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The Spectacular
Polymathic Paragon
"Always strive to do your best."
Freeform Music-player.png
Player: Pallaslogo.png
Super Group
· Other Affiliations ·
Circle of Justice - PRIMUS - UNITY - UNTIL - New Vigil
Real Name
Alexandra 'Alex' Daphne Harper
Various Assumed Identities
Jan 2nd, 1989
New York, New York
Millennium City
The Night Aviary; The Barlowe Building
Investor & Shareholder
Legal Status
No Criminal Record
Marital Status
· Known Relatives ·
Alan Harper (Father), Daphne Halkias-Harper (Mother, Deceased)
Physical Traits
Apparent Age
Body Type
Light Tan
· Distinguishing Features ·
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
Possesses mental and physical faculties at the zenith of human potential as well as hyperthymesia - complete autobiographical memory. Has the ability to learn and process information at a highly advanced rate. While not expressly a 'power' per se, Sparrowhawk can read subtle clues in opponent's body language in combat, allowing her a form of precognitive ability/ awareness in fighting.
· Equipment ·
Battle Uniform - Photonic Blue Energy Batons - Razor Discs - Mother Interface, Mk 2 - Force Field - Psionic Scrambler - Black Valkyrie Pistols - Red Kestrel (Gravity Bike)
· Other Abilities ·
Sparrowhawk is a versatile polymath, whose expertise includes (though not limited to): World Class Martial Artist - Chi Mastery/ Manipulation - Polyglot (Fluency in several languages) - Master Detective - Computer Specialist - Expert Marksman - Trained Medic - Expert in Vehicular Use - Disguise Artist - Escape Artist - Tactical Training

Alex Harper is SPARROWHAWK, one of the world's most deadly combatants as well as a master in a multitude of skill sets. She was born to Alan Harper, a high ranking official of UNTIL who also was secretly involved with a shadowy organization known as the Apotheosis Project. Its purpose was to design and create superior human stock as a result of genetic engineering in order to rid the world of super human influence. Gifted with exceptional physical abilities, a mind that could recall things flawlessly as well as a talent for learning things quickly and effortlessly, Alex spent her childhood training under foremost experts in various fields of study. By adulthood Alex was poised to take a role in UNTIL, her father grooming her to eventually join his subversive cause. Alan's abduction by ARGENT changed this path and caused Alex to assume the guise of a masked hero in order to rescue him from their clutches. Alex remained a costumed crime fighter and chose to work beside the very heroes she unknowingly was raised to eliminate. After learning of the true reasons behind her birth, Alex denounced her father and had a direct hand in crippling the Apotheosis Project. Traveling the globe both as a solo operative as well as the leader of the Protectors of the World, Sparrowhawk wages war on injustice with unwavering perseverence.


Alan Harper, one of UNTIL's most decorated and top field agents, led a double life. He was one of many who had a role in the Apotheosis Project, a worldwide coalition designed to rid the world of super powered individuals and their influence over world affairs. To that end, Alan and nine other prominent families were selected in 1988 for a very special purpose within the organization. Each man's wife, unaware of both the affairs of the Apotheosis Project and each other, were falsely told they could not bear children without in vitro fertilization and complied. These ten embryos were taken and enhanced via positive genetic engineering then implanted all on the same day. Its purpose was to create offspring that were purely human in a technical sense while showcasing the actualized full potential that humanity was capable of. Nine months later, all on January second, the women gave birth in various locales across the United States to healthy and 'perfect' children. Tragedy struck when Alan's wife Daphne suffered complications during the childbirth and died. Alan, nearly inconsolable, realized at least he still had his child and the promise of a new world before him. Naming his newborn Alexandra, meaning 'Defender of Man', Alan joined with his nine colleagues in setting out to raise an exceptional child with even more than exceptional abilities.

While most young girls had dolls and stuffed animals, Alex's days were filled with gun ranges, martial arts lessons and forensics studies. While most would be broken physically and mentally by this, Alex strove to live up to her father's very strict and domineering expectations. Alex exceeded her father's wildest dreams as she readily soaked up everything she was presented with. Alan realized quickly that her talents surpassed that of the other children which were born into the Apotheosis Project. She displayed uncanny physical and mental abilities that were far beyond the norm. Ready to begin her second phase of training, Alan called several contacts by way of his years with UNTIL. He started calling in favors... it was time for her training to get serious.

Much of Alex's life growing up was spent primarily traveling about the world. Her father Alan would always refer to these typically two to three month periods spent in one location as 'vacations'. A 'vacation' in Thailand where she studied Silat Patani. Another 'vacation' in Guatemala learning about munitions and explosives. Yet another 'vacation' spent in Australia learning about various poisons and their effects on the human body. Three full years were spent at the ancient and mysterious Yengtao Temple, home of some of the worlds greatest martial artists where she mastered esoteric forms of combat. Alex was undaunted in her pursuit to be the best at whatever she put her mind to. Perhaps it was a desire to earn her father's love, or perhaps it was just her perfectionist attitude... either way, Alex learned a great deal about a great number of things.

At seventeen years of age these so called 'vacations' subsided and Alex was allowed her first taste at a normal life: college. She struggled to fit in during those years though she did her best at participating in whatever she could. Though spending time with others her own age was in theory good for her socially she realized quickly she had nothing in common with them. She had a tendency for looking down upon her peers and not exactly endearing herself to those she was around. None of her experiences interested her and it lacked the intensity of her life previous. College was finished in only two years with Alex tackling an exceptionally large workload and still managing to earn magna cum laude with her school.

At the young age of nineteen and with college behind her, Alex secured a position within UNTIL as a junior agent and finally fulfilled her father's dream of having her follow in his footsteps. As in her youth, Alex displayed a strong need to prove her worth and excel in any task she was presented with. With relative ease due to this drive she assumed a place within UNTIL as a full agent. With the vast array of skills at her disposal due to her intensive training growing up, Alex found herself working as an operative for UNTIL often as a covert operations specialist. She found this quite fulfilling as she once again was being taken all across the world and facing off against all kinds of challenges. In her off time she found herself learning more skills to add to her considerable pool of expertise from whatever location she was stationed at.

Shortly after her third year with UNTIL while abroad in the India, Alex received word that her father Alan had been abducted by ex members of the typically white collar crime organization known as ARGENT. She was distraught because she knew that UNTIL policy was quite clear: they would not be negotiating for Alan's release. This meant that her father was far from safe and his life was sadly expendable. Alex pleaded with her superiors to do anything but it fell on deaf ears. It was clear that UNTIL would not be assisting in ensuring her father's safety. Never being one to sit idly, Alex began to formulate her own plan. She quickly made her way back to the United States.

Alex chose to approach her good friend and UNTIL contracted agent and inventor, Simon Reynolds, for help. Simon gathered for her a number of items that she would need to undertake a personal mission. These devices included a flight disk, a pair of prototype bio electrical battle batons, a force field projector and several other devices he had been working on. The only thing that Alex still required to pull this off successfully was anonymity. It was a necessary measure in order to create a disguise to hide her affiliation with UNTIL as one of its agents. Taking inspiration from the colorfully named heroes that she sometimes worked alongside who had affiliations with UNTIL, Alex decided upon the nom de guerre Sparrowhawk. Staging a rescue at what was believed by most an abandoned ARGENT facility, Sparrowhawk successfully saved her father and delivered a severe beating to the perpetrators. Returning to UNTIL she was troubled by the events of her father's kidnapping. Alex realized was able to accomplish much more being slightly outside the law than constrained by it. In addition, the rush of battle was exhilarating in a way that her UNTIL missions had never fully been to her. Realizing that much more good could come from her maintaining this new identity she decided to continue as Sparrowhawk.

Alex left UNTIL shortly after her decision to carry on as Sparrowhawk, much to her father's ire and displeasure. She felt that her second life as a costumed crime fighter interfered with her ability to devote herself fully to her job as an agent. Using money she had gained from her time with UNTIL and already having secured a lucrative amount of funds, Alex relocated to Millennium City to start a new phase in her life. Using her formidable intellect and intuition she had already invested in a number of companies since college and was able to live well within more than comfortable means. In just a short while with single minded dedication Alex was able to turn this around tenfold. It was not long before she went from merely 'comfortable' to 'extremely well off' financially, enabling her to then promote all of her energies into pursuing crime as a masked hero. This allowed her the time, money and focus to upgrade the items Simon Reynolds had given her as well as work on entirely new inventions to add to her arsenal.

Sparrowhawk in 2013, watching Millennium City from above.

During her early adventures Sparrowhawk crossed paths with a group known as the Silver Age Sentinels, and it was through them she established a relationship with the agency known as GLOBE. Working with GLOBE allowed her to function much in the same capacity as she did with UNTIL, though it gave her the freedom of operating independently as well. It was during this time she crossed paths with and fought villains such as Valak the Undying and the technological genius and madman known as M.E.K.K.A.. Her other duties were more mundane, acting as a liaison between GLOBE and both the Sentinels and their more youthful counterparts the Young Sentinels. After a few months of working closely with them, Sparrowhawk wished for other venues to explore to broaden her abilities and do more for a greater cause. Sparrowhawk did not feel challenged in the role she was given and that her own skills were not being utilized to their fullest. After an incident involving the Sentinels, GLOBE and the unofficial gathering of heroes known as the Circle of Justice, Alex struck out on her own, determined to make more of a difference.

Sparrowhawk found herself quickly assuming a more proactive presence worldwide, taking missions both abroad as well as within her home of Millennium City. This placed her squarely within the super heroic community. Often this was a source of consternation and annoyance for her as she quickly realized how many heroes, though registered with PRIMUS, were without decent training or skills to aid them properly. Over time, however, she did meet others who she thought were capable in their crime fighting endeavors, at last making allies. Sparrowhawk grew close to Agent Nate Carter, United States agent known as All-Star, as well as a smattering of other heroes, such as Dobergirl, Doll and Zelara, the Laser Knight. She later joined a group called Rising Force at the urging of All-Star, though its run was admittedly short and ended before it even really began. As it folded, Alex realized that there was still a need for such a team and her abilities gave her an edge in coordinating such an effort. Thus a large step towards her personal goals of effectively tackling crime globally came from her formation of the Protectors of the World. This was an UNTIL- affiliated organization of super heroes who joined together to battle numerous threats no one hero could face. In it she recruited what she felt were the 'best of the best' of those whose paths had crossed hers since her career began, and the team earned a solid status as peacekeepers and global heroes. During this time Sparrowhawk continued to venture around the world on her own, independently battling numerous threats with her abilities and continuing to build upon her reputation as an international premiere heroine.

When Alex Harper turned twenty five, the Apotheosis Project was at last ready for action. They felt it was time for their children, willing or not, to join them removing all super human presence upon Earth. The Project was prepared to wage an all out assault on those who maintained super powers and as such decided to finally call their gifted children home to assist them. The Apotheosis Project's first order of business was to jump start the latent DNA enhanced talents of their children above and beyond the already incredible traits they each displayed. Some of the children were aware for years of the organization's cause and readily agreed to partake. Others, like Sparrowhawk, were not... and thus force was used as well as a neural implant that controlled their actions. Abducted, brutalized and implanted with a mind not her own, Sparrowhawk spoke out against heroes with superhuman traits as a fledgeling heroine called Virago in public addresses. She was also forced to turn on her allies in the Protectors, wounding several of them gravely while kidnapping Dobergirl for testing of a 'gene bomb' designed to kill those with aberrant DNA which was not human. Though herself a prisoner to the Apotheosis Project, she was eventually able to shake free of their mental control. Freeing Dobergirl and other heroes brought to a facility in South America, Sparrowhawk also retrieved information pertaining to the groups overall plan. While escaping, Sparrowhawk was almost killed from both the neural device implanted in her trying to wrest control mentally as well as a severe beating from another child of the Apotheosis Project who called himself Cassowary. Sparrowhawk fortunately recovered after being rescued by the Protectors and was later saved by the hero known as Mad Dog when an assassin attempted to kill her while in the hospital. Sparrowhawk managed to rejoin her team just in time to lead a strike force to deactivate gene bombs which were planted underneath Millennium City. They were successful, as failure would have resulted in the bombs wiping out and killing most of the super heroes who were locked in a battle with the villain Leviathan. The events of this plot to discredit and kill meta humans as well as the ascension of the genetically enhanced children of the Apotheosis Project is widely known as The Eugenics War.

By the time the war was over, Millennium City was in shambles, the Protectors were fragmented and Sparrowhawk was viewed by many in the super heroic community as a traitor for her perceived actions under mind control. To add insult to injury, her partner, All-Star, falsely believing Sparrowhawk was working against the Protectors, began an affair with the team's PR liaison, Ada Clover... all while Alex was under the thrall of the Apotheosis Project. Though Sparrowhawk had issues with their relationship, it was nevertheless a blow to her emotionally. She realized that not even the person closest to her understood who she really was, though some of the blame fell on Alex herself for maintaining a life full of secrets. Sparrowhawk took a short leave of absence from the team to concentrate on taking down the remnants of her father's organization and reassess her life. The next few months were dedicated solely to toppling the Apotheosis Project and gathering intel on them wherever she could.

It took that time away for Alex to realize she had turned away from the only family she had only really known, that of the Protectors, and she needed to confront her issues head on. Returning to Millennium City, Sparrowhawk upgraded her weapons, her costume and her gear for a new approach on crime. Her new arsenal was not the only thing Alex returned with, either. Though she suffered horrors from her time with the Apotheosis Project, one benefit was discovered. With the untapped potential of her latent DNA being unveiled, Sparrowhawk realized was now smarter, quicker and stronger than before... her prowess unmatched by human standards. She was more than happy to reap these benefits to the cause of justice. She returned to the Protectors taking her place again as leader, prepared to once more tackle the worst menaces this world has seen.

With a renewed sense of self, Sparrowhawk continues to fight the good fight, both as leader of the Protectors and as a world traveling solo heroine in her own right.




Alex Harper would be described by many as a strikingly attractive woman who appears to be in her early to mid twenties. Her build is noticeably toned from intensive exercise but not overly so. She stands 5'8" and weighs around 140 pounds. An air of confidence exudes in the way she walks, talks, carries and composes herself which can be at times intimidating to others. Her blonde hair is currently worn in a spiky pixie cut of sorts, framing her face. Alex speaks with a somewhat deep, smoky voice and sometimes pauses in her speech to reflect on what she is saying. The clothes she wears are generally in the latest trends, appearing to pay a good deal of attention to current fashion. Rarely is she seen in very casual wear and prefers wearing heels to sneakers or blouses and skirts to tee shirts and jeans.

As Sparrowhawk, Alex alternates between two uniforms. Currently she utilizes a primarily black, skin tight light body armored suit with large, stylized blue plating on the chest front. A black belt sits low upon her waist, mostly carrying numerous pouches that house gadgets and weaponry for which she uses to fight crime. Two padded shoulder protectors adorn her upper body to offer protection. Sparrowhawk wears two tight metallic black gauntlets that have a soft blue light illumination to them at certain points. A black half face mask protects her identity that has a blue eyepiece over it. White lenses on the mask obscure her actual eyes. Secured about her right leg a pouch is strapped about that contains even more crime fighting devices. When her gauntlets are activated, two intensely azure hued energy batons are formed in each of her hands that act like escrima sticks.


Alex Harper, Sparrowhawk, unmasked and dressed to kill.

There are two very different sides to Alex Harper, Sparrowhawk.

Alex Harper comes across as a very insightful, well-spoken, perceptive and pleasant young woman to those who meet her. Often she can be found multi tasking and it is not uncommon for others to notice her learning a new language, exercising and dealing with her business ventures all at once. Some mistakenly believe that she is distracted when speaking to her due to the numerous things she handles at once. Alex comes across as proper and polite to a fault and carries herself as one would who might have attended a finishing school. When speaking to others she often pauses mid sentence as if to reflect on what she is going to saying. Alex enjoys joking with peers, engaging with a very sarcastic and cynical dry wit. Alex generally can more often than not come across as somewhat aloof and unapproachable which has garnered her a reputation of sorts as an 'ice queen'. A slight smile will from time to time escape her lips however that can put most people at ease almost immediately. Alex is very aware of her physical beauty and has no qualms about using this to her advantage in social situations. While not engaging in flirtations actively she has no shortage of male admirers.

When in action as Sparrowhawk, Alex's demeanor goes through a definite change. She becomes aggressive and authoritative, often taking charge in situations. Sparrowhawk is very goal oriented and has a no nonsense approach to overcoming obstacles and leading others. Her focus becomes almost obsessive and anything that disrupts it will be dealt with quickly and efficiently. Her early years in the super heroic community earned her some well deserved ire as she readily demeaned and belittled peers who were not up to her standards or way of thinking. Thankfully, this perception has lessened over time and Sparrowhawk has seen the value of others contributions, especially now that she leads her own team. This is not to say she has developed the patience of a saint, as eye rolling is still a frequent habit that she employs when dealing with things that bother her. Sparrowhawk is extremely confident in her abilities almost to the point of arrogance, especially in combat. While engaged in melee, Sparrowhawk takes satisfaction in mocking her opponents as they fight, partially because it rattles them but also because she finds it extremely amusing. Alex Harper respects the law, although she also realizes that sometimes certain rules must be bent or broken to achieve a victory. This ideology has put her at odds with others, including some team mates, from time to time. While she values the sanctity of human life, and feels heroes should not kill, Sparrowhawk herself also believes that sometimes the greater good means that a life must be taken when left with no other options. Sparrowhawk's greatest issue is dealing with is the concept of losing, which she takes always takes very personally.

Both of these sides are due to Alex's unique and incredibly strict upbringing by her father, which accounts for the way she acts. From early childhood her life was spent traveling the world in the company of adults to be primed essentially as a human weapon. Denied the type of life most children have, Alex does not have a well rounded idea of what being carefree means. While trained to socially fit in, and can do very well, Alex herself is fairly introverted and uptight. Left on her own, the majority of her time is spent researching new things to add to her already impressive skills or crime fighting. Little to no time is left for real social engagements, and it has only been in recent times that Alex has made an effort to 'let her hair down' with the Protectors in any fashion. Alex struggles with trust issues, and more times than not conducts her affairs both personal and professional without letting others know about them, preferring to remain a bit enigmatic. As far as romantic relationships, Alex is currently single and in no hurry to date. With the extremely active lifestyle she maintains it is not high on her list of priorities.

This is how it's done. Sparrowhawk puts her nemesis Permafrost on ice.

Powers, Skills & Abilities

Sparrowhawk is the product of human genetic engineering to garner very specific traits alongside years of intense training. While she does not register as technically super powered, she is considered someone who would be considered the epitome of human physical and mental achievement. Her talents include:

  • Genius Level IQ/ Advanced Learning Ability/ Polymath: Sparrowhawk is gifted with a genius IQ that rivals some of the most intelligent humans on Earth. She is an expert in a plethora of skills that she has continued to expand upon since childhood. Her wide array of talents are the result of her ability to learn at an accelerated rate, mastering things in a fraction of the time others would normally be able to. What may take years of training or research for a normal person she can learn in a month or two, provided she has the time to solely dedicate herself to it. This has provided her with a well-rounded skill set few others can boast.
  • Hyperthymestic Memory: Sparrowhawk was born with hyperthymesia, a medical condition which allows an individual complete autobiographical memory. While those with eidetic or photographic memory often have to study something, use mnemonic tools, or even forget certain things as years go by, Alex has complete recall of her entire personal history. She can recite even the most trivial details from any part of her life, starting from shortly after her third birthday. This ability, compounded with her intelligence and quick learning, gives her the ability to take in, process and retain a great deal of information.
  • Physical Attributes: Alex's strength and dexterity are at a level of functioning that exceeds even the most well trained regular human without actually being defined as superhuman. Her improved musculature allows her to bench press six times her weight, around eight hundred and fifty pounds, unaided. She possesses the ability to run close to forty miles a hour, clear a running jump of forty five feet and a high jump of around fifteen feet. In a non pure oxygen aided environment, Sparrowhawk can hold her breath for up to 20 minutes (and around 40 minutes with oxygen beforehand). With a body and mind which work in tandem, Sparrowhawk displays instantaneous reaction time. Her mental chronometry is greater than any normal human which grants her a form of low level super speed in her actions. Bullets can be dodged at point blank range or she can strike an opponent several times before their brains even can process a singular reaction. The incredible level of agility and durability she has combined with years of combat training allow her to withstand blows from much stronger opponents and continue to fight. Her heightened endurance allows her to fend off natural toxins that impair the body from fatigue and stress. Sparrowhawk's immune system is enhanced, allowing her to fend off most diseases, illnesses or things that impair the body such as drugs. While not as fancy or as powerful as true super human regeneration, wounds heal about three times as fast as a normal persons will; for example, a broken bone can heal in roughly two weeks instead of six. All of Alex's senses have been improved greatly. It has been stated that she will have a much longer life expectancy than an average woman provided she doesn't get herself killed before then.
  • Combat Abilities: Sparrowhawk's extensive knowledge in martial arts would most likely place her on a shortlist as one of the world's deadliest hand to hand combatants. Where a person can spend years mastering just one form of unarmed combat, Sparrowhawk's very unique talent at learning things quickly and flawlessly has enabled her to tackle many. Utilizing her batons, Sparrowhawk specializes in using Eskrima, Silambam, Bokator, Adi Murai, Kobudo and Kalaripayattu in combat. She has mastered and integrated numerous other forms into her fighting style as well, including Karate, Wing Chun, Krav Maga, Systema, Muay Thai, Jeet Kun Do, Jiu-Jitsu, Keysi, Shippalgi, Silat, Aikido and more. Sparrowhawk's abilities go even further, having knowledge of such esoteric techniques like Marma Adi/ Varma Kalai and Dim Mak. By understanding prana points and how to suppress and block the flow of chi in others, Sparrowhawk can incapacitate, disable or kill by simple touch. Such an ability is even effective against those who would be deemed 'invulnerable' by powers such as super dense skin, often allowing her the upper hand to defeat what would be considered much more powerful foes. With this intimate knowledge of a body's vital points she is also by the same means able to heal certain afflictions or wounds. Her years of training have enabled her to be proficient in a vast array of weaponry, both standard and esoteric. A former Soviet spetsnaz agent trained her in a dual wield style of gun combat which she often employs.
  • Chi Abilities: Sparrowhawk has learned to control and manipulate her body's chi, enabling her other abilities. By concentrating she is able to further enhance her dexterity, speed or physical strength in bursts to (low) superhuman levels. She can actually punch or kick through metal when in a focused state. Her running speed can reach up to 70 mph for a few seconds. Attacks can be dealt in rapid succession faster than the human eye can take in. Sparrowhawk's chi passively provides her with a functioning 'sixth sense'. This talent allows her to fight unaided in darkness, detect those who are invisible, or even sense incoming opponents using teleportation in her immediate proximity. Things from the spirit plane can at times be observed. By having control over her body, Sparrowhawk can maintain her body temperature in very hot or cold environments for extended lengths of time. Poisons in her system can be slowed in her bloodstream and she can survive without food or drink for extended periods of time if in meditation.
  • Combat Assessment/ Reading Body Language: Sparrowhawk has the ability to size up opponents, plan out the battle in completely in her head and execute a proper attack with frightening accuracy within seconds given that she has seen her opponent fight before. She also has the ability to 'read' subtle clues in a person's body in a fight, allowing her to both attack and defend against foes, even those possessing heightened reflexes. It is incredibly difficult for others to actually lay a hand on her. Sparrowhawk has mastered using her perceptive abilities to discover weak points in targets. This often 'levels the playing field' against combatants who severely outclass her, allowing her the chance to gain an upper hand. On more than one occasion she has been underestimated only to come out on top.
  • Skill Sets: Sparrowhawk has received training from individuals who are foremost experts, specialists and even super heroes in many fields of study who have been associated with UNTIL. Alex is an accomplished detective and spy. A few of her other talents include: survivalist, disguise artist, medic, escape artist, pilot, driver, historian, computer expert and is well versed in numerous fields of science. She is trained at both hypnotherapy and stage hypnosis and can actually implant post hypnotic suggestions in others' minds. Sparrowhawk continues to work at expanding her repertoire of skills in addition to her crime fighting pursuits.
  • Expert Tactician: Sparrowhawk's incredibly sharp and focused mind as well as an unerring eye for detail lends itself to make her an amazing tactical leader. Aided by her keen perceptive abilities, she can process scenes quickly and coordinate multiple strategies in combat on the spot. It is in these times that Sparrowhawk keeps a cool, level head, aiding not only her but her team mates in getting through high stress situations.
  • Telepathic Resistance: Telepaths and those with psionic abilities will have a difficult challenge attempting to breach her mental defenses. She has spent time with experts in such subjects on how to best prevent and avoid mental attacks, not to mention she has an amazing amount of willpower.
  • Poison Resistance: Sparrowhawk is practiced at mithridatism. Over several years of limited exposure she has built up tolerance to some types of poison. Certain types of venomous animals and naturally found poisons either have only a limited effect or in fact no effect upon her body, as she has developed immunity to them.
  • Stealth: Sparrowhawk is a trained Kunoichi. Among her talents is the ability to quickly blend in shadows and appear unseen to the naked eye.
  • Hyperpolyglot: Sparrowhawk displays an uncanny knack for speaking several languages. She is fluent in French, Italian, German, Bengali, Portuguese, Russian, Arabic, Japanese, Mandarin and Hindi as well as being proficient in American Sign Language. Sparrowhawk can also speak a few other languages conversationally.

Jailbreak: Millennium's Most Wanted. Time to kick evil in the nether regions.


Sparrowhawk carries a number of hi tech devices in her war on crime. Some were culled from UNTIL's science division, a few were invented by her friend Simon Reynolds and some were even created by Alex herself. Alex has taken it upon herself however to learn how to create and repair these devices on her own should something happen to them. Much of Alex's own personal financial resources go into maintaining these items to assist in fighting crime. Her arsenal includes (but is not limited to):

  • Combat Suit. Sparrowhawk's light armored uniformed was originally designed by Simon Reynolds and has been subsequently upgraded over time by Alex Harper herself. Her most recent costume is a skin tight bodysuit composed of a base material she created dubbed 'Spidersilk'. This semi-stretchy, artificially created polymer thread essentially replicates real spider's silk tensility and properties and is five times as durable as Kevlar armor. The suit's sleekness and innate light weight allows her maximized mobility on the field and in combat. The suit is further fortified by a coating known as Trilovex, a liquid armor also devised by her. Unlike standard Kevlar armor, the Trilovex liquid armor coating provides significant protection against slashing weapons such as swords and knives. Trilovex also assists in the dispersal of force from impact, so it does a far better job preventing bruising, internal organs being hurt or bones breaking during attacks than standard Kevlar armor. It is fire resistant and provides some protection against electricity and electrical energy. It can slightly adjust to account for warmer or colder temperatures, though not in extremes. The last protective measure on the outfit is thin Kendrium Carbide plating across several areas of the bodysuit (such as the knees, shins, upper chest and shoulders) for added defense. The combat uniform can withstand a grenade at close contact or even standard armor piercing bullets. There is a slick coating on most of the uniform that makes being held or grappled in close quarters combat difficult. A system of nanotech has been installed that aids in repair of the uniform should it become damaged. The mask piece is outfitted with goggles that can filter light in a flashbang attack as well as provide the ability to view things telescopically, at night or in different spectrums. The goggles also connect to the Mother AI system (see Mother, Mark 2, below) and can regulate others body systems and heartbeat, in essence functioning as a medical scanner or even lie detector when interrogating others. The uniform houses an electrical charge as well which can be deployed through voice activation that covers a ten foot area.
  • Gauntlets. Sparrowhawk's uniform has two gauntlets which aid her in a number of ways. The gauntlets themselves are partially composed of a Questionite alloy that Sparrowhawk has managed to procure, even with the limited resources available to most. In addition to being utilized potentially in a defensive manner, the gauntlets release photonic particles that create her energy batons (see Photonic Blue Energy Batons, below). The right gauntlet contains a near thread thin Kendrium cable line of 100 feet/ 7 stories that can be deployed as a grappling hook or wire. The left gauntlet houses a holographic scanner and relay (see Visual Holographic Camouflage, below). The Questionite alloy is also embedded into the knuckles of her gauntlets to allow for greater impact in attacks.
  • Mother, Mark 2, a computer unit which links to Sparrowhawk's costume (housed in a compartment on her upper left arm). Designed by Alex herself and set up by her friend Simon Reynolds, Mother is an Artificial Intelligence that serves as an ally of sorts. It assists her in hacking into mainframes, controlling items such as her tracking systems and gives her access to a GPS system. Sparrowhawk can remotely utilize and run the Barlowe Building through her uniform should the need present itself. Her lenses are also hooked up with Mother, giving her access to UNTIL and PRIMUS databases as well as recording data and the ability to run on the spot analyses. It can connect to numerous orbiting satellites and controls her Red Kestrel grav bike remotely.
  • Psionic Scrambler. This tiny, microchip sized device is embedded in the helmet section of Sparrowhawk's combat uniform. A modified version of UNTIL's Advanced U-CFA Brainscrambler Psionic Disruption Pistol, Sparrowhawk has redesigned and incorporated it into her uniform. It is used offensively, activated via a small control by her temple. When set off, it releases a short blast of psionic feedback in a twenty foot radius, and while effective against most it is extremely potent against those with mental super powers. It effectively disrupts the neural pathways of the assailant, resulting in intense pain, loss of consciousness and even temporary memory loss; either way, an agonizing and splitting headache.
  • Force Field Generator. Actually a modified and miniaturized Gadroon force field generator, it is controlled by the Mother unit on her left gauntlet via verbal command. This can create a sphere of solid force around Sparrowhawk for approximately 15 seconds before its energy is depleted. It then enters a recharge period of several minutes before it can be reactivated. While only good in short bursts, it is nonetheless invaluable in certain situations.
  • Visual Holographic Camouflage. This device, worn on Sparrowhawk's left gauntlet, can take imagery of others and imprint an exact duplicate holographic overlay on top of Sparrowhawk. Sparrowhawk is then able to essentially appear as another person visually (even over things such as security cameras), though it cannot replicate voices. Quick movements will often create a subtle blur like effect over the hologram which allows others to realize it is fake, so it is not suitable in combat.
  • Black Valkyrie Dual Pistols. These are a pair of specially designed compact semi automatic guns often housed in quick release pouches on her belt. They are outfitted with a laser sight grip and silencer. The pistols use a variety of ammunition depending on the situation. Though quite small (only the size of a Boberg XR9-S Semi Automatic Pistol, with a 3.35" barrel) they pack quite the punch. They utilize 9x19mm ammunition that can pierce through body armor. She also keeps on her explosive rounds, silver bullets, and even some 'Exorcist' (warded) ammunition supplied by UNTIL agent Skarius Snowtalon that are proven effective against spirits and ghosts ... just because you never know when you'll need it.
  • Analysis Kit. Contains everything a detective on the go requires. Blood sampling and DNA collection, fingerprint analysis, etc.
  • Miniature rebreather. A small, palm sized rebreather that enables her to act in areas affected by gas attacks or in water for a limited time.
  • Electronic Lock pick. The size of a mere USB memory stick.
  • Kendrium cable ties. Sparrowhawk keeps a few of these with her for anyone that needs to be secured. Work like police zip tie cuffs.
  • Medical kit. A very combat ready, yet compact, field kit for emergencies.
  • Razor Disc. Razor sharp (hence their name) shuriken like discs that can be thrown at targets. They come in several varieties (see below) that must be clicked and released to activate as well as a regular style that has no added properties. They are rather compact (only about 3" in diameter) and carried in a specially designed pouch that keeps them from being involuntarily activated.
  • Explosive Razor Disc. Shuriken like devices that, upon contact with an opponent, will explode.
  • Flashbang Razor Disc. Shuriken like devices that release a 180 decibel sonic blast and well as a flash that causes temporary blindness.
  • EMP Razor Disc. Shuriken like device that, when making contact, explodes and releases an electromagnetic pulse that temporarily disrupts or completely destroys electronic devices.
  • Cryo Grenade. This small, 2.5" sphere can be thrown, and when it makes contact essentially freezes whatever it strikes with a specialized cryogenic solution.
  • Impact Smoke Bombs. These create a visual distraction as well as allow Sparrowhawk to take to the shadows.
  • Homing Devices. These homing devices, no larger than a dime, that can be planted and traced via the 'Mother' computer unit.
  • Photonic Blue Energy Batons. Upgrading from her former Bio Electric Batons, Sparrowhawk has added these to her primary arsenal. Activated by her uniform's gauntlets, they each create a twenty six inch long energy baton composed of condensed photonic energy. They are nigh unbreakable and adjustable in density and power. The ends of each baton are less stable and release a strong current of energy, allowing them to merely shock others to having the ability to cut, burn or melt through most earthly substances based on her particular grip. The batons can be crossed, creating a 'hard light' shield roughly five feet in diameter to protect those behind it. Its last ability is to be used as a ranged weapon, the photonic energy releasing in a straight line at its intended target. The energy unleashed is potent enough to even stun incredibly powerful meta humans at its highest level. This last ability is used sparingly as it drains the gauntlets' powers.
  • Omni Gadgets. Sparrowhawk seems to unerringly have the right gadget at any time for almost any situation. Omni Gadgets is a loose term for this, and you never quite know what is lurking in one of her belt pouches or side leg pouch that may just be the tool she requires.
  • Red Kestrel (gravity bike): After Sparrowhawk's original Night Bird was destroyed while fighting the demon known as Belphegor, she decided to create a better, stronger, more functional vehicle. The chassis and body are Kendrium plated for better durability than the Night Bird. Still utilizing a plasma accelerator as a weapon, it is also outfitted with other offensive capabilities. A gravity pulse which both immobilizes and incapacitates targets, a heavy plasma cannon, plasma bombs and laser turrets are now also on her gravity bike. It contains modified Gadroon force shields in addition to stealth capability that renders the vehicle and its rider unseen to both the naked eye and radar. An on board computer system and uplink to the Mother AI unit is on the vehicle as well as a bio electric defensive charge to those who are not given a command code. This vehicle, like the Night Bird, is also powered by photovoltaics, self sustaining solar energy. The Red Kestrel can also be remote controlled verbally by Sparrowhawk through the Mother AI unit in her costume. The Red Kestrel can reach a top speed of 750 miles per hour, right under the sound barrier, while a thin ionized plasma shield about the vehicle offers protection to the rider from wind and other forms of damage.
  • Space Suit/ Stealth Suit/ Snow Suit. Sparrowhawk has alternate uniforms for various needs. She has a PROJECT STARGAZER modified spacesuit for anything off planet, a stealth suit for more covert needs and a snow uniform that provides camouflage as well as better insulation than her typical uniform. In addition, she also has variants of her typical combat uniform, a sleeveless version and one with goggles and a jacket for when she utilizes the Red Kestrel.

The cat and the canary, or at least the wolf and the bird. Sparrowhawk teams up with her BFF and Protectors Field Leader, Razira.



Sparrowhawk, like most heroes, has her own weaknesses.

  • Memories. A side effect of Alex's incredible memory is that she constantly feels compelled to keep herself busy in order to not dwell on events in the past. Due to her hyperthymestic memory it is easy for her get caught up in experiences that may have happened years ago. In addition, many individuals with hyperthymesia tend to collect things. Alex purposely lives a lifestyle free of physical elements of her past and works at maintaining focus on the present.
  • Social Skills. While Alex has many allies, she has far fewer friends. Very dedicated to her work and duties, Alex maintains a business first attitude. While she can come across as extremely charming, friendly and kind during social engagements, much of this is trained behavior. In reality she has a difficult time relaying her own feelings and as such tends to keep others at arms length. Her issues with others extend to her work ethics fighting crime as well. Sparrowhawk has a reputation throughout the super heroic community for being rude and demanding. It is something that she has been working on changing, though all things take time. It requires some effort for her to feel comfortable with most heroes and she has more than once underestimated someones value in a team setting. Sparrowhawk also has extreme trust issues that take shape in her maintaining secrets even from her closest allies and friends that hampers her.
  • Superiority Complex. Sparrowhawk often feels that she is more capable and better trained than the majority of her peers. She can come across with a very 'holier than thou' attitude to other costumed heroes. Often this takes the form of her talking down to them. While it is not as severe as it has been in the past, it still is noted in most super hero gossip circles that she is rather difficult to deal with.
  • Adrenaline Junkie. While many heroes are motivated by revenge, justice or simply being a paragon of good, Sparrowhawk's prime motivation is to find challenges that she is required to overcome (even though she would never acknowledge this openly). She relishes being the best at anything she puts her mind to. Providing herself with opportunities to prove herself by engaging in dangerous situations is a way to do that.
  • Overconfidence. Sparrowhawk does have a tendency to think she is able to do most anything by herself and her level of confidence goes nearly into arrogance territory. Her skills, while quite exceptional, sometimes lead her to being overconfident in her crime fighting efforts. She has gotten herself way over her head regarding trouble on more than one occasion believing that something would be far easier than what it actually was.


Protectors & Other Allies

African Violet: One of the most quiet yet resourceful Protectors, African Violet is Sparrowhawk's 'go to' gal. African Violet is well known for her ability to go into volatile situations and still completely focus on helping the victims. Always putting others before herself, Sparrowhawk admires the South African heroine's approach to contributing to the Protectors.

All-Star: Sparrowhawk was simultaneously in awe and annoyed by the quick shooting hero All-Star at their initial encounter. While unparalleled in his gun toting talents, his flippant personality on the field often was a source of eye rolling for her. Even though he encouraged a flirty relationship with her from their introduction, she resisted his charms. As time progressed however, she realized two things: they made an incredibly effective fighting duo, and more importantly, All-Star had a lot to offer as a person than just sheer combat skill. He had charm, wit, and a penchant for living life to the fullest, not to mention a huge heart. She joined Rising Force due to him and invited him when she began the Protectors. While at one time involved in a romantic relationship, they have parted on amicable terms, still acknowledging each other as friends and partners.

Artifist: While fully grasping how powerful Artifist (the former Canadian Fist) is, Sparrowhawk often seems to not give her the credit she deserves. Much of this is due to her age and lack of years actually put into studying something as chaotic and potentially dangerous as magic. As far as sheer scope of her abilities, Sparrowhawk is extremely glad Fist is on her team. As a mystical resource, Sparrowhawk seems more content going to others in the magical community. Though not exactly fair to the Canadian powerhouse, Sparrowhawk has been making an effort to work with her more on it.

Sparrowhawk alongside Protectors African Violet, Zelara, Razira and Voreen.

C.O.P.: A robotic behemoth with an attitude and a number of jokes at the ready. Sparrowhawk sees C.O.P. less of a friend and more of a construct, though there is no doubt he gets the job done. He spends a great deal in his personal bay at the Barlowe, often the recipient of incredible amounts of damage ensuring that his peers are safe. Sparrowhawk is just glad he's around.

Dobergirl: A former member of the Young Sentinels, Sparrowhawk met Dobergirl while working as a liaison for the GLOBE peace keeping agency. She was quickly impressed by Dobergirl's tenacity and dedication to whatever fight is brought her way. Sparrowhawk admires the her boundless energy, optimism and especially her kindness to others. Their relationship has evolved into an actual friendship with Sparrowhawk playing a mentor role of sorts to Dobergirl. She is one of the few in the actual super heroic community Sparrowhawk is fiercely protective of and views her like a sister. Sparrowhawk invited the heroine into the Protectors because she saw the potential the canine heroine was capable of. Dobergirl has proven time after time that she is definitely an A-Lister.

Doll: In the times she has teamed with others, Sparrowhawk has enjoyed working with Doll. She knows what to do, how to do it and accomplishes goals as quickly and efficiently as possible. Though they do not share much of a personal relationship, Doll represents to Sparrowhawk a good, solid working ethic on the field. She has seen another side of Doll as well, one that yearns to understand humanity. Sparrowhawk was touched by this and made it her cause to help Doll in her desire to be more than just wires and programming. Sparrowhawk eventually found a way to upgrade Doll's AI which gave her emotions much closer to a 'real' human.

Kara McIlroy|Keioisis: Sparrowhawk is not terribly close to Kara McKilroy, aka Keiosis, but has a working history of her dating back to her time in the Young Sentinels. She also knew her father, Keioseth, and realized the teen had a lot of potential to offer a team. Taking Kara under the wing of the Protectors she hopes to bring Kara's full potential as a global guardian to the forefront. Having a father like Keioseth with his own connections with the Freelancers does not hurt, either. Sparrowhawk values Kara's ability and positive can-do attitude that pairs exceptionally well with fellow Protector and friend, Dobergirl.

Katsuo: Katsuo and Sparrowhawk's relationship is strictly professional, especially with the Japanese hero being so single-minded in his pursuit of combat. Sparrowhawk acknowledges that he has more than earned the right on the team, seeing him persevere against formidable odds when fighting. He listens to direction and follows orders like a dutiful soldier. It is her hope however that Katsuo begins to show another side to his personality in order to better connect with and mesh well with his team mates and experience some personal growth. She also thinks getting further experience in hand to hand combat training would bring him to the next level, something Katsuo often dismisses due to his already exemplary powers.

Razira: Sparrowhawk had worked alongside Razira a few times before the inception of the Protectors of the World. In those times, the heroic wolf-woman more than proved herself on the field with a cool head and dogged determination. Sparrowhawk always kept Razira's name at the top of her list to join the Protectors, and was extremely happy when Project Firewolf acquiesced and she accepted the invitation. Since then, Sparrowhawk sees her as a moral center for the Protectors and a fierce combatant. Razira is most likely the closest person to Sparrowhawk in terms of friendship in the super heroic community, and as such she often goes to her first when issues arise, personally or professionally.

Simon Reynolds (NPC): Former hero Technonaut, Simon currently works as a contractor for non-violent weapons design for both PRIMUS and UNTIL. Alex met Simon early into her job as an agent and the two hit it off. While never more than platonic friends, they do share a love for technobabble and are at the ready to assist the other should it arise. Simon has helped Alex on many occasions, often designing or repairing devices for her... and sometimes just to lend a friendly ear. Incredibly shy and soft spoken, Simon plays an important role behind the scenes for Sparrowhawk.

Thundrax: Thundrax and Sparrowhawk have maintained a solid professional relationship for several years. Knowing each other initially through the Sentinels, Thundrax accepted her offer to join the Protectors of the World. While Sparrowhawk does not look at him with the revere most do, she respects and acknowledges his values, honesty and commitment to fighting the good fight. Thundrax is representative to what most heroes should strive to be in her mind. His very presence allows many a citizen in Millennium the ability to sleep well at night. Thundrax left the Protectors due to finding himself at an impasse with how certain members conducted themselves on the field versus his own personal code of conduct, though Sparrowhawk still considers him a friend and ally.

Voreen: Sparrowhawk chose Voreen as one of the newest recruits into the Protectors of the World given the alien heroine's impressive power set. Voreen has become a necessary part of the team rather quickly, not being embraced by the rest of the team but by Sparrowhawk herself. Sparrowhawk enjoys Voreen's interesting views on Earth culture and her rather subtle naivete that is off set by her knowledge of off planet lore. That, and she find's the alien's humor rather charming.

Zelara: Zelara, the Laser Knight and Sparrowhawk met while working briefly for the team Rising Force, and Sparrowhawk was so taken by the alien heroine's abilities she was one of her first candidates to join the Protectors. While at first there was some apprehension on Zelara's end due to a crush she had on All-Star, whom Sparrowhawk was with at the time, it was quickly resolved. Sparrowhawk appreciates the Laser Knight's ability to work well under pressure, a no nonsense work ethic and practical demeanor.


The Apotheosis Project

  • The Apotheosis Project. The Apotheosis Project is a group of politicians, scientists, soldiers and other people in places of power throughout the world with one common goal: the removal and extermination of super powered individuals in order to elevate and secure the standing of humanity. While no one is sure of its true origins, it is estimated that it was founded shortly after those with super powers started to become commonplace upon the planet. A network was devised to ensure that its members took high status positions in various fields. In early 1988, several members were tasked with genetically altering their offspring, in essence giving birth to children who were considered standard humans while possessing traits at the paramount of human achievement, both physically and mentally. One of them was high ranking UNTIL agent Alan Harper, also the father of Alex Harper, Sparrowhawk. In early 2014 the Apotheosis Project attempted to start a direct war against super humans by devising a 'gene bomb' that would essentially kill only those with aberrant DNA. They also enlisted, willingly or not, the children who were gifted with advanced genetic abilities to assist in their plan. With the work of Sparrowhawk alongside the Protectors of the World, their plans were foiled and they were exposed to the public. While most were brought to justice, several groups still work covertly, hoping to one day bring their long term goals to fruition. Most recently it was discovered that a group of them were responsible for both an attempt upon the life of lycanthropic heroine Razira using UNTIL credentials and the cloning of Thundrax.


  • Cassowary aka Jason Mansfield. Jason Mansfield's father, Jefferson, was a member of the Apotheosis Project just as Sparrowhawk's father, Alan Harper, was. While Alex was raised without the knowledge of her father's involvement in such affairs, Jason was given full disclosure at a young age. His father, with assistance from the contacts provided by Alan Harper via UNTIL, sent Jason abroad and spent much of his life going about the world training in various skills. By the end of his teenage years Jason was a master combatant and an expert in dozens of skills. Jason was also a polymath like Alex, his training over numerous fields of study from history to assassination to herbalism. At the age of 21 he was brought before the heads of the Apotheosis Project. They deemed Jason their first choice to eventually ascend to the head of the organization once their fathers had relinquished their roles and passed on. In the meanwhile, his abilities were further enhanced through continued positive genetic engineering... making him even stronger, quicker and tougher, driving his abilities to the fullest that a human could aspire to. Cassowary's role during the so-called 'Eugenics War' ensured he acted as the group's primarily field leader and assassin. With the fall of the Apotheosis Project by way of Sparrowhawk and the members of the Protectors of the World, Cassowary has taken what little of the members remain to refocus and regroup. He also has a score he wishes to settle with his 'sister', Alex Harper, for her inability to follow the family legacy. While Sparrowhawk's overall combat training is superior, Cassowary's physical abilities surpass hers. It is one day that he hopes to see who would survive a final encounter.


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  • M.E.K.K.A. aka Erik Morrison. Erik Morrison was a weapons designer and inventor for VIPER who had his sights set on far more lucrative goals than carving out a non identity as a mere cog in the machine that was the Venomous Imperial Party of the Eternal Reptile. Designing a sophisticated suit for himself, dubbed the M.E.K.K.A. (Mechanical Energized Kendrium Killing Armor) armor, Erik set out to establish himself. He wished to be active as both a villain for hire as well as continuing to create and supply his inventions to the highest bidder. During this time M.E.K.K.A. established a base of operations on the mysterious and ominous 'Monster Island'. He began to surround himself with robots and underlings of his own creation, gradually replacing the need for any human assistance in his forces. When an artifact of great but mysterious power came to Millennium City, Sparrowhawk was requested by GLOBE to guard it. This brought her into her first confrontation with M.E.K.K.A., and it began an ongoing war between the two. She seemed to thwart him at every avenue, which only further increased his resolve to kill her. Threatening Millennium City with a 'death ray', it was Sparrowhawk who finally took him down and delivered him to justice. M.E.K.K.A. currently plots from within Stronghold penitentiary, his drones and robots still active throughout various parts of Millennium City and still assuring his small empire is kept active, waiting his return.


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  • Strafe aka Carolyn DeCastro. Carolyn DeCastro had it all. She was from a wealthy family. She had beauty, charm, men... but she wanted more. Carolyn was even blessed with powers. A mutant, she was born with hyper enhanced reflexes, slight super speed and the ability to focus kinetic based energy through items. Yet Carolyn was also born without remorse or a conscience. Yearning to find purpose and an outlet for her more sadistic side, Carolyn decided to take up crime. It would have been easy to have a simple life of luxury... though to her, incredibly boring. Intense training in combination with her powers of mimicry led to her becoming an infamous European assassin for hire. She even formed her own team of female martial artists, known as the Red Blade, who terrorized Spain, France and Italy. Strafe herself was a master martial artist, marksman and wielded a magical rapier that could cut through any known metal. Looking to expand her criminal network into America, Strafe hosted an underground fighting championship. Sparrowhawk went undercover, entering as the Silver Savate to expose Strafe and her organization. Afterwards Strafe carried an almost obsessive desire to take down Sparrowhawk, but was thwarted at every move. Strafe and her coalition of female mercenaries were finally stopped when Sparrowhawk rescued the a collection of missing and presumed deceased masked crime fighters from Strafe's clutches in an underground lair who were being forced to fight each other in underground 'fight clubs'. Strafe currently is held in the womens' section of Stronghold penitentiary.

Valak the Undying

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  • Valak the Undying. Currently little is known about Valak's background. A demon of some sort, GLOBE was dispatched to a murdered coven of witches that apparently brought him to this plane of existence. Sparrowhawk soon faced off against the entity with the assistance of the magician known as Darkster. When he was slain during this encounter, Sparrowhawk took it as a personal vendetta to put an end to Valak no matter what the cost. Valak has shown control over darkness, elemental forces and magic. The demon has the ability to summon and control fire demons who unquestioningly follow his command and are capable of creating their own chaos. Valak's physical form was defeated by Sparrowhawk and several other heroes near Andrith ruins, his physical form consumed by volcanic lava in the battle. Valak has recently been sighted again, this time in Turkey as he had a hand in obliterating an entire city. It is with no doubt that he will once again find his power tested by Sparrowhawk, this time with the heroes of the Protectors of the World.

Venus In Furs

  • Venus In Furs aka Astrid Prock. Head of one of the largest human trafficking operations in eastern Europe, Venus In Furs also elects to kidnap and extort from many prominent families as a means of income. Astrid was born with mutant abilities that she learned to control and use to her own interests at a young age. These powers are the ability to enthrall others to her will by means of mass mental suggestion and pheromone control as well as minor illusion casting ability that can trick all five main senses in a human. While Astrid appears to be in her early twenties, she is actually in her early sixties. Her powers over illusion are often utilized for sheer vanity, such as maintaining a youthful appearance to others around her. It is also effective in combat however, which she will do when threatened. Astrid also surrounds herself with a number of hired muscle that she keeps enthralled under her will, a few of them possessing super powers of their own. Venus was originally owner in a German dance club called Die Peitsche ('The Whip') that catered to a very specific clientele of young, rich and bored twenty somethings. Sparrowhawk on one mission traveled to Germany, infiltrating her operations involving the human trafficking. She was successful at shutting both that down as well as the club itself. Venus, however, managed to escape by use of her powers. Seeking a fresh start and a way to begin anew, Venus In Furs had decided to move across the ocean to the United States, where she has once again resumed her criminal activities. A team of heroes coordinated by Sparrowhawk dismantled her operations that were stationed in Millennium City, where Venus was abducting club goers as a means of human trafficking. Though her operations were ruined, Venus escaped and remains at large.


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  • Phronesis aka Dr. Arthur Pearce. Dr. Arthur Pearce was a foremost expert in the study of the human brain and specifically genetic mutations that affected the brain. His studies took a turn for the worst when he crossed the line by actually testing human mutants like guinea pigs to determine the cause of specific mutations. His operation was foiled by Sparrowhawk and he was sentenced to jail. In prison he crossed paths with the villain M.E.K.K.A., and the two of them staged a successful escape. Once freed, Arthur worked with the technological mastermind in creating a suit of armor that specifically enabled Arthur to use untapped portions of his brain, effectively giving him telekinetic and minor telepathic powers but at the cost of whatever sanity he had left. Phronesis staged a number of high profile attacks upon Millennium City for weeks, but Sparrowhawk managed to track him down in a safe house within the city's extensive sewer system. She was victorious, defeating both him and the gang he had surrounded himself with, known as the Brain Trust. Phronesis is currently incarcerated in Stronghold penitentiary. In there it was discovered that M.E.K.K.A. had done far too good of a job ensuring Phronesis' powers would remain with him. The removal of certain parts of his armor, it was determined, would result in his death as they were wired directly into his brain. A victim of his own obsessions, he is forced to essentially be a prisoner in his own armor.


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  • Kengou (real name unknown). Kengou (Japanese for 'sword master') is a cybernetically enhanced martial artist and swordsman who specializes in fighting with two Questionite infused katana. Kengou appeared fighting for the yakuza around eight years ago, but before that there is no firm records of him nor is the background behind how exactly he received his cybernetic upgrades known. What is known is that he is vicious and sadistic, and he appears mostly to be motivated by being the best at his craft. His physical prowess has been enhanced with implants that improve his dexterity, coordination, reaction time and strength. His talent with the blade is so precise he can actually cleave an oncoming bullet in half with his swords. While conducting 'business' in Millennium City for his yakuza bosses, Kengou found that his blades were to be tested against the heroine Sparrowhawk. The battle continued to a standstill and was only forced to conclude due to the intervention of her partner All-Star, as he arrived on the scene to turn the tide of the fight. Intrigued by the woman and wanting to ensure that his skill was not in doubt, he received the blessing of the yakuza to remain. Granted a cadre of ninja assassins to assist him, he decided to stay in the United States to seek Sparrowhawk out for a rematch. He prides himself on being the very best, a trait also shared by Sparrowhawk, the difference being he will stop at nothing to eliminate anything he sees as competition.


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  • Permafrost aka Martin Hawke. Martin Hawke was just one of the multitude of nameless thugs that made Millennium City their home. At one time he was hired muscle for Kevin Poe serving as a bodyguard. A few years ago he was tasked with eliminating Dr. Joseph Stang, a shady weapons designer who supplied equipment for numeous underworld rivals. Dr. Stang was working on a cryokinetic weapon when Martin broke in to attack him. In the ensuing fight, the weapon proved unstable and exploded. While Dr. Stang was killed from it, Martin Hawke found his body transformed. The power in the weapon actually infused within him, giving him the ability to create and produce ice and cold. Martin decided that fate allowed him to live and thus decided to use his powers, not for Kevin Poe's gang, but for his own selfish means. He became known as the assassin Permafrost. He sold his powers to the highest bidder for whatever was needed. Sparrowhawk crossed paths with him when he was working under the employ of one of his many silent benefactors. Permafrost was attempting to murder an envoy of foreign dignitaries at a summit held in Millennium City. She was successful in this pursuit, though it earned her Permafrost's hatred. This has led to him tackling high profile targets he believes might bring him into contact with her. Permafrost can create ice weapons (both melee and projectile), his touch can chill and immobilize and he has superhuman strength and durability. He also wears a specialized suit of Viperium Flex Armor that helps regulate and boost his powers.

Twisted Sisters

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  • Twisted Sisters are actually one person, Veronica Darger. Veronica has the mutant ability to create multiple clones of herself, each one able to read the others thoughts anywhere, anytime. This power has made her a unique assassin as well as allowing her to become a one woman criminal organization. It is believed that Veronica is actually able to release as many as one hundred duplicates of herself. She is a trained marksman and martial artist, and while she possesses formidable skills often depends on mass numbers acting in perfect unison to ensure her success. She maintains large armories across the world in several large cities which equip her clones with a variety of hi tech weapons and armor. Veronica's bodies are able to freely travel, completing assignments in smaller numbers while her main body is typically secured in a safe location. Sparrowhawk first tangled with the Twisted Sisters in Belize, where she stopped a drug ring which was coordinated by them. It was at that time she discovered the vast network run by this one woman and her multitude of bodies. Since then, Sparrowhawk has been diligently working about the globe in order to shut Twisted Sister and her organization of one down.

Shanghai showdown. Sparrowhawk faces off against her nemesis, Kengou, and a few of his friends.

Comments & Opinions


"Al's perfect. There's no other way to describe her." - All-Star

"Sparrow is... uh, dedicated! She takes things very seriously and the way she fights is pretty cool too. Gives -amazing- massages. Seriously." - Dobergirl

"A competent professional and a good friend. I owe her a lot for getting me repaired when I was injured and for my personality upgrades. I don't know how I can ever repay her." - Doll

"Capable, professional, and principled. A really good teammate or someone to watch your back." - Thundrax

Sparrowhawk's original costume, 2013.

"I feel bad for snapping at her the way I did the first time I met her. She was trying to make sure the situation went as well as possible, and I let a bad attitude get in the way of that. I'll apologize the next time I see her - she deserves it." - Victory

"Sparrowhawk is...one of the few people I have complete trust and admiration for. When I first saw her, I respected her attitude and professionalism, and the more I know her the greater that respect becomes, and yeah...I did have a crush on her. Either way, if there's anyone I'd want having my back in a fight, its her." - Nightstrike

"Skilled, but stubborn. Big ego. Doesn't know as much as she thinks." - Violet Mask

"A different sort of professional than I'm used to. It's nice working with someone that isn't all bluster and no bite, sometimes." - Riptide

"In one word - professional. No fuss and no mess either. She doesn't need any sort of fancy powers. She knows what's up and can hold her own in a fight - a very capable hero." - The Peacemaker

"She's almost as big of a bitch as my cousin is, and that's not easy to accomplish. Still, I guess she's alright at what she does, and that's probably what counts more." - Cardinal

"Needs to work on her gahdamn first impressions an' she's got people skills that make me look like a motivational speaker. She knows what she's doin' though, I'll giv'er that at least." - General Freedom

"Terra is blessed to have her among its warriors; and I to have her as an example." - Zelara

"Nothing but admiration for her. While I've heard she's abrasive as all hell and is all business-first, she's decent behind her hardened exterior. Very resourceful, too. Guess it's in her family's legacy." - Skarius Snowtalon

"A very smart, solid, and capable leader. She'll no doubt go very far with the team that's under her command. Of course I'm part of said team, so I'm slightly biased in saying so, but I trust her and the position that she's in." - Razira

"All three of us think she was very courageous to come stand up against Belphegor like she did. It takes a lot of spirit to stand up to a creature like that when you're nothing but human." - Hailfire

"Uuuugh. She's so mean to me and I don't know why and I'm trying really hard! I think she just doesn't like cats. Or she just sucks." - Ada Clover

"She fought a giant evil bird with me and she's also a bird! Well, her name is. I thought it was funny at the time. She's kind of grumpy, isn't she?" - Impsblood

"I haven't worked with her much. But what I saw I liked. She's skilled, and a quick thinker. All the powers in the world can't make up for that." - Blockade

"So blonde hair, blue eyes and light skin are "superior"? Say what you will about humans, at least they're consistent." - C.O.P.

"I've never seen her in battle, but I hear she's dedicated with interesting gadgets, and a polymathic ability; keep up the good work. Show Injustice What It Deserves!" - Captain Justice

"Okay I'm not gonna deny it: This is one down ass chick. Although noticeably a bit compulsive obsessive she does get the job done and get the job done well. She's like Wu-Tang: Ain't nuthin' to fuck with. Get it girl." - SoulStar

"Just started working with her, but already I can tell she's a consummate professional at what she does. her no-nonsense style of leadership gets results and she gets into thick of the action as well. I can already tell she's got what it takes to be a great leader." - African Violet

"Oh...my...GOD!!!! She is like totally AWESOME!!! You can't have a superhero better than Sparrowhawk. Like...like...like....SQUEEEE!!!! She's my hero. I love her totally. It's just so awesome being her sidekick! I'll never ever ever let her down." - Magpie

"Sparrow's one of a kind. She might not have any actual powers, but she's a born leader. And contrary to popular belief, she can actually be a nice person - when you aren't screwing up or being an idiot, that is. Kudos to her." - Black Sigil II

"I'll admit, she is a good leader from what I have heard." -Killer Spider

Last woman standing. Sparrowhawk and some unlucky battle bots.

Role Play Hooks


  • As head of The Protectors, Sparrowhawk often sends heroes all across the world on adventures. She is always on the look out for new heroes to assist her in engaging in missions based on their areas of expertise.
  • Sparrowhawk was an agent of both UNTIL and GLOBE; as such has numerous connections to a wide variety of organizations. Currently she often finds herself fielding and assembling missions and response teams for various crises about the world.
  • Sparrowhawk has a multitude of connections worldwide. From agents to super heroes to others in varied fields that helped train and raise her to become the heroine she is today. Pretty much whichever country she goes, she is likely to have a connection of some sort from her past.
  • Sparrowhawk was one of the more prominent members of the UNTIL team Rising Force and currently leads the Protectors of the World, also UNTIL affiliated. She knows many people within the organization due to her time as an agent for UNTIL as well as her father being a former agent. It opens a lot of doors to have those kinds of connections.
  • With her combat training, Sparrowhawk makes for an excellent instructor or mentor. Having the skill sets she does she can provide a wealth of knowledge to anyone seeking to be a better, more proficient crime fighter.
  • Is more than willing to go on undercover assignments, as that was her forte while with UNTIL. As stated before, she is a master of assuming identities. One can never be quite sure where she might be at any time.
  • Due to her exploits often taking place outside of Millennium City, she can literally be found at almost any place on Earth.
  • If your character is a veteran hero or heroine (10-20 years or so) and has an UNTIL affiliation, Sparrowhawk may have trained under them in any number of fields.

Sparrowhawk's Adventures

Sparrowhawk: Game On: Sparrowhawk learns that a little cosplay is more dangerous than the usual crime in Millennium City.

Sparrowhawk: Through A villain's Eyes: A tale told between two villains in Stronghold prison.

Sparrowhawk and All-Star: Love, American Style: What should be a relaxing day for our two heroes ends up a grudge match with an old foe.

Sparrowhawk: The Hand Which Strikes...: The odds are stacked against Sparrowhawk. Though in fairness she wouldn't have it any other way...

Sparrowhawk: Sparrow's Song: Alex Harper takes a personal reflective look back on the pain and loss caused by the events from the Eugenics War.



  • Sparrowhawk is an established international heroine, especially popular in South America, parts of Asia and Europe. She spends most of her time solo fighting crime out of the country though she does have a residence in Millennium City.
  • Sparrowhawk's investments have earned her a 2.8 billion dollar fortune by her mid twenties. She is exceptionally shrewd with money, especially with things like the Protectors' operating costs. Her wealth isn't something she flaunts or alludes to in social circles, avoiding the media spotlight such things can bring.
  • Horribly overuses the words 'charming' and 'lovely'.
  • When she curses, it is often in foreign languages.
  • Although she has always wanted a pet, even now, its not something she could feasibly do given her lifestyle.
Chibi Sparrowhawk fights one mean mother of a monster.
  • Has a penchant for older movies if she is ever in the mood, especially ones from the early to late 30s. Enjoys romantic comedies and Busby Berkeley musicals.
  • Prefers jazz and blues music. Fan of singers such as Billie Holliday and Bessie Smith.
  • Gives amazing shiatsu and Thai massage.
  • Often has her nose in a book or tablet researching something.
  • It took her two years to actually put together her living space so that it resembles a regular home. Before that, Sparrowhawk primarily lived out of boxes in a near empty penthouse, her lifestyle far too active to commit the time to decorate.
  • Despite shirking from the celebrity and fame that some of her peers enjoy, Sparrowhawk was named #14 in Super-World Magazine's 'Top 100 Sexiest Crime Fighters for 2013'. The 2014 edition has placed her on the list again, this time #11. Skin tight black bodysuits tend to have a certain effect on men.
  • The sheer amount of both trivial and practical knowledge she wields is stunning. Alex is usually the first pick in any game of Trivial Pursuit that the Protectors of the World play, even though no one really wants her due to her long diatribes over answers.
  • Is a closet conspiracy theorist.
  • When annoyed or bothered, often complains of migraines.
  • Habitual eye roller.
  • Sparrowhawk suffers from perfectionism as well as light obsessive compulsive disorder. She displays at times neurotic behavior though she attempts to control it. Small inconsequential things like food labels facing forward at times grate her nerves far beyond what they should.
  • Due to her attempting to control some of the unsavory issues created by her hyperthymesia, Sparrowhawk does not hold onto items or collect them for sentimental reasons. Her room at the Barlowe is sparsely decorated and contains absolutely no mementos.
  • Is an extremely talented stage magician and illusionist, taught by the retired 1970s hero The Crimson Conjuror.
  • Alex is a huge racing fan, and enjoys it herself on a non competitive level. Alex admires Sergio Kohler, aka Racer Red, for his abilities on the track, though not so much for some of his personal opinions.
  • With the PR backing of Thundrax's Flux-Carson Enterprises, Sparrowhawk began The Justin Channing Foundation. This is to assist people legally, financially, and emotionally who have lost loved ones due to violent crime. Justin Channing was the son of Senator Oliver Channing from Texas and enhanced through genetic manipulation like Sparrowhawk was. Senator Channing was a head member of the Apotheosis Project and had a hand in inadvertently murdering Justin by submitting him to a neurological control device. Before he died, Justin Channing was able to help to expose his father and several other members of the organization.
  • A good voice actress for Alex Harper would be Sharon Stone circa her Basic Instinct film.
  • If Batman, Midnighter, Captain America, Black Widow and Mockingbird all contributed bits of their DNA for a baby it would most likely resemble Sparrowhawk.



Allergic To Routine - Constantly needing to stay busy, one thing Sparrowhawk ensures she lacks is boredom.

Attack Its Weak Point - Sparrowhawk can find weak points to exploit, allowing her to tackle things considered far stronger than herself.

Being Personal Isn't Professional - Sparrowhawk, even with her friends, isn't the most engaging person. She's incredibly focused on her job, so much that her personal relationships often suffer because of it.

Combat Pragmatist - Sparrowhawk fights to win. Rules are great, but they aren't always going to turn the tide towards victory. If she needs to play dirty, she will without hesitation.

Consummate Professional - Because it's all in a day's work. Sparrowhawk has a no nonsense, can do attitude that always seeks results.

Challenge Seeker - This is Sparrowhawk's main driving force. She lives to find the next challenge to overcome.

Charles Atlas Superpower - Though essentially 'just a regular human', Sparrowhawk has abilities obviously above and beyond what any normal, real life human could ever have.

Crazy Prepared - Always believing that Plan A needs a Plan B and a Plan C because it never hurts, Sparrowhawk is crazy prepared for most anything. Her contingency plans usually have contingency plans at the ready... because you NEVER KNOW.

Defrosting Ice Queen - Sparrowhawk is extremely tightly wound. She's also not the friendliest to peers. She's slowly, very slowly trying to work on it. Really.

Femme Fatale - Who doesn't love a woman dressed in a skin tight black outfit?

Good Is Not Nice - In Sparrowhawk's case, it can be downright unpleasant.

Jerk With a Heart of Gold - While she can be extremely unkind to her peers, Sparrowhawk is actually one of the more empathetic and sympathetic heroes to those she protects and is usually the first to ensure their safety.

Jerkass Has A Point - Sure, teams may not like to listen to what she has to say, but Sparrowhawk is usually right. Not to mention that she often finds others defer to her tactical input in missions.

Hot Scientist - Sparrowhawk is well versed in the sciences. While not a foremost expert, she can give anyone who makes a yearly salary in these occupations a run for their money. It pays to study.

Hyper Awareness - With her keen detective abilities and even her ability to locate weak points, Sparrowhawk is highly perceptive.

Improbable Age - She's 25 and has mastered more martial arts than years she's been alive. Thank god for comics.

Kung Fu Clairvoyance - There's a reason she's one of the best martial artists out there. Sparrowhawk's abilities in combat are matched by few, allowing her to take in, process and overcome insurmountable odds while fighting.

Alex Harper sporting her Black Valkyrie pistols.

Master of Disguise - Sparrowhawk has been trained in disguise from some of the world's greatest. Something she used with UNTIL, she still employs it as Sparrowhawk in order to infiltrate organizations and gather information.

Muscle Are Meaningless - With her skill sets and amazing martial arts ability Sparrowhawk actually can go toe to toe with others that would be considered much stronger than herself. Sure, a big bruiser can lift tanks with his pinky... but she can knock him out with just one properly placed touch.

The Paralyzer - see 'Touch of Death'.

The Perfectionist - A perfectionist through and through. Though it may be a little too much, at times with Sparrowhawk displaying some rather peculiar OCD tendencies. She may be 'perfect', but she's also a little crazy.

Photographic Memory - While not actually a photographic memory, Sparrowhawk possesses hyperthymesia... perfect autobiographical memory. She can recall the smallest details of the majority of her life.

Pre- Ass Kicking One Liner - Every villain gets their own before a fight. You'd think she prepared cue cards or something beforehand.

Pressure Point - With years of specialized training under her belt, Sparrowhawk knows all there is about pressure points and their effects on the body. She can heal certain types of wounds or even kill just by simple touch.

Rapid Fire Fisticuffs - With the assistance of a little chi, Sparrowhawk can belt opponents in the face more than a few times before they even begin to raise their hand.

Renaissance (Wo)Man - Sparrowhawk knows a lot about a lot. She knows a great deal about important things as well as completely random things. Sometimes she comes across like a human Google by the sheer volume of information she possesses.

The Smart Girl - Sparrowhawk possesses a huge amount of skills under her belt as well as a membership to MENSA.

Spin To Deflect Stuff - Those batons are for more than just bopping people on the head. Sparrowhawk can actually use then, paired with her incredible reaction time, to literally deflect things like bullet fire that may come her way.

Surrounded By idiots - Sparrowhawk often finds herself easily annoyed by other super heroes, vigilantes and other interested parties who fight crime. She believes that many of them are not as prepared or well trained as they could or should be.

Tall, Dark and Snarky - Also Leggy, Blonde and Snarky. Sparrowhawk's good at what she does and she knows it. She also doesn't mind pointing out how others don't know as much as she does, much to their ire.

Touch of Death - Sure, Sparrowhawk may lack a fun regenerative healing power, super strength, controlling the elements or even the ability to turn into a werewolf, but she has mastered martial arts that literally disable or kill by simple touch. Not exactly a bad trade off.

Theme Music

Art Gallery

Sparrowhawk's Original Uniform

Sparrowhawk's Current Uniform

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Team Leader
Field Leaders:
Captain AdamantPeacemakerRaziraThundrax
Protectors Charter Members:
African VioletAtomacBlue CycloneBlue PheasantCitizen 13Cosmic GloryFahrenheitGold RushHydro
Light Of BeingLucky ShotMarauderMercurielOniSinsonte AzulTesseractWildeyeWitchery Way
Protectors Reserve Members:
