation of secrets and lies would rise from the ashes, he maintained that Ouroboros would simply wipe it clean again. In all effectiveness, Black had become the perfect terrorist to Nate's perfect soldier.

As Ouroboros began to gain prominence in the year following All-Star's 'death', Black became convinced that his spiritual 'brother' must have survived the explosion of the Deadzone and had several Ouroboros agents run investigations into his theory. Eventually, they stumbled upon Catherine's search and, having kept tabs on her, several agents followed her trail to Indonesia to either recruit her to their cause, kill her before she becomes an issue or find All-Star off the back of her efforts. Paying off the Indonesian mercenaries they received confirmation of Nate's presence and alerted Black, who immediately flew in to finally meet the inspiration for his crusade. Arriving a few days after Catherine, Black set his soldiers around the perimeter and went to greet Nate. At the time, Catherine was taking a walk through the jungle to try and figure out how to get Nate to become the All-Star again and, upon hearing a commotion at the hut, began making her way back. Sensing danger, Nate armed himself with a hunting rifle and went to meet the overly friendly Black, who introduced himself as family and explained that he too was a product of Project Patriot. Black explained his anger towards Project Patriot for what they did and seemed convinced that Nate would feel the same way. When Nate confessed his distaste towards Project Patriot, Black enthusiastically invited him to join Ouroboros in their mission to topple America, eager to seek revenge with his 'brother'. Unimpressed, Nate referred to Black as a crazed terrorist and pointedly stated that he killed terrorists. As a regretful Black waited for his men to move in, Catherine arrived at the perimeter and alerted Nate to the hidden ambush. With two of them pursuing the fleeing Catherine into the jungle, the Ouroboros agents opened on Nate.

Reacting quickly, Nate attempted to shoot Black only to find that he couldn't, the villain's inverse hyperkinesis stopping him from pulling the trigger until he had safely walked off the battlefield. Outmanned and outgunned, Nate managed to dispatch three agents with his hunting rifle before being forced into his hut. As the remaining agents riddled his home with bullets, Nate ducked low and reached for the weapon under his bed. When the agents all ceased firing to reload their weapons and make sure their target was dead, Nate emerged from the hut with an M249 and opened fire on all of them, completely ripping them apart in a matter of seconds. In the meantime, Catherine fled from the soldiers who had pursued her, hiding among the trees and springing out with a heavy rock to knock one of them unconscious. The second soldier quickly opened fire, however, shooting her in the leg and sending her to the ground. As he prepared to execute her in cold blood, Nate emerged from the brush and, after a brief struggle, sent the final agent plummeting off a cliff to his death.

Patching up Catherine's leg, Nate realised that he couldn't simply disappear into the world and live a peaceful life so long as a man like Desmond Black threatened lives due to his own actions. With a resolve he hadn't felt for a year, Nate decided to become the All-Star once more in order to kill Black and right his own wrongs. Admonishing himself for allowing her to get injured, Nate warned Catherine to fly back to England and leave the situation alone. Catherine, however, was determined not only to find out more about her father, but to help Nate in any way she could and refused to leave his side. Instead, she suggested that he employ her skills as a hacker and intelligence analyst to track down and eliminate Ouroboros before they could enact their fiendish plans. With minimal resources and no allies to his name, Nate reluctantly agreed on the condition that she stayed behind the scenes where she couldn't get hurt. Now partners, Nate and Catherine flew to America on a mission to save it by any means necessary.

Touching down in New York and driving to Hudson City, Nate and Catherine arrived at one of Nate's old safehouses. While Nate checked his armory and outfitted himself for the task at hand, Catherine ran research on Ouroboros, uncovering their origins and their past dealings with VIPER and ARGENT, the latter of which they had plans to conduct an illegal arms deal with. Rushing to the rumoured location of the arms deal, a shipping dock in Washington D.C., Nate watched as ARGENT dealers unloaded what appeared to be a high-tech bomb. When Ouroboros arrived moments later, Desmond Black was with them. Using stealth to take out the various ARGENT and Ouroboros guards situated around the docks, Nate ambushed the deal and proceeded to shoot his way through to Black. The heavy resistance he was met with, however, gave Black and his men time to load the bomb into their truck. When Nate finally made it to Black and leveled, he again found himself unable to fire and instead pointed it at his head. Gloatingly, Black explained that his powers were the inverse of Nate's, affecting the minds of others rather than his own. Expressing bitterness towards Nate for allowing himself to be a "slave" to the government that condemned him to life as a human weapon, Black ordered him to blow his brains out and left with the ARGENT device. Struggling against Black's control with all his might, Nate managed to direct his handgun at his stomach before firing. Though he was gravely wounded by the shot, he managed to drive to the doorstep of the one person who could be trusted to help him: Kurt White. When a confused Kurt opened the door, the heavily bleeding Nate passed out in his arms.

Kurt stopped the bleeding and patched Nate up, questioning why he had returned to America after faking his death. After Nate explained his meeting with Desmond Black and Ouroboros, the typically reticent Kurt revealed that Project Patriot only became aware of Black's existence after he had already risent to prominence as an international criminal and had made several attempts over the years to assassinate him under the guise of gang warfare, only to fail miserably each time. Now working as a mere liaison between the White House and UNTIL, Kurt was no longer able to provide Nate with the resources he once had. Nevertheless, he was able to provide Nate with a copy of UNTIL's file on Black and a lead on what UNTIL suspected was an Ouroboros base situated in Philadelphia. Thanking Kurt for his help and promising to disappear once Black had been dealt with, Nate made his way to Philadelphia, but not before being warned that he upset a lot of higher ups by leaking the information at the Dead Zone and that he would be considered a wanted man if they discovered he was alive.

While Nate made his way to Philadelphia, both Kurt and Catherine had their own issues to worry about. Being called in to attend an emergency meeting at the White House, Kurt found that it was being coordinated by Garrett Hunter, who had been placed in charge of an ARGENT sting operation just a few months prior. While observing the arms deal at the docks between ARGENT and Ouroboros, his surveillance team were instead blindsided by the sudden appearance of Nate, which they had managed to record. Using the reappearance of Nate and his current status to maneuver his way into a new career opportunity, Hunter proposed that he be placed in charge of a task force to stop him before he posed a significant threat to the country. Reluctant to set a squad on Nate but admitting the pragmatism of stopping him as soon as possible, the assembled officials agreed to Hunter's proposal. Fearing for Nate's safety, Kurt offered to be the joint commander of the task force with the intention of following their activities and protecting his friend. Meanwhile, Catherine managed to use her connections to secure what she believed was the location of Desmond Black's personal home and, arming herself with one of Nate's handguns, set out to prove her worth by catching him unawares and killing him. When Catherine arrived at Black's supposed penthouse, however, she was ambushed by Ouroboros agents who had planted the false information in order to lure Nate into a death trap. Under Black's orders, however, they instead took the unexpected Catherine alive in order to use her as leverage.

Arriving in Philadelphia, Nate launched a one man raid on the Ouroboros base and eventually located a database where he discovered their the true purpose of the ARGENT device and their plans to utilise it. In factuality, the device was a power amplifier of sorts which could store psionic energy and amplify it, increasing its radius and magnitude -- a 'psi-bomb' of sorts. With it, they planned to launch one final assault on Washington DC, psionically sending its populace into a widescale frenzy which would cripple the country. When Nate attempted to contact Catherine to inform her of this, however, Black answered from the other end of the line. Informing him that Catherine was in his custody and that he would kill her if he continued to interfere, Black offered Nate one last chance to walk away from it all before remotely wiping the database and hanging up. Before Nate could figure out his next move, the task force assembled to take him in launched an attack on the Ouroboros base in the hopes of ambushing him. Though Nate managed to non-lethally dispatch several operatives, he was caught off-guard with a bullet to the back by Hunter and subsequently arrested.

Bound and loaded into a truck for transport to a private holding facility, Nate tried to explain to Hunter and his men that Washington was in danger and that Ouroboros had to be stopped. To his dismay, however, Garret simply ignored him and had his men work him over as revenge for all the times Nate had humiliated him in the past. When they arrived at the holding facility, Hunter brutally interrogated Nate to find out how he survived his supposed death and why he was back in America. Although Nate answered honestly, Hunter refused to believe his responses and continued the interrogation. Eventually, Kurt arrived and informed him that their superiors were on the line and that he would take over. While Hunter made his way to the phone, Kurt surreptitiously incapacitated the guards and freed Nate, allowing himself to be knocked unconscious so it would look like he escaped on his own. After making sure to beat up Hunter and warn him to stay out of his way, Nate stealthily exfiltrated the facility and made his way to Washington D.C. to stop Ouroboros before it was too late.

Arriving in Washington D.C., Nate surmised that the air show would be the ideal location for the psi-bomb to be detonated and called in favours from Fathom and Kara McIlroy, having them locate and defuse the psi-bomb while he found Catherine and Black. As Kara and Fathom infiltrated the airfield and discovered that a military transport aircraft intended to fly at the show had been hijacked by Ouroboros, who had planted the psi-bomb inside and seemingly planned to drop it on the airshow, Nate managed to decipher a secret message in what the captured Catherine's cries for help when Black called him at the Philadelphia base, realising that the psi-bomb was merely a distraction and that Black's true target was the White House. While Kara and Fathom engaged in a mid-air battle aboard the aircraft to stop Ouroboros from dropping the bomb, Nate was ambushed by Kurt, Hunter and their task force, having pursued him from Philadelphia. While Nate and Kurt attempted to persuade the operatives that the President was in danger, Hunter demanded that they shoot to kill. Eventually, each operative lowered their weapon and sided with Kurt and Nate, prompting Hunter to draw his sidearm and attempt to kill Nate there and then. In response, Kurt used his walking-stick to disarm Hunter and knock him unconscious. Now with Kurt and Hunter's task force behind him, Nate rushed to the White House to stop Black.

At the White House, Nate and the task force fought Ouroboros to a standstill, allowing the former to pursue Desmond Black and a captive Catherine into the White House. Slowed by having to non-lethally take down mind-controlled secret servicemen, Nate eventually arrived in the Oval Office to find the President and his council being controlled by Black into launching nuclear missiles at various military and government institutions around America. In Black's madness, he sought to completely annihilate most of the country's infrastructure in order to punish those who had made him a a killer. Taunting him and mocking the childish incredulity of his plan, Nate managed to cause Black enough stress to make him lose control over the government officials in the room, giving Nate an opportunity to tackle him. As Nate began to fight him hand-to-hand, however, Black narrowly managed to manipulate a serviceman into turning his weapon on the President, buying him enough time to escape while Nate knocked the man unconscious.

With his plan completely thwarted and his forces dead or scattered, Black retreated to the helicopter waiting to fly him to safety. When Nate pursued him, Black revealed that Catherine was aboard the helicopter, pointing a gun at her own head as a result of Black's mental dominion. With Catherine under a clear and present threat, Nate was forced to drop his weapon. As he prepared to take his leave, Black expressed his hidden jealousy towards Nate for being 'saved' from his hard life by Project Patriot, whereas he was forced to save himself. Before he could finally board the helicopter, however, Nate began to mockingly recite the details of Black's childhood that he had read in the file. Enraged Black advanced on Nate and proceeded to angrily beat him to a pulp, using his mental manipulation to keep him from fighting back. All the while, his flux of emotions caused his grip on Catherine to lessen and, pointing her gun away from herself, she shot Black in the shoulder. Taking his chance, Nate fought back and slammed Black's head into the helicopter, dazing him enough to temporarily prevent him from using his powers. As Nate stood over him with his handgun, Black taunted him into finishing him off like they were both "programmed" to do. Tossing his weapon aside after some deliberation, Nate realised that killing had always been his choice and, although Project Patriot had made him into the perfect weapon, he was the one who allowed them to use him as such. Finally at peace with himself, Nate refused to kill Black and told him that he was the one who made himself into a monster, not the government. As the task force ran in to arrest both men, Nate knocked a hysterical Black unconscious and willingly gave himself up. Fathom and Kara had defused the psi-bomb, the President was relatively unharmed, Catherine was safe and Ouroboros had been decimated in the battle. Thank to Nate, America would live to fight another day.

After briefing the authorities on what had happened over the last few days, Nate was saved from a charge of treason by the President, who hailed him as a hero and a true American who blew the lid off of Project Patriot because he valued the truth. Catherine was fired from her job at MI6 for her extended and heavily falsified absence; Garrett Hunter was demoted due to 'incompetence' and Kurt White was offered his old position, and Desmond Black was transferred to the Stronghold with multiple life sentences for his crimes. Cleared of all charges and legally reinstated among the living, Nate took some time to visit his parents' graves to make amends with his father. He was met there by Kurt, who wondered what he would do next. With a newfound resolve, Nate stated that he was ready to take up the mantle of the All-Star again in order to protect his country the 'right way' -- not as a weapon or a killer, but as a hero emboldened by a new sense of agency and freedom. Pleased with his response, Kurt revealed that the United Nations were considering funding their own super team and suggested offering him up as the commander of the task force. Nate agreed to consider the idea and appreciated that it could be a step in the right direction. Side-by-side, the two old friends walked off together, discussing the future.

Meanwhile, Catherine arrived back in England and promptly cleared out her desk at the MI6. Visiting her mother on her way back home, she asked her if it ever bothered her that so much of David's life had been a mystery even to them. Thoughtfully, her mother responded that, even though she wasn't always sure what David was doing or whether or not he'd make it home safe, she could always rest easy at night knowing that her husband was fighting the good fight regardless of where he was or how he did it. Reassured by her mother's words, Catherine decided that she didn't need to know everything about her father's service and was satisfied knowing that everything he did, he did for their safety. As she returned home and started to try and figure out what she'd do next, Catherine received a call from Nate, asking her if she was willing to come back to America in order to put her skills to real use working with him. Spurred on by the memory of her father, Catherine readily accepted Nate's offer and requested that she also be given a codename -- 'Dodger'.

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance, and, with the sins of the past no longer weighing him down, All-Star is more willing to pay that price than ever before.

"Who doesn't love travelling to exotic, distant lands; meeting exciting and unusual people and then killing them?"


"They made me the perfect weapon, in body and mind. Guess that meant turning my brain into a supercomputer." - All-Star
"You better hope the bullets finish you off before I get to you."


"You couldn't handle a piece of my mind." - All-Star

As a result of his father being subjected to radical and highly experimental genetic engineering in order to make his offspring a soldier "perfect in body and mind", All-Star has the unique power of hyperkinesis. His brain processes information, movement and all other external input at a significantly faster rate than a normal human's, subconsciously taking in all spatial information around him and using it to perform complex mental operations. This higher cognitive functionality is aided by a vastly enhanced level of communication between the hyperkinetic mind and the rest of the body due to significantly augmented somatic and sensory networks. Effectively, this allows him to make split-second calculations and assessments which would take even the most advanced human brain several minutes to do and react to these calculations instinctively. Though this doesn't inherently make All-Star a genius, it does give him perfect accuracy, as he is able to mathematically work out factors such as distance, air resistance, trajectory and more in milliseconds. He also has a vastly enhanced level of coordination between his body and mind, which grants him enhanced agility and reflexes. In addition, All-Star's memory has been enhanced and accelerated to near-superhuman levels allowing him to learn and memorise skills, actions and information much faster than an average human and recall that information with outstanding precision. This enhanced memory makes him far more resilient to memory loss and erasure but also causes him to 'dump' unimportant bits of information such as the names of minor acquaintances. All-Star's hyperkinesis also makes him highly resistant to telepaths, his mind too fast for many to even get a lock on, and offers further resistance against intoxication.

Perhaps one of the most unusual applications of All-Star's hyperkinesis is the ability to throw almost anything with inexplicable force, accuracy and power, allowing him to weaponise a variety of mundane items. The exact explanation as to how is, heretofore, unknown, but All-Star is able to throw or launch anything from rocks and pebbles, pens and pencils, playing cards, toothpicks, tools, broken glass, boomerangs, teeth, paper-clips, needles, nails and more with strength and accuracy enough to allow them to travel extreme distances and damage or penetrate surfaces they usually wouldn't be able to.

The upper limits of hyperkinesis and its growth as a power are still being explored. It is theorised that, in a more intellectual subject, hyperkinesis might have developed in a different way, unlocking psionic abilities instead of the physical and sensory ones seen in All-Star. Whether or not these powers will eventually be unlocked by All-Star remains to be seen, though his power of projectile enhancement may be an early manifestation of psionic prowess.

  • Perfect Accuracy
  • Accelerated Cognition
  • Enhanced Agility
  • Enhanced Reflexes
  • Enhanced Memory
  • Psionic Resistance
  • Intoxication Resistance
  • Projectile Enhancement


"It's not enough to point a gun and pull a trigger. The perfect soldier is a machine; it needs to fire on all cylinders." - All-Star
"Every once in a while it's nice to soak up some sun instead of some bullets."

Peak Human Condition: All-Star, through intensive training, a rigorous diet, genetic engineering and his hyperkinetic mental coordination, has reached the pinnacle of human conditioning and athleticism. He has a level of physical conditioning that exceeds most Olympic-level athletes and could be considered a near perfect physical human specimen in some regards. Capable of pulling off complex acrobatic feats, enduring even the most strenuous activity and showing acts of strength that sometimes seem inhuman, All-Star is a prime example of just how incredible a human body operating at its peak can be. Though these days his age threatens to catch up with him, All-Star's body remains a finely-tuned machine which keeps him one step ahead of the opposition.

Master Marksman: Though his years of advanced military training and experience as a Scout Sniper alone would have made him into a top-grade marksman, All-Star hyperkinesis also lends itself to his talents to increase his proficiency tenfold. He is arguably one of the greatest marksmen alive and has performed feats of marksmanship which often appear to be far outside the realms of possibility such as ricocheting fired bullets off of multiple surfaces to hit his target and hitting weak points most people wouldn't even be able to locate from a mile away. You'd be hard pressed to find a better shooter.

Master Strategist and Tactician: Years of high-school football, military experience and field leadership of the Protectors of the World have given All-Star an aptitude for strategy and the application of tactics both on and off the battlefield. As a result of his hyperkinesis, All-Star's mind is often able to intuitively grasp the most minute details about situations and use them to rapidly formulate plans of action and reaction, making him a fast-thinking and highly improvisational leader who thrives off of changing circumstances. As such, he typically takes charge of situations and puts his enhanced tactical prowess to use whenever he feels he needs to. Whether it's facing down a single supervillain or an army of foes, All-Star strives to always have a plan, a contingency and the flexibility to pull more from his ass when needed.

Expert Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Despite his preference for more long-ranged combat, All-Star is a very lethal hand-to-hand combatant. In addition to years of experience in Boxing stemming back to his teenage years, All-Star holds black belts in Krav Maga and Silat, a Masters of Sport in Sambo and is extensively trained in Muay Thai. On top of this, he has black belts in the LINE System and MCMAP, which provide a more brutal and practical alternative to martial arts. In combat, All-Star uses to a straightforward, but brutally effective, blend of his fighting styles to disassemble his enemies piece by piece. He also employs unconventional stances and dirty techniques to give himself the upper edge.

Skilled Athlete: Having been an athlete for a large part of his adolescence and continued in his athletic training during his adulthood, All-Star's prowess rivals that of most Olympic-level athletes and even manages to dwarf them in many ways. As a talented acrobat, gymnast, swimmer, runner, quarterback and traceur, it isn't surprising that his experience has valid combat applications

Military Expertise: As a former Force Reconnaissance and Special Forces Marine, PRIMUS Operative and Agent of UNTIL with decades of experience, All-Star has been trained in advanced weapons; scout swimming; navigation; SERE; TCCC; close quarters battle; counter surveillance; advanced driving; HRST; demolitions; covert communication; HALO/HAHO; counter-sniping; HFTTL; covert influence; interrogation; interrogation resistance; reconnaissance; mission planning and more. He possesses all the knowledge and skills of a living weapon, arguably making him one of the most lethal men alive.

Multilingualism: Over the years, All-Star has become fluent in eight languages besides English with the help of his hyperkinesis. Having learnt Spanish during his teenage years and Arabic during his tenure with the USMC, he has since developed a command over Mandarin Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, German and French during his time as a special operative and a superhero. He also has a limited understanding of Zombavian, Italian, Korean and Serbian which is just enough to scrape by.


"I've got the constitutional right to bear arms. You've got the constitutional right to run away screaming." - All-Star
"I'd give my life for my country, but I'd rather take yours."

S.T.A.R.S. Nanosuit v2.204

"The SteelTech Advanced Recon Stealth Nanosuit -- because I'm reckless, not suicidal." - All-Star

Designed by SteelTech's advanced warfare division, the SteelTech Advanced Recon Stealth Nanosuit (or S.T.A.R.S. Nanosuit) represents the bleeding edge in military grade technology for the U.S. soldiers of tomorrow. Designed to enhance and support the natural abilities of ground infantry, the S.T.A.R.S. Suit was intended to give recon operatives the ultimate upper hand in the field. As a prototype, All-Star's suit is the only one in existence and has been custom tailored to suit him.

A bodysuit of military-grade synthetic lightweight carbon nanotube armour provides its wearer with protection against dangerous elements while remaining flexible and comfortable enough to allow for long periods of intense activity. Additionally, the suit is lined with a layer of protokinetic gel which reactively alters its temperature and reshapes to conform to the wearer's environment and body type respectively. The protokinetic gel can also harden in response to impact and pressurize to potentially save the wearer's life should they fall incredible distances or be placed under high gravitational forces.

Cohesive nanotechnology planted within the innermost mesh layer of the suit allows it to meld to the wearer's body, acting as a 'Second Skin' which simulates muscle fibre, making the wearer stronger, faster and more agile. This 'Second Skin' also syncs with All-Star's S.T.R.I.P.E.S and uses the same nanotechnology to monitor and maintain his physical condition, using nerve-targeted electric currents to stem lactic acid build-up; mitigate pain; and slow the metabolization of harmful toxins, poisons and diseases. It is even able to administer defibrillation when it detects cardiac arrest and dampen the wearer's heat signature to offer protection against thermal imaging. Perhaps one of its most useful features, however, is its 'Rigidity Response' system which reacts to the breakage of bones and heavy bleeding by intensifying pressure on the affected areas, allowing its wearer to continue operating through injuries for much longer without worsening or succumbing to them.

The S.T.A.R.S. suit's functionality doesn't stop at the suit itself, though. The bracers, made up of a low-density questionite alloy, offer added protection during close quarters combat and have ridges which allow the wearer to block, break or disarm melee weapons The boots, meanwhile, use strategically placed dura-gel padding to increase comfort and protect against sprains, breaks, penetration, water, infection and inflammation. They also use a system of clasps over laces to minimise the risk of tripping and are steel-toed for durability and combat applications. Additionally, patented 'Nightrunner' stealth technology has been built into the rubber soles, greatly suppressing the volume of the wearer's footsteps. The gloves are padded with questionite and kevlar for added protection and combat effectiveness whereas the pouches are magnetised for added security.

The entire suit is woven in with interlocking nano-scales designed to reduce drag and air resistance and repel water like a swimsuit, allowing for increased adaptability for aerial, high speed and water based missions. These scales also make it resistant to heat, cold electricity and radiation.

  • Enhanced Durability and Protection
  • Survivability and Adaptability Features
  • 'Second Skin' Nanotechnology
  • 'Nightrunner' Stealth Technology
  • Resistance to Heat, Cold, Electricity and Radiation

"I'll show you mine if you show me yours."

S.T.R.I.P.E.S. v6.767

"I make these look good.'" - All-Star

Developed by SteelTech, these S.T.R.I.P.E.S or SteelTech Real-Time Information Perception and Evaluation Specs are designed to perceive and analyse their wearer's surroundings and possess a myriad of features which give All-Star the one up he needs when out on the job. Effectively a mini-computer with all the processing power to match, the specs come with an advanced tactical HUD which monitors All-Star's ammo, physical condition, mission objectives and direction among other things. In addition, they allow him to lock on to hostiles via a sophisticated targeting array, giving him a better tactical grip of combat situations. They also possess a heartbeat monitor which can be used to calculate the emotional and physical state of those around All-Star, enabling him to detect the bodily changes associated with lying, infection and, more frequently, death. The specs possess high powered telescopic lenses with thermal, night, sonar, electromagnetic field and ultraviolet imaging and a 'Smart-Fit' function which molds them to the contours of All-Star's face without the need for arms or straps. Additional features include: facial and armament identification, size and weight estimation, GPS tracking, a geiger counter, holographic projection and a video/photographic camera. Perhaps his most iconic piece of gear, All-Star is rarely seen in the field without his eyewear.

More recently, the S.T.R.I.P.E.S have been modified by Dodger to allow for wireless access to nearby technology and share a two-way connection to her own computer mainframe, allowing her to see through them and communicate with All-Star. She can then utilise her own technical skills as a hacker and intelligence expert to aid him during his missions, remotely accessing technology through the S.T.R.I.P.E.S and relaying information to and from her base of operations.

Specialised Ammunition

"You say bulletproof, I say no such thing. You just need to find the right kind of bullets." - All-Star

All-Star knows better than anyone that it pays to be prepared, especially when fighting alongside and going up against people who could crush you without a second thought. As such, going into battle with specialised ammunition on-hand allows him to better adapt to circumstances in which he'd typically be at a hefty disadvantage.

Hothead Ammunition uses advanced hyper-thermal technology to melt through metal, kevlar and anything else someone might wear for protection with superheated shots. Hellfire Ammunition uses contained hellfire shells cooked up by military sorcerers to bypass magical defenses with mystical fire which is very difficult to extinguish by normal means, making it extremely effective against magic-based and intangible foes. Blessed Silver Ammunition uses a tried and true method to keep supernatural monsters, demons and the undead at bay. Gel Ammunition expands into a solidifying gel on impact, making it significantly less-lethal than standard ammunition whereas Stunner Ammunition uses blunt rounds which release blasts of powerful nerve-targeted electricity on impact to non-lethally incapacitate enemies. Brickbuster Ammunition uses nanoexplosives to detonate into a concussive blast on impact, generating enough force to make your average brick think twice before throwing their strength around. And Tracer Ammunition uses bullets laced with a resonating electromagnetic charge to allow the shooter to tag and track targets over moderate distances.

With the exception of Gel and (sometimes) Stunner ammo types, it is uncommon for All-Star to keep more than a few magazines of specialised ammunition in his armory at any given time due to it being appropriately expensive.

Dual SteelTech Panther Handguns

"These two have gotten me out of and into more trouble than most people." - All-Star

Specially designed for use by special metahuman operatives, the SteelTech Panther is a revolutionary new handgun which is intended to be "smarter than the average firearm". Incorporating semi-automatic fire, manual and automatic focusing and advanced targeting, the Panther boasts a low recoil, a large magazine capacity, a comfortable ergonomic grip, impressively long-range firing capabilities and enough stopping power to pose a threat to even some low-level bricks. Smart firing technology allows the user to seamlessly transition between semi-auto and three round burst firing types and an in-built laser sight can be toggled on to give an added bit of security in combat situations. In short, it's the perfect handgun for someone in All-Star's unpredictable line of work.

A Panther can only be operated by its designated owner, whose genetic signature is programmed into the gun's memory. Any attempt to use one by an unauthorised party results in the gun releasing an electrical discharge and locking down.

"It ain't perfect, but it's mine."

The All-Star Arsenal

"If happiness is a warm gun, then ecstasy is an arsenal." - All-Star

All-Star's arsenal of weapons, gadgets and technology is rather impressive to say the least. This arsenal is usually stored at whatever he uses for an armory at the time and includes:

  • M27 Infantry Assault Rifle

A designated marksman rifle outfitted with a high-tech scope, custom selective fire, a suppressor and a collapsible bipod.

  • AR-15

A more lightweight and low-tech alternative to All-Star's kitted out M27 IAR, the AR-15 is used as a semi-automatic rifle by All-Star when he wants to be less overt.

  • M110 SASS

A gas-operated, semi-automatic sniper rifle. Boasts an effective range of approximately 800 metres and a lightweight, ergonomic design. It can be disassembled in less than three minutes and serviced without tools. All-Star's M110 SASS has been outfitted with a hybrid scope with thermal imaging and standard settings, a detachable suppressor and an additional frame designed to lower recoil.

  • M91A2

A Navy SEAL variant of the Remington 700, the bolt-operated M91A2 is a simpler, longer range alternative to the M110 SASS.

  • Barrett M82

An anti-materiel rifle, All-Star's Barrett M82 has been modified to penetrate some of the most durable metals known to man and several layers of obstacles. Like the M110 SASS, it also possesses thermal imaging settings.

  • Dual SIG-MPX-Ks

An alternative to the Panthers, the lightweight SIG-MPX-K submachine gun is capable of punching through body armour when using standard rounds and is, according to All-Star, the height of modern gunslinging fashion.

  • Smith & Wesson Model 500

With its abundance of stopping power and its reputation as the most powerful handgun in the world, this revolver fires rounds powerful enough to put down elephants and buffalo. It carries five bullets in its cylinder at any given time and All-Star is capable of firing it with very little recoil, a testament to his often underestimated strength.

  • Dual Smith & Wesson M&P Shields

Compact and effective, the Smith & Wesson M&P Shield provides a lightweight alternative to All-Star's usual handguns and acts as a handy concealed carry firearm.

  • Dual FN Five-Sevens

When he doesn't want to draw attention to himself with the unique SteelTech Panthers but wants a little more power than he gets from the M&P Shields, All-Star uses dual FN Five-Sevens.

  • Mossberg 590

A combat shotgun. The Mossberg 590 is usually slung at All-Star's waist for quick access, provided he's actually carrying it at all and is perfect for close quarters.

  • Benelli Nova Entry Short Barrelled Shotgun

A short-barrelled shotgun useful for tight confined spaces and more casual combat situations.

  • Serbu Super Shorty Shotgun

An even shorter-barrelled shotgun for concealed carry.

  • M4A1 Carbine

Lightweight and good at spitting a bunch of bullets in the direction of anyone who looks at you funny, the M4A1 Carbine is a popular rifle. For All-Star, it provides the perfect deterrent against overzealous mooks and has a detachable grenade launcher.

  • MK18

A compact version of the M4A1 Carbine which is easier to use in and around vehicles and in tight confined spaces.

  • HK MP5

A submachine gun. The HK MP5 comes with a scope and a custom suppressor for added stealth when operating.

  • M249 LMG

Relatively lightweight, durable and effective, the M249 is everything one could want from a light machine gun: a nigh-unstoppable killing machine.

  • MGL-140

The MGL-140 is a US military made variant of the M32 MGL and acts as a lightweight six-shot grenade launcher. All-Star's personally modified MGL-140 is capable of firing Explosive, Semtex, Tear Gas, Knockout Gas and Beanbag rounds.

  • FIM-92 Stinger

A light to carry, easy to operate surface-to-air missile, All-Star usually uses his FIM-92 Stinger to blow planes, choppers and the odd power armoured combatant out of the skies.

  • M3 MAAWS

The M3 MAAWS as a recoilless rifle designed to give infantry a lighter, cheaper alternative to traditional rocket launchers. All-Star doesn't use his very often, but it's useful to have it around anyway.

  • Bear Cruzer Compound Bow

For times where All-Star requires absolute silence at the cost of reload speed and fire rate, his Bear Cruzer Compound Bow is always waiting in the wings. The bow comes with Standard, Armour-Piercing, Explosive, Thermite, Flashbang and Cable arrows.

  • SteelTech L95 Particle Rifle

The latest in a line of weapons specifically designed to combat high-powered metahuman threats, the SteelTech L95 Particle Rifle is a lightweight energy rifle capable of firing bolts or concentrated beams of hyper concussive particle energy. Fueled by an energy efficient fusion battery, it requires no reloading, instead releasing excess heat periodically between use and within seconds in the event of overheating.

  • 'Moxie'

All-Star's SteelTech Obsidian combat knife, which he affectionately nicknamed. Crafted from a lightweight and durable questionite alloy, perfectly weighted for use as a combat knife and a throwing knife and charged with a high-frequency current which weakens molecular bonds to allow it to cut through more resistant materials, Moxie is one hard-hitting dame.

  • Dual Gerber Mark II Dagger Knives

For times when the enemy is giving you a run for your money, All-Star carries two Gerber Mark II Dagger Knives. Lightweight and with a shorter blade length than Moxie, the dagger knives provide an agile alternative for fast-paced close quarters combat.

"Heads up." --BANG-- "Heads off."
  • Strider SMF

A tactical folding knife, the Strider SMF's compact size makes it ideal for survival situations and even certain combat scenarios.

  • Tech Grenades

Utilising modern weapons technology to provide an effective yield despite their compact size, tech grenades are small metallic balls which can be primed and expanded at the press of a button. Using a SteelTech developed gas called 'Adaptagen' which reacts differently to different catalysts, tech grenade effects can be altered on the fly, allowing for maximum adaptability. Tech grenades can be primed to be Explosive, Fragmentation, Incendiary, Stun, Smoke, Tear Gas or Knockout Gas.

  • Proximity Discs

These handheld discs feature state of the art motion detecting technology which enable them to detect any movement within a preset area and detonate when something passes through its sensory range. Along with the range of its motion detection, the size of a proximity disc's area of effect and the parameters for detonation can also be set to suit the situation. They come in Explosive, Fragmentation, Concussive and Stun.

  • Rebreather

A small rebreather no bigger than a harmonica. It allows All-Star to breathe under water and in low oxygen conditions. The rebreather can also double as a respirator, giving him resistance to gas-based attacks.

  • Hybrid CO2 Laser

A pen-like device capable of projecting a concentrated laser beam at the push of a button, allowing the user to cut through various sturdy objects while out in the field. Can also be focused for welding purposes.

  • Stun Rod

Simple in design and function, All-Star carries a hand-sized stun rod taser on his person at all times. His particular taser has been modified to allow for much higher voltages when dealing with durable metahumans.

  • SteelTech Grapnel Gun

Compact, collapsible and lightweight, the SteelTech Grapnel Gun functions by using a 'magazine' of of compressed CO2 to launch a hyper-tensile nylon cable with a weighted prong at bullet speed. The line can then be reeled in via a powerful motorised spool system to either pull the wielder upwards or pull the targeted object towards them. It can also fire a secondary cable from its lower barrel. This can then be anchored to create a zip-line using the gun itself as a pulley. All-Star's grapnel gun can also be attached to his belt for added security when in motion.

  • Medkit

All-Star usually keeps a small medkit loaded with bandages, tourniquets, medical tools, healing salves, water, suturing thread, painkillers, antiseptics, burn ointment, combat gauze and other vital medical supplies on his person while out in the field.

The Shooting Star

"And my CO said they'd never let me in a tank..." - All-Star

Given to All-Star by Kurt White as something of a 'welcome home' present, this modified 2016 Chevrolet Camaro SS not only replace the old Shooting Star but also transforms it from a simple vehicle to a tricked-out supercar complete with various reinforcements and gadgets to support All-Star in certain operations.

  • Questionite Composite Armour Plating
  • Lead-Lined Under-Plating
  • High-Bulletproof Windows
  • Front Window /w Holographic HUD
  • Onboard Computer System /w GPS, Video Calls, Internet, Voice Command, Auto-Drive and Targeting Computer
  • Super-Durable Synthetic Fibre Wheels /w Retractable Tire Slashers
  • Dual Retractable Autocannons On Either Side
  • Four SMART Homing Missiles Concealed Within Grill
  • Thirty-Six SMART Micro Missiles Concealed Within Rotating Side-Mirrors
  • Grenade Launcher /w Lethal and Non-Lethal Ammo Concealed Within Grill
  • Miniature Jet Engine /w Afterburners
  • Deployable Explosive Caltrops
  • Titanium Cable Grappling Line Launcher
  • Fingerprint/Voice Identification /w Electroshock Defense
  • Password-Activated Self-Destruct Mechanism
  • Voice-Activated Mobile Armory Concealed Within Trunk
  • Emergency Firearms and Equipment Concealed Within Car
  • Synced to All-Star's STRIPES, allowing him to control it from afar

Liberty Belle

"Who needs flight or super speed when you've got Liberty Belle?" - All-Star

'Confiscated' from a group of international terrorists during a coordinated attack on the Barlowe Building, 'Liberty Belle' -- or 'Belle', for short -- is a state-of-the-art combat ready Grav-Bike outfitted with its original offensive and defensive armaments as well as a number of custom features put in place by Nate in his spare time. Though 'Belle' was badly damaged when Nate first got his hands on it, he has since spent a hefty amount of time repairing and modifying it (with the help of his more technologically proficient friends) and treats it almost as if it were his own child, regularly maintaining it and lovingly personalising it. With its exceptional speed, extensive firepower and an abundance of sentimental value, Liberty Belle is one of All-Star's most prized possessions. These days it sits in storage and it hasn't been used for some time.

  • Questionite Composite Hull Plating
  • Compact Hyper-Fusion Jet Engine
  • Onboard Flight/Targeting Computer /w Built-In Communication System and Voice Command
  • Under-Mounted Particle Blaster
  • Dual Retractable Miniguns /w Specialised 'Stormbreaker' Anti-Materiel Ammunition
  • Six High-Powered Long-Range Tactical Missiles
  • Fifty SMART Micro-Missiles
  • Four 'Bunker Buster' Air-To-Surface Missiles
  • Titanium Cable Grappling Line Launcher
  • In-Built Stealth Technology /w Low-Power 'Silent' Feature
  • Advanced Electromagnetic Safety System keeps rider mounted in the event of turbulence or elaborate combat maneuvers
  • In-Flight Stabilisation System negates the negative effects of G-Force and allows rider to maintain control of the bike
  • Capable of reaching just below supersonic speeds when pushed
  • Synced to All-Star's STRIPES, allowing him to control it from afar


"The best thing about bursting through a door guns blazing is knowing that you're always the most interesting person in the room." - All-Star
"It's not really about being the best; it's about being the best I can be."

Standing at 6'3" and weighing in at 240lbs, All-Star is physically intimidating by any standards. With strong facial features, short-cropped combat ready hair, a full beard and vigilant eyes, he is attractive in a conventional macho sense of the word and carries himself with the air of a former serviceman. In fact, it is not uncommon to see All-Star in bandages covering fresh wounds and bruises, black eyes or, in some cases, missing teeth. Despite his peak athleticism and genetic excellence, however, he is a man in his mid-forties who spent his entire adult life fighting and killing and it shows. There are plenty of lines and scars that tell dark stories and a certain simmering intensity that can make him seem standoffish and unnerving.

A product of a lifetime of war, All-Star is something of a stoic individual who can often seem blunt, stubborn and abrasive. Despite seeming like a loose cannon at the best of times and a borderline sociopath at the worst, All-Star's head is screwed on very tight. With an extremely tactical and intuitive mind, a deceptively high level of perceptiveness and an unstoppable urge to "make things right", he is in equal parts an observer, a protector, a commander and an enforcer. There is very little that escapes All-Star's notice and, while he may not always make it apparent, he has a deep understanding of how things work. As a result, he is a natural leader who thinks on his feet and enforces his methods with an action-oriented mindset and a take charge attitude.

As a former Marine with a bevy of wars under his belt, All-Star treats his missions with the sort of detached pragmatism one would expect. In his mind, there's little room for sentimentality, emotion or doubt on the battlefield, especially when it comes to making difficult decisions. There is seemingly very little that fazes him. All-Star also has a cynical and dark sense of humour which he readily demonstrates through deadpan snark and aloof banter. These traits serve the practical purpose of inducing the calm needed to keep his hyperkinesis at peak capacity, however, and a history of pain and suffering has prompted him to keep a 'safe' emotional distance from others. Beneath the surface, All-Star is actually empathetic to a fault with a deep sense of personal honour, loyalty and compassion towards those close to him, his ideals and his country. The true humanitarian All-Star can usually be seen not in his words or actions, but in their intended result.

An operative first and a superhero second, All-Star is willing to use lethal force to accomplish his goals. While he hardly slaughters his way through petty crooks and costumed criminals, he does not hesitate to put down more irredeemable and severe threats. This is not because he feels they deserve death, but because he feels they simply have to die. Indeed, All-Star has rarely shown remorse when it comes to killing his enemies, which is partially thanks to his tendency to bottle up his personal feelings on what he does. Even he cannot help but notice the ease with which he is able to end lives and suspects that a part of him enjoys the thrill of combat and giving those who deserve it 'what's coming to them'. In more recent times, All-Star has taken steps towards defying his 'programming' as a genetically engineered super soldier, sparing his enemies in the hopes that he can go from being a killing machine to a true hero.

All-Star rarely takes time off from his work. When he does, he typically spends his free time practicing his combat skills, maintaining his armory, working out or taking on personal missions. Due to the stressful nature of his job and the importance of staying relaxed to his hyperkinesis, he also engages in several more calming activities. These include playing his harmonica, grooming his bonsai tree, attending church and listening to jazz. In addition, he is a highly skilled chef, a John Grisham fan, and a film buff. All-Star's approach towards romantic relationships reflects his fast-paced lifestyle. He regularly flirts with the women in his life regardless of intent and sees physical intimacy as completely independent of romantic feelings, usually engaging in it as a means of either releasing pent-up stress or seeking comfort. This approach naturally has a negative effect on his ability to maintain long-term relationships, many of which end due to his inability -- or unwillingness -- to connect with his partner on a significant emotional level.

All-Star's Myers-Briggs personality type is ENTJ.

Amazon Chaser - Anti-Hero - Blood Knight - Broken Ace - Chivalrous Pervert - Cold Sniper - Combat Pragmatist - Dark And Troubled Past - Deadpan Snarker - Determinator - Fights Like a Normal - Good Is Not Nice - Improabable Aiming Skills - Jerk with a Heart of Gold - Military Superhero - More Dakka - Nerves Of Steel - Old Soldier - One-Man Army - Pragmatic Hero - Really Gets Around - Scary Black Man - Semper Fi - Superhero Packing Heat - Super Soldier - The Atoner - The Dreaded - The Gunslinger - The Strategist - Tragic Hero - Walking Armory

Friends & Allies

"I try to keep my enemies closer." - All-Star

Team All-Star

"You've got to pick a pocket or two."

Dodger (Catherine Crook)

"If she's not going to stay out of trouble, she might as well stay in it where I can see her." - All-Star

Catherine Crook was six years old when her father, an SAS soldier turned Broadsword operative who fought alongside Nate Carter before he became the All-Star, was killed on a classified mission during the Zombavian Revolution. Idolising her father and the sacrifices he made for his country, Catherine aspired to join the British Army and become a soldier like him. Despite her militaristic ambition, however, she was firmly discouraged by her grief-stricken mother from ever enlisting and was instead persuaded to use her considerable intellect to pursue an academic career. With a particular proficiency with computers and technology, Catherine was readily accepted into Oxford University. Just a few months after the completion of her A-Levels and her eighteenth birthday, however, she joined up with the army against her mother's wishes and was trained to be an armourer and a gunsmith. Before she could be deployed into active service, Nate, who had secretly been observing her since her father's death to make sure she stayed safe, used his connections to get her discharged from the military for her own protection.

After meeting Nate for the first time and being warned against ever seeing combat, Catherine became obsessed with the mysterious stranger and, using her skills as a hacker to investigate his background, discovered not only that he was the All-Star, but that he had once served with her father. Although she obeyed her mothers wishes and studied computer science at Oxford, Catherine continued to follow Nate's career as the All-Star, viewing him as the one link she had to her father. Upon earning her masters degree, Catherine -- who frequently operated as a hacker under the Dickensian screen name 'Dodger' -- was headhunted by the MI6 to become an intelligence analyst.

When the news of All-Star's death came a year later, Catherine became convinced that he survived and launched a personal investigation which eventually allowed her to locate him in the jungles of Indonesia. Together, Catherine and Nate managed to thwart a dangerous threat to America's safety and effectively bring the All-Star back to life. Though Catherine was subsequently fired from the MI6 for her extended and heavily falsified absence, she was offered a new position as the All-Star's personal tech support and information broker. Operating under her 'Dodger' persona, Catherine works behind the scenes to provide All-Star with all the expertise he needs out in the field and to hopefully learn more about both her father and herself in the process.

Young and impetuous, rambunctious and outspoken, Dodger has proven herself to be a stalwart ally to All-Star during their time together and the two have developed an almost familial bond. Though she can occasionally disobey orders and still desires to be out in the field, Dodger values her role as the woman behind the star-spangled man. When she needs to have some kind of presence in the field, she typically uses a quadcopter drone outfitted with weapons and computer systems called ARTIE.

  • Genius Level Intellect
  • Master Hacker and Programmer
  • Expert Gunsmith and Technician
  • Computer Specialisation
  • British Army and MI6 Training
  • Competent Hand-to-Hand Combatant
"I'm Agent Kurt White. Yes, it is a fake name; no, it doesn't matter."

Kurt White

"The man's been at my side from day one. I don't think there's anyone I trust more." - All-Star

A former member of the FBI with a degree in political science, a young Kurt White was injured in the line of duty, developing a permanent limp that abruptly ended his field career and relegated him to a permanent desk job. Unwilling to settle for being a mere desk jockey, Kurt used his knowledge of politics and his superior social skills to propel himself into a better career. Through sheer determination, aptitude and networking, Kurt eventually worked his way into a position within the White House and, later, a job at the Pentagon. Known for his his commitment to his job and his consistently high standards of excellence, Kurt was specifically headhunted to participate in Project Patriot, becoming the personal assistant and effective second-in-command to its then director Lawrence Smythe.

A staunch patriot and an admirer of superheroes, Kurt went into Project Patriot full of idealism and hoping that the end result would be soldiers who could minimise American casualities in war. When he looked back on the project's files and discovered the methods they had used to create their subjects, he began to chafe under Smythe's command. Just two years later, news of Geoffrey Carter's investigation into Project Patriot came out and Smythe decided the best course of action was to assassinate him and his accomplices. Disagreeing with the corrupt director's actions, Kurt hurriedly set about pulling strings to get him fired. Though he was too late to stop Smythe from killing Frederick Muldoon and Alistair Monaghan and sending Geoffrey into hiding, Kurt eventually succeeded and subsequently became the director of the downsized Project Patriot.

As the new director, Kurt refused to compromise his morals to get results. Instead, he kept close tabs on Nate Carter with the intention of allowing him to live his life. When he eventually wound up in prison for manslaughter, however, Kurt decided that the only alternative to a life of crime and guilt was the one Project Patriot intended for him, Kurt personally reached out to Nate and pushed him into enlisting in the United States Marine Corps. When Amanda Cho died, Kurt took the final step towards turning Nate into the All-Star by extending an offer to get the experience and training he needed to become a full-fledged super soldier.

Having spent years working alongside Nate, Kurt has used his political and military connections to get him where he has to be and give him what he needs to complete his missions. With the dissolution of Project Patriot, Kurt continues to serve Nate in this capacity as his handler and the director of OVERWATCH. Serious, composed, unemotional and exceedingly polite, Kurt is your typical government man in black. Beneath it all, however, he's a very sensitive and people-oriented person who likes to keep things as above board as possible and, as such, carries out his duties with constant professionalism. Though his life is still shrouded in mystery, he and All-Star remain the closest of partners and friends.

  • Expert Tactician and Strategist
  • Expert Political Scientist and Manipulator
  • Military and Government Expertise
  • Advanced FBI Training
  • Skilled Hand-to-Hand Combatant
  • Multilingualism

Dr. Anu Shahani

"People call me a hero, but Dr. Shahani is the one who wants to save the world." - All-Star

Dr. Anu Shahani was a brilliant Indian medical doctor and surgeon working with Doctors Without Borders in Syria. The chief coordinator and senior doctor working at the facility she was appointed to, Shahani regularly risked her own life and took bold risks to help protect civilians and soldiers caught in the conflict. Having grown up in poverty in an oppressive caste system herself, Shahani had a great deal of empathy for those made to suffer at the hands of dictators and oppressors and wanted nothing more than to contribute to the betterment of their lives in any way she could. Eventually, her clinic was attacked by Syrian forces who slaughtered most of her staff and patients and took survivors into captivity, relentlessly abusing and even executing them. Throughout her captivity, Shahani showed courage and compassion for her fellow prisoners and was eventually forced to patch up injured Syrian troops at gunpoint.

All-Star, who was operating in Syria at the time, was called in on a one-man mission to infiltrate the prison where Shahani and the other hostages were being held and rescue them. When he arrived at the facility, he met a captive Shahani who offered her help in freeing the others, distracting the Syrian soldiers long enough for All-Star to free the prisoners and detonating an explosive to cover their escape. During their retreat, however, All-Star was clipped in the neck by a sniper and subsequently began to bleed out, forcing Shahani and the freed prisoners to hole up in a derelict hospital behind enemy lines. With All-Star rapidly fading and unable to protect the group from the soldiers who were bound to come looking for them, Shahani took charge of the situation. Utilising the captured soldiers among the prisoners and the weapons they had taken in their escape along with what little tactical advice the wounded All-Star could offer her, Shahani set up a defensive perimeter around the hospital. Then, with a mixed team of the surviving members of her clinic and civilians, she performed complex surgery on All-Star which narrowly saved his life.

Before All-Star could fully recover from his blood loss and regain consciousness, the Syrian soldiers arrived and a shootout between themselves and the team of escaped hostages broke out. Though lives were lost on both sides, Shahani's quick thinking and use of All-Star's tactics managed to keep the soldiers at bay long enough for the man himself to recover and finish them off. When the battle was over and the prisoners reached the designated extraction point, All-Star thanked Shahani for all she had done and maintained contact with her. After coming back to America following his faked death and taking back the mantle of All-Star, Nate sought out Shahani -- now running a free health clinic in India -- and offered her a job as the chief medical officer for OVERWATCH and the personal medic for Team All-Star. Dubious about working for a military organisation, but trusting of the man who saved her life years ago, Shahani accepted his offer.

Strong-willed, capable and hard as nails, Dr. Shahani is an extreme humanitarian and philanthropist who has devoted her life to helping others at any cost. A natural healer with a sense of justice that rivals Nate's, Shahani's selflessness and compassion shine brightly through her severity. As such, she typically provides All-Star with moral guidance and support when she isn't patching up his wounds. Unlike other members of Team All-Star, Shahani is happily married with three children -- a fact she regularly references.

  • Genius Level Intellect
  • Brilliant Medical Doctor and Surgeon
  • Competent Geneticist-In-Training


Ada Clover: Having started his affair with Ada Clover during his time in the Protectors of the World, Nate eventually pursued a genuine relationship with the team's feline PR representative. Though their short-lived romance was interrupted by his faking his own death, Nate has recently returned to Millennium City and resparked their relationship. Though Nate enjoys his time with Ada and cares for her, it's difficult for him to view their relationship as anything more than physical.

Adapto: A trip to a fractured universe created through the power of the Polychoron led to both All-Star and Adapto gaining control of the unknown artifact at the same time, creating a link between their consciousness and sending them to another plain of existence. There, All-Star and Adapto bonded and made a shared decision to undo the damage to the Megaverse done by the Polychoron, restoring reality to its natural state. Despite no longer being 'one', however, their time sharing a consciousness has developed their understanding of one another and led to a developing friendship.

Artifist: All-Star and Fist have something of a love/hate relationship. With both often being on the receiving end of the other's jabs and quips, they're much more compatible on the battlefield than they are off of it. All-Star trusts Fist to have his backwhen he's out in the field and makes sure to have her back just as much.

Dobergirl: All-Star sees Dobergirl as something of a daughter and has always viewed her as one of the few genuinely good and pure-hearted people he's encountered during his career as an operative and a hero. He is as extremely protective of her as he is with Kara.

Fantasma: Fantasma is as opinionated as she is bold and isn't afraid to tell someone what she thinks of them. With a personality so similar to All-Star's, the two are prone to heated arguments and squabbles over even the smallest things. Regardless of their bickering, though, All-Star trusts Fantasma to be straight with him when it really matters and appreciates her fiery temperament. The two are close friends.

Fathom: As a strong, confident and assertive woman, Fathom is exactly All-Star's type and he has made no attempt to hide his attraction to her. In fact, he feels a certain kinship towards her due to their shared military background and their willingness to be firmer than other superheroes. The two have something of a mutual understanding of one another.

Kara McIlroy: Similarly to Dobergirl, All-Star views the intrepid Kara as a daughter and has promised her late father that he would look after her. He is extremely protective of her as a result of their close relationship.

Riptide: Riptide and All-Star have an odd relationship built as much on camaraderie as it is on thinly veiled contempt for one another. All-Star cites that Riptide is one of his best friends because he's just as much of an asshole as he is and Riptide often says words to the same effect. Ultimately, All-Star trusts Riptide implicitly and couldn't think of anyone else (of the same sex) he'd rather go out for a drink with.


Geoffrey Carter: All-Star's biological father. Though All-Star committed many years of his life to locating and killing him, he recently found him during the events of Made In America and made peace with him before he died. These days, Nate harbours no resentment towards his late father.

Amanda Cho: All-Star's late girlfriend from his early service in the United States Marine Corps. Thought it's been decades since she was tragically killed in the line of duty, she still holds a special place in All-Star's heart as his first real love and the person who inspired his patriotism.

Antoine Freeman: All-Star's one-time best friend and partner in crime. Also known as the supervillain Wheezer. All-Star blames himself for Wheezer's mutation as much as Wheezer does and desperately seeks ways to end his path of vengeance, to no avail. Wheezer simply wants All-Star to suffer as much as possible.

Rochelle Masters: All-Star's late biological mother. An uneducated stripper, Rochelle attempted to do her best to ensure her son had as good a life as she could give him, but was struck down by Lawrence Smythe before she could. All-Star loved his mother, warts and all, and still holds her memory dear.

Rogues Gallery

"Uh...kinda hard to get one of these going when I keep killing 'em." - All-Star

(Lovingly compiled and filed by All-Star's case officer, Kurt White. He knows what a rogue is.)

Threat Level Key:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
Insignificant. Not worth batting an eye at.
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
A very minor threat. Normally reserved for common super criminals.
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
Maybe a personal threat to one of our agents but, otherwise, nothing.
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
Moderate threat. Capable of interfering with an operation to a slight degree.
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
Dangerous enough to warrant looking out for. Usually reserved for low-powered mercenaries and assassins.
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
Dangerous on a national or international scale but not an immediate threat. This is usually where we start acting against them.
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
High-Level. Capable of posing a threat to our government, its organisations or our agents. Definitely ones to take out ASAP.
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
A global threat in a big way. These guys can't be allowed to roam free so long as we can do something about it. Usually reserved for leaders of cults, terrorist organisations and etc.
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
God help us if anything is this dangerous. We're talking world destroyers, here. Let's hope we never have to personally deal with one of those.


FILE 001



Real Name: Antoine 'Wheezer' Freeman
Powers/Abilities: Gas Mimicry and Manipulation
Occupation: Mercenary For Hire
Origin: Science
Motivation: Money/Emotional
Once All-Star's closest friend and surrogate brother, Antoine 'Wheezer' Freeman's molecular structure was radically changed when the future star-spangled sharpshooter took revenge on him for causing the death of his girlfriend, inadvertently bathing him in dangerous chemicals. Thought to be dead, Freeman returned as Wheezer, using his powers over gaseous substances to devote his life to making All-Star's a living hell. His complete devotion to that cause makes him All-Star's most dangerous enemy and the one most likely to finally be his undoing.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 003



Real Name: ???
Powers/Abilities: Shapeshifting, Invisibility
Occupation: Professional Spy For Hire
Origin: Tech
Motivation: Money
The ultimate man of mystery, no one knows the Infiltrator's true identity or origin -- at least not anyone still breathing. A spy-for-hire with a cold, calculating approach to all he does, he first encountered All-Star while infiltrating Project Patriot disguised as its director, Kurt White. Though his presence was uncovered and he was promptly thwarted, the Infiltrator has since become a persistent thorn in the side of anyone his clients pay him to pursue, replace or kill. A true professional through and through, the Infiltrator is always as deadly as he is elusive.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 004

Warhawk 7.JPG


Real Name: Senji Dojima
Powers/Abilities: Master Archer and Hand-to-Hand Combatant
Occupation: Mercenary For Hire
Origin: Natural
Motivation: Money/Emotional/Ideals
Once the heir to the Dojima Weapons Development Company of Japan, Senji Dojima's silver spoon was ripped away from him when a clan of ninja assassins murdered his father. Seeking revenge, Dojima infiltrated the clan, learned its ways and, eventually, killed its leader. With his revenge had, Dojima became the Warhawk - an infamous mercenary righting the wrongs of the world by killing those he considers to be unjust and anyone who stands to defend them. He has crossed paths with All-Star many times and, though they respect one another, they remain stark foes.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 006

Mirror 2.PNG


Real Name: Dr. Klaus Hirsch
Powers/Abilities: Reflection Manipulation
Occupation: Master Criminal (For Hire)
Origin: Tech
Motivation: Money/???
A brilliant but troubled German physicist specialising in the reflection of light, Klaus Hirsch promptly murdered the rest of his team once he finally perfected his mirror suit and became the master criminal known simply as the Mirror. Since then, he has established himself as a renaissance man of crime, going from assassinations and mercenary work to grand heists and human trafficking. With his mastery over his powers growing every day, his only consistent motivation seems to be his own burgeoning god complex. He was killed when All-Star trapped him within a mirror and shattered it.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 007

The Quartermaster.JPG


Real Name: ???
Powers/Abilities: None
Occupation: International Arms Dealer
Origin: Natural
Motivation: Money/Power
With a family history of arms dealing dating all the way back to the Renaissance era, the Quartermaster is the latest in a line of mysterious, masked war profiteers who have accumulated wealth and infamy by exploiting human misery. This Quartermaster sees himself as more of an individual than his ancestors and seeks to set himself apart from the family tradition by being the last and the greatest Quartermaster who ever lived - by perpetuating war throughout his entire lifespan. Amoral, self-serving and as ruthless as they come, he just might achieve his goal.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 009

The Soviet Supreme.JPG


Real Name: Ivan Grigorivich
Powers/Abilities: Gravitational Aura Projection/Manipulation
Occupation: Self-Proclaimed 'Flag-Hunter'
Origin: Metahuman
Motivation: Fame/Insanity
A USSR loyalist metahuman circus strongman with the ability to manipulate a personal field of gravity surrounding his body to devastating effect, Ivan Grigorovich eventually took his obsession with Soviet Russia to extremes, donning the identity of the Soviet Supreme and waging war on all other patriotic heroes standing in the way of 'Soviet supremacy'. He has since been responsible for the deaths of over thirty patriotic heroes worldwide, taking scraps of their costumes as tattered trophies. He has also developed a particular obsession with All-Star, due to his being 'the one that got away'.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 012

Clownface 1.JPG


Real Name: Lester Goodman(?)
Powers/Abilities: Skilled Hand-to-Hand Combatant and Marksman
Occupation: Mercenary For Hire
Origin: Natural
Motivation: Money/Insanity/Ideals
There is little that is known about the man beneath the Clownface mask. Known only by the alias 'Lester Goodman', he was allegedly brought up poor in the deep south and is assumed to have been a victim of heavy child abuse before killing both his parents. At some point, he fell into the world of organised crime and became Clownface, working his way up the ranks and laughing all the while. Cruel, sadistic and very good at his job, Clownface takes great pleasure in subverting the expectations of anyone he meets.

Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 013

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Real Name: William Powers II
Powers/Abilities: None
Occupation: International Crime Lord
Origin: Natural
Motivation: Money/Power
For some men, it isn't enough to have money and power: they want all of it. William Powers II is the founder and president of Powers Technology by day and the ruthless, megalomaniacal known as Dollar Bill by night. With his considerable wealth and connections making it easy for him to take a passive role in most criminal activity, he rarely gets involved to the point where he would be caught red-handed and is all too willing to cut ties when he is. Virtually untouchable, he seeks to win back 'his city' from the rising tide of costumed heroes and villains turning it into a farce.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 017

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Real Name: Bashir Davda
Powers/Abilities: Emotion Manipulation
Occupation: Political 'Revolutionary'
Origin: Metahuman
Motivation: Ideals
A soldier of fortune, Bashir Davda had seen more war than any one man should and was more than happy to voice his malcontent at the state of the world he saw and even happier when he came to the realisation that his words had the power to radically amplify and manipulate the emotions of those who listened to them. Creating an amplification helmet and abandoning his life as a soldier in favour of a new calling, Davda became Commander Propaganda and has since made every effort to shape the war-torn third world in his image, using his powers to bend the masses to his will.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 019

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Real Name: Horatio Fischer
Powers/Abilities: Weaponised Hook Hand
Occupation: Super Criminal (Revenge Gang)
Origin: Tech
Motivation: Money
An underpaid and underachieving mechanical engineer making pocket change as a handyman at a local auto shop, Horatio Fischer's 'big push' came when his employers refused to compensate him for an on the job accident which robbed him of his left hand. Rather than seek legal advice, Fischer used his squandered talents as a mechanical engineer to juryrig a weaponised hook hand and launched an attack on his former employers' autoshop, his rampage only ending when All-Star intervened. With thoughts of revenge now behind him, he sets his sights on that elusive 'big score'.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 023

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Real Name: Ronald Blake
Powers/Abilities: Vast Number of Skills and Talents
Occupation: 'Hench' For Hire and President of Hench Co.
Origin: Natural
Motivation: Money
A mercenary arms dealer and 'Hench for Hire' making up for what his lack of exceptional talent with determination, charisma and quantity over quality, Ron Blake - or Henchman - prefers to stay out of the affairs of superheroes and supervillains so long as he isn't being paid to meddle in them. Opportunistic and just a bit cowardly, he'll just as readily turn a gun on All-Star as he'll help him out of a jam and has even gone so far as to fight alongside him on certain occasions. Regardless, All-Star trusts the man about as far as he can throw him, and rightfully so.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 027

Agent Hunter.JPG


Real Name: Garrett Hunter
Powers/Abilities: N/A
Occupation: Agent of Metahuman Affairs (Department of Defense)
Origin: Natural
Motivation: Money/Power
A ruthlessly ambitious federal agent, Garrett Hunter became the director of Project Patriot through the use of underhanded tactics to unseat Kurt White. As director, Hunter cut corners to one-up his predecessor, introducing powers to subjects and not taking psychological factors into consideration, resulting in the creation of the violently sociopathic Ultra-Patriot. As punishment, Hunter was demoted and suspended, his duties returning to Kurt White. Though not a criminal, Hunter is extremely vindictive towards Kurt White and All-Star and has regularly attempted to seek revenge on both.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



FILE 015



Real Name: Queen Zambala Yaminde III
Powers/Abilities: Various Forms of Zoziu Poison, Super-Genius Level Intellect, Brilliant Toxicologist and Hypnotist
Occupation: Queen of Zombavu
Origin: Natural
Motivation: Power/Ideals
Inspired By: Queen Bee II (DC), Count Vertigo (DC), Talia al Ghul (DC), Doctor Doom (Marvel), Purple Man (Marvel)
Born to the king of the sovereign nation of Zombavu, Zambala Yaminde III's first-class education made her into a brilliant toxicologist with an expertise on the mind-manipulating poison of Zombavu's national plant, the Zoziu flower. Captain Collider first encountered Zambala when her father, the king, went insane. Together, they overthrew him and placed Zambala on the throne. Unbeknownst to Captain Collider, however, Zambala had perfected the poison of the Zoziu flower to the point where its scent could bend others to her will and, with it, set her father on his self-destructive path. Despite this, Captain Collider was forced to leave her to her rule for Zombavu's sake.
Threat Level:

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██



"Turn every weakness into a strength and every strength into a one-liner, that's what I always say." - All-Star

Frankie Say Relax: While All-Star's hyperkinesis enhances his accuracy, reflexes and procedural memory beyond that of a normal human's in most cases, heavy stress can have the inverse effect, making him far less competent than the average person. As a means of countering this weakness, All-Star is often flippant and detached in and out of combat and goes to great lengths to ensure he always keeps his cool.

Muh Emotions: Although he is a highly skilled marksman who openly brags about it, All-Star harbours hidden feelings of inadequacy about his power and how useful it makes him, especially when working alongside superheroes and especially since uncovering the truth behind his origins.

You're Gonna Carry That Weight: All-Star's done a lot of bad in his life and has taken more than a few lives. Though he likes to pretend it doesn't bother him, his self-loathing, despair and deep-seated regret occasionally bubble to the surface.

Almost Human: Technically speaking, every element of All-Star's hyperkinesis besides the projectile enhancement is fully achievable by a normal non-augmented human being, despite it being extremely unlikely for most to have the genetic potential and mental coordination to do so. For all intents and purposes, All-Star is simply a normal human operating at the very peak of human genetic, physical and mental potential and is certainly a normal human in terms of physiology. This makes him vulnerable to all the external and internal hazards that most people would be vulnerable to.

Soldier Boy: As a military man, All-Star does things a lot more rigidly than the average hero. While this can have its advantages, it often causes hesitation when dealing with legal grey areas and means that he'll sometimes unquestioningly follow orders from his government superiors.

Hello, Nurse: All-Star has a natural weakness for the ladies and, while a pretty face and a few flirty words aren't enough to completely disarm him, they do cause him to drop his guard a bit under the right conditions.

U Dont Fukkin Control Me: All-Star has issues with his mind being influenced by outside forces such as telepathy and chemicals. His fear of being manipulated in such a manner is so severe, it borders on being a phobia.

Young and the Reckless: Though he is a talented strategist and tactician, no one can say that All-Star isn't reckless at the best of times, preferring to think of a plan along the way rather than 'waste time' coordinating his efforts before acting.


"Music's good for the soul. Killing people for a living? Probably not." - All-Star
"The door was locked."

1. Freedom - Anthony Hamilton & Elayna Boynton

2. Smooth Operator - Sade

3. Gotta Knock A Little Harder - The Seatbelts

4. Nuclear - Mike Oldfield

5. Beast - Nico Vega

6. You Know My Name - Chris Cornell

7. Devil In Me - Jamie N Commons

8. Paradise Circus - Massive Attack

9. Epitaph - King Crimson

10. Black - Danger Mouse & Daniele Luppi

11. Sinnerman - Nina Simone

12. Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood - Nina Simone

13. Truth - Alexander Ebert

14. I'll Take It All - Joss Stone

15. Surrender - Depeche Mode

16. Dream A Little Dream Of Me - The Mamas & The Papas

17. Shining Star - Earth, Wind & Fire

RP Hooks

"Half the people who try to kill me know me on a first name basis. The other half slept with me." - All-Star
  • All-Star frequents Sherrera's Bar, often spending his time drinking and fleecing other bar patrons out of their money by playing darts.
  • All-Star is a video gamer and a fan of First-Person Shooters, often playing them online in his spare time.
  • All-Star is a sports fan and will openly discuss it with anyone.
  • As a freelancer, All-Star is at the United States Department of Defense's beck and call and gets assigned to a number of jobs which involves working with the likes of UNTIL, PRIMUS, the FBI and the United States Military.
  • All-Star is a top-class chef, having taken up cooking as something of a hobby.
  • All-Star can't help but appreciate a good gun.
  • Are you a woman who frequents social spots and is currently dating around? Odds are you may have been on the receiving end of All-Star's flirtatious nature in the past.
  • All-Star spent four years serving with the United States Marine Corps during his early years as an operative of Project Patriot, obtaining the rank of Staff Sergeant.


"No, I am not General Freedom. I wear it better." - All-Star
Zach-Star 2.png
  • All-Star is primarily inspired by: Hawkeye (Marvel), Bullseye (Marvel), Captain America (Marvel), The Punisher (Marvel), Nick Fury (Marvel), The Comedian (DC), Jason Bourne (Bourne Trilogy), Jack Bauer (24), Sam Fisher (Splinter Cell) and Solid Snake (Metal Gear Solid). Additional influences include: Deadshot (DC), Isiah Bradley (Marvel), Wolverine (Marvel), War Machine (Marvel), Bloodshot (Valiant), Ethan Hunt (Mission: Impossible) and James Bond (James Bond).
  • All-Star is a bit of a gamer. His favourite genre is, predictably, First-Person Shooters and he maintains a very high position in a number of online leaderboards.
  • All-Star absolutely loathes magic and anything to do with it. While he doesn't outright disbelieve in it like other magic haters, he believes that absolutely nothing good comes of it and that magic would not be sorely missed if it were to disappear from this world.
  • All-Star is occasionally mistaken for General Freedom and other patriotic heroes by ignorant civilians, crimefighters and villains. This is a source of chagrin for him.
  • All-Star often whistles or hums the song 'Yankee Doodle', especially when put under stress in the middle of intense combat. It helps him relax.
  • All-Star is a huge fan of Bruce Lee and adopted many of his philosophies growing up. This is largely what motivated him to learn Jeet Kune Do.
  • All-Star has a bonsai tree named 'Bosley' which he regularly maintains in his spare time. He finds it relaxes him. Until someone touches it, that is.
  • All-Star's penmanship is atrocious. Like, doctor level atrocious.
  • All-Star keeps a signed picture of Julie Andrews in his wallet. Of course he does, she's a national treasure.
  • All-Star is a fan of the works of James Patterson and enjoys political thrillers in general.
  • All-Star doesn't like hospitals or doctors. They make him antsy. He also has a phobia of being controlled or manipulated against his will.
  • All-Star is ambidextrous, and not afraid to show it when shooting at you with a gun in each hand.
  • All-Star plays a mean harmonica. Just ask him.
  • All-Star has always been something of an alcoholic. He frequently drinks for the sake of drinking but is kept coordinated by his hyperkinesis. In other words, his brain processes the alcohol so quickly that it takes much more than the usual human amount to get him drunk.
  • All-Star is a frequent smoker of Redford Cigars. This is largely due to the fact that his first cigar was a Redford given to him by Kurt White after their first successful mission together. He prefers to use them sparingly and usually sticks to the cheaper and more portable cigarettes when he needs a fix in the field.
  • You haven't lived until you've tried All-Star's fluffy, chewy 'All-Star Apple Pancakes'. With a delicious dusting of cinnamon and a drizzle of hot syrup to make them just that bit more scrumptuous, they're his most prized dish.

Art Gallery

"Who am I kidding? They're all my good side." - All-Star


"Just keep in mind that I have a gun." - All-Star
"I'll live. You won't."

"Homies help homies. Sorry I couldn't do it when it mattered, Nate. See you on the other side." - Adapto

"He can be a bit of a bastard, but for what it's worth, he's a good guy. Puff the Gun-Toting Dragon, eh? I bet people are gonna start usin' that some time..." - Snowtalon

"Nate underestimates his true value, regardless of how boastful he comes across to others. I'm a better person for having met him, and that's not something I say about many. A partner, an ally, a friend... and much, much more." - Sparrowhawk

"All-Star? He's pretty cool actually. Don't have a single problem with him. We got similar viewpoints, come from similar backgrounds, and not to mention, he's got a helluva shot. He's alright in my book." - Anarchy

"My opinion about Nate changed. I still haven't spent much time with the guy, but he's once told me something that's been sort of shifting in my head for a while. He said something about his skills defining who he was. That not being the best about what he does would make him lose his identity... That, kind've opened up an old wound of mine. And I kinda, sorta freaked out at him." She pauses for a moment. "I apologized, later on. But yeah, he and I got a little something in common, on that, I think. I'd have to chat with him about it at some point." - Natasha Roy

"Having worked with All-Star a few times recently, I'll admit he's rather rough around the edges at first, but he's cool-headed and determined to get the job done - some things I can't say about some of my powered colleagues." - The Peacemaker

"Almost as good a shot as I am. ..Almost. Other 'n that he takes his job seriously and handles his shit 'n that's more or less all ya can ask for." - Desperado

"An excellent ally. He is accurate, carries the right equipment to allow for a high degree of versatility on the battlefield and is quite capable of handling his job. He doesn't seem to know the difference between an android and a robot, however." - Doll

"A big mouth, but his heart's in the right place." - Thundrax

"He's always wearing sunglasses. I think he has light sensitive eyes or something. And he said I was childish! I'm not not childish... right?" - Impsblood

"He's a hater with a silly mustache. Come on bro, don't be like that." - Zee

"He is a fun person with a love for living life. I always enjoy the time I spend with him. I do not think his facial hair is creepy, either." - Greymist Wanderer

"General Freedom? He's an alright guy, I guess, but I always thought he was like, bigger, you know? And angrier. Less shooty, too. Oh well!" - Dohwa

"Nate? I like Nate. He's the sort of asshole you like having around because he makes you feel better about yourself." - Riptide

"Handsome, professional and he really knows how to wear his guns and moustache. He's not as good with women as he likes to think he is though." - Demoness

"Definitively not the 'shoot first and ask questions later' type, as evidenced by his taking advantage of an opponent being surprised in order to... ask them questions. But yeah, he does seem to like his guns. And dislike other peoples' kneecaps." - Snow Leopard

"Terrible taste in facial hair and his inability to recognize that I'm a woman aside, he's definitely someone I know I could rely on in a fight. He strikes me as the sort to not let something as silly as being outclassed ever take the fight out of him. And if he's half as good as he thinks he is..." - Artifist

"The first true friend I made on this world, and one of the finest examples of Terran warrior-hood in- ..What? Stop giving me that look, you know what I meant!" - Zelara

"Impressive enough, I suppose." - The Doctor

"World's. Dumbest. Mustache." - Blue Freedom

"Cool guy and he always is vewy fwiendly! I wike him a lot! Hi Mr. All-Star!" - Chocolate Chip Chelsea

"A real professional. Ready to face any situation that's thrown at him, even if he complains about it a little bit sometimes. All-Star's alright in my book." - Victory

"He cheats at poker." - C.O.P.

"He seems like a pretty cool guy, despite wearing sunglasses all the time. What, does he think he's a rap star or something? Er, anyway, we seem to get along pretty well. And he's pretty hot." - Ada Clover

"I can't decide if this guy is over the top or really bat shit insane from all the stories I've heard. So far he seems like a very capable field leader and an generally cool guy. And a fellow brotha who's a metahuman is always a plus in my book. Wait he's tapping Sparrowhawk?! That black sumuvabitch..." - SoulStar

"He is a sincere man. Perhaps a little too sincere." - Voreen

"Loudmouth." - Katsuo

Swixname.png v  d  e
Active: Captain ColliderAll-Star
Inactive/Incomplete: Mach VScience StorkThe FleaBearzerkerKid Billionaire
HenchmanCaptain CashCitizen ZThe Lovecraftian ManScrewballPatricia Pan
Misc: Frontiersmen